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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466297####################################################################### ## #W OpenMath Package Andrew Solomon #W Marco Costantini ## #Y Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006 #Y School Math and Comp. Sci., University of St. Andrews, Scotland #Y Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Marco Costantini ## ## Writes a GAP object to an output stream, as an OpenMath object ## ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <OMWriter>, <cyc> ) ## ## Printing for cyclotomics ## InstallMethod( OMPut, "for a proper cyclotomic", true, [ IsOpenMathWriter, IsCyc ],0, function(writer, x) local real, imaginary, n, # Length(powlist) i, clist; # x = Sum_i clist[i]*E(n)^(i-1) if IsGaussRat( x ) then real := x -> (x + ComplexConjugate( x )) / 2; imaginary := x -> (x - ComplexConjugate( x )) * -1 / 2 * E( 4 ); OMPutApplication( writer, "complex1", "complex_cartesian", [ real(x), imaginary(x)] ); else n := Conductor(x); clist := CoeffsCyc(x, n); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "arith1", "plus" ); for i in [1 .. n] do if clist[i] <> 0 then OMPutOMA( writer ); #times OMPutSymbol( writer, "arith1", "times" ); OMPut(writer, clist[i]); OMPutApplication( writer, "algnums", "NthRootOfUnity", [ n, i-1 ] ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); #times fi; od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); fi; end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <transformation> ) ## ## Printing for transformations : specified in permut1.ocd ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a transformation", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsTransformation],0, function(writer, x) OMPutApplication( writer, "transform1", "transformation", ImageListOfTransformation(x) ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <semigroup> ) ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a semigroup", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsSemigroup],0, function(writer, x) OMPutApplication( writer, "semigroup1", "semigroup_by_generators", GeneratorsOfSemigroup(x) ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <monoid> ) ## ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a monoid", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsMonoid],0, function(writer, x) OMPutApplication( writer, "monoid1", "monoid_by_generators", GeneratorsOfMonoid(x) ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <free group> ) ## ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a free group", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsFreeGroup],0, function(writer, f) # SetOMReference( f, Concatenation("freegroup", RandomString(16) ) ); # OMWriteLine( writer, [ "<OMA id=\"", OMReference( f ), "\" >" ] ); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "fpgroup1", "free_groupn" ); OMPut( writer, Length( GeneratorsOfGroup( f ) ) ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <FpGroup> ) ## ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for an FpGroup", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsFpGroup],0, function(writer, g) local x; # SetOMReference( g, Concatenation( "fpgroup", RandomString(16) ) ); # OMWriteLine( writer, [ "<OMA id=\"", OMReference( g ), "\" >" ] ); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "fpgroup1", "fpgroup" ); OMPutReference( writer, FreeGroupOfFpGroup( g ) ); for x in RelatorsOfFpGroup( g ) do OMPut( writer, ExtRepOfObj( x ) ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <record> ) ## ## There is no OpenMath representation for records, though this might ## be done within standard using OMATTR. However, for better efficiency ## we introduce private symbol for the record, as records are native ## objects in many programming languages. ## ## To minimise the number of OM tags in the resulting OM code, the ## record with N components will be encoded as a list of the length ## 2*N where strings with component names will be on odd places and ## corresponding values will be on even ones. ## ## As a practical application of this, we consider transmitting ## graphs given as records in the Grape package format, which stores ## extra information not included in the default OpenMath encoding ## for graphs. ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a record", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsRecord], 0 , function(writer, x ) local r; OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "record1", "record" ); for r in RecNames(x) do OMPut( writer, r ); OMPut( writer, x.