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Views: 466318############################################################################# ## #W GAP4 package `XMod' Chris Wensley #W & Murat Alp #Y Copyright (C) 2001-2017, Chris Wensley et al, #Y School of Computer Science, Bangor University, U.K. ############################################################################## ## #M AbelianModuleObject( <abgrp>, <act> ) #M TrivialAction of group H on group G #M AbelianModuleWithTrivialAction( <abgrp>, <gp> ) (added 19/07/07) ## InstallMethod( AbelianModuleObject, "for abelian group and group action", true, [ IsGroup, IsGroupHomomorphism ], 0, function( ab, act ) local rng, obj; if not IsCommutative( ab ) then Error( "group is not commutative" ); fi; rng := Range( act ); if not ( IsGroupOfAutomorphisms( rng ) and ( AutomorphismDomain( rng ) = ab ) ) then Error( "Range(act) is not a group of autios of ab" ); fi; obj := rec(); ObjectifyWithAttributes( obj, IsAbelianModuleType, AbelianModuleGroup, ab, AbelianModuleAction, act, IsAbelianModule, true ); return obj; end ); InstallMethod( TrivialAction, "for groups", true, [ IsGroup, IsGroup ], 0, function( G, H ) local triv; triv := Group( IdentityMapping( G ) ); return MappingToOne( H, triv ); end ); InstallMethod( AbelianModuleWithTrivialAction, "for abelian group and group action", true, [ IsGroup, IsGroup ], 0, function( ab, gp ) return AbelianModuleObject( ab, TrivialAction( ab, gp ) ); end ); ############################################################################## ## #M InnerAutomorphismsByNormalSubgroup for a group and a normal subgroup ## InstallMethod( InnerAutomorphismsByNormalSubgroup, "for a group and a normal subgroup", true, [ IsGroup, IsGroup ], 0, function( G, N ) local nargs, id, genG, genN, autG, genA, A, g, conj, name; if not IsNormal( G, N ) then Error( "Second parameter must be normal subgroup of the first\n" ); fi; if ( ( G = N ) and HasAutomorphismGroup( G ) ) then autG := AutomorphismGroup( G ); return InnerAutomorphismsAutomorphismGroup( autG ); fi; genG := GeneratorsOfGroup( G ); genN := GeneratorsOfGroup( N ); id := InclusionMappingGroups( N, N ); genA := [ ]; for g in genG do conj := InnerAutomorphism( N, g ); Add( genA, conj ); od; A := Group( genA, id ); SetIsGroupOfAutomorphisms( A, true ); return A; end ); ############################################################################## ## ????? needs to be removed/changed ????? ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismSmallPermGroup ## ## added 08/04/01, using SmallerDegreePermutationRepresentation ## revised 23/06/06, introducing Nicer... ## InstallMethod( IsomorphismSmallPermGroup, "for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local G2P, P, nP, P2S, nS, S, genG, numG, j, p, imiso, iso; if HasNicerMonomorphism( G ) then G2P := NicerMonomorphism( G ); if ( G2P = fail ) then ## tried this before, with no success return NiceMonomorphism( G ); else return NicerMonomorphism( G ); fi; fi; if HasNiceMonomorphism( G ) then G2P := NiceMonomorphism( G ); else G2P := IsomorphismPermGroup( G ); SetNiceMonomorphism( G, G2P ); SetNiceObject( G, Image( G2P ) ); fi; P := Image( G2P ); nP := NrMovedPoints( P ); P2S := SmallerDegreePermutationRepresentation( P ); if ( P2S = fail ) then SetNicerMonomorphism( G, fail ); iso := G2P; else S := ImagesSource( P2S ); nS := NrMovedPoints( S ); if ( nP = nS ) then SetNicerMonomorphism( G, fail ); iso := G2P; else Info( InfoXMod, 2, "found smaller perm representation" ); genG := GeneratorsOfGroup( G ); numG := Length( genG ); imiso := ListWithIdenticalEntries( numG, 0 ); for j in [1..numG] do p := Image( G2P, genG[j] ); imiso[j] := Image( P2S, p ); od; iso := GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, S, genG, imiso ); fi; fi; if ( HasName( G ) and not HasName( Range( iso ) ) ) then SetName( Range( iso ), Concatenation( "P", Name( G ) ) ); fi; SetNicerMonomorphism( G, iso ); if not ( iso = fail ) then SetNicerObject( G, Image( iso ) ); fi; return iso; end ); ## ???? replace by ElementsInGenerators ???? ## ############################################################################## ## #M GenerationOrder elements of G generated as words in the generators ## InstallMethod( GenerationOrder, "method for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local oG, eG, ord, ngG, stgG, g, i, j, k, P, pos, n, x, y; stgG := StrongGeneratorsStabChain( StabChain( G ) ); ngG := Length( stgG ); oG := Size( G ); eG := Elements( G ); ord := 0 * [1..oG]; ord[1] := 1; P := 0 * [1..oG]; P[1] := [ 1, 0 ]; for n in [1..ngG] do g := stgG[n]; pos := Position( eG, g ); P[pos] := [ 1, n ]; ord[ n+1 ] := pos; od; n := ngG + 1; k := 2; while ( k < oG ) do i := ord[k]; x := eG[i]; for j in [1..ngG] do g := stgG[j]; y := x * g; pos := Position( eG, y ); if ( P[pos] = 0 ) then P[pos] := [ i, j ]; n := n+1; ord[n] := pos; fi; od; k := k+1; od; SetGenerationPairs( G, P ); return ord; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M CheckGenerationPairs G.generationPairs, G.generationOrder ok ? ## InstallMethod( CheckGenerationPairs, "method for a ", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( G ) local eG, oG, stgG, P, i, g, x; stgG := StrongGeneratorsStabChain( StabChain( G ) ); oG := Size( G ); eG := Elements( G ); P := GenerationPairs( G ); if ( P[1] <> [1,0] ) then return false; fi; for i in [2..oG] do x := eG[ P[i][1] ]; g := stgG[ P[i][2] ]; if ( x*g <> eG[i] ) then Info( InfoXMod, 2, x, " * ", g, " <> ", eG[i] ); return false; fi; od; return true; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M TzCommutatorPair( <tietze>, <rel> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( TzCommutatorPair, function( T, rel ) local tietze, numgens, invs, numinvs, x, ax, ix, px, y, ay, iy, py, pair; TzCheckRecord( T ); tietze := T!.tietze; invs := tietze[TZ_INVERSES]; numgens := tietze[TZ_NUMGENS]; numinvs := 1 + 2 * numgens; if not ( IsList( rel ) and ( Length( rel ) = 4 ) ) then Print( "Second parameter must be a relator of length 4.\n" ); return [ 0, 0 ]; fi; x := rel[1]; y := rel[2]; ax := AbsInt( x ); ay := AbsInt( y ); px := Position( invs, x ); ix := invs[numinvs + 1 - px]; py := Position( invs, y ); iy := invs[numinvs + 1 - py]; if ( ( rel[3] = ix ) and ( rel[4] = iy ) ) then pair := Set( [ ax, ay ] ); else pair := [ 0, 0 ]; fi; return pair; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M TzPartition( <tietze> ) partition generators into commuting subsets ## InstallGlobalFunction( TzPartition, function( T ) local tietze, numgens, gens, partition, count, bipartite, invs, allgens, others, rels, numrels, lengths, numpart, numold, numinvs, i, j, k, x, ax, y, ay, z, r, lr, s, ok, commpairs, c, d, pair, commutators, comm1, comm2, left, right, rest, powerof, powers, freq, fnum, L, S; TzCheckRecord( T ); tietze := T!.tietze; invs := tietze[TZ_INVERSES]; rels := tietze[TZ_RELATORS]; lengths := tietze[TZ_LENGTHS]; numrels := tietze[TZ_NUMRELS]; numgens := tietze[TZ_NUMGENS]; numinvs := 1 + 2 * numgens; allgens := [1..numgens]; left := allgens; partition := [ Set( allgens ) ]; # phase1: find explicit commutators commpairs := [ ]; for j in [1..numgens] do Add( commpairs, [ ] ); od; commutators := 0 * [1..numrels]; comm1 := 0; comm2 := 0; for j in [1..numrels] do if ( lengths[j] <> 4 ) then commutators[j] := false; else r := rels[j]; pair := TzCommutatorPair( T, r ); if ( pair <> [ 0, 0 ] ) then commutators[j] := true; comm2 := comm2 + 1; ax := pair[1]; ay := pair[2]; if ( ( ax in allgens ) and ( ay in allgens ) ) then Add( commpairs[ax], ay ); Add( commpairs[ay], ax ); fi; else commutators[j] := false; fi; fi; od; commpairs := List( commpairs, L -> Set( L ) ); if ( ( TzOptions(T).printLevel > 1 ) and ( comm2 > 0 ) ) then Print( "There were ", comm2, " commutators found in phase 1\n" ); fi; # phase2: find implicit commutators while ( comm1 < comm2 ) do comm1 := comm2; for j in [1..numrels] do r := rels[j]; lr := Length( r ); if ( lr > 1 ) then freq := Collected( List( r, x -> AbsInt( x ) ) ); fnum := Length( freq ); for x in [1..fnum] do L := freq[x]; if ( L[2] = 1 ) then S := allgens; for y in [1..fnum] do if ( x <> y ) then z := freq[y][1]; S := Intersection( S, commpairs[z] ); fi; od; y := L[1]; commpairs[y] := Union( commpairs[y], S ); for z in S do commpairs[z] := Union( commpairs[z], [y] ); od; fi; od; fi; od; comm2 := Sum( List( commpairs, L -> Length( L ) ) )/2; if ( ( TzOptions(T).printLevel > 1 ) and ( comm2 > comm1 ) ) then Print( "There were ", comm2 - comm1 ); Print( " commutators found in phase 2\n" ); fi; od; # phase3: separate into parts numpart := 1; numold := 0; while ( ( numold <> numpart ) and ( Length( partition[1] ) > 1 ) ) do if ( numpart > 1 ) then commpairs := List( commpairs, L -> Difference( L, partition[2] ) ); fi; gens := partition[1]; others := Difference( allgens, gens ); rest := partition{[ 2..Length(partition) ]}; bipartite := false; left := commpairs[ gens[1] ]; if ( left <> [ ] ) then right := Difference( gens, left ); bipartite := true; for c in commpairs do d := Difference( c, left ); if not ( c = [ ] ) then if not ( ( c = left ) or ( d = right ) ) then bipartite := false; fi; fi; od; fi; if bipartite then # reorder the letters in each relator (but not the commutators) partition := Concatenation( [ left ], [ right ], rest ); for j in [1..numrels] do if not commutators[j] then r := rels[j]; s := [ ]; for x in r do ax := AbsInt( x ); if ( ax in left ) then Add( s, x ); fi; od; for y in r do ay := AbsInt( y ); if ( ay in right ) then Add( s, y ); fi; od; for x in r do ax := AbsInt( x ); if ( ax in others ) then Add( s, x ); fi; od; if ( r <> s ) then rels[j] := s; tietze[TZ_MODIFIED] := true; fi; fi; od; if ( TzOptions(T).printLevel > 1 ) then Print( "#I factoring ", gens, " into " ); Print( left, ", ", right, "\n" ); fi; else left := [ ]; fi; numold := numpart; numpart := Length( partition ); od; T!.partition := partition; ## return partition; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M FactorsPresentation( <tietze> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FactorsPresentation, function( arg ) local T, printlevel, tietze, gens, rels, numrels, numgens, invs, numinvs, lengths, flags, partition, part, numpart, i, j, k, rel, diff, F, commutator, fx, fy, pair, factor, fac, len, chosen, posn, subrels, subnumi, subtot, sublen, subflags, subtriv, subT; T := arg[1]; TzCheckRecord( T ); # check that the second argument is an integer printlevel := 1; if ( Length( arg ) = 2 ) then printlevel := arg[2]; fi; if not IsInt( printlevel ) then Error( "second argument must be an integer" ); fi; TzPartition( T ); partition := T!.partition; if ( Length( partition ) = 1 ) then return [ T ]; fi; tietze := T!.tietze; invs := tietze[TZ_INVERSES]; numgens := tietze[TZ_NUMGENS]; numinvs := 1 + 2 * numgens; gens := T!.generators; ## ?????? rels := tietze[TZ_RELATORS]; lengths := tietze[TZ_LENGTHS]; flags := tietze[TZ_FLAGS]; numrels := tietze[TZ_NUMRELS]; numpart := Length( partition ); factor := 0 * [1..numgens ]; for i in [1..numpart] do part := partition[i]; for j in [1..Length(part)] do factor[ part[j] ] := i; od; od; chosen := List( [1..numpart], i -> [ ] ); for j in [1..numrels] do rel := rels[j]; len := lengths[j]; commutator := false; if ( len = 4 ) then pair := TzCommutatorPair( T, rel ); if ( pair <> [ 0, 0 ] ) then fx := factor[ pair[1] ]; fy := factor[ pair[2] ]; commutator := ( fx <> fy ); fi; fi; if not commutator then fac := List( rel, i -> factor[ AbsInt( i ) ] ); # check that fac is increasing for i in [2..len] do if ( fac[i] < fac[i-1] ) then Print( "relator = ", rel, "\n" ); Error( "factors mixed in relator" ); fi; od; for i in Set( fac ) do Add( chosen[i], j ); od; fi; od; # construct Tietze records for each factor subflags := 0 * [1..numpart]; F := List( [1..numpart], i -> ShallowCopy( T ) ); for i in [1..numpart] do subrels := [ ]; for j in chosen[i] do rel := rels[j]; len := lengths[j]; fac := List( rel, k -> factor[ AbsInt( k ) ] ); posn := Filtered( [1..len], k -> fac[k]=i ); Add( subrels, rel{posn} ); od; sublen := List( subrels, L -> Length( L ) ); subflags := List( chosen[i], k -> flags[k] ); F[i].printLevel := printlevel; subT := F[i].tietze; diff := Difference( [1..numgens], partition[i] ); subtriv := List( diff, x -> [x] ); subrels := Concatenation( subtriv, subrels ); sublen := Concatenation( List( subtriv, x -> 1 ), sublen ); subflags := Concatenation( List( subtriv, x -> 0 ), subflags ); subnumi := Length( subrels ); subtot := 0; for j in [1..subnumi] do subtot := subtot + sublen[j]; od; subT[TZ_TOTAL] := subtot; subT[TZ_RELATORS] := subrels; subT[TZ_NUMRELS] := subnumi; subT[TZ_LENGTHS] := sublen; subT[TZ_FLAGS] := subflags; subT[TZ_STATUS] := [ subT[1], subT[2], subT[3] ]; od; return F; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismFpInfo( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . isomorphic fp-group for G ## InstallOtherMethod( IsomorphismFpInfo, "for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( grp ) local iso, inv, fp, mgi; iso := IsomorphismFpGroup( grp ); fp := ImagesSource( iso ); mgi := MappingGeneratorsImages( iso ); inv := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC( fp, grp, mgi[2], mgi[1] ); if IsPermGroup( grp ) then SetIsomorphismPermInfo( fp, rec( perm := grp, g2perm := inv, perm2g := iso ) ); fi; SetIsomorphismFpInfo( grp, rec( fp := fp, g2fp := iso, fp2g := inv ) ); return rec( fp := fp, g2fp := iso, fp2g := inv ); end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismPermInfo( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . isomorphic perm group for G ## InstallOtherMethod( IsomorphismPermInfo, "for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( grp ) local iso, inv, perm, mgi; iso := IsomorphismPermGroup( grp ); perm := ImagesSource( iso ); mgi := MappingGeneratorsImages( iso ); inv := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC( perm, grp, mgi[2], mgi[1] ); if IsFpGroup( grp ) then SetIsomorphismFpInfo( perm, rec( fp := grp, g2fp := inv, fp2g := iso ) ); fi; SetIsomorphismPermInfo( grp, rec( perm := perm, g2perm := iso, perm2g := inv ) ); return rec( perm := perm, g2perm := iso, perm2g := inv ); end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismPcInfo( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . isomorphic pc group for G ## InstallOtherMethod( IsomorphismPcInfo, "for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( grp ) local iso, inv, pc, mgi; iso := IsomorphismPcGroup( grp ); if ( iso = fail ) then return fail; fi; pc := ImagesSource( iso ); mgi := MappingGeneratorsImages( iso ); inv := GroupHomomorphismByImages( pc, grp, mgi[2], mgi[1] ); if IsFpGroup( grp ) then SetIsomorphismFpInfo( pc, rec( fp := grp, g2fp := inv, fp2g := iso ) ); elif IsPermGroup( grp ) then SetIsomorphismPermInfo( pc, rec( perm := grp, g2perm := inv, pc2g := iso ) ); fi; SetIsomorphismPcInfo( grp, rec( pc := pc, g2pc := iso, pc2g := inv ) ); return rec( pc := pc, g2pc := iso, pc2g := inv ); end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismPermOrPcInfo( <G> ) . . . . . isomorphic perm or pc group for G ## InstallOtherMethod( IsomorphismPermOrPcInfo, "for a group", true, [ IsGroup ], 0, function( grp ) local id, info1, info2, iso1, iso2, iso, inv1, inv2, inv, perm, pc, ispc; if IsPermGroup( grp ) then return IsomorphismPcInfo( grp ); elif IsPcGroup( grp ) then return IsomorphismPermInfo( grp ); else info1 := IsomorphismPermInfo( grp ); perm := info1!.perm; iso1 := info1!.g2perm; inv1 := info1!.perm2g; info2 := IsomorphismPcInfo( perm ); ispc := not ( info2 = fail ); if ispc then pc := info2!.pc; iso2 := info2!.g2pc; iso := iso1 * iso2; inv2 := info2!.pc2g; inv := inv2 * inv1; if IsFpGroup( grp ) then