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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## #Y Copyright 2016-- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal and IEMath-GR, Universidad de Granada, Spain ############################################################################# #################################################### ## #F NumericalDuplication(S,E,b) ## returns 2S\cup(2E+b) #################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(NumericalDuplication, function(S,E,b) local smallS, doubS, smallE, f, small, mgsE, mgsS; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(S)) or not(IsIdealOfNumericalSemigroup(E)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup, and the second an ideal"); fi; if not(IsInt(b)) then Error("The third argument must be an integer"); fi; if not(b mod 2=1) then Error("The third argument must be an odd integer"); fi; # if not(b in S) then # Error("The third argument must belong to the first argument"); # fi; mgsE:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(E); # if not(ForAll(mgsE, x -> x in S)) then # Error("The second argument must be a integral ideal of the first"); # fi; mgsS:=MinimalGenerators(S); if not(ForAll(Cartesian(mgsE,mgsE), p->Sum(p)+b in S)) then Error("The arguments do not define a semigroup (E+E+b is not included in S)"); fi; return NumericalSemigroup(Union(2*mgsS, 2*mgsE+b)); f:=2*Conductor(E)+b; doubS:=MultipleOfNumericalSemigroup(S,2,f); smallS:=SmallElements(doubS); smallE:=SmallElements(E); small:=Union(smallS,2*smallE+b); if not(RepresentsSmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(small)) then Error("The third argument does not define a numerical semigroup"); fi; return NumericalSemigroupBySmallElements(small); end); ################################################### ## #F NumericalSemigroupDuplication(S,E) ## returns S\bowtie E ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(NumericalSemigroupDuplication,function(S,E) local M, mgsE; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(S)) or not(IsIdealOfNumericalSemigroup(E)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup, and the second an ideal"); fi; mgsE:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(E); if not(ForAll(mgsE, x -> x in S)) then Error("The second argument must be an integral ideal of the first"); fi; M:=Objectify(GoodSemigroupsType, rec()); SetNumericalSemigroupGS(M,S); SetIdealGS(M,E); SetDefinedByDuplication(M,true); return M; end); ################################################### ## #F AmalgamationOfNumericalSemigroups(S,E,c) ## returns S\bowtie^f E, f multiplication by c ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(AmalgamationOfNumericalSemigroups, function(S,E,c) local M, T, msg; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(S)) or not(IsIdealOfNumericalSemigroup(E)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup, and the second an ideal"); fi; if not(IsPosInt(c)) then Error("The third argument must be a positive integer"); fi; T:=AmbientNumericalSemigroupOfIdeal(E); msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(S); if not(ForAll(msg, x-> c*x in T)) then Error("Multiplication by the third argument must be a morphism from the first argument to the ambient semigroup of the second"); fi; M:=Objectify(GoodSemigroupsType, rec()); SetNumericalSemigroupGS(M,S); SetIdealGS(M,E); SetMorphismGS(M,c); SetDefinedByAmalgamation(M,true); return M; end); ################################################### ## #F CartesianProductOfNumericalSemigroups(S1,S2) ## Computes the cartesian product of S1 and S2, which ## is a good semigroup ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CartesianProductOfNumericalSemigroups, function(S1,S2) local M; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(S1)) or not(IsNumericalSemigroup(S2)) then Error("The arguments must be numerical semigroups"); fi; M:=Objectify(GoodSemigroupsType, rec()); SetNumericalSemigroupListGS(M,[S1,S2]); SetDefinedByCartesianProduct(M,true); return