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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## ## ToolsForHomalg package ## ## Copyright 2007-2012, Mohamed Barakat, University of Kaiserslautern ## Sebastian Gutsche, RWTH-Aachen University ## Markus Lange-Hegermann, RWTH-Aachen University ## ## Implementations for ToolsForHomalg. ## ############################################################################# #################################### # # representations: # #################################### ## <#GAPDoc Label="IsStructureObjectOrFinitelyPresentedObjectRep"> ## <ManSection> ## <Filt Type="Representation" Arg="M" Name="IsStructureObjectOrFinitelyPresentedObjectRep"/> ## <Returns><C>true</C> or <C>false</C></Returns> ## <Description> ## The &GAP; representation of finitley generated &homalg; objects. <P/> ## It is a representation of the &GAP; category <Ref Filt="IsHomalgObject"/>. ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## DeclareRepresentation( "IsStructureObjectOrFinitelyPresentedObjectRep", IsStructureObjectOrObject, [ ] ); # a new representation for the GAP-category IsHomalgObject # which is a subrepresentation of the representation IsStructureObjectOrFinitelyPresentedObjectRep and IsHomalgRingOrModule: DeclareRepresentation( "IsHomalgRingOrFinitelyPresentedModuleRep", IsStructureObjectOrFinitelyPresentedObjectRep and IsHomalgRingOrModule, [ ] ); # a new representation for the GAP-category IsContainerForWeakPointers: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersRep", IsContainerForWeakPointers, [ "weak_pointers", "active", "deleted", "counter", "cache_hits" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForWeakPointersRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep", IsContainerForWeakPointersRep, [ "weak_pointers", "active", "deleted", "counter", "accessed", "cache_misses", "cache_hits" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesRep", IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep, [ "weak_pointers", "weak_pointers_on_values", "active", "deleted", "counter", "accessed", "cache_misses", "cache_hits" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForWeakPointersOnContainersRep", IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep, [ "weak_pointers", "active", "deleted", "counter" ] ); #################################### # # representations for pointer object # #################################### # a new representation for the GAP-category IsContainerForPointers: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForPointersRep", IsContainerForPointers, [ "pointers", "counter", "cache_hits", "cache_misses" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForPointersRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep", IsContainerForPointersRep, [ "pointers", "counter", "accessed" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForPointersOnComputedValuesRep", IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep, [ "pointers", "pointers_on_values", "counter", "accessed" ] ); # a new subrepresentation of IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep: DeclareRepresentation( "IsContainerForPointersOnContainersRep", IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep, [ "pointers", "counter" ] ); #################################### # # families and types: # #################################### # a new family: BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers" ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointers", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers, IsContainerForWeakPointersRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnObjects", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers, IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValues", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers, IsContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnContainers", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForWeakPointers, IsContainerForWeakPointersOnContainersRep ) ); #################################### # # global variables: # #################################### # a central place for configuration variables: InstallValue( HOMALG_TOOLS, rec( TotalRuntimes := 0, minus_infinity := -999999, ## ContainersForWeakPointers "will be added below", ) ); ## cannot move it to read.g if IsBound( MakeThreadLocal ) then MakeThreadLocal( "HOMALG_TOOLS" ); fi; #################################### # # global functions: # #################################### InfoOfObject := function( arg ) local o, depth, attr, cmpn, prop, tprp, all, i, r, a; o := arg[1]; if Length( arg ) > 1 then depth := arg[2]; else depth := 1; fi; if depth = 0 then return o; elif IsAttributeStoringRep( o ) then attr := KnownAttributesOfObject( o ); cmpn := Filtered( NamesOfComponents( o ), a -> not( a in attr ) ); prop := KnownPropertiesOfObject( o ); all := rec( object := o, attributes := attr, components := cmpn, properties := prop ); elif IsComponentObjectRep( o ) then all := rec( object := o, components := NamesOfComponents( o ) ); else return o; fi; ## below o is an AttributeStoringRep or at least a ComponentObjectRep: for i in NamesOfComponents( all ) do if i in [ "attributes" ] then r := rec( ); for a in all.(i) do r.(a) := InfoOfObject( ValueGlobal( a )( o ), depth-1 ); od; all.(i) := r; elif i in [ "components" ] then r := rec( ); for a in all.