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Views: 466324############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 0.998 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ########################################################################### ## ## ########################################################################### ## #M HasCommutingIdempotents(M) ## ## Tests whether the idempotents of a semigroup <M> commute ## InstallMethod(HasCommutingIdempotents, "for finite semigroups", true, [IsSemigroup], 0, function(M) local e1, e2, E; E := Idempotents(M); for e1 in E do for e2 in E do if e1*e2 <> e2*e1 then Info(InfoSgpViz,2, e1, " and ", e2, " don't commute"); return false; fi; od; od; return true; end); #####################################33################################### ## #M IsInverseSemigroup(S) ## ## Tests whether a finite semigroup is inverse ## InstallMethod(IsInverseSemigroup, "for finite semigroups", true, [IsSemigroup], 0, function(S) return HasCommutingIdempotents(S) and IsRegularSemigroup(S); end); ############################################################################# ## #F PartialTransformation(L) ## ## A partial transformation is a partial function of a set of integers of ## the form {1,..., n}. It is given by means of the list of images. When ## an element has no image, we write 0. ## ## Returns a transformation on a set with one more element that acts like ## a zero ## InstallGlobalFunction(PartialTransformation, function(L) local i, n, K; n := Length(L); #check that it represents a partial transformation. if ForAny([1..n], i-> (IsBound(L[i]) and not L[i] in [0..n])) then Error ("<L> does not describe a partial transformation"); fi; K := ShallowCopy(L); for i in [1..n] do if K[i] = 0 then K[i] := n+1; fi; od; K[n+1] := n+1; return TransformationNC(K); end); ############################################################################ ## #F RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton ## ## Computes the right Cayley graph of a finite monoid or semigroup. It uses the GAP ## buit-in function CayleyGraphSemigroup to compute the Cayley Graph ## and returns it as an automaton without initial and final states. ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton, function(M) local i, size, n, cg, one, table, tr, p; if not IsSemigroup(M) then Error("<M> must be a semigroup"); fi; if IsFpSemigroup(M) or IsFpMonoid(M) then cg := CayleyGraphSemigroup(Range(IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(M))); else cg := CayleyGraphSemigroup(M); fi; tr := ShallowCopy(TransposedMat(cg)); size := Size(M); if First(tr, i-> i = [1..size]) <> fail then Unbind(tr[Position(tr,First(tr, i-> i = [1..size]))]); table := Compacted(tr); else table := tr; fi; if MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M) in GeneratorsOfSemigroup(M) then n := Length(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(M))-1; else n := Length(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(M)); fi; if n <> Length(cg[1]) then Print("WARNING: you are possibly using twice the same generator and this may cause problems...\n"); fi; return Automaton("det", Size(M), n, table, [], []); end); ########################################################################### ## #F DotForDrawingRightCayleyGraph ## ## ouputs a string consisting of dot code the right Cayley graph of a finite monoid or semigroup. ## InstallGlobalFunction(DotForDrawingRightCayleyGraph, function(M) local aut, letters, au, i, j, colors, l2, array, s, arr, max, xs, xout, k, dotstring, l, pos_id, pos_idempotents; aut := RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton(M); letters := []; au := StructuralCopy(aut!.transitions); for i in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions)] do for j in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions[1])] do if not IsBound(au[i][j]) or au[i][j] = 0 or au[i][j] = [0] then au[i][j] := " "; fi; od; od; if IsInt(AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut)) then if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters ## a, b, c, d are used letters := ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; else for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do