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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 46632411.4.2 (February 2017) * Replaced EvalString by Int to convert a string to an integer 11.4.1 (February 2017) * Added xmlns and version to OMOBJ tag 11.4.0 (February 2017) * New release after switching to GitHub and GitHub pages * Replace obsolete Tuple by DirectProductElement * Switched from READ_COMMAND to READ_COMMAND_REAL (available from GAP 4.8.2) 11.3.1 (February 2016) * Removed old compatibility code for MACFLOATs 11.3.0 (January 2016) * Upgraded to work with GAP 4.8 * Fixed the output of integer2.class to work in GAP 4.8 11.2.0 (November 2013) * Added function EvalOMString which is an analog of EvalString to evaluate a string containing an OpenMath object 11.11.5 (October 2013) * Test output updated to match GAP 4.7.1 11.11.4 (March 2013) * Cleaned up usage of some obsoletes 11.11.3 (February 2013) * Updated tests to automate failure detection 11.11.2 (May 2012) * Improved testing facilities 11.11.1 (April 2012) * Updated example of OMsymRecord.nums1. 11.11.0 (March 2012) * Added .ocd files for private content dictonaries, already implemented in the package, to the 'ocd' directory. * Extended usage of floats from GAP 4.5 * As a result, this version requires at least GAP 4.5 to work. 11.0.0 (October 2011) * Included bidirectional support for binary OpenMath encoding implemented by Max Nicosia during his internship in St Andrews in Summer 2010, as a result of which Max joined the authors of the package. * Introduced OpenMathXMLWriter and OpenMathBinaryWriter objects, which encapsulate streams and may be viewed as transducers accepting GAP objects and writing them to a stream in the XML or binary OpenMath. * Changed the first argument of OMPutObject from stream to OpenMathXMLWriter or OpenMathBinaryWriter. * Removed no longer needed INRIA OpenMath library which was formerly used to work with binary OpenMath encoding. 10.1.0 (March 2010) * Switched dev/random -> dev/urandom to prevent the server from blocking and waiting for additional entropy to be collected. * Added permutation1.{action, are_distinct, cycle, cycle_type, domain, endomap, endomap_left_compose, endomap_right_compose, inverse, is_bijective, is_endomap, is_list_perm, is_permutation, length, list_perm, listendomap, order, permutation, permutationsn, sign, support}. * OpenMath to GAP support for finfield1.{conway_polynomial, discrete_log, field_by_conway, is_primitive, primitive_element} and setname2.{Boolean, GFp, GFpn, Zm}. * Method to print finite field element as a power of a primitive element of a given field, and adjustment of output for polynomials over finite fields. * Introduced OpenMathDefaultPolynomialRing to output collections of polynomials. * OMPrint may accept 1 or 2 arguments to be compatible with 3-argument version of OMPut. * OMPut for a finite field element using finfield1 CD. * OMPut for a finite field using setname2.{GFp,GFpn}. 10.0.4 (May 2009): * Added official symbols semigroup4.automorphism_group and semigroup4.homomorphism_by_generators, and and private monoid1.monoid_by_generators, semigroup1.semigroup_by_generators, transform1.transformation to support two-sided conversion of transformations, transformation semigroups and their automorphism groups; private symbols record1.record for records and pcgroup1.pcgroup_by_pcgscode for PcGroups. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Since 2007 Alexander Konovalov made several further changes in this package and after an agreement with Andrew Solomon became its maintainer. The list of major updates is below: * Fixes of names of symbols and their distribution across CDs following recent changes in OpenMath CDs. * Multiple additions and updates to support various symbols from CDs alg1, algnums, arith1, arith2, arith3, calculus1, comnbinat1, fieldname1, group1, group2, group, groupname1, integer1, integer2, list1, logic1, permgp1, set1. * Extended support of polynomial CDs. * Fixed and extended support of OpenMath references. * Fixed error messages for unexpected_symbol, unhandled_symbol, unsupported_CD as required by the 'error' OM CD. * Changes in conversion from GAP to OpenMath: - introduced OMINT_LIMIT and fixed OMput for integers too large to be printed. - commented out method for OMPut( <stream>, <vector> ) to have the default output as list1.list. * OMsymTable turned from the list of nested lists into a record and renamed it to OMsymRecord. * Removed OMnullarySymbolToGAP, now all lookup is performed by OMsymLookup with no distinction between nullary and n-ary OpenMath symbols. * New functionality: - New function OMPutObjectNoOMOBJtags, a variation of the function OMPutObject to write to the stream the OpenMath object without enclosing <OMOBJ> .. </OMOBJ> tags, which may be useful for combining complex objects. - New objects OMPlainString which are strings of OpenMath code that are plainly substituted into the output while printing/writing into stream instead of converting to OMSTR, which may be useful for composing OpenMath code from GAP. - New function OMString to return a string with the OpenMath representation of a GAP object. * Better organising of handling private CDs/symbols: - created directory 'openmath/private' to store implementations of our private CDs and private/experimental symbols (this is also the place where users may put their code if they will need to addsupport for their own private CDs) - moved to 'openmath/private/private.