(r) ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <group> ) ## ## Printing for groups as in openmath/cds/group1.ocd (Note that it ## differs from from the group1 CD at, ## since we just output the list of generators) ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a group", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsGroup],0, function(writer, x) OMPutApplication( writer, "group1", "group_by_generators", GeneratorsOfGroup(x) ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <pcgroup> ) ## ## Printing for pcgroups as pcgroup1.pcgroup_by_pcgscode: ## the 1st argument is pcgs code of the group, the 2nd is ## its order. Note that OMTest will return fail in this ## case, since the result of parsing the output will be ## an isomorphic group but not equal to the original one. ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a pcgroup", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsPcGroup],0, function(writer, x) OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "pcgroup1", "pcgroup_by_pcgscode" ); OMPut( writer, CodePcGroup(x) ); OMPut( writer, Size(x) ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <subgroup lattice> ) ## ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a lattice of subgroups", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsLatticeSubgroupsRep],0, function(writer, L) local cls, sz, len, i, levels, j, class, max, levelnr, rep, k, z, t, nr, class_size; cls:=ConjugacyClassesSubgroups(L); # set of orders of subgroups that appear in the group sz:=[]; len:=[]; for i in cls do Add(len,Size(i)); AddSet(sz,Size(Representative(i))); od; # reverse it so G comes first, {1} last sz:=Reversed(sz); # create a list of records describing levels levels := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length(sz) ] do levels[i] := rec( index := sz[1]/sz[i], classes:=rec() ); od; # populate levels with classes for i in [1..Length(cls)] do class := rec( number := i, vertices := List( [1..len[i]], j -> [] ) ); levels[ Position(sz,Size(Representative(cls[i]))) ].classes.(Concatenation("nr",String(i))) := class; od; # label:=0; # # assign labels # for i in [ Length(sz), Length(sz)-1 .. 2 ] do # for nr in RecNames( levels[i].classes ) do # levels[i].classes.(nr).labels:=[]; # for j in [ 1 .. Length( levels[i].classes.(nr).vertices) ] do # label:=label+1; # Add( levels[i].classes.(nr).labels, String(label) ); # od; # od; # od; # levels[1].classes.(RecNames( levels[1].classes )[1]).labels:=["G"]; max:=MaximalSubgroupsLattice(L); for i in [1..Length(cls)] do levelnr := Position(sz,Size(Representative(cls[i]))); for j in max[i] do rep:=ClassElementLattice(cls[i],1); for k in [1..len[i]] do if k=1 then z:=j[2]; else t:=cls[i]!.normalizerTransversal[k]; z:=ClassElementLattice(cls[j[1]],1); # force computation of transv. z:=cls[j[1]]!.normalizerTransversal[j[2]]*t; z:=PositionCanonical(cls[j[1]]!.normalizerTransversal,z); fi; Add( levels[levelnr].classes.(Concatenation("nr",String(i))).vertices[k], [ j[1], z ] ); od; od; od; OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "poset1", "poset_diagram" ); for i in [ 1 .. Length(levels) ] do OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "poset1", "level" ); OMPut( writer, levels[i].index ); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "list1", "list" ); for nr in RecNames( levels[i].classes ) do OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "poset1", "class" ); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "list1", "list" ); class_size := Length( levels[i].classes.(nr).vertices ); for j in [ 1 .. class_size ] do OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "poset1", "vertex" ); if i = 1 then OMPut( writer, "G" ); elif class_size = 1 then OMPut( writer, String( levels[i].classes.(nr).number ) ); else OMPut( writer, Concatenation( String( levels[i].classes.(nr).number ), ".", String(j) ) ); fi; if Length( levels[i].classes.(nr).vertices[j] ) > 0 then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "list1", "list" ); for k in levels[i].classes.(nr).vertices[j] do if len[k[1]] = 1 then OMPut( writer, String( k[1] ) ); else OMPut( writer, Concatenation( String( k[1] ), ".", String( k[2] ) ) ); fi; od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); else OMPutSymbol( writer, "set1", "emptyset" ); fi; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## ## Experimental methods for OMPut for character tables" ## ####################################################################### ## #F OMIrredMatEntryPut( <writer>, <entry>, <data> ) ## ## <entry> is a (possibly unknown) cyclotomic ## <data> is the record of information about names and values ## used to substitute for complicated irreducible expressions. ## ## This borrows heavily from Thomas Breuer's ## CharacterTableDisplayStringEntryDefault ## BindGlobal("OMIrredMatEntryPut", function(writer, entry, data) local val, irrstack, irrnames, name, ll, i, letters, n; # OMPut(writer,entry); if IsCyc( entry ) and not IsInt( entry ) then # find shorthand for cyclo irrstack:= data.irrstack; irrnames:= data.irrnames; for i in [ 1 .. Length( irrstack ) ] do if entry = irrstack[i] then OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); return; elif entry = -irrstack[i] then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "arith1", "unary_minus"); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); return; fi; val:= GaloisCyc( irrstack[i], -1 ); if entry = val then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "complex1", "conjugate"); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); return; elif entry = -val then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "arith1", "unary_minus"); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "complex1", "conjugate"); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); return; fi; val:= StarCyc( irrstack[i] ); if entry = val then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "algnums", "star"); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); return; elif -entry = val then OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "arith1", "unary_minus"); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "algnums", "star"); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); return; fi; i:= i+1; od; Add( irrstack, entry ); # Create a new name for the irrationality. name:= ""; n:= Length( irrstack ); letters:= data.letters; ll:= Length( letters ); while 0 < n do name:= Concatenation( letters[(n-1) mod ll + 1], name ); n:= QuoInt(n-1, ll); od; Add( irrnames, name ); OMPutVar(writer, irrnames[ Length( irrnames ) ]); return; elif IsUnknown( entry ) then OMPutVar(writer, "?"); return; else OMPut(writer, entry); return; fi; end); ####################################################################### ## #F OMPutIrredMat( <writer>, <x> ) ## ## <x> is a character table ## ## This borrows heavily from Thomas Breuer's ## character table Display routines -- see lib/ ## BindGlobal("OMPutIrredMat", function(writer, x) local r,i, irredmat, data; data := CharacterTableDisplayStringEntryDataDefault( x ); # irreducibles matrix irredmat := List(Irr(x), ValuesOfClassFunction); # OMPut(writer,irredmat); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "linalg2", "matrix" ); for r in irredmat do OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "linalg2", "matrixrow" ); for i in r do OMIrredMatEntryPut(writer, i, data); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); # Now output the list of (variable = value) pairs OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "list1", "list"); for i in [1 .. Length(data.irrstack)] do OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol(writer, "relation1", "eq"); OMPutVar(writer, data.irrnames[i]); OMPut(writer, data.irrstack[i]); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); od; OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ####################################################################### ## #M OMPut( <writer>, <character table> ) ## ## InstallMethod(OMPut, "for a character table", true, [IsOpenMathWriter, IsCharacterTable],0, function(writer, c) local centralizersizes, centralizerindices, centralizerprimes, ordersclassreps, sizesconjugacyclasses, classnames, powmap; # the centralizer primes centralizersizes := SizesCentralizers(c); centralizerprimes := AsSSortedList(Factors(Product(centralizersizes))); # the indices which define the factorisation of the # centralizer orders centralizerindices := List(centralizersizes, z-> List(centralizerprimes, x->Size(Filtered(Factors(z), y->y=x)))); # ordersclassreps - every element of a conjugacy class has # the same order. ordersclassreps := OrdersClassRepresentatives( c ); # SizesConjugacyClasses sizesconjugacyclasses := SizesConjugacyClasses( c ); # the classnames classnames := ClassNames(c); # the powermap powmap := List(centralizerprimes, x->List(PowerMap(c, x),z->ClassNames(c)[z])); # irreducibles matrix # irredmat := List(Irr(c), ValuesOfClassFunction); OMPutOMA( writer ); OMPutSymbol( writer, "group1", "character_table" ); OMPutList(writer, classnames); OMPutList(writer, centralizersizes); OMPutList(writer, centralizerprimes); OMPutList(writer, centralizerindices); OMPutList(writer, powmap); OMPutList(writer, sizesconjugacyclasses); OMPutList(writer, ordersclassreps); # OMPut(writer, irredmat); # previous cd version OMPutIrredMat(writer, c); OMPutEndOMA( writer ); end); ############################################################################# #E