(i) do r.(a) := InfoOfObject( o!.(a), depth-1 ); od; all.(i) := r; elif i = "properties" then r := rec( ); for a in all.(i) do r.(a) := ValueGlobal( a )( o ); od; all.(i) := r; fi; od; return all; end; ## InstallGlobalFunction( ContainerForWeakPointers, function( arg ) local nargs, container, component, type, containers; nargs := Length( arg ); container := rec( weak_pointers := WeakPointerObj( [ ] ), active := [ ], deleted := [ ], counter := 0, accessed := 0, cache_misses := 0, cache_hits := 0 ); for component in arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} do container.( component[1] ) := component[2]; od; type := arg[1]; ## Objectify: Objectify( type, container ); if IsBound( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers ) then _AddElmWPObj_ForHomalg( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers, container ); fi; if IsContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesRep( container ) then container!.weak_pointers_on_values := WeakPointerObj( [ ] ); fi; return container; end ); HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers := ContainerForWeakPointers( TheTypeContainerForWeakPointersOnContainers ); Unbind( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers!.accessed ); Unbind( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers!.cache_misses ); Unbind( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForWeakPointers!.cache_hits ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( homalgTotalRuntimes, function( arg ) local r, t; r := Runtimes( ); HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes := r.user_time; if IsBound( r.system_time ) and r.system_time <> fail then HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes := HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes + r.system_time; fi; if IsBound( r.user_time_children ) and r.user_time_children <> fail then HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes := HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes + r.user_time_children; fi; if IsBound( r.system_time_children ) and r.system_time_children <> fail then HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes := HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes + r.system_time_children; fi; if Length( arg ) = 0 then return HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes; fi; t := HOMALG_TOOLS.TotalRuntimes - arg[1]; if Length( arg ) > 1 then return Concatenation( StringTime( t ), " h" ); fi; return t; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AddLeftRightLogicalImplicationsForHomalg, function( list, properties ) local prop, property, left_property, right_property, add; for prop in properties do; if IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], prop[2] ) ); left_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Left", prop[2] ) ); right_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Right", prop[2] ) ); add := [ [ left_property, "and", right_property, "define", property ], [ property, "implies by definition", left_property ], [ property, "implies by definition", right_property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", left_property, "trivially imply", right_property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", right_property, "trivially imply", left_property ], ## we also need these two for their contra positions to get installed [ IsCommutative, "and", left_property, "trivially imply", property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", right_property, "trivially imply", property ], ]; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 3 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], prop[2] ) ); left_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Left", prop[2] ) ); right_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Right", prop[2] ) ); add := [ [ IsCommutative, "and", left_property, "trivally imply", right_property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", left_property, "trivally imply", property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", right_property, "trivally imply", left_property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", right_property, "trivally imply", property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", property, "trivally imply", left_property ], [ IsCommutative, "and", property, "trivally imply", right_property ] ]; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 3 and ForAll( prop{[ 1 .. 2 ]}, IsString ) and IsOperation( prop[3] ) then property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], prop[2] ) ); left_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Left", prop[2] ) ); right_property := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( prop[1], "Right", prop[2] ) ); add := [ [ left_property, "and", right_property, "define", property ], [ property, "implies by definition", left_property ], [ property, "implies by definition", right_property ], ]; fi; Append( list, add ); od; end ); ## a global function for logical implications: InstallGlobalFunction( LogicalImplicationsForOneHomalgObject, function( statement, filter ) local len, propA, propB, propC, prop; len := Length( statement ); if len = 3 then propA := statement[1]; prop := statement[3]; InstallTrueMethod( prop, filter and propA ); InstallImmediateMethod( propA, filter