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Views: 418346%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%%2%W ppowerpolypcpgroup.tex GAP documentation D�rte Feichtenschlager3%%4%H $Id: ppowerpolypcpgroup.tex, v0.5 2010/05/31 09:30:00 gap SymbCompCC $5%%67%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8\Chapter{p-power-poly-pcp-groups}910Eick and Leedham-Green \cite{ELG08} defined for a prime <p> and a fixed11coclass <r> infinite coclass sequences. These sequences consist of finite12<p>-groups of coclass <r>. For each infinite coclass sequence there exists a13consistent pp-presentation (see14Section~"Background on (polycyclic) parametrised presentations")15such that if we choose a natural number for the parameter and possibly reduce16the exponents modulo the relative orders, we obtain a consistent polycyclic17presentation for a group in the sequence; and for each group in the sequence18there exists a natural number such that using this as a value for the19parameter, we obtain a polycyclic presentation for the group.2021We use these consistent pp-presentations to compute parametrised22groups, which we call <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups. Furthermore, methods for23these are presented. Without specifying the parameter we compute certain24properties and using the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups we do this for all groups25they represent at once.2627The <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups have a consistent pp-presentation with28generators $g_1, \ldots, g_n, t_1, \ldots t_d$ and $c_1, \ldots, c_m$, for some29non-negative integers <n>, <d> and <m>, and relations of the form, where30$rel[i,j]$ stores the right hand sides of the relations (see31Section~"Background on (polycyclic) parametrised presentations" for more32information on pp-presentations),3334%display{nontext}35$$36\eqalign{37&\, g_i^p=rel[i,i],\cr38&\, t_i^{expo} = rel[n+i,n+i],\cr39&\, c_i^{expo\_vec[i]} = rel[n+d+i,n+d+i],\cr40&\, g_i^{g_j} = rel[j,i], \cr41&\, t_i^{g_j} = rel[j,n+i], \cr42&\, t_i^{t_j} = rel[n+j,n+i],43}44$$45%display{text}46% g_i^p = rel[i,i],47% t_i^{expo} = rel[n+i,n+i],48% c_i^{expo\_vec[i]} = rel[n+d+i,n+d+i],49% g_i^{g_j} = rel[j,i],50% t_i^{g_j} = rel[j,n+i],51% t_i^{t_j} = rel[n+j,n+i],52%enddisplay53where the $t_i$'s commute modulo $\langle c_1,\ldots, c_m\rangle$ and the54$c_i$'s are central. So <rel> (see Section~"Obtaining p-power-poly-pcp-groups")55are the right hand sides of the relations, where some depend on the parameter.56The relative orders <expo> and <expo\_vec[i]> of the generators $t_j$ and57$c_i$ depend on the parameter.5859%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%60\Section{Example}6162In this section we present the well-known example of quaternion groups63$Q_{2^{x+3}}$. They have a pp-presentation of the following form:6465%display{nontext}66$$67\eqalign{68\{ g_1,g_2,t_1 \mid &g_1^{2} = t_1^{2^x},\, g_2^{g_1} = g_269t_1^{-1+2^{x+1}},\cr70&\, g_2^{2} = t_1,\, t_1^{g_1} = t_1^{-1+2^{x+1}},\cr71&\, t_1^{2^{x+1}} = 1 \}.72}73$$74%display{text}75% { g_1,g_2,t_1|g_1^2 = t_1^{2^x}, g_2^{g_1} = g_2t_1^{-1+2^{x+1}},76% g_2^{2} = t_1, t_1^{g_1} = t_1^{-1+2^{x+1}},77% t_1^{2^{x+1}} = 1 }.78%enddisplay7980%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%81\Section{Obtaining p-power-poly-pcp-groups}8283To obtain <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups:8485\>PPPPcpGroups( <rel>, <n>, <d>, <m>, <expo>, <expo_vec>, <prime>, <cc>, <name> ) F86\>PPPPcpGroups( <rec> ) F8788returns the p-power-poly-pcp-groups described by the consistent89pp-presentation with generators $g_1, \ldots, g_n$, $t_1, \ldots t_d$,90$c_1, \ldots, c_m$, for some non-negative integers <n>, <d> and <m>, and91relations of the form9293%display{nontext}94$$95\eqalign{96&\, g_i^p=rel[i,i],\cr97&\, t_i^{expo} = rel[n+i,n+i],\cr98&\, c_i^{expo\_vec[i]} = rel[n+d+i,n+d+i],\cr99&\, g_i^{g_j} = rel[j,i], \cr100&\, t_i^{g_j} = rel[j,n+i], \cr101&\, t_i^{t_j} = rel[n+j,n+i].102}103$$104%display{text}105% g_i^p = rel[i,i],106% t_i^{expo} = rel[n+i,n+i],107% c_i^{expo\_vec[i]} = rel[n+d+i,n+d+i],108% g_i^{g_j} = rel[j,i],109% t_i^{g_j} = rel[j,n+i],110% t_i^{t_j} = rel[n+j,n+i].111%enddisplay112113The input consists of the following:114115%display{nonhtml}116\beginitems117`<rel>' & is the list of the right hand sides of the relations, where each118relation is presented by a list consisting of tuples; the first entry <i> of119a tuple is the index of the generator (if $i \le n$, then it represents120generator $g_i$, if $n \< i \le d$, then it represents generator $t_{i-n}$121and otherwise it represents generator $c_{i-n-d}$) and the second entry of122the tuple is the corresponding exponent.123Note that the exponents of the $g_i$'s are saved as integers and all other124exponents as lists, representing elements depending on the parameter.125126`<n>' & is the number of generators $g_i$,127128`<d>' & is the number of generators $t_i$,129130`<m>' & is the number of generators $c_i$,131132`<expo>' & is