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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2016-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and IEMath-GR, Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ##################### Defining Good Ideals ###################### ############################################################################# ## #F GoodIdealOfGoodSemigroup(l,S) ## ## l is a list of pairs of integers and S a good semigroup ## ## returns the ideal of S generated by l. ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(GoodIdeal, function(l,S) local I, sm, sms, c, cs, min, le, inf, x, conG2, cn; if not (IsGoodSemigroup(S) and IsHomogeneousList(l)) then Error("The arguments of GoodIdeal must be a good semigroup and a nonempty list of vectors."); fi; if not(ForAll(l, x->IsList(x) and ForAll(x,IsInt))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of pairs of integers"); fi; le:=function(a,b) return (a[1]<=b[1]) and (a[2]<=b[2]); end; inf:=function(a,b) return [Minimum(a[1],b[1]),Minimum(a[2],b[2])]; end; cs:=Conductor(S); sms:=SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(S); min := [Minimum(Set(l,x->x[1])),Minimum(Set(l,x->x[2]))]; c:= cs+min; sm:=[]; for x in l do sm:=Union(sm, Filtered(x+sms, y->le(min,y) and le(y,c))); od; sm:=Set(Cartesian(sm,sm), x->inf(x[1],x[2])); # now c might be sharpened and the sm redefined cn:=c; while ((c-[0,1]) in sm) or ((c-[1,0]) in sm) do if ((c-[0,1]) in sm) and ((c-[1,0]) in sm) then #c-[1,1] also in sm c:=c-[1,1]; elif c-[0,1] in sm then c:=c-[0,1]; else c:=c-[1,0]; fi; od; if cn<>c then #sm must be redefined sm:=Filtered(sm, x->le(x,c)); fi; conG2:=First(sm, x->x[1]<c[1] and ForAny(sm,y-> x[1]=y[1] and x[2]<y[2] and not(ForAny(sm, z->x[2]=z[2] and z[1]>x[1])))); if conG2<>fail then Error("The set given set does not generate a good ideal."); fi; conG2:=First(sm, x->x[2]<c[2] and ForAny(sm,y-> x[2]=y[2] and x[1]<y[1] and not(ForAny(sm, z->x[1]=z[1] and z[2]>x[2])))); if conG2<>fail then Error("The set given set does not generate a good ideal."); fi; sm:=Union(sm,[c]); I := rec(); ObjectifyWithAttributes(I, GoodIdealType, AmbientGS, S, GoodGeneratorsIdealGS, Set(l), Conductor, c, SmallElementsOfGoodIdeal, sm, MinIGS, min ); return I; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewString(S) ## ## This method for good ideals of good semigroups ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( ViewString, "prints a Good Ideal of a Good Semigroup", [ IsGoodIdeal], function( I ) return ("Good ideal of good semigroup"); end); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj(S) ## ## This method for good ideals of numerical semigroups. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( ViewObj, "prints an Ideal of a Good Semigroup", [ IsGoodIdeal], function( I ) Print("<Good ideal of good semigroup>"); end); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj(S) ## ## This method for ideals of good semigroups. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( PrintObj, "prints an Ideal of a Good Semigroup", [ IsGoodIdeal], function( I ) # Improve this in the future Print("Ideal generated by ",GoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I),"\n"); #" + NumericalSemigroup( ", GeneratorsOfNumericalSemigroup(UnderlyingNSIdeal(I)), " )\n"); end); ############################################################################# ## #F GoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodIdeal(I) ## ## Returns a set of generators of the ideal I. ## If a minimal generating system has already been computed, this ## is the set returned. ############################################################################ InstallGlobalFunction(GoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodIdeal, function(I) if not IsGoodIdeal(I) then Error("The argument must be an ideal of a good semigroup."); fi; if HasMinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I) then return (MinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I)); fi; return(GoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F AmbientGoodSemigroupOfIdeal(I) ## ## Returns the ambient semigroup of the ideal I. ############################################################################ InstallGlobalFunction(AmbientGoodSemigroupOfGoodIdeal, function(I) if not IsGoodIdeal(I) then Error("The argument must be a good ideal of a good semigroup."); fi; return(AmbientGS(I)); end); ############################################################################# ## #A MinimalGoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodIdeal(I) ## ## The argument I is an ideal of a numerical semigroup ## returns the minimal generating system of I. ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(MinimalGoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodIdeal, function(I) local gens, S, sm, C; #member, member1, member2, inf, C, sm; if not IsGoodIdeal(I) then Error("The argument must be an ideal of a good semigroup."); fi; if HasMinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I) then return (MinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I)); fi; gens:=ShallowCopy(GoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I)); S:=AmbientGoodSemigroupOfGoodIdeal(I); # filtering gens by sums gens:=Filtered(gens, y->not(ForAny(gens, x-> x<> y and y-x in S))); C:=Conductor(I); # filtering gens by inf gens:=Filtered(gens, x->not(ForAny(gens,y ->y[1]=x[1] and y[2]>x[2]) and ForAny(gens, y->y[1]>x[1] and y[2]=x[2]))); if IsGoodSemigroupByCartesianProduct(S) then SetMinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I,gens); return gens; fi; #experimental, we need to prove this sm:=SmallElementsOfGoodIdeal(I); gens:=Filtered(gens, x->not(ForAny(sm, y ->y[1]=x[1] and y[2]>x[2]) and ForAny(sm, y->y[1]>x[1] and y[2]=x[2]))); SetMinimalGoodGeneratorsIdealGS(I,gens); return gens; end); ################################################### ## #M BelongsToGoodIdeal ## decides if a vector is in the ideal ################################################## InstallMethod(BelongsToGoodIdeal, "for good ideals", [ IsHomogeneousList, IsGoodIdeal], function(v, i) local m, c, sm, le; le:=function(a,b) return (a[1]<=b[1]) and (a[2]<=b[2]); end; if not(IsHomogeneousList(v)) or Length(v)<>2 then Error("The first argument must be a list with two integers (a pair)"); fi; if not(ForAll(v, IsInt)) then Error("The first argument must be a list with two integers (a pair)"); fi; sm := SmallElementsOfGoodIdeal(i); m := MinIGS(i); c := Conductor(i); # see if we are in the box [0,c] if (le(m,v) and le(v,c)) then return v in sm; fi; # see if we are below right or left the minimum if (v[1]<m[1]) or (v[2]<m[2]) then return false; fi; # see if we are above the conductor if (le(c,v)) then return true; fi; # see if we are above the small elements # at this point v>= m, and not greater than c and not in the box [0,c] # see if we are at the left of the conductor if v[1]<c[1] then return [v[1],c[2]] in sm; fi; return [c[1],v[2]] in sm; end); ################################################### ## #M BelongsToGoodIdeal ## decides if a vector is in the semigroup ################################################## InstallMethod( \in, "for good ideals", [ IsHomogeneousList, IsGoodIdeal], 100, function( v, i ) return BelongsToGoodIdeal(v,i); end); ############################################################################# ## #A ConductorOfIdeal(I) ## ## Returns the conductor of I, the largest element in SmallElements(I) ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod(Conductor, "Returns the conductor of an ideal", [IsGoodIdeal], function(I) local G,C,m; return Conductor(I); end); ############################################################################# ## #F CanonicalIdealOfGoodSemigroup(s) ## ## Computes a canonical ideal of <s> ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(CanonicalIdealOfGoodSemigroup, function(G) local s1,s2,sm, c, gamma, gen,x; if not(IsGoodSemigroup(G)) then Error("The argument must be a good semigroup"); fi; c := Conductor(G); gamma:= c-[1,1]; sm := SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(G); s1:=Set(sm, x->x[1]); s2:=Set(sm, x->x[2]); gen:=[]; gen:=Concatenation(List(Difference([0..c[1]],s1), x1 -> [gamma[1]-x1,c[2]]), List(Difference([0..c[2]],s2), x2 -> [c[1],gamma[2]-x2])); for x in sm do if (x[1]<c[1]) and (x[2]<c[2]) and not(ForAny(sm, y->(y[1]>x[1] and y[2]=x[2]) or (y[2]>x[2] and y[1]=x[1]))) then Add(gen,gamma-x); fi; od; return GoodIdeal(Set(gen),G); end);