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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466315############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## ## #Y Copyright 2005 by Manuel Delgado, #Y Pedro Garcia-Sanchez and Jose Joao Morais #Y We adopt the copyright regulations of GAP as detailed in the #Y copyright notice in the GAP manual. ## ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ## #F QuotientOfNumericalSemigroup(S,p) ## ## Computes S/p, where S is a numerical semigroup ## and p a positive integer. ## ############################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(QuotientOfNumericalSemigroup, function(S,p) local f, T, s, R, g, l; if not (IsNumericalSemigroup(S) and IsPosInt(p)) then Error("QuotientOfNumericalSemigroup takes a numerical semigroup and a positive integer as arguments."); fi; f := FrobeniusNumberOfNumericalSemigroup(S); T := [0]; if not p in GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(S) then return NumericalSemigroup(1); else for s in [1..f+1] do if BelongsToNumericalSemigroup(p * s,S) then Add(T,s); fi; od; R := Difference([1..T[Length(T)]],T); g := R[Length(R)]; l := Intersection([0..g+1],Union(T, [g+1])); return(NumericalSemigroupByGaps(Difference([0..l[Length(l)]], l))); fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #M S / p ## ## A short for QuotientOfNumericalSemigroup(S, p) ## ############################################################################# InstallOtherMethod(\/, "for a numerical semigroup and a positive integer", true, [IsNumericalSemigroup, IsPosInt and IsMultiplicativeElement], 999999990, function( S,p ) return(QuotientOfNumericalSemigroup(S, p)); end); ############################################################ ## #F MultipleOfNumericalSemigroup(s,a,b) ## s is a numerical semigroup; a and b are positive integers ## Computes a*s \cup [b,\infty) ## ############################################################ InstallGlobalFunction(MultipleOfNumericalSemigroup,function(s,a,b) local l, c; if not(IsNumericalSemigroup(s)) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup"); fi; if not(IsPosInt(a)) then Error("The second argument must be a positive ingteger"); fi; if not(IsPosInt(b)) then Error("The third argument must be a positive integer"); fi; c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); if b<a*c then Info(InfoNumSgps,1,"The third argument is smaller than the second times the conductor of the first"); fi; l:=[0..Int(b/a)]; l:=Union(a*Intersection(s,l), [b]); return NumericalSemigroupBySmallElementsNC(l); end); ################################################################# ## #F InductiveNumericalSemigroup(a,b) ## a and b are lists of positive integers with b[i+1]\ge a[i]b[i] ## Computes inductively the semigroup ## S_0=N ## S_i=a_iS_{i-1}\cup \{a_ib_i,a_ib_i+1,->\} ## and outputs S_n, with n the length of a and b ## ################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(InductiveNumericalSemigroup,function(a,b) local stmp, n, i; stmp:=NumericalSemigroup(1); if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(a)) or not(IsListOfIntegersNS(b)) then Error("The arguments must be lists of positive integers"); fi; if not(ForAll(Union(a,b), x-> x>0)) then Error("The arguments must be lists of positive integers"); fi; n:=Length(a); if not(Length(b)=n) then Error("Both arguments must have the same length"); fi; if not(ForAll([1..n-1], i->b[i+1]>= a[i]*b[i])) then Error("The condition b[i+1]>= a[i]*b[i] does not hold"); fi; for i in [1..n] do stmp:=MultipleOfNumericalSemigroup(stmp, a[i],a[i]*b[i]); od; return stmp; end);