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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## ToolsForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2014, Sebastian Gutsche, University of Kaiserslautern ## ## ############################################################################# DeclareRepresentation( "IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingRep", IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrinting", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrinting" ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting", NewType( TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrinting, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingRep ) ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeRep", IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrintingNodes", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrintingNodes" ) ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode", NewType( TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrintingNodes, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeRep ) ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeConjunctionRep", IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeConjunction", NewType( TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrintingNodes, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeConjunctionRep ) ); DeclareRepresentation( "IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingWithFunctionNodeRep", IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode and IsAttributeStoringRep, [ ] ); BindGlobal( "TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeWithFunction", NewType( TheFamilyOfAttributeDependencyGraphsForPrintingNodes, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingWithFunctionNodeRep ) ); ################################## ## ## Constructors ## ################################## # InstallGlobalFunction( TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_CREATE_NODE_INPUT, function( record ) local conditions, condition_function, type_of_view, compute_level; if not IsBound( record!.Conditions ) then Error( "wrong input, Conditions must be set." ); fi; if IsString( record!.Conditions ) then record!.type := TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode; else record!.type := TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeWithFunction; if IsList( record!.Conditions ) then conditions := ShallowCopy( record!.Conditions ); condition_function := function( object ) local i, cond; for i in conditions do if IsString( i ) then cond := ValueGlobal( i ); fi; if IsOperation( cond ) then if Tester( cond )( object ) <> true then return fail; fi; if cond( object ) <> true then return false; fi; fi; if IsFunction( i ) then if i( object ) <> true then return false; fi; fi; od; return true; end; record!.Conditions := condition_function; fi; fi; if not IsBound( record!.PrintString ) then if IsString( record!.Conditions ) then record!.PrintString := record!.Conditions; else Error( "some print string must be given" ); fi; fi; if not IsString( record!.PrintString ) or IsFunction( record!.PrintString ) then Error( "wrong print string input. Must be function or string." ); fi; if not IsBound( record!.TypeOfView ) then record!.TypeOfView := "ViewObj"; fi; if not IsBound( record!.ComputeLevel ) then record!.ComputeLevel := "AllWithCompute"; fi; type_of_view := record!.TypeOfView; if not IsInt( type_of_view ) then if type_of_view = "ViewObj" then record!.TypeOfView := 1; elif type_of_view = "Display" then record!.TypeOfView := 2; elif type_of_view = "ViewAll" then record!.TypeOfView := 3; else record!.TypeOfView := 4; fi; fi; compute_level := record!.ComputeLevel; if not IsInt( compute_level ) then if compute_level = "ViewObj" then record!.ComputeLevel := 1; elif compute_level = "Display" then record!.ComputeLevel := 2; elif compute_level = "ViewAll" then record!.ComputeLevel := 3; else record!.ComputeLevel := 4; fi; fi; if not IsBound( record!.Adjective ) then record!.Adjective := false; fi; if not IsBound( record!.NoSepString ) then record!.NoSepString := false; fi; return record; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateNode, [ IsRecord ], function( node ) TOOLS_FOR_HOMALG_CREATE_NODE_INPUT( node ); node!.sucessors := [ ]; node!.predecessors := [ ]; ObjectifyWithAttributes( node, node!.type ); if IsBound( node!.Name ) then SetName( node, node!.Name ); elif IsString( node!.Conditions ) then SetName( node, node!.Conditions ); fi; return node; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreateConjunctionNode, [ IsList, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode ], function( predecessor_list, sucessor ) local conjunction_object; conjunction_object := rec( sucessor := sucessor, predecessors := predecessor_list, fullfillment_list := ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( predecessor_list ), 0 ) ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( conjunction_object, TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeConjunction ); return conjunction_object; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreatePrintingGraph, [ IsOperation ], function( object_filter ) local printing_graph; printing_graph := rec( list_of_nodes := [ ], object_filter := object_filter, list_of_conjunctions := [ ], list_of_pre_object_nodes := [ ], list_of_post_object_nodes := [ ] ); ObjectifyWithAttributes( printing_graph, TheTypeAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ); return printing_graph; end ); ## InstallMethod( CreatePrintingGraph, [ IsOperation, IsObject ], function( object_filter, general_object_description ) local graph; graph := CreatePrintingGraph( object_filter ); graph!.general_object_description := general_object_description; return graph; end ); ## InstallMethod( \=, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode ], IsIdenticalObj ); ################################## ## ## Setters ## ################################## ## InstallMethod( AddNodeToGraph, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsRecord ], function( graph, node_record ) local node_to_insert; node_to_insert := CreateNode( node_record ); Add( graph!.list_of_nodes, node_to_insert ); if node_to_insert!.Adjective = true then Add( graph!.list_of_pre_object_nodes, node_to_insert ); else Add( graph!.list_of_post_object_nodes, node_to_insert ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( AddRelationToGraph, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsRecord ], function( graph, relation_record ) local node_list_without_relations, stop_early, i, conjunction_node, j; stop_early := false; if not IsBound( relation_record!.Source ) then relation_record!.Source := [ ]; stop_early := true; elif not IsList( relation_record!.Source ) then relation_record!.Source := [ relation_record!.Source ]; fi; if not IsBound( relation_record!.Range ) then relation_record!.Range := [ ]; stop_early := true; elif not IsList( relation_record!.Range ) then relation_record!.Range := [ relation_record!.Range ]; fi; node_list_without_relations := Concatenation( relation_record!.Source, relation_record!.Range ); for i in node_list_without_relations do if IsString( i ) then continue; fi; AddNodeToGraph( graph, i ); od; if stop_early = true then return; fi; for i in [ 1 .. Length( relation_record!.Source ) ] do relation_record!.Source[ i ] := GetNodeByName( graph, relation_record!.Source[ i ] ); od; for i in [ 1 .. Length( relation_record!.Range ) ] do relation_record!.Range[ i ] := GetNodeByName( graph, relation_record!.Range[ i ] ); od; if ForAny( Concatenation( relation_record!.Source, relation_record!.Range ), i -> i = fail ) then Error( "wrong input name given" ); fi; for i in relation_record!.Range do conjunction_node := CreateConjunctionNode( relation_record!.Source, i ); Add( graph!.list_of_conjunctions, conjunction_node ); for j in relation_record!.Source do Add( j!.sucessors, conjunction_node ); od; Add( i!.predecessors, conjunction_node ); od; end ); ################################# ## ## Getters ## ################################# ## InstallMethod( GetNodeByName, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsString ], function( graph, node_name ) local node; for node in graph!.list_of_nodes do if Name( node ) = node_name then return node; fi; od; return fail; end ); ## InstallMethod( GetNodeByName, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode ], function( graph, node ) return node; end ); ################################# ## ## Testers ## ################################# ## InstallMethod( MarkPrintingNode, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode, IsInt ], function( obj, node, marking_level ) MarkPrintingNode( obj, node, node, marking_level ); end ); ## InstallMethod( MarkPrintingNode, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeRep, IsInt ], function( object, node_to_be_checked, marking_level ) local attr, i, node_level, compute_level; attr := ValueGlobal( node_to_be_checked!.Conditions ); node_level := node_to_be_checked!.TypeOfView; if node_level > marking_level then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, NodeOfHighLevel ); fi; if ( not Tester( attr )( object ) ) and marking_level < node_to_be_checked!.ComputeLevel then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, NotComputedNode ); else attr := attr( object ); if attr = false then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, FalseNode ); else for i in node_to_be_checked!.sucessors do MarkAsImplied( i, node_to_be_checked ); od; fi; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( MarkPrintingNode, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingWithFunctionNodeRep, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode, IsInt ], function( object, node_to_be_checked, previous_node, marking_level ) local attr, i, node_level, compute_level; attr := node_to_be_checked!.Conditions; node_level := node_to_be_checked!.TypeOfView; if node_level > marking_level then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, NodeOfHighLevel ); fi; attr := attr( object ); if attr = fail then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, NotComputedNode ); elif attr = false then SetFilterObj( node_to_be_checked, FalseNode ); else for i in node_to_be_checked!.sucessors do MarkAsImplied( i, node_to_be_checked ); od; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( MarkAsImplied, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeConjunctionRep, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode ], function( conjunction_node, previous_node ) local position; position := Position( conjunction_node!.predecessors, previous_node ); if position = fail then return; fi; conjunction_node!.fullfillment_list[ position ] := 1; if ForAll( conjunction_node!.fullfillment_list, i -> i = 1 ) then MarkAsImplied( conjunction_node!.sucessor, previous_node ); fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( MarkAsImplied, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNode ], function( node, previous_node ) local i; SetFilterObj( node, ImpliedNode ); for i in node!.sucessors do MarkAsImplied( i, node ); od; end ); InstallMethod( MarkGraphForPrinting, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsObject, IsInt ], function( graph, object, marking_level ) local i; for i in graph!.list_of_nodes do MarkPrintingNode( object, i, marking_level ); od; end ); ################################# ## ## Reseters ## ################################# ## InstallGlobalFunction( RESET_ALL_POSSIBLE_FILTERS_FOR_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH, function( node ) ResetFilterObj( node, FalseNode ); ResetFilterObj( node, NotComputedNode ); ResetFilterObj( node, NodeOfHighLevel ); ResetFilterObj( node, ImpliedNode ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ResetGraph, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( graph ) local node; for node in graph!.list_of_nodes do RESET_ALL_POSSIBLE_FILTERS_FOR_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH( node ); od; for node in graph!.list_of_conjunctions do RESET_ALL_POSSIBLE_FILTERS_FOR_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH( node ); node!.fullfillment_list := List( node!.fullfillment_list, i -> 0 ); od; end ); ################################# ## ## Printers ## ################################# ## InstallGlobalFunction( DECIDE_TYPE_OF_PRINTING, function( obj, node, print_level ) local attr, value, return_list; if IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingWithFunctionNodeRep( node ) then attr := node!.Conditions; elif IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrintingNodeRep( node ) then attr := ValueGlobal( node!.Conditions ); fi; if NodeOfHighLevel( node ) then return [ "level_too_high", fail ]; fi; if NotComputedNode( node ) then return [ "notcomputed", fail ]; fi; if ImpliedNode( node ) and print_level <= 2 then return [ "implied_node", fail ]; fi; value := attr( obj ); if value = true or value = false then return_list := [ "property", value ]; else return_list := [ "attribute", value ]; fi; if IsFunction( node!.PrintString ) then Add( return_list, node!.PrintString( obj ) ); else Add( return_list, node!.PrintString ); fi; return return_list; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( OBJECT_PRINT_STRING, function( graph, object ) if IsBound( graph!.general_object_description ) then if IsString( graph!.general_object_description ) then return graph!.general_object_description; elif IsFunction( graph!.general_object_description ) then return graph!.general_object_description( object ); fi; elif HasName( object ) then return Name( object ); elif Length( NamesFilter( graph!.object_filter ) ) > 0 then return NamesFilter( graph!.object_filter )[ 1 ]; fi; return "object"; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( BUILD_PRINTING_FOR_VIEW_AND_DISPLAY, function( object, graph, level, separation_string ) local string_list, print_string, current_node, current_type, list_of_current_nodes, list_of_current_nodes_nr, lists_list, current_sep_string, current_printing_list, current_type_number; if