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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez <[email protected]> ## ## #Y Copyright 2015 by Manuel Delgado and Pedro Garcia-Sanchez #Y We adopt the copyright regulations of GAP as detailed in the #Y copyright notice in the GAP manual. ## ############################################################################# ################################################# ## #F NumericalSemigroupPolynomial(s,x) ## s is a numerical semigroup, and x a variable (or a value) ## returns the polynomial (1-x)\sum_{s\in S}x^s ## ################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumericalSemigroupPolynomial, function(s,x) local gaps, p; if not IsNumericalSemigroup(s) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup.\n"); fi; gaps:=GapsOfNumericalSemigroup(s); p:=List(gaps, g-> x^g); return 1+(x-1)*Sum(p); end); ############################################################## ## #F IsNumericalSemigroupPolynomial(f) detects ## if there exists S a numerical semigroup such that P_S(x)=f ## f is a polynomial ############################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(IsNumericalSemigroupPolynomial, function(f) local x, coef, gaps, small, s, p,c; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(f)) then Error("The argument must be a univariate polynomial"); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(f))) then return false; fi; if not(IsOne(LeadingCoefficient(f))) then return false; fi; x:=IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction(f); p:=(f-1)/(x-1); if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(p)) then return false; fi; coef:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); if Set(coef)<>Set([0,1]) then return false; fi; c:=Length(coef); gaps:=Filtered([0..c-1], i->coef[i+1]<>0); #Print("gaps ", gaps,"\n"); small:=Difference([0..c],gaps); #Print("small ",small,"\n"); return RepresentsSmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(small); end); ############################################################## ## #F NumericalSemigroupFromNumericalSemigroupPolynomial(f) outputs ## a numerical semigroup S such that P_S(x)=f; error if no such ## S exists ## f is a polynomial ############################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(NumericalSemigroupFromNumericalSemigroupPolynomial, function(f) local x, coef, gaps,small, s, p,c; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(f)) then Error("The argument must be a univariate polynomial"); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(f))) then Error("The argument is not a numerical semigroup polynomial"); fi; if not(IsOne(LeadingCoefficient(f))) then Error("The argument is not a numerical semigroup polynomial"); fi; x:=IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction(f); p:=(f-1)/(x-1); if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(p)) then Error("The argument is not a numerical semigroup polynomial"); fi; coef:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); if Set(coef)<>Set([0,1]) then Error("The argument is not a numerical semigroup polynomial"); fi; c:=Length(coef); gaps:=Filtered([0..c-1], i->coef[i+1]<>0); small:=Difference([0..c],gaps); if not(RepresentsSmallElementsOfNumericalSemigroup(small)) then Error("The argument is not a numerical semigroup polynomial"); fi; return NumericalSemigroupBySmallElements(small); end); ################################################### #F HilbertSeriesOfNumericalSemigroup(s,x) ## Computes the Hilber series of s in x : \sum_{s\in S}x^s ################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(HilbertSeriesOfNumericalSemigroup,function(s,x) local m,ap; if not IsNumericalSemigroup(s) then Error("The first argument must be a numerical semigroup.\n"); fi; if HasAperyList(s) then #uses J.Ramirez-Alfonsin trick m:=MultiplicityOfNumericalSemigroup(s); ap:=AperyListOfNumericalSemigroup(s); return 1/(1-x^m)*Sum(List(ap, w->x^w)); fi; return NumericalSemigroupPolynomial(s,x)/(1-x); end); ###################################################### ## #F Computes the Graeffe polynomial of p ## see for instance [BD-cyclotomic] ## ###################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(GraeffePolynomial,function(p) local coef, h, g, i, f1,x; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(p)) then Error("The argument must be a univariate polynomial"); fi; x:=IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction(p); coef:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); h:=[]; g:=[]; for i in [1..Length(coef)] do if (i-1) mod 2 = 0 then Add(g,coef[i]); else Add(h,coef[i]); fi; od; #Print(g," ,",h,"\n"); g:=UnivariatePolynomial(Rationals,g); h:=UnivariatePolynomial(Rationals,h); f1:=Value(g,x)^2-x*Value(h,x)^2; return f1/LeadingCoefficient(f1); end); ##################################################### ## #F IsCyclotomicPolynomial(f) detects ## if f is a cyclotomic polynomial using the method explained in ## BD-cyclotomic ##################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(IsCyclotomicPolynomial,function(f) local f1, x, f2, mf; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(f)) then Error("The argument must be a univariate polynomial"); fi; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(f))) then Error("The polynomial has not integer coefficients"); fi; if not(IsOne(LeadingCoefficient(f))) then return false; fi; if not(IsIrreducible(f)) then return false; fi; x:=IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction(f); f1:=GraeffePolynomial(f); if (f=f1) then return true; fi; mf:=Value(f,-x);# Print(f1, ", ",f, ",", mf,"\n"); if ((f1=mf) or (f1=-mf)) and IsCyclotomicPolynomial(mf/LeadingCoefficient(mf)) then return true; fi; f2:=Set(Factors(f1))[1]; if f1=f2^2 and IsCyclotomicPolynomial(f2/LeadingCoefficient(f2)) then return true; fi; return false; end); ######################################################################## ## #F IsKroneckerPolynomial(f) decides if ## f is a Kronecker polynomial, that is, a monic polynomial with integer coefficients ## having all its roots in the unit circunference, equivalently, is a product of ## cyclotomic polynomials ## New implementation with A. Herrera-Poyatos that does not need factoring ######################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(IsKroneckerPolynomial,function(f) local x, sf, f1, fs, fn, fp, factors_graeffe; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(f)) then Error("The argument must be a polynomial in one variable"); fi; if IsZero(f) then return false; fi; x:=IndeterminateOfLaurentPolynomial(f); # Take the largest square free divisor. sf:=f/Gcd(f,Derivative(f)); # Remove the factors x, x+1 and x-1. if Value(sf, 0) = 0 then sf := sf / x; fi; if Value(sf, 1) = 0 then sf := sf/(x-1); fi; if Value(sf, -1) = 0 then sf := sf/(x+1); fi; # Check if the polynomial is a constant. if Degree(sf) = 0 then return true; fi; # Check if the polynomial has even degree and is self reciprocal. if Degree(sf) mod 2 <> 0 or not(IsSelfReciprocalUnivariatePolynomial(sf)) then return false; fi; # Apply the graeffe method to sf. Note that if sf(+-x) = f1, then # sf is Kronecker. f1:= GraeffePolynomial(sf); if sf = f1 then return true; fi; if Value(sf,-x) = f1 then return true; fi; # Assume that sf is Kronecker. # Find the descomposition of sf = fs*fp*fn, where: # - fs is the part of sf which verifies Graeffe(fs) = (g(x))^2 # - fp is the part of sf which verifies Graeffe(fs) = fs. # - fn is the part of sf which vefifies Graeffe(fs)(x) = fs(-x). fs := Value(Gcd(Derivative(f1), f1), x^2); fp := Gcd(sf / fs, f1); fn := sf / (fs * fp); factors_graeffe := Difference([fs, fp, fn], [1+0*x]); if Length(factors_graeffe) = 1 then if IsOne(fs) then # We must have f = fp or f = fs, but we obtained Graeffe(sf) != sf, # Graeffe(sf) != sf(-x), a contradiction. Hence sf is not Kronecker. return false; else # sf is Kronecker if and only if f1 / fs(\sqrt{x}) is Kronecker. return IsKroneckerPolynomial(f1 / Gcd(f1,Derivative(f1))); fi; else # sf is Kronecker if and only if fs, fp and fn are Kronecker. return ForAll(factors_graeffe, IsKroneckerPolynomial); fi; end); ########################################### ## #P IsCyclotomicNumericalSemigroup(s) ## Checks if the polynomial fo s is Kronecker ########################################### InstallMethod(IsCyclotomicNumericalSemigroup, "Detects if the polinomial semigroup of the semigroup is Kronecker", [IsNumericalSemigroup], function(s) local x, f; x:=X(Rationals,"x"); f:=NumericalSemigroupPolynomial(s,x); return IsKroneckerPolynomial(f);# ForAll(Factors(f),IsCyclotomicPolynomial); end); InstallTrueMethod(IsCyclotomicNumericalSemigroup, IsACompleteIntersectionNumericalSemigroup); ##################################################### ## #F IsSelfReciprocalUnivariatePolynomial(p) ## Checks if the univariate polynomial p is selfreciprocal ## New implementation by A. Herrera-Poyatos ##################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(IsSelfReciprocalUnivariatePolynomial,function(p) local cf; if not(IsUnivariatePolynomial(p)) then Error("The argument must be a