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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W server.g The SCSCP package Alexander Konovalov #W Steve Linton ## ############################################################################# # additional procedures to turn tracing on/off InstallSCSCPprocedure( "SCSCPStartTracing", SCSCPStartTracing, "To turn on tracing mode on the server and save events to specified filename without extension", 1, 1 : force ); InstallSCSCPprocedure( "SCSCPStopTracing", SCSCPStopTracing, "To turn off tracing mode on the server", 0, 0 : force ); ############################################################################# # # RunSCSCPserver( <server>, <port> ) # # The 1st argument is the name of the server, e.g. "localhost" or # "servername.somewhere.domain", the 2nd is the port number as an integer. # The 1st argument may also be 'true' to listen to all network interfaces # or 'false' to bind the server strictly to "localhost". # if not CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, "4.5.0") then CALL_WITH_CATCH := CallFuncList; fi; InstallGlobalFunction( RunSCSCPserver, function( server, port ) local socket, lookup, bindaddr, addr, res, disconnect, socket_descriptor, stream, objrec, pos, call_id_value, atp, callinfo, output, return_cookie, return_nothing, return_deferred, cookie, omtext, localstream, callresult, responseresult, errormessage, str, session_id, welcome_string, session_cookies, client_scscp_version, pos1, pos2, rt1, rt2, debuglevel, servername, hostname, todo, token; if ARCH_IS_UNIX() then Append( SCSCPserviceDescription, Concatenation( " on ", CurrentTimestamp() ) ); fi; # forbid opportunity to send plain GAP code to the server Unbind(OMsymRecord.cas); ReadPackage("scscp", "lib/errors.g"); # to patch ErrorInner in the server mode SCSCPserverMode := true; SCSCPserverAddress := server; SCSCPserverPort := port; socket := IO_socket( IO.PF_INET, IO.SOCK_STREAM, "tcp" ); if ARCH_IS_UNIX() then # on Windows, the following line allows to run more than one server # at the same port, and the earlier started server will get the request. IO_setsockopt( socket, IO.SOL_SOCKET,IO.SO_REUSEADDR, "xxxx" ); fi; if server = true then bindaddr := "\000\000\000\000"; server := ""; hostname := Hostname(); servername := Concatenation( hostname, ".", server ); SCSCPserverAddress := Hostname(); else if server = false then server := "localhost"; SCSCPserverAddress := "localhost"; fi; servername := server; hostname := server; lookup := IO_gethostbyname( server ); if lookup = fail then return rec( socket := fail, errormsg := "RunSCSCPserver: cannot find hostname" ); fi; bindaddr := lookup.addr[1]; fi; res := IO_bind( socket, IO_make_sockaddr_in( bindaddr, port ) ); if res = fail then Print( "Error: ", LastSystemError(), "\n" ); IO_close( socket ); # Printing to *errout* so we are able to see this # even if the output was redirected PrintTo( "*errout*", "\n******************************************\n", "failed to start SCSCP server at port ", port, "\n******************************************\n\n" ); # Trick to be able to quit GAP from script if not IsBoundGlobal( "SCSCPserverStatus" ) then BindGlobal( "SCSCPserverStatus" , fail ); fi; return; else welcome_string:= Concatenation( "<?scscp service_name=\"GAP\" service_version=\"", GAPInfo.Version, "\" service_id=\"", servername, ":", String(port), ":", String(IO_getpid()), "\" scscp_versions=\"1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3\" ?>"); Print( "#I Ready to accept TCP/IP connections at ", server, ":", port, " ... \n" ); IO_listen( socket, SCSCPqueueLength ); # Allow a backlog of 5 connections session_cookies := []; repeat # until false: this is the outer infinite loop disconnect := false; # cleanup of cookies from previous session and resetting their list # comment out next four lines to disable this feature # for cookie in session_cookies do # UnbindGlobal( cookie ); # od; # session_cookies := []; repeat # until disconnect: this loop is a signle SCSCP session # We accept connections from everywhere Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Waiting for new client connection at ", server, ":", port, " ..." ); addr := IO_MakeIPAddressPort( "", 0 ); if IN_SCSCP_TRACING_MODE then SCSCPTraceSuspendThread(); fi; socket_descriptor := IO_accept( socket, addr ); if IN_SCSCP_TRACING_MODE