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Views: 466324############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 0.998 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstallGlobalFunction(DotForDrawingDClassOfElement, function(arg) local S, # The semigroup El, # The element whose D-class we'll draw dc, # one d-class cl, cl2, cl3, # index of one certain d-class in dclasses el, el2, # one element of an H-class dclasses, len_dclasses, # number of d-classes dc_number, # the number of the dot node of a D-class eggbox, eggbox2, idegg, idegg2, line, col, ident, existsPathFromAtoB, # matrix with true in [i][j] iff # there is there is a path of arrows # from dclasses[i] to dclasses[j] phi, # phi[i][j] = [i', j'] where # mat_input[i'][j'] = mat[i][j] # where mat_input is the input matrix to # GrahamBlocks (it will # reference entries in eggbox! # and mat is graham_eggbox box4, # Defined where used box5, # Defined where used lenb, # Length of box5 which is the number of # levels in the drawing visited, list, # auxiliary arrays greens_less_than, # matrix with true in [i][j] iff # dclasses[i] <= dclasses[j] #siegen file, # name of the file where dot code dotstring, # name of the string storing the dot code # will be written bag, bag2, # matrix such that bag[i][j] = L # where L is the list of elements of the # H-class currently being processed # ready for being written according to # whether we're writing as transformations # or words zero, # The "zero" on the transformations if partial is_partial, # whether the transformations are partial trans_list, # The list of lists of elements to be coloured len_trans_list, generators, generatorsx, genslen, colors, color, # fich, # the name of the dot file given as argument gv, dot, tdir, alphabet, idempots, # Idempotents of the semigroup idempots2, # ImageListOfTransformation of idempots T, # whether we're displaying as transformations T__, # To hold the value of last argument (may be 1 or 2 or none) # to either display the transformations as transformations # or as an integer (like in the right Cayley Graph). elms__, # The elements of S idemps__, str, str1, str2, tlen, rows, cols, val, retels, i, j, k, k2, p, m, c, ret, px, powerizeWord; # ========================================== # if we're displaying as words this function # replaces 2 or more followd occurrences of # letter a by a^... powerizeWord := function(w) local w2, c, j, a; w2 := []; c := 0; for j in [1..Length(w)] do if c = 0 then a := w[j]; c := 1; elif w[j] = a then c := c + 1; else if c = 1 then Add(w2, a); else w2 := Concatenation(w2, [a], "^", String(c)); fi; c := 1; a := w[j]; fi; od; if c = 1 then Add(w2, a); else w2 := Concatenation(w2, [a], "^", String(c)); fi; return(w2); end; ## End of powerizeWord() -- if not IsBound(arg[1]) or not IsSemigroup(arg[1]) then Error("The first argument must be a semigroup"); else S := arg[1]; fi; if not IsBound(arg[2]) or not IsTransformation(arg[2]) then Error("The second argument must be an element of semigroup"); else El := arg[2]; fi; # alphabet for displaying as words alphabet := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; colors := [ "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "crimson", "cyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkkhaki", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "forestgreen", "gold", "goldenrod", "green", "greenyellow", "grey", "hotpink", "indianred", "khaki", "lawngreen", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslateblue", "lightslategrey", "limegreen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "olivedrab2", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue1", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategrey", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "violetred", "wheat", "yellow", "yellowgreen" ]; tlen := DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S); #siegen # Print(tlen,"\n"); # tdir := CMUP__getTempDir(); # gv := CMUP__getPsViewer(); # dot := CMUP__getDotExecutable(); elms__ := Elements(S); idemps__ := Idempotents(S); T := false; # Display as transformations trans_list := []; # the list of lists of elements # to draw in colors given by the user. #siegen fich is no longer needed: it is replaced by dotstring #fich := "semigroup"; # the name of the dot file for i in [3..Length(arg)] do if #siegen # IsString(arg[i]) then # if arg[i] = "" then # fich := "semigroup"; # else # fich := arg[i]; # fi; # elif IsList(arg[i]) then if not ForAll(arg[i], e -> IsTransformation(e)) then Error("The list of elements must be a list of Transformations ", arg[i]); fi; Add(trans_list, Set(List(arg[i], trans -> ImageListOfTransformation(trans)))); elif i = Length(arg) and (arg[i] = 1 or arg[i] = 2) then T := true; T__ := arg[i]; else Error("The arguments must be: <semigroup>, <element>, [, list of elements]* [, file name]"); fi; od; len_trans_list := Length(trans_list); if not (IsTransformationMonoid(S) or IsTransformationSemigroup(S)) then Print("I will work with an isomorphic transformation semigroup instead\n"); S:= Range(IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(S)); S := Semigroup(ReduceNumberOfGenerators(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S))); fi; #siegen #file := Filename(tdir, Concatenation(fich, ".dot")); ## We will check if the transformations are partial or total generators := GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S); genslen := Length(generators); ##tlen := DegreeOfTransformation(generators[1]); ##tlen := DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S); generatorsx := []; for el in generators do ### if not el = IdentityTransformation(tlen) then if not el = IdentityTransformation then Add(generatorsx, el); fi; od; Sort(generatorsx); idempots := Idempotents(S); idempots2 := List(idempots, x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); # Determine if transitions are partial # and determine the "zero" digit is_partial := ForAll(List(generators, g -> ImageListOfTransformation(g,tlen)), lx -> lx[tlen] = tlen); zero := tlen; # ============= Main Code ================== dclasses := [GreensDClassOfElement(S, El)]; len_dclasses := Length(dclasses); dc_number := 1; #siegen: in the future it should be adapted to make use of "Factorization" of the "semigroups" package if not T then retels := [Elements(dclasses[1]), SemigroupFactorization(S, Elements(dclasses[1])),[]]; fi; #siegen # # write the preambule of the dot file # PrintTo(file, "digraph DClassOfElement {\ngraph [center=yes,ordering=out];\nnode [shape=plaintext];\nedge [color=cornflowerblue,arrowhead=none];\n"); #initializing the dotstring dotstring := "digraph DClassOfElement {\ngraph [center=yes,ordering=out];\nnode [shape=plaintext];\nedge [color=cornflowerblue,arrowhead=none];\n"; # For each d-class write the dot record node for dc in dclasses do eggbox := EggBoxOfDClass(dc); rows := Length(eggbox); cols := Length(eggbox[1]); idegg := List(eggbox, r->List(r, function(h) if IsGroupHClass(h) then return 1; else return 0; fi; end)); ## Order the columns lexicographically line := List([1..cols], x -> [Representative(eggbox[1][x]), x]); Sort(line); eggbox2 := NullMat(rows, cols); idegg2 := NullMat(rows, cols); j := 1; for el in line do for i in [1..rows] do eggbox2[i][j] := ShallowCopy(eggbox[i][el[2]]); idegg2[i][j] := ShallowCopy(idegg[i][el[2]]); od; j := j + 1; od; ## Order the rows lexicographically col := List([1..rows], x -> [Representative(eggbox[x][1]), x]); Sort(col); eggbox := NullMat(rows, cols); idegg := NullMat(rows, cols); i := 1; for el in col do for j in [1..cols] do eggbox[i][j] := ShallowCopy(eggbox2[el[2]][j]); idegg[i][j] := ShallowCopy(idegg2[el[2]][j]); od; i := i + 1; od; if IsRegularDClass(dc) then ret := GrahamBlocks(idegg); # graham_eggbox := ret[1]; phi := ret[2]; fi; bag := []; bag2 := []; for k in [1..rows] do bag[k] := []; bag2[k] := []; for p in [1..cols] do bag2[k][p] := []; od; od; #siegen: in the folowing, "AppendTo(file," was replaced by "Append(dotstring," # Write the dot node definition of the current # D-class Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(dc_number), " [label=<\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" PORT=\"", String(dc_number), "\">\n")); # opens the D-class and # first column for writing # Visit left column first, then second,... because of dot for i in [1..rows] do Append(dotstring, "<TR>"); for j in [1..cols] do # Write H-class [i][j] from current eggbox # With the list of # elements of an H-class writes the # corresponding cell of the dot record node # in the current D-class node Append(dotstring, "<TD BORDER=\"0\">"); # opens h-class # bag2[i][j] is the list of elements # of eggbox[i'][j'] where i' = phi[i][j][1] # and j' = phi[i][j][2], formatted for being written # phi is needed because GrahamBlocks was called. if IsRegularDClass(dc) then # If we're displaying as transformations if T then # bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x)); bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); if T__ = 1 then # if the transformations are partial if is_partial then for el in bag[i][j] do # replace the "zero" by "_" list := []; for p in [] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; for p in [zero+1..tlen] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; if list = [] then Add(list, "_"); fi; # End of replace the "zero" by "_" # str2 will be the written string str := String(list); # if it's an idempot put the "*" if el in idempots2 then str2 := ['*']; else str2 := []; fi; # Remove '"' for c in str do if not c = '"' then #" Add(str2, c); fi; od; # add element for write if str2[6] = '.' then ident := List([1..tlen], x -> x); if str2[1] = '*' then str2 := Concatenation("*", String(ident)); else str2 := String(ident); fi; fi; Add(bag2[i][j], str2); od; # If the transformations are total else # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in bag[i][j] do if el in idempots2 then ## if String(el)[6] = '.' then if el = [] then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(List([1..tlen], x -> x)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(el))); fi; else Add(bag2[i][j], String(el)); fi; od; fi; else # Display transformations as integers # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]) do if el in idemps__ then ## if String(el)[6] = '.' then if el = [] then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(List([1..tlen], x -> x)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(Position(elms__, el)))); fi; else Add(bag2[i][j], String(Position(elms__, el))); fi; od; fi; # If we're displaying as words else bag[i][j] := Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]); for el in bag[i][j] do if el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) then str1 := "1"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "1"; elif el = MultiplicativeZero(S) then str1 := "0"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "0"; else px := Position(retels[1], el); ret := retels[2][px]; str1 := []; if genslen > 26 then for el2 in ret do str1 := Concatenation(str1, "a", String(Position(generatorsx, el2))); od; else for el2 in ret do Add(str1, alphabet[Position(generatorsx, el2)]); od; fi; str1 := powerizeWord(str1); retels[3][px] := str1; fi; if el in idempots then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", str1)); else Add(bag2[i][j], str1); fi; od; # bag[i][j] := List(bag[i][j], x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x)); bag[i][j] := List(bag[i][j], x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); fi; # if it is not a regular d-class else # If we're displaying as transformations if T then # if it is not a regular d-class it has not been sorted by GrahamBlocks, # so pick the elements from eggbox in same (not mapped by phi) order # bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[i][j]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x)); bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[i][j]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); if T__ = 1 then if is_partial then for el in bag[i][j] do list := []; for p in [] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; for p in [zero+1..tlen] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; str := String(list); if el in idempots2 then str2 := ['*']; else str2 := []; fi; for c in str do if not c = '"' then #" Add(str2, c); fi; od; Add(bag2[i][j], str2); od; # If the transformations are total else # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in bag[i][j] do if el in idempots2 then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(el))); else Add(bag2[i][j], String(el)); fi; od; fi; else # Display transformations as integers # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in Elements(eggbox[i][j]) do if el in idemps__ then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(Position(elms__, el)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], String(Position(elms__, el))); fi; od; fi; # If we're displaying as words else bag[i][j] := Elements(eggbox[i][j]); for el in bag[i][j] do if el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) then str1 := "1"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "1"; elif el = MultiplicativeZero(S) then str1 := "0"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "0"; else px := Position(retels[1], el); ret := retels[2][px]; str1 := []; if genslen > 26 then for el2 in ret do str1 := Concatenation(str1, "a", String(Position(generatorsx, el2))); od; else for el2 in ret do Add(str1, alphabet[Position(generatorsx, el2)]); od; fi; str1 := powerizeWord(str1); retels[3][px] := str1; fi; if el in idempots then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", str1)); else Add(bag2[i][j], str1); fi; od; bag[i][j] := List(bag[i][j], x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); fi; fi; # write the elements of current H-class Append(dotstring, "<TABLE CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); for k in [1..Length(bag2[i][j])] do color := "white"; el := bag[i][j][k]; k2 := len_trans_list; while k2 > 0 do if el in trans_list[k2] then color := colors[k2]; break; fi; k2 := k2 - 