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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466297LoadPackage( "SCO" ); if not IsBound(input) then input := InputTextUser(); fi; Print( "@@@@@@@@ SCO @@@@@@@@\n" ); if LoadPackage( "RingsForHomalg" ) = true then Print( "\nSelect base ring:\n 1) Integers (default)\n 2) Rationals\n 3) Z/nZ\n:" ); base := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c->c <> '\n' ) ); if base = fail or not base in [ 1, 2, 3 ] then base := 1; fi; if base = 1 then n := 0; fi; if base = 3 then Print( "\nPlease type in the value of 'n' (default = 2)\n:" ); n := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c <> '\n' ) ); if n = fail or n <= 0 then n := 2; fi; if not IsPrime( n ) then base := 4; fi; fi; Names_of_CAS := [ "GAP", "External GAP", "MAGMA", "Maple", "Sage", "Singular" ]; List_of_CAS := [ "", "ExternalGAP", "MAGMA", "Maple", "Sage", "Singular" ]; if base = 1 then #Z sublist := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; else if base = 2 then #Q sublist := [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]; elif base = 3 then #Z/pZ sublist := [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]; elif base = 4 then #Z/nZ sublist := [ 4 ]; fi; if LoadPackage( "GaussForHomalg" ) = true then sublist := Concatenation( [ 1, 2 ], sublist ); else Print( "\nYou do not have the GaussForHomalg package installed. Try it for extended GAP functionality.\n" ); fi; fi; Print( "\nSelect Computer Algebra System:\n" ); for i in [ 1 .. Length( sublist ) ] do str := Names_of_CAS[sublist[i]]; Print( " ", i, ") ", str ); if i = 1 then Print( " (default)" ); fi; Print( "\n" ); od; Print( ":" ); CAS := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c <> '\n' ) ); if CAS = fail or not CAS in [ 1 .. Length( sublist ) ] then CAS := 1; fi; CAS := sublist[ CAS ]; if CAS in [ 1, 2 ] then if base = 1 then Print( "\nAll computations will be done with GAP dense matrices.\n" ); fi; if base in [ 2, 3 ] then Print( "\nYou have the choice to work with sparse or dense matrices:\n" ); Print( " 1) sparse (default)\n 2) dense\n:" ); matrix := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c <> '\n' ) ); if matrix = 2 then HOMALG.PreferDenseMatrices := true; fi; fi; if base = 4 then Print( "\nAll computations will be done with Gauss sparse matrices.\n" ); fi; fi; if base = 2 then HOMALG_RINGS.FieldOfRationalsDefaultCAS := List_of_CAS[ CAS ]; R := HomalgFieldOfRationalsInDefaultCAS( ); else HOMALG_RINGS.RingOfIntegersDefaultCAS := List_of_CAS[ CAS ]; R := HomalgRingOfIntegersInDefaultCAS( n ); fi; else Print( "\nYou do not have the RingsForHomalg package installed, therefore you can only work with GAP.\n" ); if LoadPackage( "GaussForHomalg" ) = true then Print( "\nSelect base ring:\n 1) Integers (default)\n 2) Rationals\n 3) Z/nZ\n:" ); base := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c->c <> '\n' ) ); if base = fail or not base in [ 1, 2, 3 ] then base := 1; fi; if base = 3 then Print( "\nPlease type in the value of 'n' (default = 2)\n:" ); n := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c <> '\n' ) ); if n = fail or not n in Integers then n := 2; elif not IsPrime( n ) then base := 4; fi; fi; if base = 1 then Print( "\nAll computations will be done with GAP dense matrices.\n" ); R := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); fi; if base in [ 2, 3 ] then Print( "\nYou have the choice to work with sparse or dense matrices:\n" ); Print( " 1) sparse (default)\n 2) dense\n:" ); matrix := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c <> '\n' ) ); if matrix = 2 then HOMALG.PreferDenseMatrices := true; fi; fi; if base = 2 then R := HomalgFieldOfRationals( ); elif base = 3 then R := HomalgRingOfIntegers( n ); fi; if base = 4 then Print( "\nAll computations will be done with Gauss sparse matrices.