Add(letters, Concatenation("a", String(i))); od; colors := []; for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do colors[i]:= "black"; od; fi; else if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters ## a, b, c, d are used letters := []; for i in AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut) do Add(letters, [i]); od; colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; else letters := []; for i in AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut) do Add(letters, [i]); od; colors := []; for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do colors[i]:= "black"; od; fi; fi; if aut!.type = "epsilon" then letters[aut!.alphabet] := "@"; fi; l2 := []; array := []; s := []; ## max := Maximum( List( arr, x -> Maximum( List(x,Length) ) ) ); for i in [1 .. aut!.states] do for j in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do xs := ""; xout := OutputTextString(xs, false); PrintTo(xout, letters[j]); if IsBound(au[j]) and IsBound(au[j][i]) and au[j][i] <> " " then if IsList(au[j][i]) then for k in au[j][i] do Add(array, [i, " -> ", k," [label=", "\"", xs,"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); od; else Add(array, [i, " -> ", au[j][i]," [label=", "\"", xs,"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); fi; fi; CloseStream(xout); od; od; arr := List( array, x -> List( x, String ) ); #siegen: in the folowing, "AppendTo(name," was replaced by "Append(dotstring," dotstring := "digraph CayleyGraph {\n"; for l in [ 1 .. Length( arr ) ] do for k in [ 1 .. Length( arr[ l ] ) ] do Append(dotstring, String( arr[ l ][ k ]) ); od; if l = Length( arr ) then Append(dotstring, "\n" ); else Append(dotstring, "\n" ); fi; od; # The state corresponding to the neutral element pos_id := Position(Elements(M), MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M)); # The list of states corresponding to the idempotents pos_idempotents := Set(List(Idempotents(M), e -> Position(Elements(M), e))); for k in [1..aut!.states] do if k = pos_id then Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=deepskyblue];","\n")); elif k in pos_idempotents then Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightcoral];","\n")); else Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(k), " [shape=circle];","\n")); fi; od; Append(dotstring,"}\n"); return dotstring; # CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, ""); end); #siegen # ########################################################################### # ## # #F DrawRightCayleyGraph # ## # ## Drawss the right Cayley graph of a finite monoid or semigroup. # ## # InstallGlobalFunction(DrawRightCayleyGraph, function(M) # local gv, dot, tdir, name, aut, # nome, letters, au, i, j, colors, l2, array, s, # arr, max, xs, xout, k, l, pos_id, pos_idempotents; # tdir := CMUP__getTempDir(); # gv := CMUP__getPsViewer(); # dot := CMUP__getDotExecutable(); # name := Filename(tdir, ""); # aut := RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton(M); # nome := "CayleyGraph"; # letters := []; # au := StructuralCopy(aut!.transitions); # for i in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions)] do # for j in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions[1])] do # if not IsBound(au[i][j]) or au[i][j] = 0 or au[i][j] = [0] then # au[i][j] := " "; # fi; # od; # od; # if IsInt(AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut)) then # if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters # ## a, b, c, d are used # letters := ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; # colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; # else # for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do # Add(letters, Concatenation("a", String(i))); # od; # colors := []; # for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do # colors[i]:= "black"; # od; # fi; # else # if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters # ## a, b, c, d are used # letters := []; # for i in AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut) do # Add(letters, [i]); # od; # colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; # else # letters := []; # for i in AlphabetOfAutomaton(aut) do # Add(letters, [i]); # od; # colors := []; # for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do # colors[i]:= "black"; # od; # fi; # fi; # if aut!.type = "epsilon" then # letters[aut!.alphabet] := "@"; # fi; # l2 := []; # array := []; # s := []; # arr := List( au, x -> List( x, String ) ); # max := Maximum( List( arr, x -> Maximum( List(x,Length) ) ) ); # for i in [1 .. aut!.states] do # for j in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do # xs := ""; # xout := OutputTextString(xs, false); # PrintTo(xout, letters[j]); # if IsBound(au[j]) and IsBound(au[j][i]) and au[j][i] <> " " then # if IsList(au[j][i]) then # for k in au[j][i] do # Add(array, [i, " -> ", k," [label=", "\"", xs,"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); # od; # else # Add(array, [i, " -> ", au[j][i]," [label=", "\"", xs,"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); # fi; # fi; # CloseStream(xout); # od; # od; # arr := List( array, x -> List( x, String ) ); # PrintTo(name, "digraph ", nome, "{", "\n"); # for l in [ 1 .. Length( arr ) ] do # for k in [ 1 .. Length( arr[ l ] ) ] do # AppendTo(name, String( arr[ l ][ k ]) ); # od; # if l = Length( arr ) then # AppendTo(name, "\n" ); # else # AppendTo(name, "\n" ); # fi; # od; # # The state corresponding to the neutral element # pos_id := Position(Elements(M), MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M)); # # The list of states corresponding to the idempotents # pos_idempotents := Set(List(Idempotents(M), e -> Position(Elements(M), e))); # for k in [1..aut!.states] do # if k = pos_id then # AppendTo(name, k, " [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=deepskyblue];","\n"); # elif k in pos_idempotents then # AppendTo(name, k, " [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightcoral];","\n"); # else # AppendTo(name, k, " [shape=circle];","\n"); # fi; # od; # AppendTo(name,"}","\n"); # CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, ""); # end); InstallMethod(SmallGeneratingSetForSemigroups,"generators subset",true,[IsSemigroup], function (S) local Dif, High, i, n, rk, SGS, U, V, US, T; SGS := ShallowCopy(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S)); n := Length(SGS); # # For some transformation semigroups the following coincides with the Jorder if IsTransformationSemigroup(S) then Sort(SGS, function(u,v) return RankOfTransformation(u)>RankOfTransformation(v);end); else Sort(SGS, function(u,v) return IsGreensLessThanOrEqual(GreensJClassOfElement(S,v),GreensJClassOfElement(S,u));end); fi; rk := Length(SGS); if 5*LogInt(rk,2) < rk/2 then High := SGS{[1..5*LogInt(rk,2)+1]}; US := Semigroup(High); i := 1; while i < Length(High) do U:=Subsemigroup(US,High{Difference([1..Length(High)],[i])}); if Size(U)<Size(US) then i:=i+1; else High:=GeneratorsOfSemigroup(U); fi; od; Dif := Difference(SGS,Elements(Subsemigroup(US,High))); SGS := Union(Dif, High); fi; rk := Length(SGS); if rk > n/10 then High := SGS{[1..Int(rk/3)+1]}; US := Semigroup(High); i := 1; while i < Length(High) do U:=Subsemigroup(US,High{Difference([1..Length(High)],[Length(High)-i])}); if Size(U)<Size(US) then i:=i+1; else High:=GeneratorsOfSemigroup(U); fi; od; Dif := Difference(SGS,Elements(Subsemigroup(US,High))); SGS := Union(Dif, High); fi; rk := Length(SGS); if rk > n/10 then High := SGS{[1..Int(rk/2)+1]}; US := Semigroup(High); i := 1; while i < Length(High) do U:=Subsemigroup(US,High{Difference([1..Length(High)],[Length(High)-i])}); if Size(U)<Size(US) then i:=i+1; else High:=GeneratorsOfSemigroup(U); fi; od; Dif := Difference(SGS,Elements(Subsemigroup(US,High))); SGS := Union(Dif, High); fi; # A test... T := Semigroup(SGS); if not ForAll(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S), i -> i in T) then Error("Problems in SmallGeneratingSetForSemigroups"); #otherwise S=T fi; i := 1; while i < Length(SGS) do U:=Subsemigroup(T,SGS{Difference([1..Length(SGS)],[Length(SGS)-i])}); if Size(U)<Size(T) then i:=i+1; else SGS:=GeneratorsOfSemigroup(U); fi; od; return SGS; end); ############################################################################ ## #F ReduceNumberOfGenerators(L) ## Imposing that L is a subset of the set of generators, produces a new ## set of generators. # InstallGlobalFunction(ReduceNumberOfGenerators, function(arg) return SmallGeneratingSetForSemigroups(Semigroup(Flat(arg))); end);