1; od; Append(dotstring, Concatenation("<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"", color, "\" BORDER=\"0\">")); Append(dotstring, bag2[i][j][k]); Append(dotstring, "</TD></TR>\n"); od; Append(dotstring, "</TABLE>"); Append(dotstring, "</TD>"); # close H-class od; Append(dotstring, "</TR>\n"); # closes current row for writing # Current H-class written od; # Current D-class written # close current node (D-class) Append(dotstring, "</TABLE>>];\n"); # Next D-class will have next number dc_number := dc_number + 1; od; # ===== write the arrows ===== greens_less_than := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do greens_less_than[i] := []; greens_less_than[i][i] := false; od; box4 := []; # This will be a list of lists # for poi3 will be # [ [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ], # meaning that dclasses[1] is only below dclasses[3], # dclasses[2] is only below dclasses[1] and dclasses[3],... for i in [1..len_dclasses] do box4[i] := []; list := [1..len_dclasses]; RemoveSet(list, i); for j in list do if IsGreensLessThanOrEqual(dclasses[i], dclasses[j]) then Add(box4[i], j); greens_less_than[i][j] := true; else greens_less_than[i][j] := false; fi; od; od; visited := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do visited[i] := false; od; val := []; box5 := []; # This variable will be a list of lists # of integers (indexes into dclasses) where # box5 = [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 6 ] ] # means (from top to bottom) first row has dclasses[1], # second row has dclasses[2] and dclasses[3],... j := 1; while ForAny(visited, v -> v = false) do box5[j] := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do # If for all d-classes above dclasses[i] # if ForAll(box4[i], a -> a in val) then Add(box5[j], i); visited[i] := true; fi; od; val := box5[j]; j := j + 1; od; lenb := j - 1; # Length of box5 list := ShallowCopy(box5[1]); for i in [2..lenb] do SubtractSet(box5[i], list); UniteSet(list, ShallowCopy(box5[i])); od; # box5 has been computed. # Write arrows existsPathFromAtoB := List([1..len_dclasses], x -> List([1..len_dclasses], y -> false)); for i in [2..lenb] do for cl in box5[i] do j := i - 1; while j > 0 do for cl2 in box5[j] do if greens_less_than[cl][cl2] and not greens_less_than[cl2][cl] and not existsPathFromAtoB[cl2][cl] then # Draw arrow from node of dclasses[cl2] to node of # dclasses[cl] where map[i] is the number of dot's node # of d-class dclasses[i] Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(cl2), ":", String(cl2), " -> ", String(cl), ":", String(cl), ";\n")); existsPathFromAtoB[cl2][cl] := true; m := j - 1; while m > 0 do for cl3 in box5[m] do if existsPathFromAtoB[cl3][cl2] then existsPathFromAtoB[cl3][cl] := true; fi; od; m := m - 1; od; fi; od; j := j - 1; od; od; od; # Arrows written # Close the dot file Append(dotstring, "}\n"); return dotstring; # ================= Exec dot and display file ============= #siegen CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, Concatenation(fich, ".dot")); end); ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstallGlobalFunction(DotForDrawingDClasses, function(arg) local S, # The semigroup dc, # one d-class cl, cl2, cl3, # index of one certain d-class in dclasses el, el2, # one element of an H-class dclasses, len_dclasses, # number of d-classes dc_number, # the number of the dot node of a D-class eggbox, eggbox2, idegg, idegg2, line, col, ident, existsPathFromAtoB, # matrix with true in [i][j] iff # there is there is a path of arrows # from dclasses[i] to dclasses[j] phi, # phi[i][j] = [i', j'] where # mat_input[i'][j'] = mat[i][j] # where mat_input is the input matrix to # GrahamBlocks (it will # reference entries in eggbox! # and mat is graham_eggbox box4, # Defined where used box5, # Defined where used lenb, # Length of box5 which is the number of # levels in the drawing visited, list, # auxiliary arrays greens_less_than, # matrix with true in [i][j] iff # dclasses[i] <= dclasses[j] #siegen file, # name of the file where dot code dotstring, # name of the string storing the dot code # will be written bag, bag2, # matrix such that bag[i][j] = L # where L is the list of elements of the # H-class currently being processed # ready for being written according to # whether we're writing as transformations # or words zero, # The "zero" on the transformations if partial is_partial, # whether the transformations are partial trans_list, # The list of lists of elements to be coloured len_trans_list, generators, generatorsx, genslen, colors, color, #siegen fich, # the name of the dot file given as argument gv, dot, tdir, alphabet, idempots, # Idempotents of the semigroup idempots2, # ImageListOfTransformation of idempots T, # whether we're displaying as transformations T__, # To hold the value of last argument (may be 1 or 2 or none) # to either display the transformations as transformations # or as an integer (like in the right Cayley Graph). elms__, # The elements of S idemps__, str, str1, str2, tlen, rows, cols, val, retels, i, j, k, k2, p, m, c, ret, px, powerizeWord; # ========================================== # if we're displaying as words this function # replaces 2 or more followed occurrences of # letter a by a^... powerizeWord := function(w) local w2, c, j, a; w2 := []; c := 0; for j in [1..Length(w)] do if c = 0 then a := w[j]; c := 1; elif w[j] = a then c := c + 1; else if c = 1 then Add(w2, a); else w2 := Concatenation(w2, [a], "^", String(c)); fi; c := 1; a := w[j]; fi; od; if c = 1 then Add(w2, a); else w2 := Concatenation(w2, [a], "^", String(c)); fi; return(w2); end; ## End of powerizeWord() -- if not IsBound(arg[1]) or not IsSemigroup(arg[1]) then Error("The first argument must be a semigroup"); else S := arg[1]; fi; # alphabet for displaying as words alphabet := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; colors := [ "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue", "crimson", "cyan", "darkgoldenrod", "darkkhaki", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue", "firebrick", "forestgreen", "gold", "goldenrod", "green", "greenyellow", "grey", "hotpink", "indianred", "khaki", "lawngreen", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen", "lightskyblue", "lightslateblue", "lightslategrey", "limegreen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple", "mediumseagreen", "mediumspringgreen", "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "moccasin", "navajowhite", "olivedrab2", "orange", "orangered", "orchid", "palegreen", "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "peachpuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue1", "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen", "skyblue", "slateblue", "slategrey", "springgreen", "steelblue", "tan", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "violetred", "wheat", "yellow", "yellowgreen" ]; tlen := DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S); elms__ := Elements(S); idemps__ := Idempotents(S); T := false; # Display as transformations trans_list := []; # the list of lists of elements # to draw in colors given by # the user. for i in [2..Length(arg)] do if IsList(arg[i]) then if not ForAll(arg[i], e -> IsTransformation(e)) then Error("The list of elements must be a list of Transformations ", arg[i]); fi; Add(trans_list, Set(List(arg[i], trans -> ImageListOfTransformation(trans,tlen)))); elif i = Length(arg) and (arg[i] = 1 or arg[i] = 2) then T := true; T__ := arg[i]; else Error("The arguments must be: <semigroup> [, list of elements]* [, file name]"); fi; od; len_trans_list := Length(trans_list); if not (IsTransformationMonoid(S) or IsTransformationSemigroup(S)) then Print("I will work with an isomorphic transformation semigroup instead\n"); S:= Range(IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(S)); S := Semigroup(ReduceNumberOfGenerators(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S))); fi; idempots := Idempotents(S); idempots2 := List(idempots, x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); ## We will check if the transformations are partial or total generators := GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S); genslen := Length(generators); ## tlen := DegreeOfTransformation(generators[1]); ## Error(".."); #tlen := DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S); generatorsx := []; for el in generators do ### if not el = IdentityTransformation(tlen) then if not el = IdentityTransformation then Add(generatorsx, el); fi; od; Sort(generatorsx); # Determine if transitions are partial # and determine the "zero" digit is_partial := ForAll(List(generators, g -> ImageListOfTransformation(g,tlen)), lx -> lx[tlen] = tlen); zero := tlen; # ============= Main Code ================== dclasses := GreensDClasses(S); len_dclasses := Length(dclasses); dc_number := 1; #siegen: in the future it should be adapted to make use of "Factorization" of the "semigroups" package if not T then retels := [Elements(S), SemigroupFactorization(S, Elements(S)),[]]; fi; #initializing the dotstring dotstring := "digraph DClasses {\ngraph [center=yes,ordering=out];\nnode [shape=plaintext];\nedge [color=cornflowerblue,arrowhead=none];\n"; # For each d-class write the dot record node for dc in dclasses do eggbox := EggBoxOfDClass(dc); rows := Length(eggbox); cols := Length(eggbox[1]); idegg := List(eggbox, r->List(r, function(h) if IsGroupHClass(h) then return 1; else return 0; fi; end)); ## Order the columns lexicographically line := List([1..cols], x -> [Representative(eggbox[1][x]), x]); Sort(line); eggbox2 := NullMat(rows, cols); idegg2 := NullMat(rows, cols); j := 1; for el in line do for i in [1..rows] do eggbox2[i][j] := ShallowCopy(eggbox[i][el[2]]); idegg2[i][j] := ShallowCopy(idegg[i][el[2]]); od; j := j + 1; od; ## Order the rows lexicographically col := List([1..rows], x -> [Representative(eggbox[x][1]), x]); Sort(col); eggbox := NullMat(rows, cols); idegg := NullMat(rows, cols); i := 1; for el in col do for j in [1..cols] do eggbox[i][j] := ShallowCopy(eggbox2[el[2]][j]); idegg[i][j] := ShallowCopy(idegg2[el[2]][j]); od; i := i + 1; od; if IsRegularDClass(dc) then ret := GrahamBlocks(idegg); # graham_eggbox := ret[1]; phi := ret[2]; fi; bag := []; bag2 := []; for k in [1..rows] do bag[k] := []; bag2[k] := []; for p in [1..cols] do bag2[k][p] := []; od; od; # Write the dot node definition of the current # D-class Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(dc_number), " [label=<\n<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" PORT=\"", String(dc_number), "\">\n")); # opens the D-class and # first column for writing # Visit left column first, then second,... because of dot for i in [1..rows] do Append(dotstring, "<TR>"); for j in [1..cols] do # Write H-class [i][j] from current eggbox # With the list of # elements of an H-class writes the # corresponding cell of the dot record node # in the current D-class node Append(dotstring, "<TD BORDER=\"0\">"); # opens h-class # bag2[i][j] is the list of elements # of eggbox[i'][j'] where i' = phi[i][j][1] # and j' = phi[i][j][2], formatted for being written # phi is needed because GrahamBlocks was called. if IsRegularDClass(dc) then # If we're displaying as transformations if T then bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); if T__ = 1 then # if the transformations are partial if is_partial then for el in bag[i][j] do # replace the "zero" by "_" list := []; for p in [] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; for p in [zero+1..tlen] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; if list = [] then Add(list, "_"); fi; # End of replace the "zero" by "_" # str2 will be the written string str := String(list); # if it's an idempot put the "*" if el in idempots2 then str2 := ['*']; else str2 := []; fi; # Remove '"' for c in str do if not c = '"' then #" Add(str2, c); fi; od; # add element for write if str2[6] = '.' then ident := List([1..tlen], x -> x); if str2[1] = '*' then str2 := Concatenation("*", String(ident)); else str2 := String(ident); fi; fi; Add(bag2[i][j], str2); od; # If the transformations are total else # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in bag[i][j] do if el in idempots2 then ## if String(el)[6] = '.' then if el = [] then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(List([1..tlen], x -> x)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(el))); fi; else Add(bag2[i][j], String(el)); fi; od; fi; else # Display transformations as integers # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]) do if el in idemps__ then if String(el)[6] = '.' then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(List([1..tlen], x -> x)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(Position(elms__, el)))); fi; else Add(bag2[i][j], String(Position(elms__, el))); fi; od; fi; # If we're displaying as words else bag[i][j] := Elements(eggbox[phi[i][j][1]][phi[i][j][2]]); for el in bag[i][j] do if el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) then str1 := "1"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "1"; elif el = MultiplicativeZero(S) then str1 := "0"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "0"; else px := Position(retels[1], el); ret := retels[2][px]; str1 := []; if genslen > 26 then for el2 in ret do str1 := Concatenation(str1, "a", String(Position(generatorsx, el2))); od; else for el2 in ret do Add(str1, alphabet[Position(generatorsx, el2)]); od; fi; str1 := powerizeWord(str1); retels[3][px] := str1; fi; if el in idempots then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", str1)); else Add(bag2[i][j], str1); fi; od; bag[i][j] := List(bag[i][j], x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); fi; # if it is not a regular d-class else # If we're displaying as transformations if T then # if it is not a regular d-class it has not been sorted by GrahamBlocks, # so pick the elements from eggbox in same (not mapped by phi) order bag[i][j] := List(Elements(eggbox[i][j]), x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); if T__ = 1 then if is_partial then for el in bag[i][j] do list := []; for p in [] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; for p in [zero+1..tlen] do if el[p] = zero then Add(list, "_"); elif el[p] > zero then Add(list, el[p]-1); else Add(list, el[p]); fi; od; str := String(list); if el in idempots2 then str2 := ['*']; else str2 := []; fi; for c in str do if not c = '"' then #" Add(str2, c); fi; od; Add(bag2[i][j], str2); od; # If the transformations are total else # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in bag[i][j] do if el in idempots2 then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(el))); else Add(bag2[i][j], String(el)); fi; od; fi; else # Display transformations as integers # Add '*' if it's an idempotent for el in Elements(eggbox[i][j]) do if el in idemps__ then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", String(Position(elms__, el)))); else Add(bag2[i][j], String(Position(elms__, el))); fi; od; fi; # If we're displaying as words else bag[i][j] := Elements(eggbox[i][j]); for el in bag[i][j] do if el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) then str1 := "1"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "1"; elif el = MultiplicativeZero(S) then str1 := "0"; retels[3][Position(retels[1], el)] := "0"; else px := Position(retels[1], el); ret := retels[2][px]; str1 := []; if genslen > 26 then for el2 in ret do str1 := Concatenation(str1, "a", String(Position(generatorsx, el2))); od; else for el2 in ret do Add(str1, alphabet[Position(generatorsx, el2)]); od; fi; str1 := powerizeWord(str1); retels[3][px] := str1; fi; if el in idempots then Add(bag2[i][j], Concatenation("*", str1)); else Add(bag2[i][j], str1); fi; od; bag[i][j] := List(bag[i][j], x -> ImageListOfTransformation(x,tlen)); fi; fi; # write the elements of current H-class Append(dotstring, "<TABLE CELLSPACING=\"0\">"); for k in [1..Length(bag2[i][j])] do color := "white"; el := bag[i][j][k]; k2 := len_trans_list; while k2 > 0 do if el in trans_list[k2] then color := colors[k2]; break; fi; k2 := k2 - 1; od; Append(dotstring, Concatenation("<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"", color, "\" BORDER=\"0\">")); Append(dotstring, bag2[i][j][k]); Append(dotstring, "</TD></TR>\n"); od; Append(dotstring, "</TABLE>"); Append(dotstring, "</TD>"); # close H-class od; Append(dotstring, "</TR>\n"); # closes current row for writing # Current H-class written od; # Current D-class written # close current node (D-class) Append(dotstring, "</TABLE>>];\n"); # Next D-class will have next number dc_number := dc_number + 1; od; # ===== write the arrows ===== greens_less_than := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do greens_less_than[i] := []; greens_less_than[i][i] := false; od; box4 := []; # This will be a list of lists # for poi3 will be # [ [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ], # meaning that dclasses[1] is only below dclasses[3], # dclasses[2] is only below dclasses[1] and dclasses[3],... for i in [1..len_dclasses] do box4[i] := []; list := [1..len_dclasses]; RemoveSet(list, i); for j in list do if IsGreensLessThanOrEqual(dclasses[i], dclasses[j]) then Add(box4[i], j); greens_less_than[i][j] := true; else greens_less_than[i][j] := false; fi; od; od; visited := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do visited[i] := false; od; val := []; box5 := []; # This variable will be a list of lists # of integers (indexes into dclasses) where # box5 = [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 6 ] ] # means (from top to bottom) first row has dclasses[1], # second row has dclasses[2] and dclasses[3],... j := 1; while ForAny(visited, v -> v = false) do box5[j] := []; for i in [1..len_dclasses] do # If for all d-classes above dclasses[i] # if ForAll(box4[i], a -> a in val) then Add(box5[j], i); visited[i] := true; fi; od; val := box5[j]; j := j + 1; od; lenb := j - 1; # Length of box5 list := ShallowCopy(box5[1]); for i in [2..lenb] do SubtractSet(box5[i], list); UniteSet(list, ShallowCopy(box5[i])); od; # box5 has been computed. # Write arrows existsPathFromAtoB := List([1..len_dclasses], x -> List([1..len_dclasses], y -> false)); for i in [2..lenb] do for cl in box5[i] do j := i - 1; while j > 0 do for cl2 in box5[j] do if greens_less_than[cl][cl2] and not greens_less_than[cl2][cl] and not existsPathFromAtoB[cl2][cl] then # Draw arrow from node of dclasses[cl2] to node of # dclasses[cl] where map[i] is the number of dot's node # of d-class dclasses[i] Append(dotstring, Concatenation(String(cl2), ":", String(cl2), " -> ", String(cl), ":", String(cl), ";\n")); ##Append(dotstring, Concatenation(cl2, ":", cl2, " -> ", cl, ":", cl, ";\n")); existsPathFromAtoB[cl2][cl] := true; m := j - 1; while m > 0 do for cl3 in box5[m] do if existsPathFromAtoB[cl3][cl2] then existsPathFromAtoB[cl3][cl] := true; fi; od; m := m - 1; od; fi; od; j := j - 1; od; od; od; # Arrows written # Close the dot file Append(dotstring, "}\n"); return dotstring; end); ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------------