polynomial\n"); fi; # Check if the polynomial is self-reciprocal. cf:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); return cf=Reversed(cf); end); ################################################################# ## # F SemigroupOfValuesOfPlaneCurveWithSinglePlaceAtInfinity(f) ## Computes the semigroup of values {mult(f,g) | g curve} of a plane curve ## with one place at the infinity in the variables X(Rationals,1) and X(Rationals,2) ## f must be monic on X(Rationals(2)) ## SemigroupOfValuesOfPlaneCurveWithSinglePlaceAtInfinity(f,"all") ## The same as above, but the output are the approximate roots and ## delta-sequence ## ################################################################# InstallGlobalFunction(SemigroupOfValuesOfPlaneCurveWithSinglePlaceAtInfinity, function(arg) local monomials, degree, degreepol, polexprc, polexprs, polexpr, app, tt1, sv; #returns the set of monomials of a polynomial monomials:=function(f) local term, out,temp; out:=[]; if IsZero(f) then return ([0]); fi; temp:=f; while not(IsZero(temp)) do term:=LeadingTermOfPolynomial(temp,MonomialLexOrdering()); Add(out,term); temp:=temp-term; od; return out; end; #returns the total weighted degree of a monomial wrt l degree:=function(mon,l) local n; n:=Length(l); if IsRat(mon) then return 0; fi; return Sum(List([1..n], i->DegreeIndeterminate(mon,i)*l[i])); end; #returns the total weighted degree of a polynomial wrt l degreepol:=function(pol,l) return Maximum(List(monomials(pol), t->degree(t,l))); end; #finds an expression of f in terms of p, and outputs it as a polynomial in x, var is the list of variables in f and p polexpr:=function(f,p,var,x) local rem, quo, pr; pr:=PolynomialDivisionAlgorithm(f,[p],MonomialLexOrdering(var)); rem:=[pr[1]]; quo:=pr[2][1]; while not(IsZero(quo)) do pr:=PolynomialDivisionAlgorithm(quo,[p],MonomialLexOrdering(var)); Add(rem,pr[1]); quo:=pr[2][1]; od; return Sum(List([1..Length(rem)],i->rem[i]*x^(i-1))); end; #uses the previous function to apply recurrently the procedure for all polynomials in ps and variables in xs polexprs:=function(f,ps,var,xs) local i, len, out; len:=Length(ps); out:=f; for i in [1..len] do out:=polexpr(out,ps[i],var,xs[i]); od; return out; end; #expression of f in terms of p; both in variables x and y... polexprc:=function(f,p) local rem, quo, pr; pr:=PolynomialDivisionAlgorithm(f,[p],MonomialLexOrdering([X(Rationals,2),X(Rationals,1)])); rem:=[pr[1]]; quo:=Value(pr[2][1],[],[]); while not(IsZero(quo)) do pr:=PolynomialDivisionAlgorithm(quo,[p],MonomialLexOrdering([X(Rationals,2),X(Rationals,1)])); Add(rem,pr[1]); quo:=pr[2][1]; od; return Reversed(rem); end; ##TT1 tt1:=function(f,g,y) local d; d:=DegreeIndeterminate(f,y)/DegreeIndeterminate(g,y); if d>0 then return g+polexprc(f,g)[2]/d; fi; return f; end; #approximate root app:=function(f,y,d) local G,S,F,P,e,t,coef; e:=DegreeIndeterminate(f,y)/d; G:=tt1(f,y^e,y); S:=polexprc(f,G); P:=S[2]; #tschirnhausen transform while not(IsZero(P)) do F:=G+P/e; G:=tt1(f,F,y); S:=polexprc(f,G); P:=S[2]; od; return G; end; #semigroup of values sv:=function(f) local m, d,dd, n,g,it, max, lt, e, coef, deg, tsti,rd, var, id, R, aroots; if not(IsPolynomial(f)) then Error("The argument must be a polynomial\n"); fi; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals,[X(Rationals,1),X(Rationals,2)]); if not(f in R) then Error("The argument must be a polynomial in ", R,"\n"); fi; coef:=PolynomialCoefficientsOfPolynomial(f,X(Rationals,1)); if not(IsConstantRationalFunction(coef[Length(coef)])) then Error("The polynomial does not have a single place at infinity or the leading coefficient in ", X(Rationals,1)," is not a rational number\n"); fi; coef:=PolynomialCoefficientsOfPolynomial(f,X(Rationals,2)); if not(IsConstantRationalFunction(coef[Length(coef)])) then Error("The polynomial does not have a single place at infinity or or the leading coefficient in ", X(Rationals,2)," is not a rational number\n"); fi; f:=f/coef[Length(coef)]; m:=[]; coef:=PolynomialCoefficientsOfPolynomial(f,X(Rationals,2)); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"f ",f); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"f ",coef); it:=coef[1]; if IsZero(it) then Error("The polynomial is not irreducible\n"); fi; m[1]:=DegreeIndeterminate(f,X(Rationals,2)); m[2]:=DegreeIndeterminate(PolynomialCoefficientsOfPolynomial(f,X(Rationals,2))[1],X(Rationals,1)); n:=2; d:=Gcd(m); e:=m[1]/d; g:=f; var:=[X(Rationals,2),X(Rationals,1)]; aroots:=[X(Rationals,2)]; while d>1 do