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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 418346
##  PackageInfo.g        GAP4 Package "Alnuth"               Bjoern Assmann
##                                                          Andreas Distler

SetPackageInfo( rec(

PackageName := "Alnuth",
Subtitle := "Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP",
Version := "3.1.0",
Date := "01/12/2017",

SourceRepository := rec(
    Type := "git",
    URL := Concatenation( "", LowercaseString(~.PackageName) ),
IssueTrackerURL := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL, "/issues" ),
PackageWWWHome  := Concatenation( "", LowercaseString(~.PackageName) ),
README_URL      := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/" ),
PackageInfoURL  := Concatenation( ~.PackageWWWHome, "/PackageInfo.g" ),
ArchiveURL      := Concatenation( ~.SourceRepository.URL,
                                 "/releases/download/v", ~.Version,
                                 "/", LowercaseString(~.PackageName), "-", ~.Version ),

ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz",
Persons := [

      LastName      := "Assmann",
      FirstNames    := "Bjoern",
      IsAuthor      := true,
      IsMaintainer  := false,
      WWWHome       := ""
      LastName      := "Distler",
      FirstNames    := "Andreas",
      IsAuthor      := true,
      IsMaintainer  := true,
      Email         := "[email protected]",
      PostalAddress := Concatenation( [
            "CAUL (Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa)\n",
            "Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 2\n",
            "1649-003 Lisboa\n",
            "Portugal" ] ),
      Place         := "Lisboa",
      Institution   := "Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa"
      LastName      := "Eick",
      FirstNames    := "Bettina",
      IsAuthor      := true,
      IsMaintainer  := true,
      Email         := "[email protected]",
      WWWHome       := "",
      PostalAddress := Concatenation( [
            "Institut Computational Mathematics\n",
            "TU Braunschweig\n",
            "Pockelsstr. 14\n D-38106 Braunschweig\n Germany" ] ),
      Place         := "Braunschweig",
      Institution   := "TU Braunschweig"

Status := "accepted",
CommunicatedBy := "Charles Wright (Eugene)",
AcceptDate := "01/2004",

AbstractHTML := 
"The <span class=\"pkgname\">Alnuth</span> package provides various methods to compute with number fields which are given by a defining polynomial or by generators. Some of the methods provided in this package are written in <span class=\"pkgname\">GAP</span> code. The other part of the methods is imported from the computer algebra system PARI/GP. Hence this package contains some <span class=\"pkgname\">GAP</span> functions and an interface to some functions in the computer algebra system PARI/GP. The main methods included in <span class=\"pkgname\">Alnuth</span> are: creating a number field, computing its maximal order (using PARI/GP), computing its unit group (using PARI/GP) and a presentation of this unit group, computing the elements of a given norm of the number field (using PARI/GP), determining a presentation for a finitely generated multiplicative subgroup (using PARI/GP), and factoring polynomials defined over number fields (using PARI/GP).",

PackageDoc := rec(
  BookName  := "Alnuth",
  ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc", "htm"],
  HTMLStart := "htm/chapters.htm",
  PDFFile   := "doc/manual.pdf",
  SixFile   := "doc/manual.six",
  LongTitle := "Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP",
  Autoload  := true),

Dependencies := rec(
  GAP := ">= 4.8",
  NeededOtherPackages := [[ "polycyclic", ">=1.1" ]],
  SuggestedOtherPackages := [], 
  ExternalConditions := 
[["needs the PARI/GP computer algebra system Version 2.5 or higher",
"" ] ]

AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue,
TestFile := "tst/testall.g",
Keywords := ["algebraic number theory", "number field" , "maximal order",
"interface to PARI/GP", "unit group", "elements of given norm" ]