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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## ToolsForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2013 - 2014, Sebastian Gutsche, TU Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Posur, RWTH Aachen ## ## ############################################################################# DeclareRepresentation( "IsCachingObjectRep", IsAttributeStoringRep and IsCachingObject, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsWeakCachingObjectRep", IsCachingObjectRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsCrispCachingObjectRep", IsCachingObjectRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsMixedCachingObjectRep", IsCachingObjectRep, [ ] ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsCachingObjectWhichConvertsLists", IsCachingObjectRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfCachingObjects", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfCachingObjects" ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeOfCachingObjects", NewType( TheFamilyOfCachingObjects, IsCachingObjectRep ) ); DeclareFilter( "IsWeakCache" ); DeclareFilter( "IsCrispCache" ); DeclareFilter( "IsDisabledCache" ); BindGlobal( "TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_WEAK_POINTER_TERMINATOR", "TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_WEAK_POINTER_TERMINATOR" ); ## FIXME: Make this more efficient BindGlobal( "RemoveWPObj", function( weak_pointer, pos ) local i, length; length := LengthWPObj( weak_pointer ); for i in [ pos + 1 .. length ] do if IsBoundElmWPObj( weak_pointer, i ) then SetElmWPObj( weak_pointer, i - 1, ElmWPObj( weak_pointer, i ) ); else UnbindElmWPObj( weak_pointer, i - 1 ); fi; od; UnbindElmWPObj( weak_pointer, length ); end ); ## FIXME: REMOVE? InstallGlobalFunction( CATEGORIES_FOR_HOMALG_SET_ALL_CACHES_CRISP, function( ) InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ IsBool, IsInt ], function( is_crisp, nr_keys ) return CreateCrispCachingObject( nr_keys ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CACHINGOBJECT_HIT, function( cache ) cache!.hit_counter := cache!.hit_counter + 1; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CACHINGOBJECT_MISS, function( cache ) cache!.miss_counter := cache!.miss_counter + 1; if cache!.miss_counter mod 10 = 0 then TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_CACHE_CLEAN_UP( cache ); fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( SEARCH_WPLIST_FOR_OBJECT, function( wp_list, object, search_positions ) local pos, obj, length_pos; length_pos := Length( search_positions ); for pos in [ 0 .. length_pos - 1 ] do pos := search_positions[ length_pos - pos ]; obj := ElmWPObj( wp_list, pos ); if IsBoundElmWPObj( wp_list, pos ) or not IsIdenticalObj( obj, fail ) then if IsIdenticalObj( object, obj ) or IsEqualForCache( object, obj ) then return pos; fi; fi; od; return fail; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( "TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_CACHE_CLEAN_UP", function( cache ) local nr_keys, deleted, i, current_list, current_deleted, cache_key_value, value_delete, j, cache_value; nr_keys := cache!.nr_keys; deleted := List( [ 1 .. nr_keys ], i -> [ ] ); for i in [ 1 .. nr_keys ] do current_deleted := deleted[ i ]; current_list := cache!.keys[ i ]; for j in cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ] do if not IsBoundElmWPObj( current_list, j ) or ( IsWPObj( ElmWPObj( current_list, j ) ) and LengthWPObj( ElmWPObj( current_list, j ) ) = 0 ) then Add( current_deleted, j ); fi; od; deleted[ i ] := AsSet( current_deleted ); cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ] := Difference( AsSet( cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ] ), deleted[ i ] ); od; cache_key_value := cache!.keys_value_list; value_delete := [ ]; for i in cache!.keys_value_search_list do if ForAny( [ 1 .. nr_keys ], j -> cache_key_value[ i ][ j ] in deleted[ j ] ) then Add( value_delete, i ); fi; od; cache!.keys_value_search_list := Difference( AsSet( cache!.keys_value_search_list ), AsSet( value_delete ) ); cache_value := cache!.value; value_delete := [ ]; for i in cache!.keys_value_search_list do if not IsBoundElmWPObj( cache_value, i ) then Add( value_delete, i ); fi; od; cache!.keys_value_search_list := Difference( cache!.keys_value_search_list, AsSet( value_delete ) ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( CATEGORIES_FOR_HOMALG_PREPARE_CACHING_RECORD, function( nr_keys ) local cache, i; cache := rec( keys := [ ], keys_positions := [ ], crisp_keys := [ ], nr_keys := nr_keys, keys_value_list := [ ], keys_value_search_list := [ ], value_list_position := 1, crisp_key_position := 1, hit_counter := 0, miss_counter := 0 ); cache.keys := List( [ 1 .. nr_keys ], i -> WeakPointerObj( [ ] ) ); cache.keys_search_positions := List( [ 1 .. nr_keys ], i -> [ ] ); cache!.keys_positions := List( [ 1 .. nr_keys ], i -> 1 ); ## This is a memory leak, use it with caution cache.crisp_keys := [ ]; return cache; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( CreateWeakCachingObject, function( nr_keys ) local cache, i; cache := CATEGORIES_FOR_HOMALG_PREPARE_CACHING_RECORD( nr_keys ); cache.value := WeakPointerObj( [ ] ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( cache, TheTypeOfCachingObjects ); SetFilterObj( cache, IsWeakCache ); return cache; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( CreateCrispCachingObject, function( nr_keys ) local cache; cache := CATEGORIES_FOR_HOMALG_PREPARE_CACHING_RECORD( nr_keys ); cache.value := [ ]; ObjectifyWithAttributes( cache, TheTypeOfCachingObjects ); SetFilterObj( cache, IsCrispCache); return cache; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SET_CACHE_PROPERTY, function( cache, type ) local new_value_list, i; type := LowercaseString( type ); if type = "disable" then SetFilterObj( cache, IsDisabledCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsCrispCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsWeakCache ); elif type = "weak" then SetFilterObj( cache, IsWeakCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsCrispCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsDisabledCache ); if not IsWeakPointerObject( cache!.value ) then new_value_list := WeakPointerObj( cache!.value ); cache!.value := new_value_list; fi; elif type = "crisp" then SetFilterObj( cache, IsCrispCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsWeakCache ); ResetFilterObj( cache, IsDisabledCache ); if IsWeakPointerObject( cache!.value ) then new_value_list := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. LengthWPObj( cache!.value ) ] do if IsBoundElmWPObj( cache!.value, i ) then new_value_list[ i ] := ElmWPObj( cache!.value, i ); fi; od; cache!.value := new_value_list; fi; else Error( "Unrecognized conversion for weak pointers" ); fi; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( SetCachingObjectCrisp, function( cache ) TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SET_CACHE_PROPERTY( cache, "crisp" ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( SetCachingObjectWeak, function( cache ) TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SET_CACHE_PROPERTY( cache, "weak" ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( DeactivateCachingObject, function( cache ) TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SET_CACHE_PROPERTY( cache, "disable" ); end ); InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ ], function( ) return CreateWeakCachingObject( 1 ); end ); InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ IsBool ], function( is_crisp ) return CachingObject( is_crisp, 1 ); end ); InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ IsBool, IsInt ], function( is_crisp, nr_keys ) if is_crisp = true then return CreateCrispCachingObject( nr_keys ); fi; return CreateWeakCachingObject( nr_keys ); end ); InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ IsInt, IsBool ], function( nr_keys, is_crisp ) return CachingObject( is_crisp, nr_keys ); end ); InstallMethod( CachingObject, [ IsInt ], function( nr_keys ) return CachingObject( false, nr_keys ); end ); InstallMethod( Add, [ IsCachingObject and IsWeakCache, IsInt, IsObject ], function( cache, pos, object ) SetElmWPObj( cache!.value, pos, object ); end ); InstallMethod( Add, [ IsCachingObject and IsCrispCache, IsInt, IsObject ], function( cache, pos, object ) cache!.value[ pos ] := object; end ); InstallMethod( Add, [ IsCachingObject and IsDisabledCache, IsInt, IsObject ], ReturnTrue ); InstallMethod( GetObject, [ IsCachingObject and IsWeakCache, IsInt, IsInt ], function( cache, pos, key_pos ) local list, ret_val; list := cache!.value; ret_val := ElmWPObj( list, pos ); if IsBoundElmWPObj( list, pos ) then CACHINGOBJECT_HIT( cache ); return [ ret_val ]; fi; cache!.value_list_position := cache!.value_list_position - 1; CACHINGOBJECT_MISS( cache ); return [ ]; end ); InstallMethod( GetObject, [ IsCachingObject and IsCrispCache, IsInt, IsInt ], function( cache, pos, key_pos ) local list; list := cache!.value; if IsBound( list[ pos ] ) then CACHINGOBJECT_HIT( cache ); return [ list[ pos ] ]; fi; # Remove( cache!.keys_value_list, key_pos ); # # Remove( cache!.value, pos ); cache!.value_list_position := cache!.value_list_position - 1; CACHINGOBJECT_MISS( cache ); return [ ]; end ); InstallMethod( GetObject, [ IsCachingObject and IsDisabledCache, IsInt, IsInt ], function( cache, pos, key_pos ) CACHINGOBJECT_MISS( cache ); return [ ]; end ); InstallMethod( SetCacheValue, [ IsCachingObject, IsObject, IsObject ], function( cache, key, value ) SetCacheValue( cache, [ key ], value ); end ); InstallMethod( SetCacheValue, [ IsCachingObject, IsList, IsObject ], function( cache, key_list, value ) local keys, length_key_list, i, position, entry_position, entry_key, wp_list, crisp_keys, input_temp; length_key_list := Length( key_list ); if cache!.nr_keys <> length_key_list then Error( "cache supports only keys of length ", String( cache!.nr_keys ) ); fi; keys := cache!.keys; entry_key := [ ]; crisp_keys := cache!.crisp_keys; for i in [ 1 .. length_key_list ] do position := SEARCH_WPLIST_FOR_OBJECT( keys[ i ], key_list[ i ], cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ] ); if position = fail then ##Inject here. position := cache!.keys_positions[ i ]; Add( cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ], position ); cache!.keys_positions[ i ] := cache!.keys_positions[ i ] + 1; if IsList( key_list[ i ] ) then if IsString( key_list[ i ] ) then input_temp := key_list[ i ]; else input_temp := WeakPointerObj( Concatenation( key_list[ i ], [ TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_WEAK_POINTER_TERMINATOR ] ) ); fi; Add( crisp_keys, input_temp ); SetElmWPObj( keys[ i ], position, input_temp ); else SetElmWPObj( keys[ i ], position, key_list[ i ] ); fi; fi; entry_key[ i ] := position; od; entry_position := cache!.value_list_position; cache!.keys_value_list[ entry_position ] := entry_key; Add( cache!.keys_value_search_list, entry_position ); Add( cache, entry_position, value ); cache!.value_list_position := entry_position + 1; end ); InstallMethod( SetCacheValue, [ IsCachingObject and IsDisabledCache, IsList, IsObject ], ReturnTrue ); InstallMethod( CacheValue, [ IsCachingObject, IsObject ], function( cache, key ) return CacheValue( cache, [ key ] ); end ); ## InstallMethod( CacheValue, [ IsCachingObject, IsList ], function( cache, key_list ) local length_key_list, keys, position, i, entry_key, crisp_keys, keys_value_list; length_key_list := Length( key_list ); if cache!.nr_keys <> length_key_list then Error( "cache supports only keys of length ", String( cache!.nr_keys ) ); fi; keys := cache!.keys; crisp_keys := cache!.crisp_keys; entry_key := [ ]; for i in [ 1 .. length_key_list ] do position := SEARCH_WPLIST_FOR_OBJECT( keys[ i ], key_list[ i ], cache!.keys_search_positions[ i ] ); if position = fail then CACHINGOBJECT_MISS( cache ); return [ ]; fi; entry_key[ i ] := position; od; keys_value_list := cache!.keys_value_list; position := fail; for i in cache!.keys_value_search_list do if keys_value_list[ i ] = entry_key then position := i; break; fi; od; if position = fail then CACHINGOBJECT_MISS( cache ); return [ ]; fi; return GetObject( cache, position, position ); end ); InstallMethod( CacheValue, [ IsCachingObject and IsDisabledCache, IsList ], function( cache, key_list ) return [ ]; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallMethodWithCrispCache, function( arg ) PushOptions( rec( CrispCache := true ) ); CallFuncList( InstallMethodWithCache, arg ); end ); ## InstallMethod( opr[, info][, famp], args-filts[, val], method ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallMethodWithCache, function( arg ) local new_func, i, filt_list, crisp, arg_nr, cache, func, install_func, install_has_func, install_set_func, install_has_and_set, cache_string; cache := ValueOption( "Cache" ); ##find filter list for i in [ 2 .. 4 ] do if not IsString( arg[ i ] ) and not IsFunction( arg[ i ] ) then filt_list := arg[ i ]; break; fi; od; if not IsBound( filt_list ) then Error( "something went wrong. This should not happen" ); fi; crisp := ValueOption( "CrispCache" ); if crisp = fail then crisp := false; fi; arg_nr := Length( filt_list ); if cache = fail then cache := CachingObject( crisp, arg_nr ); fi; func := arg[ Length( arg ) ]; if cache <> false then new_func := function( arg ) local value; value := CacheValue( cache, arg ); if value <> [ ] then return value[ 1 ]; fi; value := CallFuncList( func, arg ); SetCacheValue( cache, arg, value ); return value; end; if TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SAVED_CACHES_FROM_INSTALL_METHOD_WITH_CACHE.STORE_CACHES = true then cache_string := NameFunction( arg[ 1 ] ); if IsString( arg[ 2 ] ) then Append( cache_string, Concatenation( "_", ReplacedString( arg[ 2 ], "_" ) ) ); fi; Append( cache_string, Concatenation( "_for_", JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( filt_list, NameFunction ), "_" ) ) ); TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SAVED_CACHES_FROM_INSTALL_METHOD_WITH_CACHE.(cache_string) := cache; fi; else new_func := func; fi; arg[ Length( arg ) ] := new_func; install_func := ValueOption( "InstallMethod" ); if install_func = fail then install_func := InstallMethod; fi; CallFuncList( install_func, arg ); install_has_and_set := ValueOption( "InstallHasAndSet" ); if install_has_and_set <> true then install_has_and_set := false; fi; if install_has_and_set then install_has_func := ValueOption( "InstallHas" ); if install_has_func = fail then install_has_func := InstallHas; fi; install_has_func( cache, NameFunction( arg[ 1 ] ), filt_list ); install_set_func := ValueOption( "InstallSet" ); if install_set_func = fail then install_set_func := InstallSet; fi; install_set_func( cache, NameFunction( arg[ 1 ] ), filt_list ); fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallMethodWithCacheFromObject, function( arg ) local new_func, func, i, filt_list, cache_object, install_name, install_func, install_has_func, install_set_func, install_has_and_set; install_name := NameFunction( arg[ 1 ] ); cache_object := ValueOption( "ArgumentNumber" ); if cache_object = fail then cache_object := 1; fi; func := arg[ Length( arg ) ]; for i in [ 2 .. 4 ] do if not IsString( arg[ i ] ) and not IsFunction( arg[ i ] ) then filt_list := arg[ i ]; break; fi; od; install_name := NameFunction( arg[ 1 ] ); if cache_object <> false then new_func := function( arg ) local value, cache; cache := CachingObject( arg[ cache_object ], install_name, Length( arg ) ); value := CacheValue( cache, arg ); if value <> [ ] then return value[ 1 ]; fi; value := CallFuncList( func, arg ); SetCacheValue( cache, arg, value ); return value; end; else new_func := func; fi; install_has_and_set := ValueOption( "InstallHasAndSet" ); if install_has_and_set <> true then install_has_and_set := false; fi; if install_has_and_set then install_has_func := ValueOption( "InstallHas" ); if install_has_func = fail then install_has_func := InstallHas; fi; install_has_func( cache_object, install_name, filt_list ); install_set_func := ValueOption( "InstallSet" ); if install_set_func = fail then install_set_func := InstallSet; fi; install_set_func( cache_object, install_name, filt_list ); fi; arg[ Length( arg ) ] := new_func; install_func := ValueOption( "InstallMethod" ); if install_func = fail then install_func := InstallMethod; fi; CallFuncList( InstallMethod, arg ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( CacheFromObjectWrapper, function( func, cache_name, cache_object ) local new_func; new_func := function( arg ) local value, cache; cache := CachingObject( arg[ cache_object ], cache_name, Length( arg ) ); value := CacheValue( cache, arg ); if value <> [ ] then return value[ 1 ]; fi; value := CallFuncList( func, arg ); SetCacheValue( cache, arg, value ); return value; end; return new_func; end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallHas, [ IsCachingObject, IsString, IsList ], function( cache, name, filter ) local has_name; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; has_name := Concatenation( "Has", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( has_name ) then DeclareOperation( has_name, filter ); fi; InstallOtherMethod( ValueGlobal( has_name ), filter, function( arg ) local cache_return; cache_return := CacheValue( cache, arg ); return cache_return <> [ ]; end ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallSet, [ IsCachingObject, IsString, IsList ], function( cache, name, filter ) local set_name, install_func, is_attribute; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; set_name := Concatenation( "Set", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( set_name ) then DeclareOperation( set_name, Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ) ); fi; install_func := ValueOption( "InstallMethod" ); if install_func = fail then install_func := InstallOtherMethod; fi; is_attribute := Tester( ValueGlobal( name ) ) <> false; install_func( ValueGlobal( set_name ), Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ), function( arg ) local cache_return, cache_call; cache_call := arg{[ 1 .. Length( arg ) - 1 ]}; cache_return := CacheValue( cache, cache_call ); if cache_return = [ ] then CallFuncList( SetCacheValue, [ cache, cache_call, arg[ Length( arg ) ] ] ); fi; end : InstallMethod := InstallMethod ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallHas, [ IsInt, IsString, IsList ], function( cache_number, name, filter ) local has_name; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; has_name := Concatenation( "Has", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( has_name ) then DeclareOperation( has_name, filter ); fi; InstallOtherMethod( ValueGlobal( has_name ), filter, function( arg ) local cache, cache_return; cache := CachingObject( arg[ cache_number ], name, Length( filter ) ); cache_return := CacheValue( cache, arg ); return cache_return <> [ ]; end ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallSet, [ IsInt, IsString, IsList ], function( cache_number, name, filter ) local set_name, install_func; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; set_name := Concatenation( "Set", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( set_name ) then DeclareOperation( set_name, Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ) ); fi; install_func := ValueOption( "InstallMethod" ); if install_func = fail then install_func := InstallOtherMethod; fi; install_func( ValueGlobal( set_name ), Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ), function( arg ) local cache, cache_key, cache_return; cache := CachingObject( arg[ cache_number ], name, Length( arg ) - 1 ); cache_key := arg{[ 1 .. Length( arg ) - 1 ]}; cache_return := CacheValue( cache, cache_key ); if cache_return = [ ] then CallFuncList( SetCacheValue, [ cache, cache_key, arg[ Length( arg ) ] ] ); fi; end : InstallMethod := InstallOtherMethod ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallHas, [ IsBool, IsString, IsList ], function( cache, name, filter ) local has_name; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; has_name := Concatenation( "Has", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( has_name ) then DeclareOperation( has_name, filter ); fi; InstallOtherMethod( ValueGlobal( has_name ), filter, ReturnFalse ); end ); ## InstallMethod( InstallSet, [ IsBool, IsString, IsList ], function( cache, name, filter ) local