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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346<CD> <CDName> algnums </CDName> <CDURL> </CDURL> <CDReviewDate> 2000-09-01 </CDReviewDate> <CDDate> 1999-10-20 </CDDate> <CDVersion> 1.01 </CDVersion> <CDStatus> experimental </CDStatus> <CDUses> <CDName>nums</CDName> <CDName>quant1</CDName> <CDName>arith1</CDName> <CDName>relation1</CDName> </CDUses> <Description> Symbols defining algebraic numbers. </Description> <CDDefinition> <Name> star </Name> <Description> Takes a single argument cyc which is a cyclotomic number. If the cyclotomic cyc is an irrational element of a quadratic extension of the rationals then star(cyc) is the unique Galois conjugate of cyc that is different from cyc, otherwise star(cyc) is undefined. </Description> </CDDefinition> <CDDefinition> <Name> NthRootOfUnity </Name> <Description> This constructor function takes two positive integral arguments, n and r. The value is e^{2*r*\pi*i/n}. </Description> <FMP> <OMOBJ> <OMBIND> <OMS cd="quant1" name="forall"/> <OMBVAR> <OMV name="n"/> <OMV name="r"/> </OMBVAR> <OMA> <OMS cd="relation1" name="eq"/> <OMA> <OMS cd="algnums" name="NthRootOfUnity"/> <OMV name="n"/> <OMV name="r"/> </OMA> <OMA> <OMS cd="arith1" name="power"/> <OMS cd="nums" name="e"/> <OMA> <OMS cd="arith1" name="divide"/> <OMA> <OMS cd="arith1" name="times"/> <OMI> 2 </OMI> <OMS cd="nums" name="pi"/> <OMS cd="nums" name="i"/> <OMV name="r"/> </OMA> <OMV name="n"/> </OMA> </OMA> </OMA> </OMBIND> </OMOBJ> </FMP> </CDDefinition> </CD>