IsString( separation_string ) then separation_string := [ separation_string, separation_string ]; fi; string_list := [ "", "" ]; lists_list := [ graph!.list_of_pre_object_nodes, graph!.list_of_post_object_nodes ]; for list_of_current_nodes_nr in [ 1, 2 ] do current_sep_string := separation_string[ list_of_current_nodes_nr ]; list_of_current_nodes := lists_list[ list_of_current_nodes_nr ]; print_string := string_list[ list_of_current_nodes_nr ]; current_printing_list := [ ]; for current_node in list_of_current_nodes do if NodeOfHighLevel( current_node ) or ImpliedNode( current_node ) or FalseNode( current_node ) or NotComputedNode( current_node ) then continue; fi; current_type := DECIDE_TYPE_OF_PRINTING( object, current_node, level ); Add( current_type, current_node!.NoSepString ); Add( current_printing_list, current_type ); od; current_printing_list := Filtered( current_printing_list, i -> i[ 1 ] = "attribute" or ( i[ 1 ] = "property" and i[ 2 ] = true ) ); Sort( current_printing_list, function( i, j ) if i[ 4 ] = true and j[ 4 ] = false then return false; fi; return true; end ); for current_type_number in [ 1 .. Length( current_printing_list ) ] do current_type := current_printing_list[ current_type_number ]; if current_type[ 1 ] = "property" and current_type[ 2 ] = true then Append( print_string, current_type[ 3 ] ); if current_type[ 4 ] = false then Append( print_string, current_sep_string ); elif current_type[ 4 ] = true and not current_type_number = Length( current_printing_list ) then Append( print_string, "-" ); Append( print_string, current_sep_string ); fi; elif current_type[ 2 ] = "attribute" then Append( print_string, current_type[ 3 ] ); Append( print_string, ": " ); Append( print_string, String( current_type[ 2 ] ) ); Append( print_string, current_sep_string ); fi; od; if print_string <> "" and current_printing_list[ Length( current_printing_list ) ][ 4 ] = false then string_list[ list_of_current_nodes_nr ] := print_string{[ 1 .. Length( print_string ) - Length( current_sep_string ) ]}; Append( string_list[ list_of_current_nodes_nr ], " " ); fi; od; return string_list; end ); InstallMethod( StringMarkedGraphForStringMutable, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( object, graph ) local current_node, current_type, print_string, string_to_start_with, obj_description, string; print_string := BUILD_PRINTING_FOR_VIEW_AND_DISPLAY( object, graph, 1, ", " ); string_to_start_with := print_string[ 1 ]; obj_description := OBJECT_PRINT_STRING( graph, object ); string_to_start_with := Concatenation( string_to_start_with, obj_description ); NormalizeWhitespace( string_to_start_with ); if LowercaseString( string_to_start_with )[ 1 ] in [ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ] then string_to_start_with := Concatenation( "An ", string_to_start_with ); else string_to_start_with := Concatenation( "A ", string_to_start_with ); fi; string := ""; Append( string, string_to_start_with ); if print_string[ 2 ] <> "" then Append( string, " which has the following properties: " ); Append( string, print_string[ 2 ] ); fi; return string; end ); ## InstallMethod( PrintMarkedGraphForViewObj, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( object, graph ) Print( "<", StringMarkedGraphForStringMutable( object, graph ), ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PrintMarkedGraphForDisplay, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( object, graph ) local current_node, current_type, print_string, string_to_start_with, obj_description; print_string := BUILD_PRINTING_FOR_VIEW_AND_DISPLAY( object, graph, 2, [ ", ", ",\n" ] ); string_to_start_with := print_string[ 1 ]; obj_description := OBJECT_PRINT_STRING( graph, object ); string_to_start_with := Concatenation( string_to_start_with, obj_description ); NormalizeWhitespace( string_to_start_with ); if LowercaseString( string_to_start_with )[ 1 ] in [ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ] then string_to_start_with := Concatenation( "An ", string_to_start_with ); else string_to_start_with := Concatenation( "A ", string_to_start_with ); fi; Print( string_to_start_with ); if print_string[ 2 ] <> "" then Print( " which has the following properties:\n" ); Print( print_string[ 2 ] ); fi; Print( ".