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Real-time collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, Linux Terminals, LaTeX, VS Code, R IDE, and more,
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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# # # Experimental functions for rings workflows, not included in the release. # Currenly not working (deadlock) after changing return_nothing rules. # ############################################################################# RingTest:=function( nrservers, nrsteps, k ) local port, proc; # in the beginning the external client sends k=0 to the port 26133, e.g. # NewProcess( "RingTest", [ 2, 10, 0 ], "localhost", 26133 : return_nothing ); Print(k, " \c"); k:=k+1; if k = nrsteps then Print( "--> ", k," : THE LIMIT ACHIEVED, TEST STOPPED !!! \n" ); return true; fi; port := 26133 + ( k mod nrservers ); Print("--> ", k," : ", port, "\n"); proc:=NewProcess( "RingTest", [ nrservers, nrsteps, k ], "localhost", port : return_nothing ); return true; end; LeaderElectionDone:=false; # For example, to start on 4 servers, enter: # nr:=4;NewProcess( "LeaderElection", ["init",0,nr], "localhost", 26133) : return_nothing ); LeaderElection:=function( status, id, nr ) local proc, nextport, m; # status is either "init", "candidate" or "leader" if not LeaderElectionDone then nextport := 26133 + ((SCSCPserverPort-26133+1) mod nr); if status="init" then # id can be anything on the init stage Print( "Initialising, sending candidate ", [SCSCPserverPort, IO_getpid() ], " to ", nextport, "\n" ); proc:=NewProcess( "LeaderElection", [ "candidate", [ SCSCPserverPort, IO_getpid() ], nr ], "localhost", nextport : return_nothing ); return true; elif status="candidate" then if id[2] = IO_getpid() then LeaderElectionDone := true; Print( "Got ", status, " ", id, ". Election done, sending leader ", id, " to ", nextport, "\n" ); proc:=NewProcess( "LeaderElection", [ "leader", id, nr ], "localhost", nextport : return_nothing ); return true; else if id[2] < IO_getpid() then m := id; else; m := [ SCSCPserverPort, IO_getpid() ]; fi; Print( "Got ", status, " ", id, ", sending candidate ", m , " to ", nextport, "\n" ); proc:=NewProcess( "LeaderElection", [ status, m, nr ], "localhost", nextport : return_nothing ); return true; fi; else LeaderElectionDone := true; Print( "Got ", status, " ", id, ", sending ", status, " ", id, " to ", nextport, "\n" ); proc:=NewProcess( "LeaderElection", [ status, id, nr ], "localhost", nextport : return_nothing ); return true; fi; else Print( "Got ", status, " ", id, ", doing nothing \n" ); return true; fi; end; ResetLeaderElection:=function() LeaderElectionDone:=false; Print( "Reset LeaderElectionDone to ", LeaderElectionDone, "\n" ); return true; end; # THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO CREATE THE TORUS WORKFLOW (DEADLOCKING!) TorusNodesStatus:=[]; TorusNodesOwners:=[]; ResetTorus:=function() TorusNodesStatus:=[]; TorusNodesOwners:=[]; return true; end; UpdateTorusNodesStatus:=function( owner, port, status ) if not IsBound( TorusNodesStatus[port] ) then Print( "Client ", owner, " setting ", port, " to ", status ); else Print( "Client ", owner, " switching ", port, " from ", TorusNodesStatus[port], " to ", status ); fi; if not IsBound( TorusNodesStatus[port] ) then TorusNodesStatus[port]:=status; TorusNodesOwners[port]:=owner; Print(" - OK! \n" ); return true; elif TorusNodesStatus[port]=true and status=false then if port in TorusNodesOwners then Print(" - refused, ", port, " is busy! \n" ); return false; else TorusNodesStatus[port]:=false; TorusNodesOwners[port]:=owner; Print(" - OK! \n" ); return true; fi; elif TorusNodesStatus[port]=false and status=true then if TorusNodesOwners[port]=owner then TorusNodesStatus[port]:=true; TorusNodesOwners[port]:=0; Print(" - OK! \n" ); return true; else Print(" - refused, ", owner, " is not an owner of ", port, " ! \n" ); return false; fi; elif TorusNodesStatus[port]=true and status=true then Print(" - nothing to do! \n" ); return true; elif TorusNodesStatus[port]=false and status=false then Print(" - refused! \n" ); return false; else Error("UpdateTorusNodesStatus : unhandled combination!\n"); fi; end; TorusTest:=function( nrrows, nrcols, nrsteps, k, waiterport ) local port, proc, r, st; # First start UpdateTorusNodesStatus at port 'waiterport'. Then to begin the test, # some external client sends k=0 to the port 26133, e.g. # NewProcess( "TorusTest", [ 2, 2, 10, 0, 26137 ], "localhost", 26133 : return_nothing ); Print("Got ", k, " \c"); k:=k+1; if k = nrsteps then Print( "||--> ", k," : THE LIMIT ACHIEVED, TEST STOPPED !!! \n" ); return true; fi; r := QuotientRemainder( SCSCPserverPort-26133, nrcols ); port := 26133 + r[1]*nrcols + ((r[2]+1) mod nrcols); Print("|--> horizontally --> ", k," : ", port, "\n"); repeat Exec("sleep 5"); st:=EvaluateBySCSCP( "UpdateTorusNodesStatus", [ SCSCPserverPort, port, false ], "localhost", waiterport ); until st.object=true; proc:=NewProcess( "TorusTest", [ nrrows, nrcols, nrsteps, k, waiterport], "localhost", port : return_nothing ); EvaluateBySCSCP( "UpdateTorusNodesStatus", [ SCSCPserverPort, port, true ], "localhost", waiterport ); port := 26133 + ( (SCSCPserverPort-26133+nrcols ) mod (nrcols*nrrows) ); Print("|--> vertically --> ", k," : ", port, "\n"); repeat Exec("sleep 5"); st:=EvaluateBySCSCP( "UpdateTorusNodesStatus", [ SCSCPserverPort, port, false ], "localhost", waiterport ); until st.object=true; proc:=NewProcess( "TorusTest", [ nrrows, nrcols, nrsteps, k, waiterport ], "localhost", port : return_nothing ); EvaluateBySCSCP( "UpdateTorusNodesStatus", [ SCSCPserverPort, port, true ], "localhost", waiterport ); return true; end;