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Views: 418346\Chapter{Example computations with almost crystallographic groups}12%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3\Section{Example computations I}45Using the functions available for pcp groups in the share package6{\sf polycyclic} it is now easy to redo some of the calculations of7\cite{KD}. As a first example we check whether the groups indicated8as torsion free in \cite{KD} are also determined as torsion free9ones by \GAP. In \cite{KD} these almost Bieberbach groups are listed as10``AB-groups''. So for type ``013'' these are the groups with parameters11$(k,0,1,0,1,0)$ where $k$ is an even integer. Let's look at some examples12in \GAP:1314\beginexample15gap> G:=AlmostCrystallographicPcpDim4("013",[8,0,1,0,1,0]);16Pcp-group with orders [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]17gap> IsTorsionFree(G);18true19gap> G:=AlmostCrystallographicPcpDim4("013",[9,0,1,0,1,0]);20Pcp-group with orders [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]21gap> IsTorsionFree(G);22false23\endexample2425Further, there is also some cohomology information in the tables26of \cite{KD}. In fact, the groups in this library were obtained27as extensions $E$ of the form2829$$301 \rightarrow \Z \rightarrow E \rightarrow Q \rightarrow 131$$3233where, in the 4-dimensional case $Q = E/\langle d \rangle$. The34cohomology information for the particular example above shows that35the groups determined by a parameter set $(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4,k_4,k_6)$36are equivalent as extensions to the groups determined by the parameters37$(k_1, k_2 \bmod 2, k_3 \bmod 2, k_4 \bmod 2, k_5 \bmod 2, 0)$. This is38also visible in finding torsion:3940\beginexample41gap> G:=AlmostCrystallographicPcpDim4("013",[10,0,2,0,1,0]);42Pcp-group with orders [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]43gap> IsTorsionFree(G);44false45gap> G:=AlmostCrystallographicPcpDim4("013",[10,0,3,0,1,9]);46Pcp-group with orders [ 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]47gap> IsTorsionFree(G);48true49\endexample5051%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%52\Section{Example computations II}5354The computation of cohomology groups played an important role in the55classification of the almost Bieberbach groups in \cite{KD}. Using56\GAP, it is now possible to check these computations. As an example we57consider the 4-dimensional almost crystallographic groups of type 85 on58page 202 of \cite{KD}. This group $E$ has 6 generators. In the table, one59also finds the information6061$$62H^2(Q,\Z) = \Z \oplus (\Z_2)^2 \oplus \Z_463$$6465for $Q=E/\langle d \rangle$ as above. Moreover, the $Q$--module $\Z$ is66in fact the group $\langle d \rangle$, where the $Q$-action comes from67conjugation inside $E$. In the case of groups of type 85, $\Z$ is a68trivial $Q$-module. The following example demonstrates how to (re)compute69this two-cohomology group $H^2(Q,\Z)$.7071\beginexample72gap> G:=AlmostCrystallographicPcpGroup(4, "085", false);73Pcp group with orders [ 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]74gap> GroupGeneratedByd:=Subgroup(G, [G.6] );75Pcp group with orders [ 0 ]76gap> Q:=G/GroupGeneratedByd;77Pcp group with orders [ 2, 4, 0, 0, 0 ]78gap> action:=List( Pcp(Q), x -> [[1]] );79[ [ [ 1 ] ], [ [ 1 ] ], [ [ 1 ] ], [ [ 1 ] ], [ [ 1 ] ] ]80gap> C:=CRRecordByMats( Q, action);;81gap> TwoCohomologyCR( C ).factor.rels;82[ 2, 2, 4, 0 ]83\endexample8485This last line gives us the abelian invariants of the second86cohomology group $H^2(Q,\Z)$. So we should read this line as8788$$89H^2(Q,\Z) = \Z_2 \oplus \Z_2 \oplus \Z_4 \oplus \Z90$$9192which indeed coincides with the information in \cite{KD}.9394%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%95\Section{Example computations III}9697As another application of the capabilities of the combination of98`aclib' and {\sf polycyclic} we check some computations of \cite{DM}.99100Section 5 of the paper \cite{DM} is completely devoted to an example101of the computation of the $P$-localization of a virtually nilpotent group,102where $P$ is a set of primes. Although it is not our intention to103develop the theory of $P$-localization of groups at this place, let us104summarize some of the main results concerning this topic here.105106For a set of primes $P$, we say that $n \in P$ if and only if $n$ is107a product of primes in $P$. A group $G$ is said to be $P$-local if and108only if the map $\mu_n:G\rightarrow G: g \mapsto g^n$ is bijective for109all $n \in P'$, where $P'$ is the set of all primes not in $P$. The110$P$-localization of a group $G$, is a $P$-local group $G_P$ together111with a morphism $\alpha :G \rightarrow G_P$ which satisfy the following112universal property: For each $P$-local group $L$ and any morphism113$\varphi: G \rightarrow L$, there exists a unique morphism $\psi:G_P114\rightarrow L$, such that $\psi \circ \alpha = \varphi$.115116This concept of localization is well developed for finite groups and117for nilpotent groups. For a finite group $G$, the $P$-localization is118the largest quotient of $G$, having no elements with an order belonging to119$P'$ (the morphism $\alpha$, mentioned above is the natural projection).120121In \cite{DM} a contribution is made towards the localization of virtually122nilpotent groups. The theory developed in the paper is then illustrated123in the last section of the paper by means of the computation of the124$P$-localization of an almost crystallographic group. For their example125the authors have chosen an almost crystallographic group $G$ of dimension 3126and type 17. For the set of parameters $(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4)$ they have127considered all cases of the form $(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4)=(2,0,0,k_4)$.128129Here we will check their computations in two cases $k_4=0$ and $k_4=1$130using the set of primes $P=\{2\}$. The holonomy group of these almost131crystallographic groups $G$ is the dihedral group ${\cal D}_6$ of order13212. Thus there is a short exact sequence of the form133$$ 1 \rightarrow {\rm Fitt}(G) \rightarrow G134\rightarrow {\cal D}_6 \rightarrow 1. $$135136As a first step in their computation, Descheemaeker and Malfait determine137the group $I_{P'}{\cal D}_6$, which is the unique subgroup of order 3 in138${\cal D}_6$. One of the main objects in \cite{DM} is the group $K=p^{-1}139(I_{P'}{\cal D}_6)$, where $p$ is the natural projection of $G$ onto its140holonomy group. It is known that the $P$-localization of $G$ coincides141with the $P$-localization of $G/\gamma_3(K)$, where $\gamma_3(K)$ is the142third term in the lower central series of $K$. As $G/\gamma_3(K)$ is143finite in this example, we exactly know what this $P$-localization is.144Let us now show, how GAP can be used to compute this $P$-localization in145two cases:146147\medskip148First case: The parameters are $(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4)=(2,0,0,0)$149\beginexample150gap> G := AlmostCrystallographicPcpGroup(3, 17, [2,0,0,0] );151Pcp group with orders [ 2, 6, 0, 0, 0 ]152gap> projection := NaturalHomomorphismOnHolonomyGroup( G );153[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 ] -> [ g1, g2, identity, identity, identity ]154gap> F := HolonomyGroup( G );155Pcp group with orders [ 2, 6 ]156gap> IPprimeD6 := Subgroup( F , [F.2^2] );157Pcp group with orders [ 3 ]158gap> K := PreImage( projection, IPprimeD6 );159Pcp group with orders [ 3, 0, 0, 0 ]160gap> PrintPcpPresentation( K );161pcp presentation on generators [ g2^2, g3, g4, g5 ]162g2^2 ^ 3 = identity163g3 ^ g2^2 = g3^-1*g4^-1164g3 ^ g2^2^-1 = g4*g5^-2165g4 ^ g2^2 = g3*g5^2166g4 ^ g2^2^-1 = g3^-1*g4^-1*g5^2167g4 ^ g3 = g4*g5^2168g4 ^ g3^-1 = g4*g5^-2169gap> Gamma3K := CommutatorSubgroup( K, CommutatorSubgroup( K, K ));170Pcp group with orders [ 0, 0, 0 ]171gap> quotient := G/Gamma3K;172Pcp group with orders [ 2, 6, 3, 3, 2 ]173gap> S := SylowSubgroup( quotient, 3);174Pcp group with orders [ 3, 3, 3 ]175gap> N := NormalClosure( quotient, S);176Pcp group with orders [ 3, 3, 3 ]177gap> localization := quotient/N;178Pcp group with orders [ 2, 2, 2 ]179gap> PrintPcpPresentation( localization );180pcp presentation on generators [ g1, g2, g3 ]181g1 ^ 2 = identity182g2 ^ 2 = identity183g3 ^ 2 = identity184\endexample185This shows that $G_P\cong \Z_2^3$.186187\medskip188189Second case: The parameters are $(k_1,k_2,k_3,k_4)=(2,0,0,1)$190\beginexample191gap> G := AlmostCrystallographicPcpGroup(3, 17, [2,0,0,1]);;192gap> projection := NaturalHomomorphismOnHolonomyGroup( G );;193gap> F := HolonomyGroup( G );;194gap> IPprimeD6 := Subgroup( F , [F.2^2] );;195gap> K := PreImage( projection, IPprimeD6 );;196gap> Gamma3K := CommutatorSubgroup( K, CommutatorSubgroup( K, K ));;197gap> quotient := G/Gamma3K;;198gap> S := SylowSubgroup( quotient, 3);;199gap> N := NormalClosure( quotient, S);;200gap> localization := quotient/N;201Pcp group with orders [ 2, 2, 2 ]202gap> PrintPcpPresentation( localization );203pcp presentation on generators [ g1, g2, g3 ]204g1 ^ 2 = identity205g2 ^ 2 = g3206g3 ^ 2 = identity207g2 ^ g1 = g2*g3208g2 ^ g1^-1 = g2*g3209\endexample210211In this case, we see that $G_P={\cal D}_4$.212213\medskip214215The reader can check that these results coincide with those obtained in216\cite{DM}. Note also that we used a somewhat different scheme to compute217this localization than the one used in \cite{DM}. We invite the reader to218check the same computations, tracing exactly the steps made in \cite{DM}.219220221%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%222%%223%E Emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . local emacs variables224%%225%% Local Variables:226%% fill-column: 73227%% End:228%%229230231232233234235236237