\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PrintMarkedGraphFull, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( object, graph ) local print_string, current_node, current_type; Print( "Full description:\n" ); Print( OBJECT_PRINT_STRING( graph, object ) ); Print( "\n" ); print_string := ""; for current_node in graph!.list_of_nodes do current_type := DECIDE_TYPE_OF_PRINTING( object, current_node, 3 ); if current_type[ 1 ] = "level_too_high" then continue; fi; Append( print_string, "- " ); if IsFunction( current_node!.PrintString ) then Append( print_string, ReplacedString( current_node!.PrintString( object ), "\n", "\n " ) ); else Append( print_string, current_node!.PrintString ); Append( print_string, ": " ); if current_type[ 1 ] = "notcomputed" then Append( print_string, "not computed yet" ); else current_type := ReplacedString( String( current_type[ 2 ] ), "\n", Concatenation( "\n", ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( current_node!.PrintString ) + 5, ' ' ) ) ); Append( print_string, current_type ); fi; fi; Append( print_string, "\n" ); od; Print( print_string ); end ); ## InstallMethod( PrintMarkedGraphFullWithEverythingComputed, [ IsObject, IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( object, graph ) local print_string, current_node, current_type, general_object_description; Print( "Full description:\n" ); Print( OBJECT_PRINT_STRING( graph, object ) ); Print( "\n" ); print_string := ""; for current_node in graph!.list_of_nodes do current_type := DECIDE_TYPE_OF_PRINTING( object, current_node, 4 ); if current_type[ 1 ] = "level_too_high" then continue; fi; Append( print_string, "- " ); if IsFunction( current_node!.PrintString ) then Append( print_string, ReplacedString( current_node!.PrintString( object ), "\n", "\n " ) ); else Append( print_string, current_node!.PrintString ); Append( print_string, ": " ); current_type := ReplacedString( String( current_type[ 2 ] ), "\n", Concatenation( "\n", ListWithIdenticalEntries( Length( current_node!.PrintString ) + 5, ' ' ) ) ); Append( print_string, current_type ); fi; Append( print_string, "\n" ); od; Print( print_string ); end ); ################################# ## ## Installer ## ################################# InstallMethod( InstallPrintFunctionsOutOfPrintingGraph, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting ], function( graph ) InstallPrintFunctionsOutOfPrintingGraph( graph, 0 ); end ); InstallMethod( InstallPrintFunctionsOutOfPrintingGraph, [ IsAttributeDependencyGraphForPrinting, IsInt ], function( graph, rank ) local filter, install_view_obj, install_display, install_full_view, install_full_view_with_everything_computed, install_view_string, install_display_string; filter := graph!.object_filter; ##get special instructions install_view_obj := ValueOption( "InstallViewObj" ); if install_view_obj <> false then install_view_obj := true; fi; install_view_string := ValueOption( "InstallViewString" ); if install_view_string <> false then install_view_string := true; fi; install_display := ValueOption( "InstallDisplay" ); if install_display <> false then install_display := true; fi; install_display_string := ValueOption( "InstallDisplayString" ); if install_display_string <> false then install_display_string := true; fi; install_full_view := ValueOption( "InstallFullView" ); if install_full_view <> false then install_full_view := true; fi; install_full_view_with_everything_computed := ValueOption( "InstallFullViewWithEverythingComputed" ); if install_full_view_with_everything_computed <> false then install_full_view_with_everything_computed := true; fi; InstallMethod( StringMutable, [ filter ], rank, function( obj ) local string; MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 1 ); string := StringMarkedGraphForStringMutable( obj, graph ); ResetGraph( graph ); return string; end ); if install_view_obj = true then InstallMethod( ViewObj, [ filter ], rank, function( obj ) MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 1 ); PrintMarkedGraphForViewObj( obj, graph ); ResetGraph( graph ); end ); fi; if install_view_string = true then InstallMethod( ViewString, [ filter ], rank, function( obj ) local string; MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 1 ); string := StringMarkedGraphForStringMutable( obj, graph ); return Concatenation( "<", string, ">" ); ResetGraph( graph ); end ); fi; if install_display = true then InstallMethod( Display, [ filter ], rank, function( obj ) MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 2 ); PrintMarkedGraphForDisplay( obj, graph ); ResetGraph( graph ); end ); fi; if install_full_view = true then InstallMethod( FullView, [ filter ], function( obj ) MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 3 ); PrintMarkedGraphFull( obj, graph ); ResetGraph( graph ); end ); fi; if install_full_view_with_everything_computed = true then InstallMethod( FullViewWithEverythingComputed, [ filter ], function( obj ) MarkGraphForPrinting( graph, obj, 4 ); PrintMarkedGraphFull( obj, graph ); ResetGraph( graph ); end ); fi; end );