the relative order of all generators $t_i$; note that <expo> is133a list that represents an element depending on the parameter,134135`<expo_vec>' & is the list of relative orders, where the <i>th entry of the136list gives the relative order of the generator $c_i$; note that each137relative order is a list that represents an element depending on the138parameter,139140`<prime>' & is the underlying prime <p>,141142`<cc>' & if the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups represent an infinite coclass143sequence of <p>-groups of coclass <r>, then <cc> = <r>. If they represent144Schur extensions of groups in an infinite coclass sequence, then <cc> is145the coclass of the groups in this infinite coclass sequence.146147`<name>' & a string to name the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups.148149`<rec>' & is a record of the form150<rec( rel, expo, n, d, m, prime, cc, expo_vec, name )>.151\enditems152%display{nontext}153%\beginitems154%`<rel>' & is the list of relations, where each relation is presented by a155%list consisting of tuples; the first entry <i> of a tuple is the index of the156%generator (if $i \le n$, then it represents generator $g_i$, if $n \< i \le d$,157%then it represents generator $t_{i-n}$ and otherwise it represents generator158%$c_{i-n-d}$) and the second entry of the tuple is the corresponding exponent.159%Note that the exponents of the $g_i$'s are saved as integers and all other160%exponents as lists, representing elements depending on the parameter.161%`<n>' & is the number of generators $g_i$,162%`<d>' & is the number of generators $t_i$,163%`<m>' & is the number of generators $c_i$,164%`<expo>' & is the relative order of all generators $t_i$; note that expo is165%given as a list to represent an element depending on the parameter,166%`<expo_vec>' & is the list of relative orders, where the <i>th entry of the167%list gives the relative order of the generator $c_i$; note that each168%relative order is given as a list to represent an element depending on the169%parameter,170%`<prime>' & is the underlying prime <p>,171%`<cc>' & if the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups represent an infinite coclass172%sequence of <p>-groups of coclass <r>, then <cc> = <r>. If they represent173%Schur extensions of groups in an infinite coclass sequence, then <cc> is174%the coclass of the groups in this infinite coclass sequence.175%`<name>' & a string to name the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups.176%`<rec>' & is a record of the form177%<rec( rel, expo, n, d, m, prime, cc, expo_vec, name )>.178%\enditems179%enddisplay180181The pp-presentation is described at the beginning of Chapter182"p-power-poly-pcp-group". Note that the consistency of the presentation is183checked and that the presentation has to be consistent.184185\beginexample186gap> ParPresGlobalVar_2_1[1];187rec(188rel := [ [ [ [ 1, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, -1+2*2^x ] ], [ [ 3, 1 ] ] ],189[ [ [ 3, -1+2*2^x ] ], [ [ 3, 1 ] ], [ [ 3, 0 ] ] ] ], expo := 2*2^x,190n := 2, d := 1, m := 0, prime := 2, cc := 1, expo_vec := [ ], name := "D" )191gap> G := PPPPcpGroups( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1[1] );192< P-Power-Poly-pcp-groups with 3 generators with relative orders [ 2,2,2*2^x ] >193\endexample194195\>PPPPcpGroupsElement( <G>, <word> ) F196197constructs an element in <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups, where <G> is a198<p>-power-poly-pcp-group (thus representing an infinite coclass sequence199through a pp-presentation) with generators $g_1, \ldots, g_n, t_1,200\ldots, t_d, c_1, \ldots, c_m$ and <word> is a list of tuples, where the first201entry <i> in the tuple gives the index of the generator (if $i \le n$, then202it represents generator $g_i$, if $n \< i \le d$, then it represents generator203$t_{i-n}$ and otherwise it represents generator $c_{i-n-d}$) and the second204entry of the tuple is the corresponding exponent. Note that the exponents205of the $g_i$'s must be integers, while all other exponents can be integers206or lists, representing an element depending on the parameter.207208\beginexample209gap> G := PPPPcpGroups( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1[3] );210< P-Power-Poly pcp-groups with orders [ 2,2,2*2^x ] >211gap> g1 := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G , [[1,1]] );212g1213gap> g := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G , [[1,1],[2,1],[3,1]] );214g1*g2*t1215gap> h := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G , [[1,1],[2,1],[3,G!.expo-1]] );216g1*g2*t1^(-1+2*2^x)217\endexample218219%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%220\Section{Operations and functions for p-power-poly-pcp-group elements}221222The typical operations for group elements can be carried out for223<p>-power-poly-pcp-group elements, like `*', `/', Inverse, One, equality and224ShallowCopy.225226\>CollectPPPPcp( <a> ) F227228collects the <p>-power-poly-pcp-group element <a> so that after reducing