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Views: 47780012[1XThe [5XSCO[105X Package Manual[101X345[1XSimplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds[101X678Version 2017.09.1091011August 2011121314Simon Görtzen15161718Simon Görtzen19Email: [7Xmailto:[email protected][107X20Homepage: [7X[107X21Address: [33X[0;14YLehrstuhl B für Mathematik[133X22[33X[0;14YRWTH Aachen[133X23[33X[0;14YTemplergraben 64[133X24[33X[0;14Y52062 Aachen[133X25[33X[0;14Y(Germany)[133X26272829-------------------------------------------------------30[1XAbstract[101X31[33X[0;0YThis document explains the primary uses of the [5XSCO[105X package. Included in this32manual is a documented list of the most important methods and functions you33will need. For the theoretical basis of this package please refer to my34diploma thesis and the corresponding paper (work in progress; [Gör08a]).[133X353637-------------------------------------------------------38[1XCopyright[101X39[33X[0;0Y© 2007-2011 by Simon Görtzen[133X4041[33X[0;0YThis package may be distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU42Public License Version 2.[133X434445-------------------------------------------------------46[1XAcknowledgements[101X47[33X[0;0YThe [5XSCO[105X package would not have been possible without the theoretical work by48I. Moerdijk and D. A. Pronk concerning simplicial cohomology of orbifolds49[MP99]. Many thanks to these two, as well as Mohamed Barakat and the50Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik at RWTH Aachen University in general. It should51be noted that [5XSCO[105X in its current functionality is dependent on the [5XGAP[105X52package [5Xhomalg[105X by M. Barakat [BR08], as it relies on [5Xhomalg[105X to do the actual53computations. This manual was created with the help of the [5XGAPDoc[105X package by54M. Neunhöffer and F. Lübeck.[133X555657-------------------------------------------------------585960[1XContents (SCO)[101X61621 [33X[0;0YIntroduction[133X631.1 [33X[0;0YOverview over this manual[133X641.2 [33X[0;0YInstallation of the [5XSCO[105X Package[133X652 [33X[0;0YUsage[133X662.1 [33X[0;0YThe Examples Script[133X672.2 [33X[0;0YWorking Manually[133X683 [33X[0;0YExamples[133X693.1 [33X[0;0YExample 1: Klein Bottle[133X703.2 [33X[0;0YExample 2: [22XV_4[122X[133X713.3 [33X[0;0YExample 3: The "Teardrop" orbifold[133X724 [33X[0;0Y[5XSCO[105X methods and functions[133X734.1 [33X[0;0YMethods and functions for orbifold triangulations[133X744.1-1 OrbifoldTriangulation754.1-2 Vertices764.1-3 Simplices774.1-4 Isotropy784.1-5 Mu794.1-6 MuData804.1-7 InfoString814.2 [33X[0;0YMethods and functions for simplicial sets[133X824.2-1 SimplicialSet834.2-2 SimplicialSet844.2-3 ComputeNextDimension854.2-4 Extend864.3 [33X[0;0YMethods and functions for matrix creation and computation[133X874.3-1 BoundaryOperator884.3-2 CreateBoundaryMatrices894.3-3 Homology904.3-4 CreateCoboundaryMatrices914.3-5 Cohomology924.3-6 SCO_Examples93A [33X[0;0YAn Overview of the [5XSCO[105X package source code[133X949596[32X979899