{g,gi}' code for algnums and cas CDs and for private symbols groups1.group_by_generators, groups1.character_table and groups1.character_table_of_group - transformed OM_append into two functions OM_append_new and OM_append_private. * multiple rearrangements of declaring and assigning global variables and moving of reading *.g files from read.g to init.g to fix errors when OpenMath is loaded as required package from other package. * Converted the manual into GAPDoc format and extended it. * Various technical changes: - updated PackageInfo.g file - removed the non-standard banner - removed INSTALL file containig duplicated information - added openmatj/gap/buildman.g with utility functions to build the manual - rewrote the README file which is also the changelog - changed the system of version numbers - removed printutil.g since now GAPDoc has printutil.{gd,gi} and replaced in private.g ViewString by StringView as it was renamed in printutil.* Alexander Konovalov April 2009 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The first release of the package was produced in March 2000 by Andrew Solomon when he worked at the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews. After agreement with Andrew Solomon, Marco Costantini became the maintainer of this package. In June 2004 Marco Costantini made some modifications in this package in order to make it usable again: * provided a PackageInfo.g file as needed by GAP 4.4; * changed "share package" to "package" as the term "share" became obsolete; * made slight modifications in the file doc/make_doc; * added the warning about non-standard compilation. Later Marco Costantini made the following modifications listed below, which were necessary in order to extend the functionality and to fix the bugs, and because both OpenMath and the package mechanism of GAP have evolved in the meantime: * file pkg/openmath/gap/gap.g - Updated function ``OMnullarySymbolToGAP'' according to the current OpenMath CDs. * added file pkg/openmath/gap/new.g that contains - Update to function OMsymTable, according to the current OpenMath CDs (for converting from OpenMath to GAP). * file pkg/openmath/gap/lex.g - Added support for XML escaped characters. * file pkg/openmath/gap/ - Added support for the new OpenMath 2.0 objects that contain information inside the OMOBJ tag. - Now ``gpipe'' is called using Process instead of Exec (this increases both the performance and the portability). * added files and that contain - A function that converts the OpenMath XML into a tree and parses it. * file pkg/openmath/gap/pipeobj.g - Added support for conversion of OpenMath objects with binary encoding, from OpenMath to GAP. - Added support for comment along the streams, between OpenMath objects. * file pkg/openmath/gap/omget.g - Now OMGetObject doesn't hang any more when OpenMath object is not retrieved. - Now OMGetObject closes the files that is has opened. - Modified also to avoid using a new temporary directory for each call of OMGetObject. * file pkg/openmath/gap/ - Updated and fixed functions ``OMPut'' and related, according to the current OpenMath CDs. - Simplified the code for the OMPutby methods, by introducing OMPutApplication and using OMPutSymbol. - Added OMPut methods for infinity, a range, a float, Rationals, Integers, NonnegativeIntegers (for converting from GAP to OpenMath). - Fixed OMPut method for cyclotomics. Now it is correct for GaussianRationals and infinity. - Added a SetPrintFormattingStatus in OMWriteLine, to fix conversion of long objects. - Fixed some typos. * Added file pkg/openmath/hasse/config.g - Removed unnecessay INSTALLATION_PATH - Warning about SERVLET * file pkg/openmath/PackageInfo.g - Provided an up-to-date, informative, complete and working PackageInfo.g file. * file pkg/openmath/init.g - Moved here reading of \*.gd files from read.g - Removed the outdated stuff * file pkg/openmath/read.g - Now the is clearly indiceted which is the interdependence of the files in the package. - Reads the file pkg/openmath/gap/new.g above. - Moved reading of \*.gd files to file init.g - Converted ReadPkg to ReadPackage - Removed banner (moved to PackageInfo.g file) * added files pkg/openmath/tst/test_new, pkg/openmath/tst/test_new.src, pkg/openmath/tst/test_new.omt - Provided a test file. * file pkg/openmath/doc/openmath.msk - Fixed the examples, to make them to look exactly like in GAP. * file pkg/openmath/README (this file) - Updated, added more information and the list of modifications. * files pkg/openmath/examples and pkg/openmath/hasse/example - Converted RequirePackage to LoadPackage - Added some notes * in various files - Refactored the code, so that the code is splitted into several independent modules (see file read.g). - Added commands to close all the streams. - Modified to fit with the file structure prescribed in the ``ext'' manual. - various minor changes. * Now the package loads, and provides conversion from GAP to OpenMath, even if the external binary has not been compiled. In this case, if the conversion from OpenMath to GAP is attempted, an informative error message is issued. Marco Costantini December 2005, January and July 2006 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *