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Views: 466317############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 0.998 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ########################################################################### ## #F DrawSchutzenbergerGraphs(S) ## ## Draws the Schutzenberger graphs of the semigroup <S> ## InstallGlobalFunction(DrawSchutzenbergerGraphs, function(S) local cg, dc, els, g, scc, graph_list, visited_dc, list, c, e, d, a, i, h, au, aut, l1, l2, arr, array, colors, j, k, letters, max, name, aut2dc, dc2aut, dc2cnode, liga, nome, R, l, s, t, gv, dot, tdir, x, y, z, map, count, lend, box4, b5, b6, b7, fich, A, ix, dclasses, subAutomaton; subAutomaton := function ( A, S, I, F ) local i, M, N, s, a, q, l; N := Length( S ); if A!.type = "det" then M := NullMat( A!.alphabet, N ); for i in [ 1 .. N ] do for a in [ 1 .. A!.alphabet ] do q := A!.transitions[a][S[i]]; if q in S then M[a][i] := Position( S, q ); fi; od; od; return Automaton( "det", N, FamilyObj( A )!.alphabet, M, List( I, function ( x ) return Position( S, x ); end ), List( F, function ( x ) return Position( S, x ); end ) ); else M := [ ]; for a in [ 1 .. A!.alphabet ] do M[a] := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. N ] do M[a][i] := [ ]; od; od; for i in [ 1 .. N ] do for a in [ 1 .. A!.alphabet ] do l := A!.transitions[a][S[i]]; for q in l do if q in S then Add( M[a][i], Position( S, q ) ); fi; od; od; od; return Automaton( A!.type, N, FamilyObj( A )!.alphabet, M, List( I, function ( x ) return Position( S, x ); end ), List( F, function ( x ) return Position( S, x ); end ) ); fi; return; end; ## End of subAutomaton() -- if not IsSemigroup(S) then Error("The argument must be a semigroup"); fi; if not IsInverseSemigroup(S) then Print("The argument is not an inverse semigroup\n"); return; fi; if not IsTransformation(AsList(S)[1]) then Print("I will work with an isomorphic transformation semigroup instead\n"); S:= Range(IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(S)); fi; cg := RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton(S); dc := GreensDClasses(S); els := Elements(S); g := UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton(cg); scc := GraphStronglyConnectedComponents(g); graph_list := []; visited_dc := []; list := []; aut2dc := []; dc2aut := []; for c in scc do e := els[c[1]]; d := GreensDClassOfElement(S, e); if not d in visited_dc then Add(visited_dc, d); aut := subAutomaton(cg, c, [], []); Add(graph_list, aut); Add(aut2dc, Position(dc, d)); fi; od; lend := Length(dc); for i in [1..lend] do k := aut2dc[i]; dc2aut[k] := i; od; box4 := []; for i in [1..lend] do box4[i] := []; list := [1..lend]; RemoveSet(list, i); for j in list do if IsGreensLessThanOrEqual(dc[i], dc[j]) then Add(box4[i], j); fi; od; od; j := 1; b5 := []; b7 := StructuralCopy(box4); visited_dc := []; for i in [1..lend] do visited_dc[i] := false; od; while not ForAll(visited_dc, b->b) do for i in [1..lend] do if b7[i] = [] then if not IsBound(b5[j]) then b5[j] := []; fi; Add(b5[j], i); b7[i] := [0]; visited_dc[i] := true; fi; od; for i in [1..lend] do b7[i] := Difference(b7[i], b5[j]); od; j := j + 1; od; count := 1; map := []; tdir := CMUP__getTempDir(); gv := CMUP__getPsViewer(); dot := CMUP__getDotExecutable(); fich := "schutzenbergergraphs"; name := Filename(tdir, Concatenation(fich, ".dot")); nome := "SchutzenbergerGraphs"; PrintTo(name, "digraph ", nome, "{\ncompound=true;\n"); dc2cnode := []; for x in b5 do for ix in x do A := graph_list[dc2aut[ix]]; for h in [1..A!.states] do map[h] := count; count := count + 1; od; aut := A; dc2cnode[ix] := map[1]; AppendTo(name, "subgraph cluster", ix, "{\n"); letters := []; au := StructuralCopy(aut!.transitions); for i in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions)] do for j in [1 .. Length(aut!.transitions[1])] do if not IsBound(au[i][j]) or au[i][j] = 0 or au[i][j] = [0] then au[i][j] := " "; fi; od; od; if IsInt(FamilyObj(aut)!.alphabet) then if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters ## a, b, c, d are used letters := ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]; colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; else for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do Add(letters, Concatenation("a", String(i))); od; colors := []; for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do colors[i]:= "black"; od; fi; else if aut!.alphabet < 7 then ## for small alphabets, the letters ## a, b, c, d are used letters := []; for i in FamilyObj(A)!.alphabet do Add(letters, [i]); od; colors := ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "brown", "black"]; else letters := []; for i in FamilyObj(A)!.alphabet do Add(letters, [i]); od; colors := []; for i in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do colors[i]:= "black"; od; fi; fi; if aut!.type = "epsilon" then letters[aut!.alphabet] := "@"; fi; l2 := []; array := []; s := []; arr := List( au, x -> List( x, String ) ); max := Maximum( List( arr, x -> Maximum( List(x,Length) ) ) ); for i in [1 .. aut!.states] do for j in [1 .. aut!.alphabet] do if IsBound(au[j]) and IsBound(au[j][i]) and au[j][i] <> " " then if IsList(au[j][i]) then for k in au[j][i] do Add(array, [map[i], " -> ", map[k]," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); od; else Add(array, [map[i], " -> ", map[au[j][i]]," [label=", "\"", letters[j],"\"",",color=", colors[j], "];"]); fi; fi; od; od; arr := List( array, x -> List( x, String ) ); for l in [ 1 .. Length( arr ) ] do for k in [ 1 .. Length( arr[ l ] ) ] do AppendTo(name, String( arr[ l ][ k ]) ); od; AppendTo(name, "\n" ); od; for i in Difference(aut!.initial, aut!.accepting) do AppendTo(name, map[i], " [shape=triangle];","\n"); od; for j in aut!.accepting do if j in aut!.initial then AppendTo(name, map[j], " [shape=triangle,peripheries=2];","\n"); else AppendTo(name, map[j], " [shape=doublecircle];","\n"); fi; od; for k in Difference([1..aut!.states],Concatenation(aut!.initial, aut!.accepting)) do AppendTo(name, map[k], " [shape=circle];","\n"); od; AppendTo(name,"}","\n"); map := []; od; od; liga := []; for i in [1..Length(b5)-1] do for x in b5[i+1] do for y in b5[i] do if IsGreensLessThanOrEqual(dc[x], dc[y]) then Add(liga, [y,x]); fi; od; od; od; for x in liga do AppendTo(name, dc2cnode[x[1]], " -> ", dc2cnode[x[2]], " [lhead=cluster", x[2], ",ltail=cluster", x[1], ",color=cornflowerblue];\n"); od; AppendTo(name,"}","\n"); CMUP__executeDotAndViewer(tdir, dot, gv, Concatenation(fich, ".dot")); end);