has_name, set_name; if not IsBoundGlobal( name ) then return; fi; set_name := Concatenation( "Set", name ); if not IsBoundGlobal( set_name ) then DeclareOperation( set_name, Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ) ); fi; InstallOtherMethod( ValueGlobal( set_name ), Concatenation( filter, [ IsObject ] ), function( arg ) return; end ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DeclareHasAndSet, [ IsString, IsList ], function( name, filter ) local has_name, set_name; has_name := Concatenation( "Has", name ); set_name := Concatenation( "Set", name ); DeclareOperation( has_name, filter ); Add( filter, IsObject ); DeclareOperation( set_name, filter ); end ); ## InstallMethod( DeclareOperationWithCache, [ IsString, IsList ], function( name, filter ) local has_name, set_name; DeclareOperation( name, filter ); DeclareHasAndSet( name, filter ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsObject, IsObject ], IsIdenticalObj ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsWPObj, IsWPObj ], function( list1, list2 ) local length; length := LengthWPObj( list1 ); if LengthWPObj( list2 ) <> length then return false; fi; return ForAll( [ 1 .. length ], i -> IsBoundElmWPObj( list1, i ) and IsBoundElmWPObj( list2, i ) and IsEqualForCache( ElmWPObj( list1, i ), ElmWPObj( list2, i ) ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsList, IsList ], function( list1, list2 ) local length; length := Length( list1 ); if Length( list2 ) <> length then return false; fi; return ForAll( [ 1 .. length ], i -> IsEqualForCache( list1[ i ], list2[ i ] ) ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsList, IsWeakPointerObject ], function( list, wp_obj ) local length, i; length := Length( list ); if LengthWPObj( wp_obj ) - 1 <> length then return false; fi; for i in [ 1 .. length ] do if not IsBoundElmWPObj( wp_obj, i ) or not IsEqualForCache( list[ i ], ElmWPObj( wp_obj, i ) ) then return false; fi; od; return true; end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsWeakPointerObject, IsList ], function( wp_obj, list ) return IsEqualForCache( list, wp_obj ); end ); ## InstallMethod( IsEqualForCache, [ IsString, IsString ], \= ); ## BindGlobal( "TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_CACHE_INSTALL_VIEW", function( ) local func, filter, graph; func := function( obj ) local string; string := ""; if IsWeakCachingObjectRep( obj ) then Append( string, "weak " ); elif IsCrispCachingObjectRep( obj ) then Append( string, "crisp " ); fi; Append( string, "cache with " ); Append( string, String( obj!.hit_counter ) ); Append( string, " hits and " ); Append( string, String( obj!.miss_counter ) ); Append( string, " misses" ); return string; end; filter := IsCachingObject; graph := CreatePrintingGraph( filter, func ); InstallPrintFunctionsOutOfPrintingGraph( graph ); end ); InstallGlobalFunction( FunctionWithCache, function( func ) local new_func, nr_args, cache; nr_args := NumberArgumentsFunction( func ); if nr_args = -1 then Error( "no caching possible, variable number of arguments" ); return func; fi; cache := ValueOption( "Cache" ); if IsString( cache ) and cache = "crisp" then cache := CachingObject( true, nr_args ); elif not IsCachingObject( cache ) then cache := CachingObject( false, nr_args ); fi; new_func := function( arg ) local ret_val; ret_val := CacheValue( cache, arg ); if ret_val = [ ] then ret_val := CallFuncList( func, arg ); SetCacheValue( cache, arg, ret_val ); else ret_val := ret_val[ 1 ]; fi; return ret_val; end; return new_func; end ); ##################################### ## ## Debug ## ##################################### InstallValue( TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SAVED_CACHES_FROM_INSTALL_METHOD_WITH_CACHE, rec( STORE_CACHES := false ) ); InstallGlobalFunction( TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_STORE_CACHES, function( switch ) if not switch = true and not switch = false then Error( "argument must be either true or false" ); fi; TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_SAVED_CACHES_FROM_INSTALL_METHOD_WITH_CACHE.STORE_CACHES := switch; end );