Add(var,X(Rationals,n+1)); rd:=app(f,X(Rationals,2),d); Add(aroots,rd); g:=polexprs(f,Reversed(aroots),var,Reversed(List([2..n+1],i->X(Rationals,i)))); coef:=PolynomialCoefficientsOfPolynomial(g, X(Rationals,n+1)); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"We obtain coefficients: ",coef); it:=coef[1]; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Independent term ", it); max:=degreepol(it,m/Gcd(m)); if (max=0) then #or (d=Gcd(d,max)) or (max in m) then Error("The polynomial is not irreducible or it has not a single place at infinity (deg 0)\n"); fi; #irreducibility test tsti:=First(coef{[2..Length(coef)]}, t->degreepol(t,m/d)>=max); if tsti<>fail then Info(InfoNumSgps,1,"Term ", tsti," produces error"); Error("The polynomial is not irreducible", "\n"); fi; dd:=Gcd(d,max); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"New candidate: ",max); if (d=Gcd(d,max)) or (max in m) then Error("The polynomial is not irreducible or it has not a single place at infinity\n"); fi; m[n+1]:=max; if(m[n]*Gcd(m{[1..n-1]})<=max*d)then Error("The polynomial is not irreducible (not subdescending sequence)", m,"\n"); fi; e:=d/Gcd(d,max); d:=dd; n:=n+1; od; return [m,aroots]; end; if Length(arg)=1 then return NumericalSemigroup(sv(arg[1])[1]); fi; if Length(arg)=2 and arg[2] = "all" then return sv(arg[1]); fi; Error("Wrong number of arguments\n"); end); ######################################################################### ## #F IsDeltaSequence(l) ## tests whether or not l is a \delta-sequence (see for instancd [AGS14]) ######################################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(IsDeltaSequence,function(l) local d,e,h; if not(IsListOfIntegersNS(l)) then Error("The argument must be a list of positive integers\n"); fi; if Gcd(l)<>1 then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The gcd of the list is not one"); return false; fi; h:=Length(l)-1; d:=List([1..h+1], i->Gcd(l{[1..i]})); e:=List([1..h], i->d[i]/d[i+1]); if Length(l)=1 then return true; fi; if (l[1]<=l[2]) or (d[2]=l[2]) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Either the first element is smaller than or equal to the second, or the gcd of the first to equals the second"); return false; fi; if Length(Set(d))<h+1 then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The list of gcds is not strctitly decreasing"); return false; fi; return ForAll([1..h], i->l[i+1]/Gcd(l{[1..i+1]}) in NumericalSemigroup(l{[1..i]}/Gcd(l{[1..i]}))) and ForAll([2..h], i->l[i]*Gcd(l{[1..i-1]}) >l[i+1]*Gcd(l{[1..i]})); end); ######################################################### ## #F DeltaSequencesWithFrobeniusNumber(f) ## Computes the list of delta-sequences with Frobenius number f ## ######################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(DeltaSequencesWithFrobeniusNumber,function(f) local abs, test; if not(IsInt(f)) then Error("The argument must be an integer\n"); fi; if (f<-1) or IsEvenInt(f) then return []; fi; if f=-1 then return [[1]]; fi; abs:=function(f) local dkcand, dk, rk, fp, candr, bound, total; if (f<-1) or (f mod 2=0) then return []; fi; if (f=-1) then return [[1]]; fi; if (f=1) then return [[2,3],[3,2]]; fi; total:=[[f+2,2],[2,f+2]]; for rk in Reversed([2..f-1]) do bound:=(Int((f+1)/(rk-1)+1)); dkcand:=Filtered([2..bound],d->(Gcd(d,rk)=1)and((f+rk) mod d=0)); for dk in dkcand do fp:=(f+rk*(1-dk))/dk; candr:=Filtered(abs(fp), l-> rk in NumericalSemigroup(l)); candr:=List(candr, l-> Concatenation(l*dk, [rk])); candr:=Filtered(candr, test); candr:=Filtered(candr,l->l[1]>l[2]); total:=Union(total,candr); od; od; return total; end; test:=function(l) local len; len:=Length(l); return ForAll([3..len], k-> l[k-1]*Gcd(l{[1..k-2]})>l[k]*Gcd(l{[1..k-1]})); end; return Difference(abs(f),[[2,f+2]]); end); ##################################################### ## #F CurveAssociatedToDeltaSequence(l) ## computes the curve associated to a delta-sequence l in ## the variables X(Rationals,1) and X(Rationals,2) ## as explained in [AGS14] ## ##################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(CurveAssociatedToDeltaSequence,function(l) local n, d, f, fact,facts, g, e, k, ll, len, dd, x,y; if not(IsDeltaSequence(l)) then Error("The sequence is not valid\n"); fi; x:=X(Rationals,1); y:=X(Rationals,2); len:=Length(l); if len<2 then Error("The sequence must have at least two elements\n"); fi; if Gcd(l)<>1 then Error("The sequence must have gcd equal to one\n"); fi; if len=2 then return y^(l[1])-x^(l[2]); fi; e:=List([1..len-1],k->Gcd(l{[1..k]})/Gcd(l{[1..k+1]})); g:=[]; g[1]:=x; g[2]:=y; for k in [2..len] do