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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466314
##  makedoc.g for package XMod, version 29/04/17
##  This builds the documentation of the XMod package. 
##  Needs: GAPDoc package, latex, pdflatex, mkindex
LoadPackage( "GAPDoc" );

XModDoc := Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "XMod", "doc" ), "" );

# use this command if including xymatrix code (added 29/04/17) 
SetGapDocLaTeXOptions(rec(EarlyExtraPreamble := "\\usepackage[all]{xy}\n"));

MakeGAPDocDoc( XModDoc,   # path to the directory containing the main file
               "manual",  # the name of the main file (without extension)
                          # list of (probably source code) files relative 
                          # to path which contain pieces of documentation 
                          # which must be included in the document
               [ "../PackageInfo.g" ], 
               "XMod",    # the name of the book used by GAP's online help
               "../../..",# optional: relative path to the main GAP root 
                          # directory to produce HTML files with relative 
                          # paths to external books.
                          # optional: use "MathJax", "Tth" and/or "MathML"
                          # to produce additional variants of HTML files
               "MathJax"  # optional: use "MathJax", "Tth" and/or "MathML"
                          # to produce additional variants of HTML files

# Copy the *.css and *.js files from the styles directory of the GAPDoc 
# package into the directory containing the package manual.
CopyHTMLStyleFiles( XModDoc );


# Create the manual.lab file which is needed if the main manuals or another 
# package is referring to your package
GAPDocManualLab( "XMod" );;