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Views: 466303############################################################################### ## #F The SymbCompCC package D�rte Feichtenschlager ## ############################################################################### ## ## Declare a new category to be able to handle the groups elements of the Schur ## Extension with p-power-poly exponents ## ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroups( rel, n, d, m, expo, expo_vec, prime ) ## ## Input: a list of relations rel, the numbers of the different generators n, ## m, d, the exponend of the t_i's expo, the list of exponents of the ## c_i's and a prime p ## ## Output: p-power-poly-pcp-groups (including checks) ## InstallGlobalFunction( PPPPcpGroups, function( arg ) # function( rel, n, d, m, expo, expo_vec, prime, cc, name ) local prime, n, d, m, rel, expo, expo_vec, name, cc, i, j, k, obj; if Length( arg ) = 1 then prime := arg[1]!.prime; n := arg[1]!.n; d := arg[1]!.d; m := arg[1]!.m; rel := arg[1]!.rel; expo := arg[1]!.expo; expo_vec := arg[1]!.expo_vec; cc := arg[1]!.cc; name := arg[1]!.name; else rel := arg[1]; n := arg[2]; d := arg[3]; m := arg[4]; expo := arg[5]; expo_vec := arg[6]; prime := arg[7]; cc := arg[8]; name := arg[9]; fi; if not IsPrime( prime ) then Error( "Wrong input. The seventh input has to be a prime." ); elif Length( expo_vec ) <> m then Error( "Wrong input. The sixth input has to be a list of length the fourth input." ); elif Length( rel ) <> n+d+m then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); else i := 1; while i <= m do if not IsList( expo_vec[i] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; i := i + 1; od; fi; i := 1; while i <= n+d+m do j := 1; if Length( rel[i] ) <> i then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; while j <= i do k := 1; while k <= Length( rel[i][j] ) do if rel[i][j][k][1] <= n then if not IsInt( rel[i][j][k][2] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; else if not IsList( rel[i][j][k][2] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; fi; k := k + 1; od; j := j + 1; od; i := i + 1; od; obj := Objectify( NewType( PPPPcpGroupsFamily, IsPPPPcpGroupsRep ), rec(rel:=StructuralCopy(rel),n:=n,d:=d,m:=m,expo:=ShallowCopy(expo),expo_vec:=StructuralCopy(expo_vec),prime:=prime,cc:=cc,name:=name ) ); if IsConsistentPPPPcp( obj ) then return obj; else Error( "The pp-presentation has to be consistent." ); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroupsNC( rel, n, d, m, expo, expo_vec, prime ) ## ## "for Schur extension with p-power-poly exponents", ## [ IsList,IsPosInt,IsPosInt,IsPosInt,IsPPowerPoly,IsList,IsPosInt ], ## ## Input: a list of relations rel, the numbers of the different generators n, ## m, d, the exponend of the t_i's expo, the list of exponents of the ## c_i's and a prime p ## ## Output: p-power-poly-pcp-groups (no checks) ## InstallGlobalFunction( PPPPcpGroupsNC, function( arg ) # function( rel, n, d, m, expo, expo_vec, primen cc, name ) local prime, n, d, m, rel, expo, expo_vec, cc, name, i, j, k, obj; if Length( arg ) = 1 then prime := arg[1]!.prime; n := arg[1]!.n; d := arg[1]!.d; m := arg[1]!.m; rel := arg[1]!.rel; expo := arg[1]!.expo; expo_vec := arg[1]!.expo_vec; cc := arg[1]!.cc; name := arg[1]!.name; else rel := arg[1]; n := arg[2]; d := arg[3]; m := arg[4]; expo := arg[5]; expo_vec := arg[6]; prime := arg[7]; cc := arg[8]; name := arg[9]; fi; if not IsPrime( prime ) then Error( "Wrong input. The seventh input has to be a prime." ); elif Length( expo_vec ) <> m then Error( "Wrong input. The sixth input has to be a list of length the fourth input." ); elif Length( rel ) <> n+d+m then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); else i := 1; while i <= m do if not IsList( expo_vec[i] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; i := i + 1; od; fi; i := 1; while i <= n+d+m do j := 1; if Length( rel[i] ) <> i then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; while j <= i do k := 1; while k <= Length( rel[i][j] ) do if rel[i][j][k][1] <= n then if not IsInt( rel[i][j][k][2] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; else if not IsList( rel[i][j][k][2] ) then Error( "Wrong input. See the manual for more information." ); fi; fi; k := k + 1; od; j := j + 1; od; i := i + 1; od; obj := Objectify( NewType( PPPPcpGroupsFamily, IsPPPPcpGroupsRep ), rec(rel:=StructuralCopy(rel),n:=n,d:=d,m:=m,expo:=ShallowCopy(expo),expo_vec:=StructuralCopy(expo_vec),prime:=prime,cc:=cc,name:=name ) ); return