and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); elif len = 5 then propA := statement[1]; propB := statement[3]; prop := statement[5]; InstallTrueMethod( prop, filter and propA and propB ); InstallImmediateMethod( propA, filter and Tester( propB ) and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if propB( o ) and not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( propB, filter and Tester( propA ) and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if propA( o ) and not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); elif len = 7 then propA := statement[1]; propB := statement[3]; propC := statement[5]; prop := statement[7]; InstallTrueMethod( prop, filter and propA and propB and propC ); InstallImmediateMethod( propA, filter and Tester( propB ) and Tester( propC ) and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if propB( o ) and propC( o ) and not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( propB, filter and Tester( propA ) and Tester( propC ) and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if propA( o ) and propC( o ) and not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( propC, filter and Tester( propA ) and Tester( propB ) and Tester( prop ), 0, function( o ) if propA( o ) and propB( o ) and not prop( o ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallLogicalImplicationsForHomalgBasicObjects, function( arg ) local nargs, properties, filter, subobj_filter, statement; nargs := Length( arg ); if nargs < 2 then Error( "too few arguments\n" ); fi; properties := arg[1]; filter := arg[2]; if nargs = 2 then for statement in properties do; LogicalImplicationsForOneHomalgObject( statement, filter ); od; elif nargs = 3 then subobj_filter := arg[3]; for statement in properties do; LogicalImplicationsForTwoHomalgBasicObjects( statement, filter, subobj_filter ); od; fi; end ); ## a global function for left/right attributes: InstallGlobalFunction( LeftRightAttributesForHomalg, function( attr, filter ) local attribute, left_attribute, right_attribute; attribute := ValueGlobal( attr ); left_attribute := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( "Left", attr ) ); right_attribute := ValueGlobal( Concatenation( "Right", attr ) ); InstallImmediateMethod( left_attribute, filter and Tester( attribute ), 0, function( o ) return attribute( o ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( right_attribute, filter and Tester( attribute ), 0, function( o ) return attribute( o ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( attribute, filter and Tester( left_attribute ) and Tester( right_attribute ), 0, function( o ) local l; l := left_attribute( o ); if l = right_attribute( o ) then return l; fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); ## extra for homalg rings if filter = IsStructureObject then InstallImmediateMethod( left_attribute, filter and Tester( right_attribute ) and IsCommutative, 0, function( o ) return right_attribute( o ); end ); InstallImmediateMethod( right_attribute, filter and Tester( left_attribute ) and IsCommutative, 0, function( o ) return left_attribute( o ); end ); fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallLeftRightAttributesForHomalg, function( attributes, filter ) local attribute; for attribute in attributes do; LeftRightAttributesForHomalg( attribute, filter ); od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( MatchPropertiesAndAttributes, function( arg ) local S, T, properties, attributes, propertiesS, propertiesT, attributesS, attributesT, p, a, components, c; S := arg[1]; T := arg[2]; properties := arg[3]; attributes := arg[4]; propertiesS := Intersection2( KnownPropertiesOfObject( S ), properties ); propertiesT := Intersection2( KnownPropertiesOfObject( T ), properties ); attributesS := Intersection2( KnownAttributesOfObject( S ), attributes ); attributesT := Intersection2( KnownAttributesOfObject( T ), attributes ); ## for properties: for p in propertiesS do ## also check if properties already set for both objects coincide Setter( ValueGlobal( p ) )( T, ValueGlobal( p )( S ) ); od; ## now backwards for p in Difference( propertiesT, propertiesS ) do Setter( ValueGlobal( p ) )( S, ValueGlobal( p )( T ) ); od; ## for attributes: for a in Difference( attributesS, attributesT ) do Setter( ValueGlobal( a ) )( T, ValueGlobal( a )( S ) ); od; ## now backwards for a in Difference( attributesT, attributesS ) do Setter( ValueGlobal( a ) )( S, ValueGlobal( a )( T ) ); od; ## also check if properties already set for both objects coincide ## by now, more attributes than the union might be konwn attributesS := Intersection2( KnownAttributesOfObject( S ), attributes ); attributesT := Intersection2( KnownAttributesOfObject( T ), attributes ); for a in Intersection2( attributesS, attributesT ) do if ValueGlobal( a )( S ) <> ValueGlobal( a )( T ) then Error( "the attribute ", a, " has different values for source and target object\n" ); fi; od; if Length( arg ) > 4 then components := arg[5]; for c in components do if IsBound( S!.(c) ) and not IsBound( T!.(c) ) then T!.(c) := S!.(c); elif IsBound( T!.(c) ) and not IsBound( S!.(c) ) then S!.(c) := T!.