d:=Gcd(l{[1..k-1]}); dd:=Gcd(l{[1..k]}); ll:=l{[1..k-1]}/d; fact:=First(FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(l[k]/dd, ll),ff->ForAll([2..k-1], i->ff[i]<e[i-1])); if fact=fail then Error("The sequence is not valid\n"); fi; g[k+1]:=g[k]^e[k-1]-Product(List([1..k-1], i->g[i]^fact[i])); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Temporal curve: ",g[k+1]); od; return g[Length(g)]; end); ################################################################# ## #F SemigroupOfValuesOfCurve_Local(arg) ## Computes the semigroup of values of R=K[pols], ## that is, the set of possible order of series in this ring ## pols is a set of polynomials in a single variable ## The semigroup of values is a numerical semigroup if l(K[[x]]/R) is finite ## If this length is not finite, the output is fail ## If the second argument "basis" is given, then the output is a basis B of ## R such that o(B) minimally generates o(R), and it is reduced ## If the second argument is an integer, then the output is a polynomial f in R ## with o(f) that value (if there is none, then the output is fail) ## Implementation based in [AGSM14] ########################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(SemigroupOfValuesOfCurve_Local, function(arg) local G, F, n, T, max, s, d, newG, c, kernel,var, tomoniclocal, order, subduction, t,tt, TT, narg,val,facts,pols, msg,reduce; ### the order of the series (polynomial) order:=function(p) local cl; if IsInt(p) or IsZero(p) then return 0; fi; cl:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); return First([1..Length(cl)], i->cl[i]<>0)-1; end; #### transforms to monic tomoniclocal:=function(p) local cl; if IsZero(p) then return 0*X(Rationals,var); fi; if IsConstantRationalFunction(p) or IsRat(p) then return 1; fi; cl:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(p); return p/First(cl,i->i<>0); end; #### subduction: tries to express p as a polynomial in pols #### pols are supposed to be monic subduction:=function(p) local initial, facts, ord; ord:=order(p); if d<>1 and (ord mod d)<>0 then return p; fi; if order(p)=0 then return 0*X(Rationals,var); fi; if order(p)>c then if d=1 then return 0*X(Rationals,var); else return p; fi; fi; initial:=List(F,order); facts:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(order(p), initial); if facts=[] then return p; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Reducing ",p, " to ", tomoniclocal(p-Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(facts[1][i]))))); return subduction(tomoniclocal(p-Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(facts[1][i]))))); end; #### reduces the elements in the minimal basis F, p is monic reduce:=function(p) local ords, cfs, cf, fact, reduced, head, tail; head:=X(Rationals,var)^order(p); tail:=p-head; ords:=List(F,order); repeat reduced:=false; #Print(p," "); cfs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(tail); cf:=First([1..Length(cfs)], i->(cfs[i]<>0) and ((i-1) in s)); if cf<>fail then fact:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(cf-1,ords)[1]; tail:=(tail-cfs[cf]*Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(fact[i])))) mod X(Rationals,var)^c; cfs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(tail); else reduced:=true; fi; until reduced; return head+tail; end; #### computes the relations among the polynomials in pols kernel:=function(pols) local p, msg, ed, mp, minp, eval, candidates, c, pres, rclass, exps; eval:=function(pair) local m1,m2; m1:=tomoniclocal(Product(List([1..ed],i-> pols[i]^pair[1][i]))); m2:=tomoniclocal(Product(List([1..ed],i-> pols[i]^pair[2][i]))); return tomoniclocal(-m1+m2); end; msg:=List(pols,order); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; minp:=GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence(List(msg,x->[x])); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The exponents of the binomials of the kernel are ",minp); # Contrary to the global case, here it is faster not to compute a minimal presentation # candidates:=Set(minp, x->x[1]*msg); # pres:=[]; # for c in candidates do # exps:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(c,msg); # rclass:=RClassesOfSetOfFactorizations(exps); # if Length(rclass)>1 then # pres:=Concatenation(pres,List([2..Length(rclass)], # i->[rclass[1][1],rclass[i][1]])); # fi; # od; return List(minp,p->eval(p)); end; #end of kernel narg:=Length(arg); if narg=2 then pols:=arg[1]; val:=arg[2]; if not(IsInt(val)) and not(val="basis") then Error("The second argument must be an integer or the string 'basis'"); fi; fi; if narg=1 then pols:=arg[1]; fi; if narg>2 then Error("Wrong number of arguments (two or one)"); fi; if