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Views: 466306############################################################################### ## #F The SymbCompCC package D�rte Feichtenschlager ## ############################################################################### ## ## SchurMultiplicatorsStructurePPPPcps( ParPres ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups ParPres ## ## Output: a list, describing the structure of the Schur multiplicators / ## multipliers of ParPres ## InstallMethod(SchurMultiplicatorsStructurePPPPcps,[IsPPPPcpGroups], function( ParPres ) local p, cc, name, pos, expo_vec, m, SchurMult, l_sm, i, Zero0, S, One1; if ParPres!.m > 0 then Error( "The function needs an infinite coclass sequence as input." ); fi; p := ParPres!.prime; cc := ParPres!.cc; name := ParPres!.name; Zero0 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 0 ); One1 := Int2PPowerPoly( p, 1 ); if p = 2 and cc = 1 then pos := Position( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1_Names, name ); if pos = fail then Error( "Wrong name of presentations." ); fi; S := GetMatrixPPowerPolySchurExt( ParPresGlobalVar_2_1[pos] ); S := PPowerPolyMat2PPowerPolyLocMat( S ); S := SmithNormalFormPPowerPoly( S ); expo_vec := []; for i in [1..Length( S[1] )] do expo_vec[i] := S[i][i]![1]; od; m := Length( expo_vec ); elif p = 2 and cc = 2 then pos := Position( ParPresGlobalVar_2_2_Names, name); if pos = fail then Error( "Wrong name of presentations." ); fi; S := GetMatrixPPowerPolySchurExt( ParPresGlobalVar_2_2[pos] ); S := PPowerPolyMat2PPowerPolyLocMat( S ); S := SmithNormalFormPPowerPoly( S ); expo_vec := []; for i in [1..Length( S[1] )] do expo_vec[i] := S[i][i][1]; od; m := Length( expo_vec ); elif p = 3 and cc = 1 then pos := Position( ParPresGlobalVar_3_1_Names, name); if pos = fail then Error( "Wrong name of presentations." ); fi; S := GetMatrixPPowerPolySchurExt( ParPresGlobalVar_3_1[pos] ); S := PPowerPolyMat2PPowerPolyLocMat( S ); S := SmithNormalFormPPowerPoly( S ); expo_vec := []; for i in [1..Length( S[1] )] do expo_vec[i] := S[i][i][1]; od; m := Length( expo_vec ); else Error( "The parameter presentations are not yet in the data base." ); fi; SchurMult := []; l_sm := 0; for i in [1..m] do if not PPP_Equal( expo_vec[i], Zero0 ) and not PPP_Equal( expo_vec[i], One1 ) then l_sm := l_sm + 1; SchurMult[l_sm] := expo_vec[i]; fi; od; return SchurMult; end); ############################################################################### ## ## SchurMultiplicator( ParPres ) ## ## Input: p-power-poly-pcp-groups ParPres ## ## Output: a list, describing the structure of the Schur multiplicators / ## multipliers of ParPres ## InstallMethod( SchurMultiplicator, true, [ IsPPPPcpGroups ], 0, function( G ) local SchurMult, SchurMultParPres, Zero0, One1, i, j, rel; if G!.m > 0 then Error( "The function needs an infinite coclass sequence as input." ); fi; ## get the structure describtion of the Schur Multiplier SchurMult := SchurMultiplicatorsStructurePPPPcps( G ); ## initalize SchurMultParPres := rec( prime := G!.prime ); SchurMultParPres!.n := 0; SchurMultParPres!.d := 0; SchurMultParPres!.m := Length( SchurMult ); SchurMultParPres!.cc := fail; SchurMultParPres!.expo := 1; SchurMultParPres!.expo_vec := SchurMult; SchurMultParPres!.name := Concatenation( "SchurMult", G!.name ); ## get the relations Zero0 := Int2PPowerPoly( G!.prime, 0 ); One1 := Int2PPowerPoly( G!.prime, 1 ); rel := []; for i in [1..Length( SchurMult )] do rel[i] := []; for j in [1..i-1] do rel[i][j] := [[ j, One1 ]]; od; rel[i][i] := [[ i, Zero0 ]]; od; SchurMultParPres!.rel := rel; return PPPPcpGroups( SchurMultParPres ); end); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here