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Views: 466294############################################################################# # # This is straightforward implementation of Karatsuba multiplication for # integers. It is used to demonstrate the algorithm using the GAP language, # and not suitable for practical implementation, because it is slow by a # number of reasons. # KaratsubaMultiplication:=function( x, y ) local n, b, x1, x2, y1, y2, u, v, w; if x < 10 and y < 10 then return x*y; else n:=Int( Length ( String ( Maximum( x, y ) ) ) / 2 ); b := 10^n; x1 := Int( x / b ); x2 := x mod b; y1 := Int( y / b ); y2 := y mod b; u := KaratsubaMultiplication(x1,y1); v := KaratsubaMultiplication(x2,y2); w := KaratsubaMultiplication(x1+x2,y1+y2); return u*(b^2) + (w-u-v)*b + v; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # This is straightforward implementation of Karatsuba multiplication for # polynomials. It is used to demonstrate the algorithm using the GAP language, # and not suitable for practical implementation, because it is slow by a # number of reasons. # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationSlow:=function( f, g ) local deg, n, x, b, f1, f0, g1, g0, u, v, w; if IsZero(f) or IsZero(g) then return Zero(f); fi; deg := Maximum( List( [f,g], DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial ) ); n:=1; while n < deg do n:=n*2; od; if n=1 then return f*g; else x := IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction( f ); b := x^(n/2); f1 := EuclideanQuotient( f, b ); f0 := EuclideanRemainder( f, b ); g1 := EuclideanQuotient( g, b ); g0 := EuclideanRemainder( g, b ); u := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationSlow( f1, g1 ); v := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationSlow( f0, g0 ); w := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationSlow( f1+f0, g1+g0 ); return u*(b^2) + (w-u-v)*b + v; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # This implementation of Karatsuba multiplication for polynomials is faster # than the previous, because it uses internal representation of polynomials # for fast finding Euclidean quotient and remainder, and fast multiplying # by x^(n/2) and x^n. Nevertheless, it is not fully efficient, since it # uses explicit polynomials as arguments in recursive calls. # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationBetter:=function( f, g ) local deg, n, halfn, x, b, nr, fam, f1, f0, g1, g0, u, v, w, cf, cf1, cf0, cg, cg1, cg0, k, pos, val, cu, ub2, cwuv, wuvb; if IsZero(f) or IsZero(g) then return Zero(f); fi; deg := Maximum( List( [f,g], DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial ) ); n:=1; while n < deg do n:=n*2; od; if n=1 then return f*g; else halfn := n/2; x := IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction( f ); b := x^(halfn); nr := IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(f); fam := FamilyObj( 1 ); if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(f) >= halfn then cf := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( f ); k:=halfn-cf[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; cf1 := cf[1]{[ pos .. Length(cf[1])]}; f1 := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cf1, val, nr ); # EuclideanQuotient( f, b ) cf0 := cf[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cf[2] ]}; f0 := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cf0, cf[2], nr ); # EuclideanRemainder( f, b ) else f1:=Zero(f); f0:=f; fi; if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(g) >= halfn then cg := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( g ); k:=halfn-cg[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; cg1 := cg[1]{[ pos .. Length(cg[1])]}; g1 := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cg1, val, nr ); # EuclideanQuotient( g, b ) cg0 := cg[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cg[2] ]}; g0 := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cg0, cg[2], nr ); # EuclideanRemainder( g, b ) else g1:=Zero(g); g0:=g; fi; u := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationBetter(f1,g1); v := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationBetter(f0,g0); w := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationBetter(f1+f0,g1+g0); cu := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( u ); ub2 := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cu[1], cu[2]+n, nr ); cwuv := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( w-u-v ); wuvb := LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, cwuv[1], cwuv[2]+halfn, nr ); return ub2 + wuvb + v; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # KARATSUBA MULTIPLICATION FOR POLYNOMIALS # ############################################################################# PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep := function( f, g ) local val, t, shift, i, j, ind, pos, pos1, k, zero; if f[1]=[] then # f=0 return g; elif g[1]=[] then # g=0 return f; elif f[2]=g[2] then # f and g starts from monomials of the same degree val := f[2]; t := f[1] + g[1]; elif f[2] < g [2] then # f starts earlier zero := Zero(f[1][1]); val := f[2]; t := ShallowCopy(f[1]); shift := g[2]-f[2]; for j in [ Length(t) + 1 .. shift ] do t[j]:=zero; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length(g[1])] do ind := shift + i; if IsBound(t[ind]) then t[ind] := t[ind] + g[1][i]; else t[ind] := g[1][i]; fi; od; else # g starts earlier zero := Zero(f[1][1]); val := g[2]; t := ShallowCopy(g[1]); shift := f[2]-g[2]; for j in [ Length(t) + 1 .. shift ] do t[j]:=zero; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length(f[1])] do ind := shift + i; if IsBound(t[ind]) then t[ind] := t[ind] + f[1][i]; else t[ind] := f[1][i]; fi; od; fi; # Final analysis, removing trailing zeroes from both sides if t=[] then return [ [ ], 0 ]; else pos := PositionNonZero( t ); if pos = Length(t)+1 then return [ [ ], 0 ]; else pos1 := First([1..Length(t)], k -> t[Length(t)-k+1]<>0 ); return [ t{[pos..Length(t)-pos1+1]}, val + pos -1 ]; fi; fi; end; MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep := function( f, g ) local val, t, shift, i, j, ind, pos, pos1, k, zero; if f[1]=[] then # f=0 return [ -g[1], g[2] ]; elif g[1]=[] then # g=0 return f; elif f[2]=g[2] then # f and g starts from monomials of the same degree val := f[2]; t := f[1] - g[1]; elif f[2] < g [2] then # f starts earlier zero := Zero(f[1][1]); val := f[2]; t := ShallowCopy(f[1]); shift := g[2]-f[2]; for j in [ Length(t) + 1 .. shift ] do t[j]:=zero; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length(g[1])] do ind := shift + i; if IsBound(t[ind]) then t[ind] := t[ind] - g[1][i]; else t[ind] := -g[1][i]; fi; od; else # g starts earlier zero := Zero(f[1][1]); val := g[2]; t := -ShallowCopy(g[1]); shift := f[2]-g[2]; for j in [ Length(t) + 1 .. shift ] do t[j]:=zero; od; for i in [ 1 .. Length(f[1])] do ind := shift + i; if IsBound(t[ind]) then t[ind] := t[ind] + f[1][i]; else t[ind] := f[1][i]; fi; od; fi; # Final analysis, removing trailing zeroes from both sides if t=[] then return [ [ ], 0 ]; else pos := PositionNonZero( t ); if pos = Length(t)+1 then return [ [ ], 0 ]; else pos1 := First([1..Length(t)], k -> t[Length(t)-k+1]<>0 ); return [ t{[pos..Length(t)-pos1+1]}, val + pos - 1 ]; fi; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # Must be >=3 for correct work. May depend on the coefficients field. # For polynomials with integer coefficients, empirically determined # optimal value is 48. # KARATSUBA_CUTOFF := 48; ############################################################################# # # Here the input is the presentation of polynomials as it is produced by # the function CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial, that is the polynomial # 2*x^4+3*x^3+x^2+x+1 will be represented as [ [ 1, 1, 1, 3, 2 ], 0 ], # and 5*x^10-2*x^8+x^6 as [ [ 1, 0, -2, 0, 5 ], 6 ] # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep:=function( f, g ) local degf, degg, deg, n, halfn, nr, f1, f0, g1, g0, u, v, w, wuv, k, pos, pos1, val; # Zero polynomial will be represented as [ [ ], 0 ] # We took care that other representations of zero, for example [ [ 0, 0 ], 0 ] # or [ [ 0, 0 ], 1 ], or [ [ 0 ], 1 ], can not occure, because we reduce # the presentation after adding polynomials in PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep # and subtracting them in MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep. Note that degree # determination is also based on this feature. if f[1]=[] or g[1]=[] then return [ [ ], 0 ]; fi; if Length(f[1]) < KARATSUBA_CUTOFF and Length(g[1]) < KARATSUBA_CUTOFF then return [ PRODUCT_COEFFS_GENERIC_LISTS( f[1], Length(f[1]), g[1], Length(g[1]) ), f[2]+g[2] ]; fi; # We determine degree from valuation and length of the coefficients list degf := f[2]+Length(f[1])-1; degg := g[2]+Length(g[1])-1; deg := Maximum( degf, degg ); n:=1; while n < deg do n:=n*2; od; # we can proceed immediately, since the case n=1 already caught by KARATSUBA_CUTOFF halfn := n/2; # developing the 1st polynomial if degf >= halfn then k:=halfn-f[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(f[1])], k -> f[1][k] <> 0 ); f1 := [ f[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(f[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( f, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-f[2] ], k -> f[1][halfn-f[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); f0 := [ f[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-f[2]-pos1+1 ]}, f[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( f, b ) else f1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; f0 := f; fi; # developing the 2nd polynomial if degg >= halfn then k:=halfn-g[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(g[1])], k -> g[1][k] <> 0 ); g1 := [ g[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(g[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( g, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-g[2] ], k -> g[1][halfn-g[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); g0 := [ g[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-g[2]-pos1+1 ]}, g[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( g, b ) else g1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; g0 := g; fi; # three recursive calls u := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f1,g1); v := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f0,g0); w := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(f1,f0), PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(g1,g0) ); # composing the result wuv := MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(w,u), v ); wuv[2] := wuv[2] + halfn; u[2] := u[2] + n; return PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(u,wuv), v ); # return u*(b^2) + (w-u-v)*b + v; end; ############################################################################# # # This is the top-level function that accepts polynomials in the natural # presentation. The actual job is done by the recursively called function # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep. Nevertheless, we perform the # first step in the top-level function instead of just passing the lists # of coefficients to the KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep. This # allows us to shorten the size of input, that maybe especially essential # if KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep will be called as a web service. # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplication:=function( f, g ) local deg, n, halfn, x, b, nr, fam, f1, f0, g1, g0, u, v, w, wuv, cf, cg, k, pos, pos1, val, result; if IsZero(f) or IsZero(g) then return Zero(f); fi; deg := Maximum( List( [f,g], DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial ) ); n:=1; while n < deg do n:=n*2; od; if n=1 then return f*g; else halfn := n/2; x := IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction( f ); nr := IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(f); fam := CoefficientsFamily( FamilyObj( f ) ); # developing the 1st polynomial if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(f) >= halfn then cf := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( f ); k:=halfn-cf[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(cf[1])], k -> cf[1][k] <> 0 ); f1 := [ cf[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(cf[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( f, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-cf[2] ], k -> cf[1][halfn-cf[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); f0 := [ cf[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cf[2]-pos1+1 ]}, cf[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( f, b ) else f1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; f0 := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( f ); fi; # developing the 2nd polynomial if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(g) >= halfn then cg := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( g ); k:=halfn-cg[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(cg[1])], k -> cg[1][k] <> 0 ); g1 := [ cg[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(cg[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( g, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-cg[2] ], k -> cg[1][halfn-cg[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); g0 := [ cg[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cg[2]-pos1+1 ]}, cg[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( g, b ) else g1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; g0 := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( g ); fi; # three recursive calls u := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f1,g1); v := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f0,g0); w := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(f1,f0), PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(g1,g0) ); # composing the result wuv := MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(w,u), v ); wuv[2] := wuv[2] + halfn; u[2] := u[2] + n; result := PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(u,wuv), v ); return LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, result[1], result[2], nr ); # return u*(b^2) + (w-u-v)*b + v; fi; end; ############################################################################# # # This is the web-service using version of KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplication # KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationWS:=function( f, g ) local deg, n, halfn, x, b, nr, fam, f1, f0, g1, g0, u, v, w, wuv, cf, cg, k, pos, pos1, val, wsresult, result; if IsZero(f) or IsZero(g) then return Zero(f); fi; deg := Maximum( List( [f,g], DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial ) ); n:=1; while n < deg do n:=n*2; od; if n=1 then return f*g; else halfn := n/2; x := IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction( f ); nr := IndeterminateNumberOfLaurentPolynomial(f); fam := CoefficientsFamily( FamilyObj( f ) ); # developing the 1st polynomial if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(f) >= halfn then cf := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( f ); k:=halfn-cf[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(cf[1])], k -> cf[1][k] <> 0 ); f1 := [ cf[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(cf[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( f, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-cf[2] ], k -> cf[1][halfn-cf[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); f0 := [ cf[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cf[2]-pos1+1 ]}, cf[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( f, b ) else f1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; f0 := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( f ); fi; # developing the 2nd polynomial if DegreeOfLaurentPolynomial(g) >= halfn then cg := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( g ); k:=halfn-cg[2]+1; if k<1 then pos:=1; val:=1-k; else pos:=k; val:=0; fi; # we remove initial zeroes in the quotient, if such exist pos1 := First([ pos .. Length(cg[1])], k -> cg[1][k] <> 0 ); g1 := [ cg[1]{[ pos1 .. Length(cg[1])]}, val+pos1-pos ]; # EuclideanQuotient( g, b ) # we remove trailing zeroes in the remainder, if such exist pos1 := First( [ 1 .. halfn-cg[2] ], k -> cg[1][halfn-cg[2]-k+1] <> 0 ); g0 := [ cg[1]{[ 1 .. halfn-cg[2]-pos1+1 ]}, cg[2] ]; # EuclideanRemainder( g, b ) else g1 := [ [ ], 0 ]; g0 := CoefficientsOfLaurentPolynomial( g ); fi; # three recursive calls # u := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f1,g1); # v := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep(f0,g0); u := NewProcess( "WS_Karatsuba",[ String(f1), String(g1) ],"localhost", 26133); v := NewProcess( "WS_Karatsuba",[ String(f0), String(g0) ],"localhost", 26134); w := KaratsubaPolynomialMultiplicationExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(f1,f0), PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(g1,g0) ); wsresult:=SynchronizeProcesses2( u,v ); u := EvalString( wsresult[1].object ); v := EvalString( wsresult[2].object ); # composing the result wuv := MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( MinusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(w,u), v ); wuv[2] := wuv[2] + halfn; u[2] := u[2] + n; result := PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep( PlusLaurentPolynomialsExtRep(u,wuv), v ); return LaurentPolynomialByCoefficients( fam, result[1], result[2], nr ); # return u*(b^2) + (w-u-v)*b + v; fi; end;