not(IsHomogeneousList(pols)) then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if not(ForAll(pols, IsUnivariatePolynomial)) then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if Length(Set(pols, IndeterminateOfLaurentPolynomial))<>1 then Error("The arguments must be polynomials in the same variable; constants not allowed nor the empty list."); fi; var:=IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(pols[1]); F:=ShallowCopy(pols); Sort(F,function(a,b) return order(a)< order(b); end); F:=List(F,tomoniclocal); G:=List(F,order); n:=0; while true do d:=Gcd(G); s:=NumericalSemigroup(G/d); c:=d*ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); T:=kernel(F); T:=Filtered(T, x->not(IsZero(x))); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The kernel evaluated in the polynomials is ",T); T:=Set(T,subduction); T:=Filtered(T, x->not(IsZero(x))); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"After subduction: ",T); if Gcd(G) = 1 then T:=Filtered(T, t->order(t)<c); fi; if T=[] or F=Union(F,T) then d:=Gcd(G); if d=1 then s:=NumericalSemigroup(G); if narg=1 then return s; fi; msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(s); F:=Filtered(F,f->order(f) in msg); if val="basis" then return List(F,reduce); fi; if IsInt(val) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The generators of the algebra are ",F); facts:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(val,List(F,order)); if facts=[] then return fail; fi; return reduce(Product(List([1..Length(facts[1])],i->F[i]^facts[1][i]))); fi; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The monoid is not a numerical semigroup and it is generated by ", G); #d*MinimalGeneratingSystem(NumericalSemigroup(G/d))); #return fail; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Adding ",T," to my list of polynomials"); F:=Union(F,T); newG:=Set(T,order); G:=Union(G,newG); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set of possible values uptates to ",G); n:=n+1; d:=Gcd(G); s:=NumericalSemigroup(G/d); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Small elements ",d*SmallElements(s)); od; return fail; end); ################################################################# ## #F SemigroupOfValuesOfCurve_Global(arg) ## Computes the semigroup of values of R=K[pols], ## that is, the set of possible degrees of polynomials in this ring ## pols is a set of polynomials in a single variable ## The semigroup of values is a numerical semigroup if l(K[x]/R) is finite ## If this length is not finite, the output is fail ## If the second argument "basis" is given, then the output is a basis B of ## R such that deg(B) minimally generates deg(R), and it is reduced ## If the second argument is an integer, then the output is a polynomial f in R ## with deg(f) that value (if there is none, then the output is fail) ## Implementation based in [AGSM14] ########################################################### InstallGlobalFunction(SemigroupOfValuesOfCurve_Global, function(arg) local G, F, n, T, max, s, d, newG, c, kernel,var, tomonicglobal, degree, subduction, pols, val, narg, degs, facts, reduce, msg; ### the degree of the polynomial degree:=function(p) return DegreeOfUnivariateLaurentPolynomial(p); end; #### transforms to monic tomonicglobal:=function(p) if IsZero(p) then return 0*X(Rationals,1); fi; return p/LeadingCoefficient(p); end; #### subduction: tries to express p as a polynomial in pols #### pols are supposed to be monic subduction:=function(p) local initial, facts; if IsZero(p) then return p; fi; if degree(p)=0 then return 0*X(Rationals,1); fi; initial:=List(F,degree); facts:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(degree(p), initial); if facts=[] then return p; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Reducing ",p, " to ", tomonicglobal(p-Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(facts[1][i]))))); return subduction(tomonicglobal( p-Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(facts[1][i]))))); end; #### reduces the elements in the minimal basis F, p is monic reduce:=function(p) local degs, cfs, cf, fact, reduced, head, tail; head:=X(Rationals,var)^degree(p); tail:=p-head; degs:=List(F,degree); repeat reduced:=false; #Print(p," "); cfs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(tail); cf:=First([1..Length(cfs)], i->(cfs[i]<>0) and ((i-1) in s)); #Error("blabla"); #Print("cf",cf,"\n"); if cf<>fail then fact:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(cf-1,degs)[1]; tail:=(tail-cfs[cf]*Product(List([1..Length(F)],i->F[i]^(fact[i])))); cfs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(tail); else