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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309############################################################################# ## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## #W Ruth Hoffmann ## ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004-2015 School of Computer Science, #Y University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, #Y St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland ## ################################################################################ ## #F NDIntersectionAutomaton(aut1,aut2) ## ## A faster automata intersection algorithm, which does not turn the automata ## deterministic. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NDIntersectionAutomaton,function( a1, a2 ) local HashPair, ht, init, states, m, s1, s2, t1, t2, t, i, st, a, x, y, nst, he, finals, p, q, numofinitst,m1,m2; #These checks are from the original code if IsAutomaton( a1 ) then ; elif IsRationalExpression( a1 ) then a1 := RatExpToAut( a1 ); else Error( "The first argument must be an automaton or a rational expression" ); fi; if IsAutomaton( a2 ) then ; elif IsRationalExpression( a2 ) then a2 := RatExpToAut( a2 ); else Error( "The second argument must be an automaton or a rational expression" ); fi; if a1!.type = "epsilon" then m1 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a1)-1; else m1 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a1); fi; if a2!.type = "epsilon" then m2 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a2)-1; else m2 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a2); fi; if m1 <> m2 then Error( "The arguments must be two automata over the same alphabet" ); fi; if a1!.type <> "epsilon" then a1 := Automaton("epsilon", a1!.states, a1!.alphabet+1, Concatenation(a1!.transitions,[ListWithIdenticalEntries(a1!.states,[])]), a1!.initial, a1!.accepting); fi; if a2!.type <> "epsilon" then a2 := Automaton("epsilon", a2!.states, a2!.alphabet+1, Concatenation(a2!.transitions,[ListWithIdenticalEntries(a2!.states,[])]), a2!.initial, a2!.accepting); fi; HashPair := function ( s ) return HashKeyBag( s, 57, 0, 3*GAPInfo.BytesPerVariable ); end; ht := SparseHashTable( HashPair ); init := [ ]; for s1 in a1!.initial do for s2 in a2!.initial do Add(init, [ s1, s2 ]); AddHashEntry( ht, [ s1, s2 ], Length( init ) ); od; od; numofinitst:=Length(init); states := init; m := a1!.alphabet; i := 1; t1 := a1!.transitions; t2 := a2!.transitions; t := List( [ 1 .. m ], function ( x ) return [ ]; end ); while i <= Length( states ) do st := states[i]; for a in [ 1 .. m ] do t[a][i] := [ ]; if a = m then for x in t1[a][st[1]] do nst := [ x, st[2] ]; MakeImmutable( nst ); he := GetHashEntry( ht, nst ); if he = fail then Add( states, nst ); he := Length( states ); AddHashEntry( ht, nst, he ); fi; Add(t[a][i], he); od; for x in t2[a][st[2]] do nst := [ st[1], x ]; MakeImmutable( nst ); he := GetHashEntry( ht, nst ); if he = fail then Add( states, nst ); he := Length( states ); AddHashEntry( ht, nst, he ); fi; Add(t[a][i], he); od; else for x in t1[a][st[1]] do for y in t2[a][st[2]] do nst := [ x, y ]; MakeImmutable( nst ); he := GetHashEntry( ht, nst ); if he = fail then Add( states, nst ); he := Length( states ); AddHashEntry( ht, nst, he ); fi; Add(t[a][i], he); od; od; fi; od; i := i + 1; od; finals := [ ]; for p in a1!.accepting do for q in a2!.accepting do he := GetHashEntry( ht, [ p, q ] ); if he <> fail then AddSet( finals, he ); fi; od; od; init := [ ]; for s1 in a1!.initial do for s2 in a2!.initial do he := GetHashEntry( ht, [ s1, s2 ] ); if he <> fail then Add( init, he ); fi; od; od; return Automaton( "epsilon", Length( states ), AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList( a1 ), t, [ 1 .. numofinitst ], finals ); end ); ################################################################################ ## #F NDUnionAutomata(aut1,aut2) ## ## A faster automata union algorithm, which does not turn the automata ## deterministic. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NDUnionAutomata,function( A, B ) local QA, T, a, i, I, F, mA,mB; if not (IsAutomatonObj( A ) and IsAutomatonObj( B )) then Error( "The arguments must be two automata" ); fi; if A!.type = "epsilon" then mA := AlphabetOfAutomaton(A)-1; else mA := AlphabetOfAutomaton(A); fi; if B!.type = "epsilon" then mB := AlphabetOfAutomaton(B)-1; else mB := AlphabetOfAutomaton(B); fi; if mA <> mB then Error( "The arguments must be two automata over the same alphabet" ); fi; QA := A!.states; T := List( A!.transitions, ShallowCopy ); if A!.type <> "epsilon" and B!.type = "epsilon" then Add(T,[]); fi; for a in [ 1 .. B!.alphabet ] do for i in [ 1 .. B!.states ] do if B!.transitions[a][i] = 0 then T[a][QA + i] := 0; else T[a][QA + i] := QA + B!.transitions[a][i]; fi; od; od; if A!.type = "epsilon" and B!.type <> "epsilon" then for i in [1..B!.states] do Add(T[mA+1],0); od; fi; I := ShallowCopy( A!.initial ); Append( I, QA + B!.initial ); F := ShallowCopy( A!.accepting ); Append( F, QA + B!.accepting ); if A!.type = "epsilon" or B!.type = "epsilon" then return Automaton( "epsilon", QA + B!.states, mA+1, T, I, F ); else return Automaton( "nondet", QA + B!.states, AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList( A ), T, I, F ); fi; end ); ################################################################################ ## #F NDProductOfLanguages(aut1,aut2) ## ## A faster automata concatenation algorithm, which does not turn the automata ## deterministic. ## InstallGlobalFunction(NDProductOfLanguages, function ( a1, a2 ) local T, a, q, s, A,x,m,m1,m2; if a1!.type = "epsilon" then m1 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a1)-1; else m1 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a1); fi; if a2!.type = "epsilon" then m2 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a2)-1; else m2 := AlphabetOfAutomaton(a2); fi; if m1 <> m2 then Error( "The arguments must be two automata over the same alphabet" ); fi; if a1!.type = "det" then T := List( a1!.transitions, function ( l ) return List( l, function ( q ) return [ q ]; end ); end ); else T := List( a1!.transitions, ShallowCopy ); fi; if a1!.type <> "epsilon" then Add( T, List( [ 1 .. a1!.states], function ( i ) return [ ]; end ) ); fi; for a in [ 1 .. a2!.alphabet ] do for q in [ 1 .. a2!.states ] do if a2!.transitions[a][q] = 0 then Add( T[a], [ ] ); else x := a2!.transitions[a][q] + a1!.states; if IsList(x) then Add(T[a],x); else Add(T[a],[x]); fi; fi; od; od; m := Length(T); if a2!.type <> "epsilon" then for q in [1 .. a2!.states] do Add(T[m],[]); od; fi; for q in a1!.accepting do for s in a2!.initial do Add( T[m][q], a1!.states + s ); od; od; A := Automaton( "epsilon", a1!.states + a2!.states, m, T, ShallowCopy( a1!.initial ), List( a2!.accepting, function ( q ) return q + a1!.states; end ) ); return A; end );