(c); fi; od; fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttribute, function( filter1, filter2, prop_attr, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop_attr, filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop_attr )( U ) then return prop_attr( U ); fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop_attr, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (PullPropertyOrAttribute)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) return prop_attr( get_remote_object( M ) ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute, function( filter1, filter2, prop_attr, condition, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop_attr, filter1 and Tester( trigger ) and condition, 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop_attr )( U ) then return prop_attr( U ); fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop_attr, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (ConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) return condition( M ) and prop_attr( get_remote_object( M ) ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName, function( filter1, filter2, prop_attr, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop_attr[1], filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop_attr[2] )( U ) then return prop_attr[2]( U ); fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop_attr[1], "for homalg objects with an underlying object (PullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) return prop_attr[2]( get_remote_object( M ) ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertiesOrAttributes, function( filter1, filter2, PROP_ATTR, triggers, get_remote_object ) local trigger, prop_attr; for trigger in triggers do for prop_attr in PROP_ATTR do if IsString( prop_attr ) then if prop_attr <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttribute( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop_attr ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop_attr ) and Length( prop_attr ) = 2 and IsString( prop_attr[1] ) and IsList( prop_attr[2] ) and IsString( prop_attr[2][1] ) then if prop_attr[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullPropertyOrAttribute( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop_attr[1] ), ValueGlobal( prop_attr[2][1] ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop_attr ) and Length( prop_attr ) = 2 and ForAll( prop_attr, IsString ) then if prop_attr[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName( filter1, filter2, List( prop_attr, ValueGlobal ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; fi; od; od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperty, function( filter1, filter2, prop, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop, filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop )( U ) and prop( U ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (MethodToPullTrueProperty)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if prop( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullTrueProperty, function( filter1, filter2, prop, condition, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop, filter1 and Tester( trigger ) and condition, 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop )( U ) and prop( U ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (ConditionallyPullTrueProperty)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if condition( M ) and prop( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullTruePropertyWithDifferentName, function( filter1, filter2, prop, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop[1], filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop[2] )( U ) and prop[2]( U ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop[1], "for homalg objects with an underlying object (PullTruePropertyWithDifferentName)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if prop[2]( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return true; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperties, function( filter1, filter2, PROP, triggers, get_remote_object ) local trigger, prop; for trigger in triggers do for prop in PROP do if IsString( prop ) then if prop <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullTrueProperty( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and IsString( prop[1] ) and IsList( prop[2] ) and IsString( prop[2][1] ) then if prop[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullTrueProperty( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop[1] ), ValueGlobal( prop[2][1] ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then if prop[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullTruePropertyWithDifferentName( filter1, filter2, List( prop, ValueGlobal ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; fi; od; od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperty, function( filter1, filter2, prop, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop, filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop )( U ) and not prop( U ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (PullFalseProperty)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if not prop( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullFalseProperty, function( filter1, filter2, prop, condition, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop, filter1 and Tester( trigger ) and condition, 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop )( U ) and not prop( U ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop, "for homalg objects with an underlying object (ConditionallyPullFalseProperty)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if condition( M ) and not prop( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName, function( filter1, filter2, prop, trigger, get_remote_object ); InstallImmediateMethod( prop[1], filter1 and Tester( trigger ), 0, function( M ) local U; U := get_remote_object( M ); if Tester( prop[2] )( U ) and not prop[2]( U ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); InstallMethod( prop[1], "for homalg objects with an underlying object (PullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName)", [ filter2 ], function( M ) if not prop[2]( get_remote_object( M ) ) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperties, function( filter1, filter2, PROP, triggers, get_remote_object ) local trigger, prop; for trigger in triggers do for prop in PROP do if IsString( prop ) then if prop <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalseProperty( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and IsString( prop[1] ) and IsList( prop[2] ) and IsString( prop[2][1] ) then if prop[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPullFalseProperty( filter1, filter2, ValueGlobal( prop[1] ), ValueGlobal( prop[2][1] ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then if prop[1] <> trigger then InstallImmediateMethodToPullFalsePropertyWithDifferentName( filter1, filter2, List( prop, ValueGlobal ), ValueGlobal( trigger ), get_remote_object ); fi; fi; od; od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttribute, function( twitter, filter, prop_attr, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and Tester( prop_attr ), 0, function( M ) Setter( prop_attr )( get_remote_object( M ), prop_attr( M ) ); TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPushPropertyOrAttribute, function( twitter, filter, prop_attr, condition, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and Tester( prop_attr ) and condition, 0, function( M ) Setter( prop_attr )( get_remote_object( M ), prop_attr( M ) ); TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName, function( twitter, filter, prop_attr, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and Tester( prop_attr[1] ), 0, function( M ) Setter( prop_attr[2] )( get_remote_object( M ), prop_attr[1]( M ) ); TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertiesOrAttributes, function( twitter, filter, PROP_ATTR, get_remote_object ) local prop_attr; for prop_attr in PROP_ATTR do if IsString( prop_attr ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttribute( twitter, filter, ValueGlobal( prop_attr ), get_remote_object ); elif IsList( prop_attr ) and Length( prop_attr ) = 2 and IsString( prop_attr[1] ) and IsList( prop_attr[2] ) and IsString( prop_attr[2][1] ) then InstallImmediateMethodToConditionallyPushPropertyOrAttribute( twitter, filter, ValueGlobal( prop_attr[1] ), ValueGlobal( prop_attr[2][1] ), get_remote_object ); elif IsList( prop_attr ) and Length( prop_attr ) = 2 and ForAll( prop_attr, IsString ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushPropertyOrAttributeWithDifferentName( twitter, filter, List( prop_attr, ValueGlobal ), get_remote_object ); fi; od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperty, function( twitter, filter, prop, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and prop, 0, function( M ) Setter( prop )( get_remote_object( M ), true ); TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushTruePropertyWithDifferentName, function( twitter, filter, prop, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and prop[1], 0, function( M ) Setter( prop[2] )( get_remote_object( M ), true ); TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperties, function( twitter, filter, PROP, get_remote_object ) local prop; for prop in PROP do if IsString( prop ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushTrueProperty( twitter, filter, ValueGlobal( prop ), get_remote_object ); elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushTruePropertyWithDifferentName( twitter, filter, List( prop, ValueGlobal ), get_remote_object ); fi; od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperty, function( twitter, filter, prop, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and Tester( prop ), 0, function( M ) if not prop( M ) then Setter( prop )( get_remote_object( M ), false ); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalsePropertyWithDifferentName, function( twitter, filter, prop, get_remote_object ) InstallImmediateMethod( twitter, filter and Tester( prop[1] ), 0, function( M ) if not prop[1]( M ) then Setter( prop[2] )( get_remote_object( M ), false ); fi; TryNextMethod( ); end ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperties, function( twitter, filter, PROP, get_remote_object ) local prop; for prop in PROP do if IsString( prop ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalseProperty( twitter, filter, ValueGlobal( prop ), get_remote_object ); elif IsList( prop ) and Length( prop ) = 2 and ForAll( prop, IsString ) then InstallImmediateMethodToPushFalsePropertyWithDifferentName( twitter, filter, List( prop, ValueGlobal ), get_remote_object ); fi; od; end ); # This function declares an attribute, but does not install the standard getter. # instead, a getter given as third argument is installed. # the primary use of this method is for morphism aids: we are able to set lazy # morphism aids and compute them by the getter. ## InstallGlobalFunction( DeclareAttributeWithCustomGetter, function ( arg ) local attr, name, custom_getter, nname, gvar, pos, filter; name := arg[1]; custom_getter := arg[3]; if IsBoundGlobal( name ) then Error( "expected a name not bound" ); else attr := CallFuncList( NewAttribute, arg ); BindGlobal( name, custom_getter ); nname := "Set"; Append( nname, name ); BindGlobal( nname, SETTER_FILTER( attr ) ); nname := "Has"; Append( nname, name ); BindGlobal( nname, TESTER_FILTER( attr ) ); fi; return; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( AppendToAhomalgTable, function( RP, RP_addon ) local component; for component in NamesOfComponents( RP_addon ) do RP!.