reduced:=true; fi; until reduced; return head+tail; end; #### computes the relations among the polynomials in pols kernel:=function(pols) local p, msg, ed, mp, minp, eval, candidates, c, pres, rclass, exps; eval:=function(pair) local m1,m2; m1:=tomonicglobal(Product(List([1..ed],i-> pols[i]^pair[1][i]))); m2:=tomonicglobal(Product(List([1..ed],i-> pols[i]^pair[2][i]))); return tomonicglobal(-m1+m2); end; msg:=List(pols,degree); ed:=Length(msg); if ed=0 then return []; fi; minp:=GeneratorsOfKernelCongruence(List(msg,x->[x])); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The exponents of the binomials of the kernel are ",minp); candidates:=Set(minp, x->x[1]*msg); pres:=[]; for c in candidates do exps:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(c,msg); rclass:=RClassesOfSetOfFactorizations(exps); if Length(rclass)>1 then pres:=Concatenation(pres,List([2..Length(rclass)], i->[rclass[1][1],rclass[i][1]])); fi; od; return List(pres,p->tomonicglobal(eval(p))); end; #end of kernel narg:=Length(arg); if narg>2 then Error("Wrong number of arguments (two or one)"); fi; if narg=1 then pols:=arg[1]; fi; if narg=2 then pols:=arg[1]; val:=arg[2]; if not(IsInt(val)) and not(val="basis") then Error("The second argument must be an integer or the string 'basis'"); fi; fi; if not(IsHomogeneousList(pols)) then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if not(ForAll(pols, IsUnivariatePolynomial)) then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if Length(Set(pols, IndeterminateOfLaurentPolynomial))<>1 then Error("The arguments must be polynomials in the same variable; constants not allowed nor the empty list."); fi; var:=IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(pols[1]); F:=ShallowCopy(pols); Sort(F,function(a,b) return degree(a)< degree(b); end); F:=List(F,tomonicglobal); G:=List(F,degree); n:=0; while true do T:=kernel(F); T:=Filtered(T, x->not(IsZero(x))); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The kernel evaluated in the polynomials is ",T); T:=Set(T,subduction); T:=Filtered(T, x->not(IsZero(x))); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"After subduction: ",T); if Gcd(G) = 1 then s:=NumericalSemigroup(G); c:=ConductorOfNumericalSemigroup(s); T:=Filtered(T, t->degree(t)<c); fi; if T=[] or F=Union(F,T) then d:=Gcd(G); if d=1 then s:=NumericalSemigroup(G); if narg=1 then return s; fi; msg:=MinimalGeneratingSystem(s); F:=Filtered(F,f->degree(f) in msg); if val="basis" then return List(F,reduce); fi; if IsInt(val) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The generators of the algebra are ",F); facts:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(val,List(F,degree)); if facts=[] then return fail; fi; return reduce(Product(List([1..Length(facts[1])],i->F[i]^facts[1][i]))); fi; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The monoid is not a numerical semigroup and it is generated by ", G); #d*MinimalGeneratingSystem(NumericalSemigroup(G/d))); return fail; fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Adding ",T," to my list of polynomials"); F:=Union(F,T); newG:=Set(T,degree); G:=Union(G,newG); if narg=2 and val in G then return First(F,f->degree(f)=val); fi; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"The set of possible values uptates to ",G); n:=n+1; d:=Gcd(G); s:=NumericalSemigroup(G/d); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Small elements ",d*SmallElements(s)); od; return fail; end); ################################################################## ## #F GeneratorsModule_Global(A,M) ## ## A and M are lists of polynomials in the same variable ## Computes a basis of the ideal MK[A], that is, a set F such that ## deg(F) generates the ideal deg(MK[A]) of deg(K[A]), where deg ## stands for degree ################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(GeneratorsModule_Global, function(Al,M) local S, gens, gM, a, b, da, db, i, j, rs, rd, rel, fcta, fctb, C, pair, reduction, n, reduce, A, R, ker, t; R:=function(a,b,s) local i, mg; i:=IntersectionIdealsOfNumericalSemigroup(a+s,b+s); mg:=MinimalGenerators(i); return List(mg, m->[m-a,m-b]); end; ker:=function(I) local mg, s, r, i, j, n; s:=AmbientNumericalSemigroupOfIdeal(I); mg:=MinimalGenerators(I); r:=[]; n:=Length(mg); for i in [1..n] do for j in [i+1..n] do r:=Union(r,R(mg[i],mg[j],s)); od; od; return r; end; # improve to reducing all terms, not only the leading term reduce:=function(A,M,f) local