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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 0.998 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2005, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ########################################################################### #==================================================================== #siegen(17/09/05): after adapting the code to use the function "factorization" of the "semigroups" package, this function is no longer needed #==================================================================== InstallGlobalFunction(SemigroupFactorization, function(S, L) local cg, els, gens, gens2, p1, path, fact, M, G, current, current2, el, map, visited, els_len, L_vis, L_len, L_pos, p, gensx, T, iso, path2fact, i, j, k, a, q, s, g, v; path2fact := function(p) local f, i, len; f := []; len := Length(p); for i in [1..len-1] do Add(f, gens[T[p[i]][p[i+1]]]); od; return(f); end; ## End of path2fact() -- if not (IsSemigroup(S) or IsMonoid(S)) then Error("The first argument must be a semigroup"); fi; # if not IsTransformation(AsList(S)[1]) then if not IsTransformationSemigroup(S) then Print("I will work with an isomorphic transformation semigroup instead\n"); iso := IsomorphismTransformationSemigroup(S); S := Range(iso); S := Semigroup(ReduceNumberOfGenerators(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S))); L := List(L, x->ImageElm(iso,x)); fi; if MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) = fail then M := Monoid(Set(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S))); gens2 := GeneratorsOfMonoid(M); else gens2 := Set(GeneratorsOfSemigroup(S)); gensx := Difference(gens2,[IdentityTransformation]); # for el in gens2 do # if not el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) or (IsTransformation(MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S)) and # not MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) = IdentityTransformation(DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S)) then # Add(gensx, el); # fi; # od; # if IsTransformation(MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S)) and # not MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S) = IdentityTransformation(DegreeOfTransformation(MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S))) then # Add(gensx, MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S)); # fi; if gensx = [] then gensx := [ShallowCopy(MultiplicativeNeutralElement(S))]; fi; M := Monoid(gensx); gens2 := GeneratorsOfMonoid(M); fi; gens := []; for el in gens2 do if not el = MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M) then Add(gens, el); fi; od; els := Elements(M); els_len := Size(M); if not IsList(L) then L := [L]; fi; if L = [] then return([]); fi; if ForAny(L, x -> not x in els) then Error("The second argument must be a list of elements of the given semigroup"); fi; cg := RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton(M); G := UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton(cg); L_len := Length(L); L_vis := 0; L_pos := Set(List(L, x -> Position(els, x))); if MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M) in L then L_len := L_len - 1; p := Position(els, MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M)); RemoveSet(L_pos, p); fi; T := NullMat(els_len, els_len); for a in [!.alphabet] do for q in [!.states] do T[q][cg!.transitions[a][q]] := a; od; od; p1 := Position(els, MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M)); visited := []; path := []; fact := []; for i in [1..els_len] do visited[i] := false; od; path[p1] := [p1]; fact[p1] := [MultiplicativeNeutralElement(M)]; current := [[p1, G[p1]]]; while L_vis < L_len do current2 := []; for el in current do for v in el[2] do if not visited[v] then visited[v] := true; path[v] := ShallowCopy(path[el[1]]); Add(path[v],v); if v in L_pos then L_vis := L_vis + 1; fi; Add(current2, [v, G[v]]); fi; od; od; current := current2; od; for i in L_pos do fact[i] := path2fact(path[i]); od; return(List(L, x -> fact[Position(els, x)])); end);