(component) := RP_addon.(component); od; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( homalgNamesOfComponentsToIntLists, function( arg ) return Filtered( List( NamesOfComponents( arg[1] ), function( a ) local l; l := SplitString( a, ",", "[ ]" ); if Length( l ) = 1 then if Length( l[1] ) <= 24 then return Int( l[1] ); else return fail; fi; else return List( l, Int ); fi; end ), b -> b <> fail ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( IncreaseExistingCounterInObject, function( o, component ) o!.(component) := o!.(component) + 1; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( IncreaseExistingCounterInObjectWithTiming, function( o, component, t ) o!.(component) := o!.(component) + [ 1, t ]; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( IncreaseCounterInObject, function( o, component ) if IsBound( o!.(component) ) then o!.(component) := o!.(component) + 1; else o!.(component) := 1; fi; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( MemoryToString, function( memory ) local m; m := memory; if m < 1024 then return Concatenation( String( m ), " Bytes" ); fi; m := Float( m / 1024 ); if m < 1024 then return Concatenation( String( m ), " KB" ); fi; m := Float( m / 1024 ); if m < 1024 then return Concatenation( String( m ), " MB" ); fi; m := Float( m / 1024 ); if m < 1024 then return Concatenation( String( m ), " GB" ); fi; m := Float( m / 1024 ); return Concatenation( String( m ), " TB" ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( PrimePowerExponent, function( n, p ) local a; if not IsPrime( p ) then Error( "the second argument is not a prime\n" ); fi; a := -1; repeat a := a + 1; n := n / p; until not IsInt( n ); return a; end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewList, [ "IsList" ], function( L ) local l, i; l := Length( L ); if l = 0 then ViewObj( [ ] ); return; fi; Print( "[ " ); ViewObj( L[1] ); for i in [ 2 .. l ] do Print( ",\n " ); ViewObj( L[i] ); od; Print( " ]\n" ); end ); #################################### # # methods for operations: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ExamplesForHomalg, [ ], 0, function( ) if LoadPackage( "ExamplesForHomalg" ) = true then ExamplesForHomalg( ); else return fail; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( ExamplesForHomalg, [ IsInt ], 0, function( d ) if LoadPackage( "ExamplesForHomalg" ) = true then ExamplesForHomalg( d ); else return fail; fi; end ); ## InstallMethod( UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers, "for containers of weak pointer lists", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersRep ], function( container ) local weak_pointers, l, active, l_active, i; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; l := LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ); active := Filtered( container!.active, i -> i <= l ); l_active := Length( active ); i := 1; while i <= l_active do if ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, active[i] ) <> fail then i := i + 1; else ## active[i] is no longer active Remove( active, i ); l_active := l_active - 1; fi; od; ## UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers is only called ## from view and display methods, which we do not want ## to count as accesses: # container!.accessed := container!.accessed + 1; container!.active := active; container!.deleted := Difference( [ 1 .. l ], active ); end ); ## InstallMethod( UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers, "for containers of weak pointer lists", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesRep ], function( container ) local weak_pointers, weak_pointers_on_values, l, active, l_active, i; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; weak_pointers_on_values := container!.weak_pointers_on_values; l := Minimum( LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ), LengthWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values ) ); active := Filtered( container!.active, i -> i <= l ); l_active := Length( active ); i := 1; while i <= l_active do if ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, active[i] ) <> fail and ElmWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values, active[i] ) <> fail then i := i + 1; else ## active[i] is no longer active Remove( active, i ); l_active := l_active - 1; fi; od; ## UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers is only called ## from view and display methods, which we do not want ## to count as accesses: # container!.accessed := container!.accessed + 1; container!.active := active; container!.deleted := Difference( [ 1 .. l ], active ); end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _AddElmWPObj_ForHomalg, function( container, obj ) local weak_pointers, l, deleted, active, l_active, d; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; l := LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ); deleted := Filtered( container!.deleted, i -> i <= l ); active := Filtered( container!.active, i -> i <= l ); ## check assertion Assert( 10, Intersection2( deleted, active ) = [ ] and Union2( deleted, active ) = [ 1 .. l ] ); l_active := Length( active ); if deleted = [ ] then SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers, l_active + 1, obj ); Add( active, l_active + 1 ); l := l + 1; else d := deleted[1]; SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers, d, obj ); Remove( deleted, 1 ); Add( active, d, d ); fi; container!.deleted := deleted; container!.active := active; ## here we increase container!.counter instead of container!.accessed; container!.counter := container!.counter + 1; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _AddTwoElmWPObj_ForHomalg, function( container, ref, value ) local weak_pointers, weak_pointers_on_values, l, deleted, active, l_active, d; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; weak_pointers_on_values := container!.weak_pointers_on_values; l := Minimum( LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ), LengthWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values ) ); deleted := Filtered( container!.deleted, i -> i <= l ); active := Filtered( container!.active, i -> i <= l ); ## check assertion Assert( 10, Intersection2( deleted, active ) = [ ] and Union2( deleted, active ) = [ 1 .. l ] ); l_active := Length( active ); if deleted = [ ] then SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers, l_active + 1, ref ); SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values, l_active + 1, value ); Add( active, l_active + 1 ); l := l + 1; else d := deleted[1]; SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers, d, ref ); SetElmWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values, d, value ); Remove( deleted, 1 ); Add( active, d, d ); fi; container!.deleted := deleted; container!.active := active; ## here we increase container!.counter instead of container!.accessed; container!.counter := container!.counter + 1; end ); ## InstallMethod( _ElmWPObj_ForHomalg, "for a container of weak pointer lists and two objects (a reference and a return fail value)", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnComputedValuesRep, IsObject, IsObject ], 0, function( container, obj, FAIL ) local weak_pointers, weak_pointers_on_values, l, active, cache_hit, l_active, i, ref, value; weak_pointers := container!.weak_pointers; weak_pointers_on_values := container!.weak_pointers_on_values; l := Minimum( LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ), LengthWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values ) ); active := Filtered( container!.active, i -> i <= l ); cache_hit := false; l_active := Length( active ); i := 1; while i <= l_active do value := ElmWPObj( weak_pointers_on_values, active[i] ); if value <> fail then ref := ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, active[i] ); if ref <> fail then if IsIdenticalObj( ref, obj ) then cache_hit := true; break; fi; i := i + 1; else ## active[i] is no longer active Remove( active, i ); l_active := l_active - 1; fi; else ## active[i] is no longer active Remove( active, i ); l_active := l_active - 1; fi; od; container!.active := active; container!.deleted := Difference( [ 1 .. l ], active ); container!.accessed := container!.accessed + 1; container!.cache_misses := container!.cache_misses + i - 1; if cache_hit then container!.cache_hits := container!.cache_hits + 1; return value; fi; return FAIL; end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for weak pointer containers of objects", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep ], function( o ) local a; UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers( o ); a := Length( o!.active ); Print( "<A container for weak pointers " ); if IsBound( o!.operation ) then Print( "on computed values of ", o!.operation ); else Print( "on objects" ); fi; Print( ": active = ", a, ", deleted = ", o!.counter - a, ", counter = ", o!.counter, ", accessed = ", o!.accessed, ", cache_misses = ", o!.cache_misses, ", cache_hits = ", o!.cache_hits, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for weak pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnContainersRep ], function( o ) local a; UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers( o ); a := Length( o!.active ); Print( "<A container for weak pointers on containers: active = ", a, ", deleted = ", o!.counter - a, ", counter = ", o!.counter, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for weak pointer containers of objects", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnObjectsRep ], function( o ) local weak_pointers; weak_pointers := o!.weak_pointers; Print( List( [ 1 .. LengthWPObj( weak_pointers ) ], function( i ) if IsBoundElmWPObj( weak_pointers, i ) then return i; else return 0; fi; end ), "\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for weak pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnContainersRep ], function( o ) local weak_pointers, a, obj; UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers( o ); weak_pointers := o!.weak_pointers; for a in o!.active do obj := ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, a ); if obj <> fail and ( not IsBound( obj!.counter ) or obj!.counter <> 0 ) then Print( a, ":\t" ); ViewObj( obj ); Print( "\n" ); fi; od; end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for weak pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForWeakPointersOnContainersRep, IsString ], function( o, string ) local weak_pointers, a, obj; string := LowercaseString( string ); if string = "a" or string = "all" then UpdateContainerOfWeakPointers( o ); weak_pointers := o!.weak_pointers; for a in o!.active do obj := ElmWPObj( weak_pointers, a ); if obj <> fail then Print( a, ":\t" ); ViewObj( obj ); Print( "\n" ); fi; od; else Display( o ); fi; end ); #################################### # # ContainerForPointers # #################################### # a new family: BindGlobal( "TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers", NewFamily( "TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers" ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForPointers", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers, IsContainerForPointersRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForPointersOnObjects", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers, IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForPointersOnComputedValues", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers, IsContainerForPointersOnComputedValuesRep ) ); # a new type: BindGlobal( "TheTypeContainerForPointersOnContainers", NewType( TheFamilyOfContainersForPointers, IsContainerForPointersOnContainersRep ) ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( ContainerForPointers, function( arg ) local nargs, container, component, type, containers; nargs := Length( arg ); container := rec( pointers := [ ], counter := 0, accessed := 0, cache_hits := 0, cache_misses := 0 ); for component in arg{[ 2 .. nargs ]} do container.( component[1] ) := component[2]; od; type := arg[1]; ## Objectify: Objectify( type, container ); if IsBound( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForPointers ) then _AddElmPObj_ForHomalg( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForPointers, container ); fi; if IsContainerForPointersOnComputedValuesRep( container ) then container!.pointers_on_values := [ ]; fi; return container; end ); HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForPointers := ContainerForPointers( TheTypeContainerForPointersOnContainers ); Unbind( HOMALG_TOOLS.ContainersForPointers!.accessed ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _AddElmPObj_ForHomalg, function( container, obj ) Add( container!.pointers, obj ); ## here we increase container!.counter instead of container!.accessed; container!.counter := container!.counter + 1; end ); ## InstallGlobalFunction( _AddTwoElmPObj_ForHomalg, function( container, ref, value ) Add( container!.pointers, ref ); Add( container!.pointers_on_values, value ); ## here we increase container!.counter instead of container!.accessed; container!.counter := container!.counter + 1; end ); ## InstallMethod( _ElmPObj_ForHomalg, "for a container of weak pointer lists and two objects (a reference and a return fail value)", [ IsContainerForPointersOnComputedValuesRep, IsObject, IsObject ], 0, function( container, obj, FAIL ) local pointers, pointers_on_values, l, cache_hit, i; pointers := container!.pointers; pointers_on_values := container!.pointers_on_values; l := Length( pointers ); i := 1; cache_hit := false; while i <= l do if IsIdenticalObj( pointers[ i ], obj ) then cache_hit := true; break; fi; i := i + 1; od; container!.accessed := container!.accessed + 1; container!.cache_misses := container!.cache_misses + i - 1; if cache_hit then container!.cache_hits := container!.cache_hits + 1; return pointers_on_values[ i ]; fi; return FAIL; end ); #################################### # # View, Print, and Display methods: # #################################### ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for pointer containers of objects", [ IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep ], function( o ) local a; a := Length( o!.pointers ); Print( "<A container for pointers " ); if IsBound( o!.operation ) then Print( "on computed values of ", o!.operation ); else Print( "on objects" ); fi; Print( ": active = ", a, ", counter = ", o!.counter, ", accessed = ", o!.accessed, ", cache_misses = ", o!.cache_misses, ", cache_hits = ", o!.cache_hits, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForPointersOnContainersRep ], function( o ) local a; a := Length( o!.pointers ); Print( "<A container for weak pointers on containers: active = ", a, ", counter = ", o!.counter, ">" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for pointer containers of objects", [ IsContainerForPointersOnObjectsRep ], function( o ) Print( o!.pointers, "\n" ); end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForPointersOnContainersRep ], function( o ) local a, pointers; pointers := o!.pointers; for a in [ 1 .. Length( pointers ) ] do Print( a, ":\t" ); ViewObj( pointers[ a ] ); Print( "\n" ); od; end ); ## InstallMethod( Display, "for pointer containers of containers", [ IsContainerForPointersOnContainersRep, IsString ], function( o, string ) Display( o ); end );