gens,geni,cand,d, fact, c, r, s,a, ds, cs, csa; gens:=List(A, DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial); s:=NumericalSemigroup(gens); geni:=List(M,DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial); if IsZero(f) then return f; fi; r:=f; cs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(r); ds:=Filtered([1..Length(cs)],i->not(IsZero(cs[i])))-1; c:=First([1..Length(geni)], i->ForAny(ds, d->d-geni[i] in s)); if c<>fail then d:=First(ds,x->x-geni[c] in s); fi; while c<>fail do fact:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(d-geni[c],gens); a:=M[c]*Product(List([1..Length(gens)],i->A[i]^fact[1][i])); csa:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(a); r:=csa[Length(csa)]*r-cs[d+1]*a;#r-cs[d+1]*a/csa[Length(csa)]; #Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"New reduction ",r," degree ",d," coeff ",cs[d+1]); if IsZero(r) then return r; fi; cs:=CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(r); ds:=Filtered([1..Length(cs)],i->not(IsZero(cs[i])))-1; c:=First([1..Length(geni)], i->ForAny(ds, d->d-geni[i] in s)); if c<>fail then d:=First(ds,x->x-geni[c] in s); fi; od; return r/cs[Length(cs)]; end; if not(IsHomogeneousList(Al)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if not(IsHomogeneousList(M)) then Error("The second argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if not(ForAll(Union(Al,M), IsUnivariatePolynomial)) then Error("The arguments must be lists of polynomials."); fi; if Length(Set(Union(Al,M), IndeterminateOfLaurentPolynomial))<>1 then Error("The arguments must be lists of polynomials in the same variable; constants not allowed nor the empty list."); fi; t:=IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(Al[1]); A:=SemigroupOfValuesOfCurve_Global(Al,"basis");#List(A, DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial); gens:=List(A, DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial); S:=NumericalSemigroup(gens); n:=Length(A); gM:=ShallowCopy(M); C:=[]; for i in [1..Length(gM)] do for j in [i+1..Length(gM)] do Add(C,[gM[i],gM[j]]); od; od; while C<>[] do pair:=Remove(C,1); a:=pair[1]; b:=pair[2]; da:=DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(a); db:=DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(b); rs:=R(da,db,S); reduction:=true; for rel in rs do fcta:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(rel[1],gens)[1]; fctb:=FactorizationsIntegerWRTList(rel[2],gens)[1]; #rd:=reduce(A,gM,a*Product(List(fcta, e->t^e))-b*Product(List(fctb, e->t^e))); rd:=reduce(A,gM,a*Product(List([1..n], i->A[i]^fcta[i]))-b*Product(List([1..n], i->A[i]^fctb[i]))); if not(IsZero(rd)) then Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"new generator ",rd," of degreee ",DegreeIndeterminate(rd,t)); C:=Union(C,List(gM, x->[x,rd])); Add(gM,rd); reduction:=false; fi; od; while not reduction do #Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Reducing..."); reduction:=true; a:=First(gM, x->x<>reduce(A,Difference(gM,[x]),x)); if a<>fail then rd:=reduce(A,Difference(gM,[a]),a); if IsZero(rd) then gM:=Difference(gM,[a]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Removing redundant generator: ",a); else gM:=Union(Difference(gM,[a]),[rd]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Replacing ",a," by ",rd); fi; reduction:=false; fi; od; od; Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Reducing..."); reduction:=false; while not reduction do reduction:=true; a:=First(gM, x->x<>reduce(A,Difference(gM,[x]),x)); if a<>fail then rd:=reduce(A,Difference(gM,[a]),a); if IsZero(rd) then gM:=Difference(gM,[a]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Removing redundant:",a); else gM:=Union(Difference(gM,[a]),[rd]); Info(InfoNumSgps,2,"Replacing ",a," by ",rd); fi; reduction:=false; fi; od; return gM; end); ################################################################## ## #F GeneratorsKahlerDifferentials(A) ## ## A synonym for GeneratorsModule_Global(A,M), with M the set of ## derivatives of the elements in A ################################################################## InstallGlobalFunction(GeneratorsKahlerDifferentials, function(A) local M, t; if not(IsHomogeneousList(A)) then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials."); fi; if not(ForAll(A, IsUnivariatePolynomial)) then Error("The argument must be list of polynomials."); fi; if Length(Set(A, IndeterminateOfLaurentPolynomial))<>1 then Error("The argument must be a list of polynomials in the same variable; constants not allowed nor the empty list."); fi; t:=IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(A[1]); M:=List(A,p->Derivative(p,t)); return GeneratorsModule_Global(A,M); end);