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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################ ## #W Alnuth - ALgebraic NUmber THeory Bettina Eick #W Bjoern Assmann #W Andreas Distler ## ############################################################################# ## #F ListElmPower( range, elm ) #M EquationOrderBasis( F ) ## ListElmPower := function( range, elm ) local list, i; if not IsRange( range ) then Error( "<range> has to be a range" ); fi; # trivial cases if IsEmpty( range ) then return [ ]; elif Length( range ) = 1 then return [ elm ^ range[1] ]; fi; list := [ elm ^ range[1] ]; elm := elm ^ (range[2] - range[1]); for i in [ 1..Length( range ) - 1 ] do Add( list, list[i] * elm ); od; return list; end; InstallMethod( EquationOrderBasis, "for number field", true, [IsNumberField], 0, function( F ) return RelativeBasisNC( Basis( F ), ListElmPower( [ 0..DegreeOverPrimeField( F )-1 ], IntegerPrimitiveElement( F ) ) ) ; end ); InstallMethod( IsPrimitiveElementOfNumberField, "for number field and algebraic element", true, [ IsNumberField, IsObject ], 0, function( F, elm ) local d, g; if not elm in F then Info( InfoAlnuth, 1, "Element does not lie in the field." ); return false; fi; d := DegreeOverPrimeField( F ); g := MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, elm ); return Degree(g) = d; end ); InstallOtherMethod( EquationOrderBasis, "for number field and primitive element", true, [IsNumberField, IsObject ], 0, function( F , elm ) if not IsPrimitiveElementOfNumberField( F, elm ) then return fail; fi; return RelativeBasisNC(Basis( F ), ListElmPower([0..DegreeOverPrimeField(F)-1],elm)); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M MaximalOrderBasis( F ) ## InstallMethod(MaximalOrderBasis, "for number field", true,[IsNumberField], 0, function( F ) local e, T, b, B; if DegreeOverPrimeField(F)=1 then return EquationOrderBasis(F); fi; e := EquationOrderBasis(F); T := MaximalOrderDescriptionPari(F); b := List( T, x -> LinearCombination( e, x ) ); B := Objectify(NewType(FamilyObj(F), IsFiniteBasisDefault and IsRelativeBasisDefaultRep), rec()); SetUnderlyingLeftModule( B, F ); SetBasisVectors( B, b ); B!.basis := e; B!.basechangeMatrix := Immutable( T^-1 ); return B; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F IsIntegerOfNumberField( F, k ) ## IsIntegerOfNumberField := function( F, k ) local c; c := Coefficients( MaximalOrderBasis(F), k ); return ForAll( c, IsInt ); end; ############################################################################# ## #M UnitGroup( F ) ## AddNaturalHomomorphismOfUnitGroup := function( G ) local gens, rels, H, nat; # the generators of G are independent and the first one is torsion gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(G); rels := List( gens, x -> 0 ); rels[1] := Order( gens[1] ); H := AbelianPcpGroup( Length(rels), rels ); nat := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC( G, H, gens, AsList(Pcp(H)) ); # add infos SetIsBijective( nat, true ); SetIsUnitGroupIsomorphism( nat, true ); SetIsomorphismPcpGroup( G, nat ); end; AddUnitGroupOfNumberField := function( F, units ) local gens, G; # check if units are known if HasUnitGroup(F) then gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(UnitGroup(F)); if not gens = units then Error("wrong units"); fi; fi; # otherwise add them G := GroupByGenerators( units ); SetIsUnitGroup( G, true ); SetFieldOfUnitGroup( G, F ); AddNaturalHomomorphismOfUnitGroup( G ); SetUnitGroup( F, G ); end; UnitGroupOfNumberField := function( F ) local eqn, uni, gen, G, r, H, nat; # determine generators eqn := EquationOrderBasis(F); uni := UnitGroupDescriptionPari(F); if uni=[-1] then G:=GroupByGenerators([-1*eqn[1]]); else gen := List( uni, x -> LinearCombination( eqn, x ) ); G := GroupByGenerators(gen); fi; # add info SetIsUnitGroup( G, true ); SetFieldOfUnitGroup( G, F ); AddNaturalHomomorphismOfUnitGroup( G ); # return return G; end; InstallMethod( UnitGroup, "for number field", true, [IsNumberField], 0, function( F ) return UnitGroupOfNumberField( F ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F IsUnitOfNumberField( F, k ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( IsUnitOfNumberField, function( F, k ) if not IsIntegerOfNumberField( F, k ) then return false; fi; return AbsInt(Norm( F, k )) = 1; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AL_ExponentsTrivialUnits( unit, one ) #F ExponentsOfUnitsOfNumberField( F, elms ) #M ExponentsOfUnits( F, elms ) ## AL_ExponentsTrivialUnits := function( unit, one ) if unit = one then return [ 0 ]; else return [ 1 ]; fi; end; ExponentsOfUnitsOfNumberField := function( F, elms ) local base, coef, exps, gens; # catch a trivial case if IsPrimeField(F) then # check whether all elements are units if ForAny( elms, x -> not x in [ One( F ), -One( F ) ] ) then return fail; fi; # return [ 0 ] for One( F ) and [ 1 ] for -One( F ) return List( elms, x -> AL_ExponentsTrivialUnits( x, One( F ))); fi; # determine exponents base := EquationOrderBasis( F ); coef := List( elms, x -> Coefficients( base, x ) ); exps := ExponentsOfUnitsDescriptionWithRankPari( F, coef ); # add unit group if this is not yet known gens := List( exps.units, x -> LinearCombination( base, x ) ); AddUnitGroupOfNumberField( F, gens ); # return exponents if exps.expns = [ ] then return fail; else return exps.expns; fi; end; InstallMethod( ExponentsOfUnits, "for number fields", true, [IsNumberField, IsCollection], 0, function( F, elms ) return ExponentsOfUnitsOfNumberField( F, elms ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F ExponentsOfUnitsWithRank( F, elms ) ## ExponentsOfUnitsWithRank := function( F, elms ) local base, flat, coef, exps, gens; # determine exponents base := EquationOrderBasis( F ); coef := List( elms, x -> Coefficients( base, x ) ); exps := ExponentsOfUnitsDescriptionWithRankPari( F, coef ); # add unit group if this is not yet known gens := List( exps.units, x -> LinearCombination( base, x ) ); AddUnitGroupOfNumberField( F, gens ); # return exponents return rec(exps:=exps.expns, rank:=exps.rank); end; ############################################################################# ## #F NormCosetsOfNumberField( F, norm ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( NormCosetsOfNumberField, function( F, norm ) local base, reps, gens; # catch a trivial case if IsPrimeField(F) then return [norm*One(F)]; fi; # get representatives mod unit group base := EquationOrderBasis( F ); reps := NormCosetsDescriptionPari( F, norm ); # add unit group if this is not yet known gens := List( reps.units, x -> LinearCombination( base, x ) ); AddUnitGroupOfNumberField( F, gens ); # translate coset reps return List( reps.creps, x -> LinearCombination( base, x ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsCyclotomicField( F ) ## InstallMethod( IsCyclotomicField, "for number fields", true, [IsNumberField], 0, function( F ) local U, t, o; U := UnitGroup(F); t := GeneratorsOfGroup(U)[1]; o := Order(t); return Phi(o) = DegreeOverPrimeField(F); end);