M; end); ################################################### ## #F RepresentsSmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(X) ## detects if X is a good semiring ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(RepresentsSmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup, function(X) local c, inf, conG2, C; inf:=function(x,y) return [Minimum(x[1],y[1]), Minimum(x[2],y[2])]; end; if not(IsMatrix(X)) and ForAll(X, x->Length(x)=2) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; if not(ForAll(X, x->IsInt(x[1]) and IsInt(x[2]) and x[1]>=0 and x[2]>=0)) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; C:=[0,0]; if not(C in X) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Zero is not in the set."); return false; fi; C[1]:=Maximum(List(X,x->x[1])); C[2]:=Maximum(List(X,x->x[2])); if not(C in X) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The maximum is not in the set."); return false; fi; c:=Cartesian(X,X); if ForAny(c, p->not(inf(p[1]+p[2],C) in X)) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set is not closed under addition modulo inf the maximum."); return false; fi; if ForAny(c, p->not(inf(p[1], p[2]) in X)) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set is not closed under infimums."); return false; fi; conG2:=First(X, x->x[1]<C[1] and ForAny(X,y-> x[1]=y[1] and x[2]<y[2] and not(ForAny(X, z->x[2]=z[2] and z[1]>x[1])))); if conG2<>fail then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set is not a good semiring: ",conG2); return false; fi; conG2:=First(X, x->x[2]<C[2] and ForAny(X,y-> x[2]=y[2] and x[1]<y[1] and not(ForAny(X, z->x[1]=z[1] and z[2]>x[2])))); if conG2<>fail then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set is not a good semiring: ",conG2); return false; fi; return true; end); ################################################### ## #F GoodSemigroup(X,C) ## define the good semigroup from the set of points G ## with conductor C ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(GoodSemigroup, function(Gn,C) local M, p1, p2, c, CC, sm, SemiRing_NS, gen, inf, G; if not(IsMatrix(Gn)) and ForAll(Gn, x->IsList(x) and Length(x)=2) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; if not(ForAll(Gn, x->IsInt(x[1]) and IsInt(x[2]) and x[1]>=0 and x[2]>=0)) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; if not(IsList(C)) and Length(C)=2 then Error("The second argument must be a list (pair) of nonnegative integers"); fi; if not(IsInt(C[1]) and IsInt(C[2]) and C[1]>=0 and C[2]>=0) then Error("The second argument must be a list (pair) of nonnegative integers"); fi; inf:=function(u,v) return [Minimum(u[1],v[1]),Minimum(u[2],v[2])]; end; ############################################################### ## #F SemiRing_NS(G,C) ## G is a set of points; ## computes the saturation wrt sum (cutted by C) and inf ################################################################ SemiRing_NS:=function(G,C) local O, OO, new,i,j, o; O:=G; # sum saturation repeat new:=[]; for i in [1..Length(O)] do for j in [i.. Length(O)] do o:=inf(C,O[i]+O[j]); if not(o in O) then Add(new, o); fi; od; od; O:=Union(O,new); until new=[]; O:=Union(O,[[0,0]]); #inf saturation repeat new:=[]; for i in [1..Length(O)] do for j in [i.. Length(O)] do o:=inf(O[i],O[j]); if not(o in O) then Add(new, o); fi; od; od; O:=Union(O,new); until new=[]; # #good saturation x coordinate # repeat # new:=First(O, x->x[1]<C[1] and ForAny(O,y-> x[1]=y[1] and x[2]<y[2] and not(ForAny(O, z->x[2]=z[2] and z[1]>x[1])))); # if new<>fail then # Add(O,[C[1],new[2]]); # fi; # until new=fail; # #good saturation y coordinate # repeat # new:=First(O, x->x[2]<C[2] and ForAny(O,y-> x[2]=y[2] and x[1]<y[1] and not(ForAny(O, z->x[1]=z[1] and z[2]>x[2])))); # if new<>fail then # Add(O,[new[1],C[2]]); # fi; # until new=fail; return O; end; # of SemiRing_NS G:=ShallowCopy(Gn); p1:=List(G,x->x[1]); p2:=List(G,x->x[2]); CC:=[Maximum(p1), Maximum(p2)]; if not(C[1]>=CC[1] and C[2]>=CC[2]) then Info(InfoNumSgps, 2, "The conductor is not