obj; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroupsElement( grp_pres, word ) ## ## Input: a list word that represents a word and p-power-poly-pcp-groups ## grp_pres (accepts collected or uncollected words) ## ## Output: word as an element of grp_pres (including checks) ## InstallMethod(PPPPcpGroupsElement,[IsPPPPcpGroups,IsList],0, function( grp_pres, word ) local m, div; m := grp_pres!.m; div := List( [1..m], x -> 1 ); return PPPPcpGroupsElement( grp_pres, word, div ); end); ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroupsElementNC( grp_pres, word ) ## ## Input: a list word that represents a word and p-power-poly-pcp-groups ## grp_pres (accepts collected or uncollected words) ## ## Output: word as an element of grp_pres (no checks) ## InstallMethod(PPPPcpGroupsElementNC,[IsPPPPcpGroups,IsList],0, function( grp_pres, word ) local m, div; m := grp_pres!.m; div := List( [1..m], x -> 1 ); return PPPPcpGroupsElementNC( grp_pres, word, div ); end); ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroupsElementNC( grp_pres, word, div ) ## ## Input: a list word that represents a word together with a list div and ## p-power-poly-pcp-groups grp_pres (accepts collected or uncollected ## words) ## ## Output: word as an element of grp_pres (no checks) ## InstallMethod(PPPPcpGroupsElementNC,[IsPPPPcpGroups,IsList,IsList],0, function( grp_pres, word, div ) local i, obj; if Length( div ) <> grp_pres!.m then Error( "The input has to be of the correct form, see the manual for more information." ); elif word <> [] then i := 1; while i <= Length( word ) do if not IsList( word[i] ) then Error( "The second input has to be a list of lists of length two, see the manual for more information." ); elif Length( word[i] ) <> 2 then Error( "The second input has to be a list of lists of length two, see the manual for more information." ); elif word[i][1] > grp_pres!.n + grp_pres!.d + grp_pres!.m then Error( "The number of the generator has to be smaller then or equal to the total number of generators, see the manual for more information." ); elif word[i][1] <= grp_pres!.n then if not IsInt( word[i][2] ) then Error( "The method can only handle exponents with integers as constant term, see the manual for more information." ); fi; else if not IsList(word[i][2]) and not IsInt(word[i][2]) then Error( "The input has to be of the correct form, see the manual for more information." ); elif IsList(word[i][2]) and not grp_pres!.prime=word[i][2][1] then Error( "The underlying primes are different, see the manual for more information." ); elif IsInt( word[i][2] ) then word[i][2] := Int2PPowerPoly( grp_pres!.prime, word[i][2] ); fi; fi; i := i + 1; od; fi; i := 1; while i <= grp_pres!.m do if not IsPosInt( div[i] ) then Error( "The input has to be of the correct form, see the manual for more information." ); else i := i + 1; fi; od; obj := Objectify( NewType( PPPPcpGroupsElementFamily, IsPPPPcpGroupsElementRep ), rec(word:=StructuralCopy(word),div:=StructuralCopy(div),grp_pres:=StructuralCopy(grp_pres) ) ); return obj; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PPPPcpGroupsElement( grp_pres, word, div ) ## ## Input: a list word that represents a word together with a list div and ## p-power-poly-pcp-groups grp_pres (accepts collected or uncollected ## words) ## ## Output: word as an element of grp_pres (including checks) ## InstallMethod(PPPPcpGroupsElement,[IsPPPPcpGroups,IsList,IsList],0, function( grp_pres, word, div ) local obj; obj := PPPPcpGroupsElementNC( grp_pres, word, div ); if COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then obj := CollectPPPPcp( obj ); fi; return obj; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PrintObj( obj ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups obj ## ## Output: the method prints obj ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, [ IsPPPPcpGroups ], function( obj ) local i, p, expo, expo_vec; Print( "< P-Power-Poly-pcp-groups with ", obj!.n+obj!.d+ obj!.m ); Print( " generators of relative orders [ " ); p := obj!.prime; expo := obj!.expo; expo_vec := obj!.expo_vec; ## first n-part if obj!.n > 0 then Print( p ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.n] do Print( ",", p ); od; ## then d-part if obj!.n = 0 and obj!.d > 0 then Print( expo ); elif obj!.d > 0 then Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.d] do Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo ); od; ## finally m-part if obj!.n = 0 and obj!.d = 0 and obj!.m > 0 then PPP_Print( expo_vec[1] ); elif obj!.m > 0 then Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo_vec[1] ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.m] do Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo_vec[i] ); od; Print( " ] >\n" ); end); ############################################################################### ## #M ViewObj( obj ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups obj ## ## Output: the method prints obj ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, [ IsPPPPcpGroups ], function( obj ) local strg, i, p, expo, expo_vec; Print( "< P-Power-Poly-pcp-groups with ", obj!.n+obj!.d+ obj!.m ); Print( " generators of relative orders [ " ); p := obj!.prime; expo := obj!.expo; expo_vec := obj!.expo_vec; ## first n-part if obj!.n > 0 then Print( p ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.n] do Print( ",", p ); od; ## then d-part if obj!.n = 0 and obj!.d > 0 then PPP_Print( expo ); elif obj!.d > 0 then Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.d] do Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo ); od; ## finally m-part if obj!.n = 0 and obj!.d = 0 and obj!.m > 0 then PPP_Print( expo_vec[1] ); elif obj!.m > 0 then Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo_vec[1] ); fi; for i in [2..obj!.m] do Print( "," ); PPP_Print( expo_vec[i] ); od; Print( " ] >" ); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Order( obj ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups obj ## ## Output: the orders of obj ## InstallImmediateMethod( Order, IsPPPPcpGroups, 0, function( obj ) local i, ord, expo_vec; ## p is the relative order of g_1, ..., g_n ord := obj!.prime^obj!.n; ## expo is the relative order of t_1, ..., t_d for i in [1..obj!.d] do ord := PPP_Mult( ord, obj!.expo ); od; ## expo_vec[i] is the relative order of c_i expo_vec := obj!.expo_vec; for i in [1..obj!.m] do ord := PPP_Mult( ord, expo_vec[i] ); od; Print( "Order of the p-power-poly-pcp-groups: " ); PPP_Print( ord ); Print( "\n" ); return ord; end); ############################################################################### ## #M PrintObj ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups element obj ## ## Output: the method prints obj ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj ) local word, div, n, d, m, p, One1, Zero0, i; if COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then obj := CollectPPPPcp( obj ); fi; word := obj!.word; div := obj!.div; if word = [] then Print( "<identity>" ); else n := obj!.grp_pres!.n; d := obj!.grp_pres!.d; m := obj!.grp_pres!.m; p := obj!.grp_pres!.prime; One1 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 1 ); Zero0 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 0 ); for i in [1..Length( word )] do if word[i][1] <= n then if word[i][2] > 0 then Print( "g", word[i][1] ); if word[i][2] > 1 then Print( "^", word[i][2] ); fi; fi; elif word[i][1] <= n+d then if not PPP_Equal( word[i][2], Zero0 ) then Print( "t", word[i][1]-n ); if PPP_Greater( word[i][2], One1 ) then Print( "^(" ); PPP_Print( word[i][2] ); Print( ")" ); fi; fi; else Print( "c", word[i][1]-(n+d) ); if div[word[i][1]-n-d] <> 1 then if not PPP_Equal( word[i][2], One1 ) then Print( "^(" ); PPP_Print( word[i][2] ); else Print( "^(1" ); fi; Print( "/", div[word[i][1]-n-d], ")" ); elif not PPP_Equal( word[i][2], One1 ) then Print( "^(" ); PPP_Print( word[i][2] ); Print( ")" ); fi; fi; if i < Length( word ) then Print( "*" ); fi; od; fi; end); ############################################################################### ## ## \in ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups element obj and p-power-poly-pcp-groups G ## ## Output: a boolean that indicates whether obj is an element of G ## InstallMethod( \in, true, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement, IsPPPPcpGroups ], 1974, function( obj, G ) local word, n, d, m, i; if obj!.grp_pres <> G then return false; fi; word := obj!.word; n := obj!.grp_pres!.n; d := obj!.grp_pres!.d; m := obj!.grp_pres!.m; for i in [1..Length( word )] do if word[i][1] > n+d+m then return false; fi; if word[i][1] <= n and not IsInt( word[i][2] ) then return false; fi; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## ## ShallowCopy ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups element obj ## ## Output: a shallow copy of obj ## InstallMethod( ShallowCopy, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj ) local word, div, grp_pres; word := StructuralCopy( obj!.word ); div := StructuralCopy( obj!.div ); grp_pres := StructuralCopy( obj!.grp_pres ); return