then SCSCPTraceRunThread(); fi; Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Got connection from ", List(addr{[5..8]},INT_CHAR) ); stream := InputOutputTCPStream( socket_descriptor ); Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Stream created ..."); Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Sending connection initiation message" ); Info(InfoSCSCP, 2, welcome_string ); WriteLine( stream, welcome_string ); client_scscp_version := ReadLine( stream ); if client_scscp_version=fail then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Client disconnected without sending version" ); CloseStream( stream ); continue; fi; if InfoLevel(InfoSCSCP)>0 then Print( "#I Client replied with ", client_scscp_version ); fi; pos1 := PositionNthOccurrence(client_scscp_version,'\"',1); pos2 := PositionNthOccurrence(client_scscp_version,'\"',2); if pos1 = fail or pos2 = fail then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Rejecting the client because of improper message ", client_scscp_version ); CloseStream( stream ); continue; else client_scscp_version := client_scscp_version{[ pos1+1 .. pos2-1 ]}; fi; if not client_scscp_version in [ "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3" ] then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Rejecting the client because of non supported version ", client_scscp_version ); WriteLine( stream, Concatenation( "<?scscp quit reason=\"non supported version ", client_scscp_version, "\" ?>" ) ); else SCSCP_VERSION := client_scscp_version; Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Confirming version ", SCSCP_VERSION, " to the client ..."); WriteLine( stream, Concatenation( "<?scscp version=\"", SCSCP_VERSION, "\" ?>" ) ); # now handshaking is finished and read-evaluate-response loop is started repeat Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Waiting for OpenMath object ..."); # currently the timeout is 3600 seconds = 1 hour if IN_SCSCP_TRACING_MODE then SCSCPTraceSuspendThread(); fi; callresult:=CALL_WITH_CATCH( IO_Select, [ [ stream![1] ], [ ], [ ], [ ], 60*60, 0 ] ); if IN_SCSCP_TRACING_MODE then SCSCPTraceRunThread(); fi; if CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, "4.5.0") then if not callresult[1] then disconnect:=true; break; fi; fi; Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Retrieving and evaluating ..."); rt1 := Runtime(); callresult:=CALL_WITH_CATCH( OMGetObjectWithAttributes, [ stream ] ); rt2 := Runtime(); Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Evaluation completed"); # FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 4.4.12 WITH REDUCED FUNCTIONALITY if not CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, "4.5.0") then callresult := [ true, callresult ]; fi; objrec := callresult[2]; # can be record, fail or list of strings if objrec = fail then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Connection was closed by the client"); disconnect:=true; break; fi; # We detect the case when objrec is not fail and not record # to convert it to the standard objrec format. This happens # when error message is returned if not IsRecord(objrec) then objrec := rec( object := objrec, attributes := OMParseXmlObj(OMTempVars.OMATTR) ); fi; pos := PositionProperty( objrec.attributes, atp -> atp[1]="call_id" ); # the call_id is mandatory, however, we still can do something without it if pos<>fail then call_id_value := objrec.attributes[pos][2]; else call_id_value := "N/A"; fi; if ForAny( objrec.attributes, atp -> atp[1]="option_return_deferred" ) then return_deferred := true; else return_deferred := false; fi; if ForAny( objrec.attributes, atp -> atp[1]="option_return_cookie" ) then return_cookie := true; else return_cookie := false; if ForAny( objrec.attributes, atp -> atp[1]="option_return_nothing" ) then return_nothing := true; else return_nothing := false; fi; fi; pos := PositionProperty( objrec.attributes, atp -> atp[1]="option_debuglevel" ); if pos<>fail then debuglevel := objrec.attributes[pos][2]; else debuglevel := 0; fi; # we gather in callinfo additional information about the # procedure call: now it is only call_id, in the future we # will add used memory, runtime, etc. callinfo:= [ [ "call_id", call_id_value ] ]; if debuglevel > 0 then Add( callinfo, [ "info_runtime", rt2-rt1 ] ); fi; if debuglevel > 1 then Add( callinfo, [ "info_memory", 