larger than the maximum of the given set"); G:=List(G, x->inf(x,C)); fi; sm:=Union(SemiRing_NS(G,C),[C]); if not(RepresentsSmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(sm)) then Error("The given set does not generate a good semigroup"); fi; c:=C; while ((c-[0,1]) in sm) or ((c-[1,0]) in sm) do if ((c-[0,1]) in sm) and ((c-[1,0]) in sm) then #c-[1,1] also in sm c:=c-[1,1]; elif c-[0,1] in sm then c:=c-[0,1]; else c:=c-[1,0]; fi; od; if C<>c then #sm must be redefined, and gens Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Conductor redefined"); sm:=Filtered(sm, x->x[1]<=c[1] and x[2]<=c[2]); gen:=List(G, x->inf(x,c));#x[1]<=c[1] and x[2]<=c[2]); else gen:=ShallowCopy(G); fi; M:=Objectify(GoodSemigroupsType, rec()); SetGenerators(M,gen); SetConductor(M,c); SetSmallElements(M,sm); return M; end); ################################################### ## #M ConductorOfGoodSemigroup(M) #M Conductor(M) ## returns the conductor of M ################################################## InstallMethod(ConductorOfGoodSemigroup, "Calculates the conductor of the semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup ],50, function(M) local e,s,c,ce,cs,c1,c2; if HasConductor(M) then return(Conductor(M)); fi; if HasSmallElements(M) then s:=SmallElements(M); c:=s[Length(s)]; SetConductor(M,c); return c; fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByDuplication(M) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using semigroup duplication formula"); e:=IdealGS(M); ce:=Conductor(e); SetConductor(M,[ce,ce]); return [ce,ce]; fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByAmalgamation(M) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Using amalgamation formula"); e:=IdealGS(M); ce:=Conductor(e); s:=NumericalSemigroupGS(M); c:=MorphismGS(M); cs:=CeilingOfRational(ce/c); while true do cs:=cs-1; if (cs in s) and not(2*cs in e) then SetConductor(M,[cs+1,ce]); return [cs+1,ce]; fi; if cs<0 then SetConductor(M,[0,ce]); return [0,ce]; fi; od; fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByCartesianProduct(M) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"This is a cartesian product, so the two conductors in a list"); return([Conductor(NumericalSemigroupListGS(M)[1]), Conductor(NumericalSemigroupListGS(M)[2])]); fi; return fail; end); ################################################### ## #A SmallElements(M) #A SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(M) ## returns de small elements of M, that is, ## the elements below the conductor ################################################## InstallMethod(SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup, "Calculates the small elements of the semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup ],50, function(M) local C,box, sm; if HasSmallElements(M) then return SmallElements(M); fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByCartesianProduct(M) then sm:=Cartesian(SmallElements(NumericalSemigroupListGS(M)[1]), SmallElements(NumericalSemigroupListGS(M)[2])); SetSmallElements(M,sm); return sm; fi; C:=Conductor(M); box:=Cartesian([0..C[1]],[0..C[2]]); sm:=Intersection(box,M); SetSmallElements(M,sm); return sm; end); ############################################################### ## #A IsSymmetric(M) ## Determines if M is symmetric ############################################################### InstallMethod(IsSymmetricGoodSemigroup, "Determines if the good semigroup is symmetric", [IsGoodSemigroup], function(M) local sm, w1, w2, b1,b2, c; c:=Conductor(M); sm:=SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(M); w1:=Length(Set(sm,x->x[1])); w2:=Length(Set(sm,x->x[2])); b1:=Length(Filtered(sm, x-> x[1]=c[1] and x[2]<c[2])); b2:=Length(Filtered(sm, x-> x[2]=c[2] and x[1]<c[1])); return Sum(c)=w1+w2+b1+b2-2; end); InstallMethod(IsSymmetric, "Tests wheter the semigroup is symmetric", [IsGoodSemigroup], IsSymmetricGoodSemigroup ); ################################################### ## #A MinimalGenerators(M) #A MinimalGoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodSemigroup(M) ## returns the unique minimal good generating of the ## good semigroup M ################################################### InstallMethod(MinimalGoodGeneratingSystemOfGoodSemigroup, "Calculates the minimal generating system of the semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup ],50, function(M) local filter,mingen,C; ## G is a given set of small elements ## filter outputs a subset that generates all filter:=function(G,C) local member,member1, member2, gen, inf, g, gg, visited, left; inf:=function(x,y) return [Minimum(x[1],y[1]), Minimum(x[2],y[2])]; end; member:=function(X,x) if x[1]*x[2]=0 then return x[1]+x[2]<=0; fi; if x[1]<0 or x[2]< 0 then return false; fi; return ForAny(X, y->member(X,x-y)); end; member1:=function(X,x) if x[1]*x[2]=0 then return x[2]<=0 and x[1]=0; fi; if x[1]<0 or x[2]< 0 then return false; fi; return ForAny(X, y->member1(X,x-y)); end; member2:=function(X,x) if x[1]*x[2]=0 then return x[1]<=0 and x[2]=0; fi; if x[1]<0 or x[2]< 0 then return false; fi; return ForAny(X, y->member2(X,x-y)); end; gen:=Set(ShallowCopy(G)); RemoveSet(gen,[0,0]); # removing those that can be infimums of two others to make faster # the next test for g in G do if g[1]<C[1] then if First(gen, x->x[1]=g[1] and x[2]>g[2])<>fail then RemoveSet(gen,g); continue; fi; fi; if g[2]<C[2] then if First(gen, x->x[2]=g[2] and x[2]>g[2])<>fail then RemoveSet(gen,g); continue; fi; fi; od; if gen=[] then return []; fi; visited:=[]; left:=gen; while left<>[] and gen<>[] do g:=left[1]; AddSet(visited,g); left:=Difference(gen,visited); gg:=Difference(gen,[g]); if g[1]=C[1] then if member2(gg,g) then RemoveSet(gen,g); fi; elif g[2]=C[2] then if member1(gg,g) then RemoveSet(gen,g); fi; else if member1(gg,g) and member2(gg,g) then RemoveSet(gen,g); fi; fi; od; return gen; end; if IsGoodSemigroupByCartesianProduct(M) then Print("ToDo\n"); return fail; fi; C:=Conductor(M); if HasGenerators(M) then mingen:=filter(Generators(M),C); #SetGenerators(M,mingen); return mingen; fi; mingen:=filter(SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(M),C); SetGenerators(M,mingen); return mingen; end); ############################################################### ## #F GoodSemigroupBySmallElements(M) ## Constructs good semigroup from a set of small elements ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(GoodSemigroupBySmallElements, function(X) local M, C, c, sm; if not(IsMatrix(X)) and ForAll(X, x->Length(x)=2) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; if not(ForAll(X, x->IsInt(x[1]) and IsInt(x[2]) and x[1]>=0 and x[2]>=0)) then Error("The argument must be a list of pairs of positive integers"); fi; if not(RepresentsSmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(X)) then Error("This set is not the set of small elements of a good semigroup"); fi; C:=[Maximum(List(X,x->x[1])),Maximum(List(X,x->x[2]))]; #now we see if C is the minimum conductor c:=C; sm:=ShallowCopy(X); while ((c-[0,1]) in sm) or ((c-[1,0]) in sm) do if ((c-[0,1]) in sm) and ((c-[1,0]) in sm) then #c-[1,1] also in sm c:=c-[1,1]; elif c-[0,1] in sm then c:=c-[0,1]; else c:=c-[1,0]; fi; od; if C<>c then #small elements must be redefined Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Conductor redefined"); sm:=Filtered(X, x->x[1]<=c[1] and x[2]<=c[2]); fi; M:=Objectify(GoodSemigroupsType, rec()); #SetGenerators(M,gen); SetConductor(M,c); SetSmallElements(M,sm); return M; end); ############################################################### ## #F ArfGoodSemigroupClosure(M) ## Constructs Arf good semigroup closure of M ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(ArfGoodSemigroupClosure,function(s) local s1, s2, t1, t2, sm, sma, c, included, i, cand, ca, c1, c2, gena, a, tail1, tail2, car; if not(IsGoodSemigroup(s)) then Error("The argument must be a good semigroup"); fi; sm := SmallElementsOfGoodSemigroup(s); c:= Conductor(s); s1:=Set(sm, x->x[1]); s2:=Set(sm, x->x[2]); s1:=NumericalSemigroupBySmallElements(s1); s2:=NumericalSemigroupBySmallElements(s2); t1:=ArfNumericalSemigroupClosure(s1); t2:=ArfNumericalSemigroupClosure(s2); c1:=Conductor(t1); c2:=Conductor(t2); t1:=Intersection([0..c[1]],t1); t2:=Intersection([0..c[2]],t2); ca:=[c1,c2]; i:=1; included:=true; while included do if i>Length(t1) or i>Length(t2) then i:=i-1; sma:=List([1..i], i->[t1[i],t2[i]]); return GoodSemigroupBySmallElements(sma); fi; sma:=Union(List([1..i], i->[t1[i],t2[i]]), Cartesian(t1{[i+1..Length(t1)]}, t2{[i+1..Length(t2)]})); if First(sm, x->not(x in sma))<> fail then included:=false; else i:=i+1; fi; od; i:=i-1; tail1:=Intersection(t1{[i+1..Length(t1)]},[0..c[1]]); tail2:=Intersection(t2{[i+1..Length(t2)]},[0..c[2]]); car:=Cartesian(tail1,tail2); sma:=Union(List([1..i], i->[t1[i],t2[i]]), car); return GoodSemigroupBySmallElements(sma); end); InstallMethod(ArfClosure, "Computes the Arf closure of a good semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup], ArfGoodSemigroupClosure ); ############################################################### ## #F MaximalElementsOfGoodSemigroup(M) ## returns the set of maximal elements of M ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(MaximalElementsOfGoodSemigroup,function(g) local sm; if not(IsGoodSemigroup(g)) then Error("The argument must be a good semigroup"); fi; sm:=SmallElements(g); return Filtered(Difference(sm,[Conductor(g)]), x->not(ForAny(sm, y->((y[1]=x[1] and y[2]>x[2]) or (y[1]>x[1] and y[2]=x[2]))))); end); ############################################################### ## #F IrreducibleMaximalElementsOfGoodSemigroup(M) ## returns the set of irreducible maximal elements of M ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(IrreducibleMaximalElementsOfGoodSemigroup, function(g) local mx; mx:=MaximalElementsOfGoodSemigroup(g); if Length(mx)=1 then return mx; fi; return Filtered(Difference(mx,[[0,0]]), x->not(ForAny(Difference(mx,[[0,0]]), y->y<>x and (y[1]<=x[1]) and (y[2]<=x[2]) and ((x-y) in mx)))); end); ############################################################### ## #F GoodSemigroupByMaximalElements(S1,S2,mx,c) ## returns the good semigroup determined by removing from ## S1 x S2 the set of points "above" a maximal element; c is ## the conductor ############################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(GoodSemigroupByMaximalElements, function(s1,s2,mx,c) local l1,l2, m1,m2,c1,c2,q, v, cc, g1,g2; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(s1)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(s2)) then Error("The second argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; l1:=List(mx,x->x[1]); l2:=List(mx,x->x[2]); q:=c; # removed because this is true only for curves #if ForAny(mx, x-> not(q-x in mx)) then # Error("There is no symmetry in the third argument"); #fi; g1:=Intersection([0..q[1]+1],s1); g2:=Intersection([0..q[2]+1],s2); cc:=Cartesian(g1,g2); return GoodSemigroupBySmallElements(Difference(cc, Filtered(cc, x->ForAny(mx, y->((y[1]=x[1] and x[2]>y[2]) or (x[1]>y[1] and y[2]=x[2])))) )); end); ################################################### ## #M BelongsToGoodSemigroup ## decides if a vector is in the semigroup ################################################## InstallMethod(BelongsToGoodSemigroup, "Tests if the vector is in the semigroup", [IsHomogeneousList, IsGoodSemigroup], 50, #BelongsToGoodSemigroup:= function(v, a) local S,T,E,c,s,t,sprime, X, saturation, C,edge1,edge2, sm, edge; # G is a set of points; # computes the saturation wrt sum (cutted by the edges) and inf saturation:=function(G) local inf, O, OO, new,i,j, o; inf:=function(u,v) return [Minimum(u[1],v[1]),Minimum(u[2],v[2])]; end; O:=G; # sum saturation repeat new:=[]; for i in [1..Length(O)] do for j in [i.. Length(O)] do o:=inf(C,O[i]+O[j]); if not(o in O) then Add(new, o); fi; od; od; O:=Union(O,new); until new=[]; O:=Union(O,[[0,0]]); #inf saturation repeat new:=[]; for i in [1..Length(O)] do for j in [i.. Length(O)] do o:=inf(O[i],O[j]); if not(o in O) then Add(new, o); fi; od; od; O:=Union(O,new); until