PPPPcpGroupsElement( grp_pres, word ); end); ############################################################################# ## #M PPP_Words_Equal( word1, word2, group_pres ) ## ## Input: lists word1 and word2 and the corresponding p-power-poly-pcp-groups ## group_pres ## ## Output: a boolean, indicating whether word1 and word2 are equal ## InstallGlobalFunction( "PPP_Words_Equal", function( word1, word2, group_pres ) local n, i; if Length( word1 ) <> Length( word2 ) then return false; fi; n := group_pres!.n; for i in [1..Length( word1 )] do if word1[i][1] <> word2[i][1] then return false; fi; if word1[i][1] <= n and word1[i][2] <> word2[i][2] then return false; fi; if i > n and not PPP_Equal( word1[i][2], word2[i][2] ) then return false; fi; od; return true; end); ############################################################################# ## #M \=( objj1, objj2 ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups elements objj1 and objj2 ## ##Output: a boolean indicating whether objj1 equals objj2 ## InstallMethod( \=, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement, IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( objj1, objj2 ) local obj1, obj2, p, n, d, m, group_pres, div1, div2, word1, word2, expo_vec, vec, i, mult, test1, test2; obj1 := CollectPPPPcp( objj1 );; obj2 := CollectPPPPcp( objj2 );; if obj1!.grp_pres = obj1!.grp_pres then if PPP_Words_Equal( obj1!.word, obj2!.word, obj1!.grp_pres ) and obj1!.div = obj2!.div then return true; elif ForAny(obj1!.div,x->x<>1) or ForAny(obj2!.div,x->x<>1) then div1 := obj1!.div; div2 := obj2!.div; word1 := StructuralCopy( obj1!.word );; word2 := StructuralCopy( obj2!.word );; group_pres := obj1!.grp_pres; p := group_pres!.prime; n := group_pres!.n; d := group_pres!.d; m := group_pres!.m; expo_vec := group_pres!.expo_vec; for i in [1..Length( word1 )] do if word1[i][1] > n+d and div2[word1[i][1]-n-d] <> 1 then mult := Int2PPowerPoly( p, div2[word1[i][1]-n-d] ); word1[i][2] := Reduce_ci_ppowerpolypcp( PPP_Mult( word1[i][2], mult ), div1[word1[i][1]-n-d], word1[i][1]-n-d, expo_vec )[1]; fi; od; for i in [1..Length( word2 )] do if word2[i][1] >= n+d and div1[word2[i][1]-n-d] <> 1 then mult := Int2PPowerPoly( p, div1[word1[i][1]-n-d] ); word2[i][2] := Reduce_ci_ppowerpolypcp( PPP_Mult( word2[i][2], mult ), div2[word2[i][1]-n-d], word2[i][1]-n-d, expo_vec )[1]; fi; od; ## initialize div-vec vec := []; for i in [1..m] do vec[i] := div1[i]*div2[i]; od; test1 := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, word1, vec );; test2 := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, word2, vec );; return test1=test2; fi; else Error( "The underlying PPPPcpGroups are different." ); fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #M \*( obj1, obj2 ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups elements obj1 and obj2 ## ## Output: the product of obj1 and obj2 ## InstallMethod( \*, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement, IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj1, obj2 ) local p, n, d, word1, word2, div1, div2, l1, l2, i, obj; p := obj1!.grp_pres!.prime; n := obj1!.grp_pres!.n; d := obj1!.grp_pres!.d; if obj1!.grp_pres = obj2!.grp_pres then word1 := StructuralCopy( obj1!.word ); div1 := StructuralCopy( obj1!.div ); word2 := obj2!.word; div2 := obj2!.div; l1 := Length( word1 ); l2 := Length( word2 ); if div1 <> div2 then ## if div is not trivial then act accordingly for i in [1..l2] do if word2[i][1] > n+d then word2[i][2] := PPP_Mult( word2[i][2], Int2PPowerPoly( p, div1[word2[i][1]-n-d] ) ); fi; od; for i in [1..l1] do if word1[i][1] > n+d then word1[i][2] := PPP_Mult( word1[i][2], Int2PPowerPoly(p,div2[word1[i][1]-n-d] ) ); fi; od; fi; for i in [l2, l2-1..1] do word1[l1+i] := word2[i]; od; for i in [1..obj1!.grp_pres!.m] do div1[i] := div1[i]*div2[i]; od; obj := PPPPcpGroupsElement( obj1!.grp_pres, word1, div1 ); if COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then obj := CollectPPPPcp( obj ); fi; return obj; else Error( "The underlying PPPPcpGroups are different." ); fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #M Inverse( obj ) ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups elements obj ## ## Output: the inverse of obj ## InstallMethod( Inverse, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj ) return obj^-1; end); ############################################################################# ## #M \^-1( obj ) ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups elements obj ## ## Output: the inverse of obj ## InstallMethod( INV, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj ) local word, l, i, n; n := obj!.grp_pres!.n; word := []; l := Length( obj!.word ); for i in [1..l] do word[i] := []; word[i][1] := obj!.word[l+1-i][1]; if word[i][1] <= n then word[i][2] := - StructuralCopy( obj!.word[l+1-i][2] ); else word[i][2] := []; word[i][2][1] := obj!.word[l+1-i][2][1]; word[i][2][2] := - obj!.word[l+1-i][2][2]; fi; od; return PPPPcpGroupsElement( obj!.grp_pres, word, obj!.div ); end); InstallMethod( \/, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement, IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], function( obj1, obj2 ) return obj1 * obj2^-1; end); ############################################################################# ## #M One( obj ) ## ## Input: a p-power-poly-pcp-groups elements obj ## ## Output: the one corresponding to obj ## InstallMethod( OneOp, [ IsPPPPcpGroupsElement ], elm -> PPPPcpGroupsElement( elm!.grp_pres, [] ) ); ############################################################################### ## ## One( G ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups G ## ## Output: the one in G ## InstallOtherMethod( One, true, [IsPPPPcpGroups], 102, function( G ) return PPPPcpGroupsElement( G, [] ); end); ############################################################################### ## ## GeneratorsOfGroup ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups G ## ## Output: the generators of G ## InstallMethod( GeneratorsOfGroup, [ IsPPPPcpGroups ], function( G ) local i, n, d, list; n := G!.n; d := G!.d; list := []; for i in [1..n] do list[i] := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G, [[i,1]] ); od; for i in [1..d] do list[n+i] := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G, [[n+i,1]] ); od; for i in [1..G!.m] do list[n+d+i] := PPPPcpGroupsElement( G, [[n+d+i,1]] ); od; return list; end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsConsistentPPPPcp( group_pres ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups group_pres ## ## Output: a boolean indicating whether group_pres is consistent ## InstallMethod( IsConsistentPPPPcp, [ IsPPPPcpGroups ], function( group_pres ) local n, d, m, p, test, One1, Zero0, i, f_i, f_im, j, f_j, k, f_k, help1, help2, help, exp1, exp2; n := group_pres!.n; d := group_pres!.d; m := group_pres!.m; p := group_pres!.prime; test := true; One1 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 1 ); Zero0 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 0 ); ## check consistency ## f_k(f_jf_i) = (f_kf_j)f_i, k>j>i i := 1; while test and i <= n+d+m-2 do if i <= n then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,1]] ); else f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); fi; j := i + 1; while test and j <= n+d+m-1 do if j <= n then f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,1]] ); else f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,One1]] ); fi; k := j + 1; while test and k <= n+d+m do if k <= n then f_k := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[k,1]] ); else f_k := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[k,One1]] ); fi; help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_j*f_i ) ); help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_k*help1 ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( (f_k*f_j)*f_i ) ); if not help1 = help2 then test := false; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) > 0 and not test then Print( "Failing consistency relation: (", k, "*", j, ")*", i, " = ", k, "*(", j, "*", i, ")\n" ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) = 2 and test then Print( "Checked relation: (", k, "*", j, ")*", i, " = ", k, "*(", j, "*", i, ")\n" ); fi; k := k + 1; od; j := j + 1; od; i := i + 1; od; ## g_j^e_j g_i = g_j^(e_j-1)(g_jg_i), j>i i := 1; while i <= n+d+m-1 and test do if i <= n then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,1]] ); else f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); fi; j := i + 1; while j <= n+d+m and test do if j <= n then f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,1]] ); exp1 := p; exp2 := exp1 - 1; elif j <= n+d then f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo; exp2 := PPP_Subtract( exp1, One1 ); else f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo_vec[j-n-d]; exp2 := PPP_Subtract( exp1, One1 ); fi; if exp1 = p or ( not PPP_Equal( exp1, Zero0 ) ) then help1 := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,exp1]] ); if not COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help1 ) ); fi; help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help1*f_i ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_j*f_i ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,exp2]] )*help2 ) ); if not help1 = help2 then test := false; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) > 0 and not test then Print( "Failing consistency relation: ", j, "^exp*", i, " = ", j, "^(exp-1)*(", j, "*", i, ")\n" ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) = 2 and test then Print( "Checked relation: ", j, "^exp*", i, " = ", j, "^(exp-1)*(", j, "*", i, ")\n" ); fi; fi; j := j + 1; od; i := i + 1; od; ## g_jg_i^e_i = (g_jg_i)g_i^(e_i-1), j>i i := 1; while i <= n+d+m-1 and test do if i <= n then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,1]] ); exp1 := p; exp2 := exp1 - 1; elif i <= n+d then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo; exp2 := PPP_Subtract( exp1, One1 ); else f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo_vec[i-n-d]; exp2 := PPP_Subtract( exp1, One1 ); fi; if exp1 = p or (not PPP_Equal( exp1, Zero0 ) ) then j := i + 1; while j <= n+d+m and test do if j <= n then f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,1]] ); else f_j := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,One1]] ); fi; help1 := CollectPPPPcp( PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,exp1]] ) ); if not COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help1 ) ); fi; help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_j*help1 ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_j*f_i ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help2*PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,exp2]] ) ) ); if help1 <> help2 then test := false; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) > 0 and not test then Print( "Failing consistency relation: ", j, "*", i, "^exp = (", j, "*", i, ")*", i, "^(exp-1))\n" ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) = 2 and test then Print( "Checked relation: ", j, "*", i, "^exp = (", j, "*", i, ")*", i, "^(exp-1))\n" ); fi; j := j + 1; od; fi; i := i + 1; od; ## g_i^e_ig_i = g_ig_i^e_i i := 1; while i <= n+d+m and test do if i <= n then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,1]] ); exp1 := p; elif i <= n+d then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo; else f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); exp1 := group_pres!.expo_vec[i-n-d]; fi; if exp1 = p or (not PPP_Equal( exp1, Zero0 ) ) then help := CollectPPPPcp( PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,exp1]] ) ); if not COLLECT_PPOWERPOLY_PCP then help := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help ) ); fi; help1 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help*f_i ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( f_i*help ) ); if help1 <> help2 then test := false; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) > 0 and not test then Print( "Failing consistency relation: (", i, "^exp)*", i, " = ", i, "*(", i, "^exp)\n" ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) = 2 and test then Print( "Checked relation: (", i, "^exp)*", i, " = ", i, "*(", i, "^exp)\n" ); fi; fi; i := i + 1; od; ## g_j = (g_jg_i^-1)g_i i := n+d+1; while i <= n+d+m-1 and test do if not PPP_Equal( group_pres!.expo_vec[i-n-d], Zero0 ) then f_i := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,One1]] ); f_im := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[i,PPP_AdditiveInverse( One1 )]] ); j := i + 1; while j <= n+d+m and test do help1 := PPPPcpGroupsElement( group_pres, [[j,One1]] ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help1*f_im ) ); help2 := StructuralCopy( CollectPPPPcp( help2*f_i ) ); if help1 <> help2 then test := false; fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) > 0 and not test then Print( "Failing consistency relation: ", j, " = (", j, "*", i, "^-1)*", i, "\n" ); fi; if InfoLevel( InfoConsistencyPPPPcp ) = 2 and test then Print( "Checked relation: ", j, " = (", j, "*", i, "^-1)*", i, "\n" ); fi; j := j + 1; od; fi; i := i + 1; od; return test; end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsConsistentPPPPcp( ParPres ) ## ## Input: a record ParPres presenting p-power-poly-pcp-groups ## ## Output: a boolean indicating whether ParPres is consistent ## InstallMethod( IsConsistentPPPPcp, [ IsRecord ], function( ParPres ) local G; G := PPPPcpGroups( ParPres ); return IsConsistentPPPPcp( G ); end); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here