to229integers for every specific value for the parameter <x>, the element is230collected in the polycyclic group, represented by <x> in the underlying231pp-presentation.232233Note that the global234variable `COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP' determines whether every element will be235collected immediately, when created, or not, see236%display{tex}237{\tt COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP},238%enddisplay239"COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP".240241%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%242\Section{Operations and functions for p-power-poly-pcp-groups}243244For <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups:245246\> GeneratorsOfGroup( <G> )247248returns a set of generators for the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G>.249250\> One( <G> )251252obtains the identity element of the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G>.253254\>IsConsistentPPPPcp( <G> ) F255\>IsConsistentPPPPcp( <ParPres> ) F256257checks if the underlying pp-presentation of the258<p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G> is consistent or if the pp-presenta-tion259<ParPres> is consistent.260261\>GetPcGroupPPowerPoly( <ParPres>, <n> ) F262\>GetPcGroupPPowerPoly( <G>, <n> ) F263264takes the pp-presentation given by the record <ParPres> as in265%display{tex}266{\tt PPPPcpGroups},267%enddisplay268"PPPPcpGroups" or the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G> and takes <n>, a269non-negative integer, as a value for the parameter to obtain a270pc-presentation for the corresponding finite <p>-group.271272\>GetPcpGroupPPowerPoly( <ParPres>, <n> ) F273\>GetPcpGroupPPowerPoly( <G>, <n> ) F274275takes pp-presentation given by the record <ParPres> as in276%display{tex}277{\tt PPPPcpGroups},278%enddisplay279"PPPPcpGroups" or the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G> and takes <n>, a280non-negative integer, as the parameter to obtain a pcp-presentation for the281corresponding finite <p>-group, for further information we refer to the282polycyclic package.283284\>GAPInputPPPPcpGroups( <file>, <G> ) F285\>GAPInputPPPPcpGroups( <file>, <ParPres> ) F286287prints the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G> defined by <ParPres> in the file288<file> as a record that could be used as input to289%display{tex}290{\tt PPPPcpGroups},291%enddisplay292"PPPPcpGroups" to create <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups.293294\>GAPInputPPPPcpGroupsAppend( <file>, <G> ) F295\>GAPInputPPPPcpGroupsAppend( <file>, <ParPres> ) F296297appends the pp-presentation of the <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups <G> defined by298<ParPres> to the file <file> as a record that could be used as input to299%display{tex}300{\tt PPPPcpGroups},301%enddisplay302"PPPPcpGroups" to create <p>-power-poly-pcp-groups.303304\>LatexInputPPPPcpGroups( <file>, <G> ) F305\>LatexInputPPPPcpGroups( <file>, <ParPres> ) F306307prints the pp-presentation of <G> as given by <ParPres> in latex-code to the308file <file>. Note that only non-trivial relations are printed.309310\>LatexInputPPPPcpGroupsAppend( <file>, <G> ) F311\>LatexInputPPPPcpGroupsAppend( <file>, <ParPres> ) F312313appends the pp-presentation of <G> as given by <ParPres> in latex-code to the314file <file>. Note that only non-trivial relations are appended.315316\> LatexInputPPPPcpGroupsAllAppend( <file>, <G> ) F317\> LatexInputPPPPcpGroupsAllAppend( <file>, <ParPres> ) F318319appends the pp-presentation of <G> as given by <ParPres> in latex-code to the320file <file>. Note that all relations are appended.321322%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%323\Section{Info classes for the p-power-poly-pcp-groups}324325The following info classes are available:326327\>`InfoConsistencyPPPPcp' V328329is an InfoClass with the following levels.330331%display{nonhtml}332\beginitems333`level 1' & displays the first consistency relation that fails during the consistency check;334335`level 2' & displays which family of consistency relations have been checked during a consistency check.336\enditems337%display{nontext}338%\beginitems339%`level 1' & displays the first consistency relation that fails during the consistency check;340%`level 2' & displays which family of consistency relations have been checked during a consistency check.341%\enditems342%enddisplay343344the default value is 1.345346\>`InfoCollectingPPPPcp' V347348is an InfoClass with the following levels.349350\beginitems351`level 1' & displays some information during collecting;352\enditems353354the default value is 0.355356%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%357\Section{Global variables for the p-power-poly-pcp-groups}358359The following global variables are available with default value:360361\>`COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP' V362363is a global variable determining if every <p>-power-poly-pcp-group364element is collected, when created, the default value is true.365366367