\n" ); R := HomalgRingOfIntegers( n ); fi; else Print( "\nYou do not have the GaussForHomalg package installed, therefore you can only work over the Integers.\n" ); R := HomalgRingOfIntegers( ); fi; fi; HOMALG.PreferDenseMatrices := false; if IsIntegralDomain( R ) then Print( "\nSelect Method:\n 1) Full syzygy computation (default)\n 2) matrix creation and rank computation only\n:" ); method := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c->c <> '\n' ) ); if method = fail or not method in [ 1, 2 ] then method := 1; fi; else method := 1; fi; Print( "\nSelect orbifold (default=\"C2\")\n:" ); orbifold := Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c->c<>'\n' ); if orbifold = "" then orbifold := "C2.g"; fi; if orbifold{[Length( orbifold ) - 1, Length( orbifold )]} <> ".g" then Append( orbifold, ".g" ); fi; if IsBound( PackageInfo( "SCO" )[1] ) and IsBound( PackageInfo( "SCO" )[1].InstallationPath ) then directory := PackageInfo( "SCO" )[1].InstallationPath; else directory := "./"; fi; if IsBound( GAPInfo.UserHome ) then separator := GAPInfo.UserHome{[1]}; else separator := "/"; fi; if Length( directory ) > 0 and directory{[Length( directory )]} <> separator then directory := Concatenation( directory, separator ); fi; info := ""; Read( Concatenation( directory, "examples", separator, "orbifolds", separator, orbifold ) ); if info = "" then info := orbifold{ [ 1 .. Length( orbifold ) - 2 ] }; fi; Print( "\nSelect mode:\n 1) Cohomology (default)\n 2) Homology\n:" ); mode := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c->c <> '\n' ) ); if mode = fail or not mode in [ 1, 2 ] then mode := 1; fi; Print( Concatenation( "\nSelect dimension (default = ", String( dim ), ")\n:" ) ); d := Int( Filtered( ReadLine( input ), c -> c<>'\n' ) ); if d <= 0 or d = fail then d := dim; fi; ot := OrbifoldTriangulation( M, iso, mu, info ); ss := SimplicialSet( ot ); if mode = 2 then #homology: ker( M[i] ) / im( M[i+1] ) Print( "Creating the boundary matrices ...\n" ); M := CreateBoundaryMatrices( ss, d, R ); if method = 1 then Print( "Starting homology computation ...\n" ); H := Homology( M, R ); elif method = 2 then Print( "Starting rank computation ...\n" ); L := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length( M ) ] do L[i] :=[ NrRows( M[i] ), NrColumns( M[i] ) ]; Print( "# ", i, ": ", L[i][1], " x ", L[i][2], " matrix " ); t := Runtimes().user_time; L[i][3] := RowRankOfMatrix( M[i] ); d := Runtimes().user_time - t; L[i][4] := L[i][2] - L[i][3]; Print( "with rank ", L[i][3], " and kernel dimension ", L[i][4], ". Time: ", TimeToString( d ), "\n" ); od; H := [ L[1][4] ]; #first image dimension for i in [ 2 .. Length( L ) ] do H[i] := L[i][4] - L[i-1][3]; #dim ker - dim im od; for i in [ 1 .. Length( H ) ] do Print( "# Homology dimension at degree ", i - 1, ": ", RingName( R ), "^(1 x ", H[i], ")\n" ); od; fi; elif mode = 1 then #cohomology: ker( M[i+1] ) / im( M[i] ) Print( "Creating the coboundary matrices ...\n" ); M := CreateCoboundaryMatrices( ss, d, R ); if method = 1 then Print( "Starting cohomology computation ...\n" ); H := Cohomology( M, R ); elif method = 2 then Print( "Starting rank computation ...\n" ); L := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length( M ) ] do L[i] :=[ NrRows( M[i] ), NrColumns( M[i] ) ]; Print( "# ", i, ": ", L[i][1], " x ", L[i][2], " matrix " ); t := Runtimes().user_time; L[i][3] := RowRankOfMatrix( M[i] ); d := Runtimes().user_time - t; L[i][4] := L[i][1] - L[i][3]; Print( "with rank ", L[i][3], " and kernel dimension ", L[i][4], ". Time: ", TimeToString( d ), "\n" ); od; H := [ L[1][4] ]; #first kernel dimension for i in [ 2 .. Length( L ) ] do H[i] := L[i][4] - L[i-1][3]; #dim ker - dim im od; for i in [ 1 .. Length( H ) ] do Print( "# Cohomology dimension at degree ", i - 1, ": ", RingName( R ), "^(1 x ", H[i], ")\n" ); od; fi; fi;