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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## ## #W Michael Albert, #W Steve Linton, #W Ruth Hoffmann ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004-2015 School of Computer Science, #Y University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, #Y St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland ## ############################################################################# ## #F Transducer(states,init,transitions,accepting) ## ## Returns a recording of a transducer with s states, with init being the ## start state, transitions of the form [in,out,from to] and the set of ## accept states. ## InstallGlobalFunction(Transducer, function(states,init,transitions,accepting) return rec(states := states, initial := init, transitions := transitions, accepting := accepting); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F DeletionTransducer(k) ## ## Returns a transducer over k+1 states, which removes an entry in a ## permutation, written in the rank encoding and produces the new correct ## rank encoding. ## InstallGlobalFunction(DeletionTransducer, function(k) local states, init, accepting, trans, i, j; states := k+1; init := k+1; accepting := [1..k]; trans := []; for i in [1..k] do Add(trans,[i,i,k+1,k+1]); Add(trans,[i,0,k+1,i]); for j in [i+1..k] do Add(trans,[j,j-1,i,i]); Add(trans,[i,i,j-1,j]); od; Add(trans,[i,i,k,k]); od; return Transducer(states, init, trans, accepting); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F TransposedTransducer(t) ## ## Returns the transducer t with the input and output letters in each ## transition interchanged. ## InstallGlobalFunction(TransposedTransducer, function(t) return Transducer(t.states, t.initial, List(t.transitions,x->[x[2],x[1],x[3],x[4]]), t.accepting); end ); ############################################################################# ## #V HashPair ## InstallValue(HashPair, s->HashKeyBag(s,57,0,12)); ############################################################################# ## #F CombineAutTransducer(aut,trans) ## ## Returns an automaton that represents the concatenation of the automaton ## aut and the transducer trans. ## InstallGlobalFunction(CombineAutTransducer, function(aut,trans) local initstates, states, ht, i, ptrans, st, s, a, targets, s1, tr, nst, he, newalpha, tm, b, brow, t, type; initstates := Cartesian(aut!.initial,[trans.initial]); states := ShallowCopy(initstates); ht := SparseHashTable(HashPair); for i in [1..Length(states)] do AddHashEntry(ht, states[i],i); od; ptrans := []; i := 1; while i <= Length(states) do st := states[i]; s := st[1]; for a in [1..aut!.alphabet] do targets := aut!.transitions[a][s]; if not IsList(targets) then if (targets <> 0) then targets := [targets]; else targets := []; fi; fi; for s1 in targets do for tr in trans.transitions do if tr[1] = a and tr[3] = st[2] then nst := [s1,tr[4]]; MakeImmutable(nst); he := GetHashEntry(ht,nst); if he = fail then Add(states, nst); he := Length(states); AddHashEntry(ht, nst, he); fi; Add(ptrans, [i,he,tr[2]]); fi; od; od; od; for tr in trans.transitions do if tr[1] = 0 and tr[3] = st[2] then nst := [s,tr[4]]; MakeImmutable(nst); he := GetHashEntry(ht,nst); if he = fail then Add(states, nst); he := Length(states); AddHashEntry(ht, nst, he); fi; Add(ptrans, [i,he,tr[2]]); fi; od; if aut!.type = "epsilon" then targets := aut!.transitions[aut!.alphabet][s]; for s1 in targets do nst := [s1,st[2]]; MakeImmutable(nst); he := GetHashEntry(ht,nst); if he = fail then Add(states, nst); he := Length(states); AddHashEntry(ht, nst, he); fi; Add(ptrans, [i,he,0]); od; fi; i := i+1; od; newalpha := Set(trans.transitions, tr->tr[2]); newalpha := [Minimum(Minimum(newalpha), 1)..Maximum(newalpha)]; tm := List(newalpha, b->List([1..Length(states)],i->[])); for t in ptrans do if t[3] = 0 then AddSet(tm[Length(tm)][t[1]],t[2]); else AddSet(tm[t[3]][t[1]],t[2]); fi; od; if 0 in newalpha then type := "epsilon"; else type := "nondet"; fi; Info(InfoAutomataSL, 1, "Combined Transducer(",trans.states,") with ", aut!.type," aut(",aut!.states,") to make ",type," aut(",Length(states),")"); return Automaton(type,Length(states),Length(tm),tm, List(initstates, st -> GetHashEntry(ht, st)), Filtered([1..Length(states)], i->states[i][1] in aut!.accepting and states[i][2] in trans.accepting)); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F InvolvementTransducer(k) ## ## Returns a transducer over k+1 states that removes an arbitrary number of ## entries in a rank encoded permutation, and produces the new applicable ## rank encoding. ## InstallGlobalFunction(InvolvementTransducer, function(k) local IntToBlist, states, init, m, accepting, trans, i, t, e, lowBits, target, eModified; states := 2^(k-1); init := 2^(k-1); m := init; accepting := [1..2^(k-1)]; trans := []; for i in [1..2^(k-1)] do for e in [1..k] do if (e < k) then t := (2*i mod m); lowBits := (t mod 2^e)/2; target := t - lowBits; else target := i; lowBits := i mod 2^(k-1); fi; eModified := e; while (lowBits > 0) do eModified:= eModified - (lowBits mod 2); lowBits := QuoInt(lowBits, 2); od; if (target <> 0) then Add(trans, [e, eModified, i, target]); else Add(trans, [e, eModified, i, init]); fi; if (e < k) then target := target + 2^(e-1); fi; Add(trans, [e, 0,i, target]); od; od; return Transducer(states, init, trans, accepting); end );