SetIsomorphismFpInfo( pc, rec( fp := grp, g2fp := inv, fp2g := iso ) ); fi; return rec( type := "pc", pc := pc, g2pc := iso, pc2g := inv ); else ## return the perm info return rec( type := "perm", perm := perm, g2perm := iso1, perm2g := inv1 ); fi; fi; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M IsomorphismPermObject( <obj> ) #M IsomorphismFpObject( <obj> ) #M IsomorphismPcObject( <obj> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( IsomorphismPermObject, function( obj ) if IsGroup( obj ) then return IsomorphismPermGroup( obj ); elif ( HasIsPreXMod( obj ) and IsPreXMod( obj ) ) or ( HasIsPreCat1Group( obj ) and IsPreCat1Group( obj ) ) then return IsomorphismPerm2DimensionalGroup( obj ); elif HasHigherDimension( obj ) then Error( "IsomorphismPerm3DimensionObject etc not yet written" ); else return fail; fi; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( IsomorphismFpObject, function( obj ) if IsGroup( obj ) then return IsomorphismFpGroup( obj ); elif ( HasIsPreXMod( obj ) and IsPreXMod( obj ) ) or ( HasIsPreCat1Group( obj ) and IsPreCat1Group( obj ) ) then return IsomorphismFp2DimensionalGroup( obj ); elif HasHigherDimension( obj ) then Error( "IsomorphismFp3DimensionObject etc not yet written" ); else return fail; fi; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( IsomorphismPcObject, function( obj ) if IsGroup( obj ) then return IsomorphismPcGroup( obj ); elif ( HasIsPreXMod( obj ) and IsPreXMod( obj ) ) or ( HasIsPreCat1Group( obj ) and IsPreCat1Group( obj ) ) then return IsomorphismPc2DimensionalGroup( obj ); elif HasHigherDimension( obj ) then Error( "IsomorphismPc3DimensionObject etc not yet written" ); else return fail; fi; end ); ############################################################################## ## #M MetacyclicGroup ## InstallMethod( MetacyclicGroup, "for three positive integers", true, [ IsPosInt, IsPosInt, IsPosInt ], 0, function( m, n, l ) local f, x, y, rels, fp, iso; if not ( RemInt( l^m, n ) = 1 ) then return fail; fi; f := FreeGroup( 2 ); x := GeneratorsOfGroup( f )[1]; y := GeneratorsOfGroup( f )[2]; rels := [ x^m, y^n, x^(-1)*y*x*y^(-l) ]; fp := f/rels; iso := IsomorphismPermGroup( fp ); return Image( iso ); end ); ############################################################################## ## added 17/07/07 ############################################################################## ## #M AutomorphismsFixingSubgroups . . . . . for a group and a list of subgroups ## InstallMethod( AutomorphismsFixingSubgroups, "for a group and subgroup list", true, [ IsGroup, IsList ], 0, function( G, H ) local autG, id, genautG, numautG, L, a, i, F, gensub, subG, stop, reps, numrep, r, found, ok; if not ForAll( H, J -> IsSubgroup( G, J ) ) then Error( "H is not a list of subgroups of G" ); fi; autG := AutomorphismGroup( G ); id := TrivialSubgroup( G ); if ForAll( H, J -> ( (J=G) or (J=id) ) ) then return autG; fi; genautG := GeneratorsOfGroup( autG ); numautG := Length( genautG ); L := ListWithIdenticalEntries( numautG, 0 ); for i in [1..numautG] do a := genautG[i]; L[i] := ForAll( H, J -> ForAll( List(GeneratorsOfGroup(J),j -> j^a in J), x -> x=true) ); od; if ForAll( L, l -> l ) then return autG; fi; F := Filtered( [1..numautG], x -> L[x] ); Info( InfoXMod, 2, "L,F = ", L, F ); gensub := List( F, f -> genautG[f] ); stop := false; subG := Subgroup( autG, gensub ); while not stop do stop := true; reps := List( RightCosets( autG, subG ), c -> Representative(c) ); numrep := Length( reps ); i := 1; found := false; while ( not found and ( i < numrep ) ) do i := i+1; r := reps[i]; ok := ForAll( H, J -> ForAll( List(GeneratorsOfGroup(J),j->j^r in J), x->x=true) ); if ok then found := true; stop := false; Add( gensub, r ); subG := Subgroup( autG, gensub ); fi; od; od; return subG; end ); ############################################################################# ## #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here