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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466286############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## ## #Y Copyright 2005 by Manuel Delgado, #Y Pedro Garcia-Sanchez and Jose Joao Morais #Y We adopt the copyright regulations of GAP as detailed in the #Y copyright notice in the GAP manual. ## ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ## #A SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup S, ## not greater than the Frobenius number + 1. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasSmallElements ],100, function( sgp ) return SmallElements(sgp); end); InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasGaps ],99, function( sgp ) local G, K; G := Gaps(sgp); K := Difference([0..G[Length(G)]+1],G); SetSmallElements(sgp,K); return SmallElements(sgp); end); InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasFundamentalGaps ],99, function( sgp ) local L, G, K; L := FundamentalGaps(sgp); G := Set(Flat(List(L,i->DivisorsInt(i)))); K := Difference([0..G[Length(G)]+1],G); SetSmallElements(sgp,K); return SmallElements(sgp); end); InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasAperyList ],50, function( sgp ) local ap, m, x; ap := AperyList(sgp); m := Length(ap); SetSmallElements(sgp, Set(Filtered([0..FrobeniusNumber(sgp)+1], x -> x mod m = 0 or ap[x mod m + 1] <= x))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasGenerators],1, function( sgp ) local g, S, n, bool, gen, R, sumNS, ss; ##################################################### # Computes the sum of subsets of numerical semigroups sumNS := function(S,T) local mm, s, t, R; R := []; mm := Minimum(Maximum(S),Maximum(T)); for s in S do for t in T do if s+t > mm then break; else AddSet(R,s+t); fi; od; od; return R; end; if HasMinimalGenerators(sgp) then gen := MinimalGenerators(sgp); else gen := Generators(sgp); # a naive reduction of the number of generators ss := sumNS(gen,gen); gen := Difference(gen,ss); if ss <> [] then gen := Difference(gen,sumNS(ss,gen)); fi; fi; S := [0]; n := 1; bool := true; while bool do for g in gen do if n -g in S then AddSet(S,n); break; fi; od; if not IsSubset(S,[S[Length(S)]-gen[1]+1..S[Length(S)]]) then n:=n+1; else bool := false; fi; od; if Length(S) > 1 then SetGapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,AsList(Difference([1..S[Length(S)]],S))); fi; R := GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); if R = [] then g := -1; else g := R[Length(R)]; fi; SetFrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,g); SetSmallElements(sgp, Intersection([0..g+1],Union(S, [g+1]))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); ############################################################################# ## #A SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the list of the elements of S(a,b) ## in [0..b]. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasModularConditionNS],20, function( sgp ) local a, b, g, R, S, x; a := ModularConditionNS(sgp)[1]; b := ModularConditionNS(sgp)[2]; S := [0]; for x in [1..b] do if a*x <= x or RemInt(a*x,b) <= x then Add(S,x); fi; od; if Length(S) > 1 then SetGapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,AsList(Difference([1..S[Length(S)]],S))); fi; R := GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); if R = [] then g := -1; else g := R[Length(R)]; fi; SetFrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,g); SetSmallElements(sgp, Intersection([0..g+1],Union(S, [g+1]))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); ############################################################################# ## #A SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the list of the elements of S(a,b,c) ## in [0..b]. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasProportionallyModularConditionNS],20, function( sgp ) local a, b, c, g, R, S, x; a := ProportionallyModularConditionNS(sgp)[1]; b := ProportionallyModularConditionNS(sgp)[2]; c := ProportionallyModularConditionNS(sgp)[3]; S := [0]; for x in [1..b] do if a*x <= c*x or RemInt(a*x,b) <= c*x then Add(S,x); fi; od; if Length(S) > 1 then SetGapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,AsList(Difference([1..S[Length(S)]],S))); fi; R := GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); if R = [] then g := -1; else g := R[Length(R)]; fi; SetFrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,g); SetSmallElements(sgp, Intersection([0..g+1],Union(S, [g+1]))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); ############################################################################# ## #A SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Computes the numerical semigroup consiting of the non negative integers ## of the submonoid of RR generated by the interval ]r,s[ where r and s ## are rational numbers. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasOpenIntervalNS],10, function( sgp ) local r, s, k, max, NS, i, R, g; r := OpenIntervalNS(sgp)[1]; s := OpenIntervalNS(sgp)[2]; k := 1; while k*s <= (k+1)*r do k := k+1; od; max := Int(k * s); NS := [0]; for i in [1..k] do NS := Union(NS, Filtered([1..max+1], j -> (i*r < j) and (j < i *s))); od; if Length(NS) > 1 then SetGapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,AsList(Difference([1..NS[Length(NS)]],NS))); fi; R := GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); if R = [] then g := -1; else g := R[Length(R)]; fi; SetFrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,g); SetSmallElements(sgp, Intersection([0..g+1],Union(NS, [g+1]))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); ############################################################################# ## #A SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Given a subadditive function which is periodic with period Length(L) ## produces the corresponding numerical semigroup ## ## The periodic subadditive function is given through a list and ## the last element of the list must be 0. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of elements in the numerical semigroup not greater that the Frobenius number + 1", [IsNumericalSemigroup and HasSubAdditiveFunctionNS],10, function( sgp ) local L, m, F, S, x, fx, R, g; L := SubAdditiveFunctionNS(sgp); m := Length(L); F := Maximum(L) + m +1; S := [0]; for x in [1..F] do if x mod m <> 0 then fx := L[x mod m]; else fx := 0; fi; if fx <= x then Add(S,x); fi; od; if Length(S) > 1 then SetGapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,AsList(Difference([1..S[Length(S)]],S))); fi; R := GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); if R = [] then g := -1; else g := R[Length(R)]; fi; SetFrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp,g); SetSmallElements(sgp, Intersection([0..g+1],Union(S, [g+1]))); return SmallElements(sgp); end); ############################################################################# ## #F SmallElements(S) ## ## If S is a numerical semigroup, then this function just passes the task of computing the minimal generating system to SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup ## If S is an ideal of numerical semigroup, then this function just passes the task of computing the minimal generating system to SmallElementsOfIdealOfNumericalSemigroup ## ## # InstallGlobalFunction(SmallElements, # function(S) # if IsNumericalSemigroup(S) then # return SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(S); # elif IsIdealOfNumericalSemigroup(S) then # return SmallElementsOfIdealOfNumericalSemigroup(S); # else # Error("The argument must be a numerical semigroup or an ideal of a numerical semigroup."); # fi; # end); ############################################################################# ## #A GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the list of the gaps of the numerical semigroup S. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(GapsOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the list of the gaps of a numerical semigroup", [IsNumericalSemigroup], function( sgp ) local S; S := SmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp); return Difference([1..S[Length(S)]],S); end); ############################################################################# ## #F DesertsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the lists of runs of gaps of the numerical semigroup S ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(DesertsOfNumericalSemigroup, function(s) local ds, gs, run, g; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(s)) then Error("The argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; ds:=[]; gs:=GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(s); if gs=[] then return []; fi; run:=[]; for g in gs do Add(run,g); if not(g+1 in gs) then Add(ds,run); run:=[]; fi; od; return ds; end); ############################################################################# ## #A GenusOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the number of gaps of the numerical semigroup S. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(GenusOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the genus of the numerical semigroup", [IsNumericalSemigroup],10, function( sgp ) return Length(GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(sgp)); end); ############################################################################# ## #A WilfNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Let c,edim and se be the conductor, embedding dimension and number of ## elements smaller than c in S. Returns the edim*se-c, which was conjetured ## by Wilf to be nonnegative. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(WilfNumberOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the Wilf number of the numerical semigroup", [IsNumericalSemigroup],10, function(s) local se, edim, c; edim:=EmbeddingDimensionOfNumericalSemigroup(s); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); se:=Length(SmallElements(s))-1; return edim*se-c; end); ############################################################################# ## #A TruncatedWilfNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(S) #A EliahouNumber ## ## Returns W_0(S) (see [E]) ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(TruncatedWilfNumberOfNumericalSemigroup, "Returns the Eliahou number of the numerical semigroup", [IsNumericalSemigroup],10, function(s) local se, edim, c, msg, dq, smsg, r,m,q; msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(s); m:=Minimum(msg); edim:=Length(msg); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); smsg:=Length(Intersection(msg,[0..c-1])); se:=Length(SmallElements(s))-1; q:=CeilingOfRational(c/m); r:=q*m-c; dq:=Length(Difference([c..c+m-1],msg)); return smsg*se-q*dq+r; end); ############################################################################# ## #F ProfileOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns the profile of a numerical semigroup (see [E]); ## corresponds with the sizes of the intervals (except the last) returned by ## EliahouSliceOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(ProfileOfNumericalSemigroup,function(s) local c, m, msg, r, q; if not IsNumericalSemigroup(s) then Error("The argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; m:=MultiplicityOfNumericalSemigroup(s); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(s); q:=CeilingOfRational(c/m); r:=q*m-c; return List([1..q-1],i->Length(Intersection(msg,[i*m-r..(i+1)*m-r-1]))); end); ############################################################################# ## #F EliahouSlicesOfNumericalSemigroup(S) ## ## Returns a list of lists of integers, each list is the set of elements in ## S belonging to [jm-r, (j+1)m-r[ where m is the mulitiplicity of S, ## and j in [1..q-1]; with q,r such that c=qm-r, c the conductor of S ## (see [E]) ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(EliahouSlicesOfNumericalSemigroup,function(s) local c, m, msg, r, q; if not IsNumericalSemigroup(s) then Error("The argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; m:=MultiplicityOfNumericalSemigroup(s); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(s); q:=CeilingOfRational(c/m); r:=q*m-c; return List([1..q-1],i->Intersection(s,[i*m-r..(i+1)*m-r-1])); end); ######################################################### ## #F LatticePathAssociatedToNumericalSemigroup(s,p,q) ## ## s is a numerical semigroup, and p,q are elements in s ## Then s is an oversemigroup of <p,q> and all its gaps ## are gaps of <p,q>. If c is the conductor of <p,q>, ## every gap g in <p,q> is expressed uniquely as ## g=c-1-(ap+bq) for some nonnegative integers a and b, ## whence g has associated coordinates (a,b) ## The output is the path in N^2 such that every point ## in N^2 corresponding to a gap of <p,q> above the path ## correspond to gaps of s (see [K-W]) ######################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(LatticePathAssociatedToNumericalSemigroup, function(s,p,q) local gaps, coords, c, le; le:=function(p1,p2) return ((p1[1]<=p2[1]) and (p1[2]<=p2[2])); end; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(s)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; if not((p in s) and (q in s)) then Error("The second and third argument must be elements in the semigroup"); fi; gaps:=GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(s); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(NumericalSemigroup(p,q)); coords:=List(gaps, g-> FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(c-1-g,[p,q])[1]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Coordinates of gaps wrt p,q\n",coords); return Filtered(coords, x->Filtered(coords, y ->le(x,y))=[x]); end);