new=[]; # #good saturation x coordinate # repeat # new:=First(O, x->x[1]<C[1] and ForAny(O,y-> x[1]=y[1] and x[2]<y[2] and not(ForAny(O, z->x[2]=z[2] and z[1]>x[1])))); # if new<>fail then # Add(O,[C[1],new[2]]); # fi; # until new=fail; # #good saturation y coordinate # repeat # new:=First(O, x->x[2]<C[2] and ForAny(O,y-> x[2]=y[2] and x[1]<y[1] and not(ForAny(O, z->x[1]=z[1] and z[2]>x[2])))); # if new<>fail then # Add(O,[new[1],C[2]]); # fi; # until new=fail; return O; end; if Length(v)<>2 then Error("The first argument must be a list with two integers (a pair)"); fi; if not(ForAll(v, IsInt)) then Error("The first argument must be a list with two integers (a pair)"); fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByDuplication(a) then S:=NumericalSemigroupGS(a); E:=IdealGS(a); if v[1]=v[2] then return v[1] in S; fi; if v[1]<v[2] then return (v[1] in E) and (v[2] in S); fi; if v[2]<v[1] then return (v[2] in E) and (v[1] in S); fi; fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByAmalgamation(a) then S:=NumericalSemigroupGS(a); E:=IdealGS(a); c:=MorphismGS(a); T:=UnderlyingNSIdeal(E); s:=v[1]; t:=v[2]; if not(s in S) then return false; fi; if not(t in T) then return false; fi; if t=c*s then return true; fi; if (c*s in E) and (t in E) then return true; fi; if t< c*s then return t in E; fi; if t>c*s then if not(c*s in E) then return false; fi; if t in E then return true; fi; if not(IsInt(t/c)) then return false; fi; return t/c in S; fi; fi; if IsGoodSemigroupByCartesianProduct(a) then return v[1] in NumericalSemigroupListGS(a)[1] and v[2] in NumericalSemigroupListGS(a)[2]; fi; if HasSmallElements(a) then C:=Conductor(a); if v[1]>=C[1] and v[2]>=C[2] then return true; fi; sm:=SmallElements(a); if v[1]>C[1] then edge:=Filtered(sm,x->x[1]=C[1]); return ForAny(edge, x->x[2]=v[2]); fi; if v[2]>C[2] then edge:=Filtered(sm,x->x[2]=C[2]); return ForAny(edge, x->x[1]=v[1]); fi; return v in sm; fi; if HasGenerators(a) then X:=Generators(a); C:=Conductor(a); if v[1]>=C[1] and v[2]>=C[2] then return true; fi; if not(HasSmallElements(a)) then SetSmallElements(a,saturation(X)); fi; sm:=SmallElements(a); if v[1]>C[1] then edge:=Filtered(sm,x->x[1]=C[1]); return ForAny(edge, x->x[2]=v[2]); fi; if v[2]>C[2] then edge:=Filtered(sm,x->x[2]=C[2]); return ForAny(edge, x->x[1]=v[1]); fi; return v in sm; fi; return false; end); ################################################### ## #M BelongsToGoodSemigroup ## decides if a vector is in the semigroup ################################################## InstallMethod( \in, "for good semigroups", [ IsHomogeneousList, IsGoodSemigroup], function( v, a ) return BelongsToGoodSemigroup(v,a); end); ################################################### ## #M Equality of good semigroups ## decides if the two good semigroups are equal ################################################## InstallMethod( \=, "for good semigroups", [ IsGoodSemigroup, IsGoodSemigroup], function( a, b ) return Conductor(a)=Conductor(b) and SmallElements(a)=SmallElements(b); end); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewObj(S) ## ## This method for good semigroups. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( ViewObj, "Displays an Affine Semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup], function( S ) Print("<Good semigroup>"); end); ############################################################################# ## #M ViewString(S) ## ## This method for good semigroups. ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( ViewString, "String of an Affine Semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup], function( S ) return ("Good semigroup"); end); ############################################################################# ## #M Display(S) ## ## This method for good semigroups. ## under construction... (= View) ## ############################################################################# InstallMethod( Display, "Displays an Affine Semigroup", [IsGoodSemigroup], function( S ) Print("<Good semigroup>"); end);