1024*MemoryUsageByGAPinKbytes() ] ); fi; if debuglevel > 2 then Add( callinfo, [ "info_message", Concatenation( "Memory usage for the result is ", String( MemoryUsage( objrec.object ) ), " bytes" ) ] ); fi; if not callresult[1] or ( IsBound( objrec.is_error) and (objrec.is_error) ) then # preparations to send an error message to the client IN_SCSCP_BINARY_MODE := false; if InfoLevel( InfoSCSCP ) > 0 then Print( "#I Sending error message: ", objrec.object, "\n" ); fi; if objrec.object[1] = "OpenMathError: " then errormessage := [ OMPlainString( Concatenation( "<OMS cd=\"", objrec.object[4], "\" name=\"", objrec.object[6], "\"/>" ) ), "error", objrec.object[2] ]; else # glue together error messages into a single string errormessage := [ Concatenation( servername, ":", String(port), " reports : ", Concatenation( List( objrec.object, String ) ) ), "scscp1", "error_system_specific" ]; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoSCSCP ) > 2 then Print("#I Composing procedure_terminated message: \n"); omtext:=""; localstream := OutputTextString( omtext, true ); OMPutProcedureTerminated( localstream, rec( object:=errormessage[1], attributes:=callinfo ), errormessage[2], errormessage[3] ); Print(omtext, "#I Total length ", Length(omtext), " characters \n"); fi; responseresult := CALL_WITH_CATCH( OMPutProcedureTerminated, [ stream, rec( object:=errormessage[1], attributes:=callinfo ), errormessage[2], errormessage[3] ] ); # FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 4.4.12 WITH REDUCED FUNCTIONALITY if not CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, "4.5.0") then responseresult := [ true, responseresult ]; fi; if responseresult[1] then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "procedure_terminated message sent, closing connection ..."); else Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "client already disconnected, closing connection on server side ..."); fi; disconnect:=true; break; fi; if return_deferred then todo := objrec.object; objrec.object := true; fi; Info( InfoSCSCP, 2, "call_id ", call_id_value, " : sending to client ", objrec.object ); if return_cookie then cookie := TemporaryGlobalVarName( Concatenation( "TEMPVarSCSCP", RandomString(8) ) ); ASS_GVAR( cookie, objrec.object ); if ISBOUND_GLOBAL( cookie ) then Info( InfoSCSCP, 2, "Result stored in the global variable ", cookie ); else Error( "Failed to store result in the global variable ", cookie, "\n" ); fi; # should the cookie be destroyed after the session? if SCSCP_STORE_SESSION_MODE then Add( session_cookies, cookie ); fi; output := rec( object := RemoteObject( cookie, hostname, port ), attributes := callinfo ); elif return_nothing then output := rec( attributes:= callinfo ); else output := rec( object := objrec.object, attributes:= callinfo ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoSCSCP ) > 2 then Print("#I Composing procedure_completed message: \n"); omtext:=""; localstream := OutputTextString( omtext, true ); CALL_WITH_CATCH( OMPutProcedureCompleted, [ localstream, output ] ); if IN_SCSCP_BINARY_MODE then localstream:=InputTextString( omtext ); token:=ReadByte( localstream ); while token <> fail do Print( EnsureCompleteHexNum( HexStringInt( token ) ) ); token:=ReadByte( localstream ); od; Print("\n#I Total length ", Length(omtext), " bytes \n"); else Print(omtext, "#I Total length ", Length(omtext), " characters \n"); fi; fi; responseresult := CALL_WITH_CATCH( OMPutProcedureCompleted, [ stream, output ] ); # FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH 4.4.12 WITH REDUCED FUNCTIONALITY if not CompareVersionNumbers( GAPInfo.Version, "4.5.0") then responseresult := [ true, responseresult ]; fi; if not responseresult[1] then Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "client already disconnected, closing connection on server side ..."); disconnect:=true; break; fi; if return_deferred then # actual work; no result will be returned todo := OMParseXmlObj( todo ); Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Deferred procedure call result : ", todo); fi; until false; fi; Info(InfoSCSCP, 1, "Closing stream ..."); # socket descriptor will be closed here CloseStream( stream ); until disconnect; # end of a single SCSCP session until false; # end of the outer infinite loop fi; end); ########################################################################### ## #E ##