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Views: 466323############################################################################# ## #W Alnuth - ALgebraic NUmber THeory Bettina Eick #W Bjoern Assmann #W Andreas Distler ## ############################################################################# ## #P IsNumberFieldByMatrices( <F> ) ## InstallSubsetMaintenance( IsNumberFieldByMatrices, IsField and IsNumberFieldByMatrices, IsField ); ############################################################################# ## #F AL_SplitSemisimple( base ) ## AL_SplitSemisimple := function( base ) local d, b, f, s, i; d := Length( base ); b := PrimitiveAlgebraElement( [ ], base ); f := Factors( b.poly ); if Length( f ) = 1 then return [ rec( basis := IdentityMat( Length( b.elem ) ), poly := f ) ]; fi; s := List( f, function ( x ) return NullspaceRatMat( Value( x, b.elem ) ); end ); s := List( [ 1 .. Length( f ) ], function ( x ) return rec( basis := s[x], poly := f[x] ); end ); return s; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AL_RadicalOfAbelianRMGroup( mats, d ) ## ## <mats> is an abelian rational matrix group ## AL_RadicalOfAbelianRMGroup := function( mats, d ) local coms, i, j, new, base, full, nath, indm, l, algb, newv, tmpb, subb, f, g, h, mat; base := []; full := IdentityMat( d ); # nath is the natural hom. from V to V/W nath := NaturalHomomorphismBySemiEchelonBases( full, base ); # indm for induced matrices indm := mats; # start spinning up basis and look for nilpotent elements i := 1; algb := []; while i <= Length( indm ) do # add next element to algebra basis l := Length( algb ); newv := Flat( indm[i] ); tmpb := SpinnUpEchelonBase(algb, [newv], indm{[1..i]},OnMatVector ); # check whether we have added a non-semi-simple element subb := []; for j in [l+1..Length(tmpb)] do mat := MatByVector( tmpb[j], Length(indm[i]) ); f := MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, mat ); g := Collected( Factors( f ) ); if ForAny( g, x -> x[2] > 1 ) then h := Product( List( g, x -> Value( x[1], mat ) ) ); Append( subb, List( h, x -> ShallowCopy(x) ) ); fi; od; #Print("found nilpotent submodule of dimension ", Length(subb),"\n"); # spinn up new subspace of radical subb := SpinnUpEchelonBase( [], subb, indm, OnRight ); if Length( subb ) > 0 then base := PreimageByNHSEB( subb, nath ); if Length( base ) = d then # radical cannot be so big return fail; fi; nath := NaturalHomomorphismBySemiEchelonBases( full, base ); indm := List( mats, x -> InducedActionFactorByNHSEB( x, nath ) ); algb := []; i := 1; else i := i + 1; fi; od; return rec( radical := base, nathom := nath, algebra := algb ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F AL_HomogeneousSeriesAbelianRMGroup( mats, d ) ## ## <mats> is an abelian rational matrix group ## AL_HomogeneousSeriesAbelianRMGroup := function( mats, d ) local radb, splt, nath,inducedgens, l, sers, i, sub, full, acts, rads; # catch the trivial case and set up if d = 0 then return []; fi; full := IdentityMat( d ); if Length( mats ) = 0 then return [full, []]; fi; sers := [full]; # get the radical radb := AL_RadicalOfAbelianRMGroup( mats, d ); if radb = fail then return fail; fi; splt := AL_SplitSemisimple( radb.algebra ); nath := radb.nathom; # refine radical factor and initialize series l := Length( splt ); for i in [2..l] do sub := Concatenation( List( [i..l], x -> splt[x].basis ) ); TriangulizeMat( sub ); Add( sers, PreimageByNHSEB( sub, nath ) ); od; Add( sers, radb.radical ); # induce action to radical nath := NaturalHomomorphismBySemiEchelonBases( full, radb.radical); acts := List( mats, x -> InducedActionSubspaceByNHSEB( x, nath )); # use recursive call to refine radical rads := AL_HomogeneousSeriesAbelianRMGroup( acts, Length(radb.radical) ); if rads = fail then return fail; fi; rads := List( rads, function(x) if x=[] then return []; else return x * radb.radical; fi;end ); Append( sers, rads{[2..Length(rads)]} ); return sers; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AL_MatricesGeneratingNumberField( gens ) ## AL_MatricesGeneratingNumberField := function( gens ) local d, series, G; d := Length(gens[1]); if ForAny( gens, x -> Length(x) <> d ) then Print("matrices must have same dimensions\n"); return false; elif not ForAll( Flat( gens ), IsRat ) then Print("matrices must be rational\n"); return false; elif ForAny( gens, x -> RankMat(x) <> d ) then Print("matrices must be invertible \n"); return false; fi; G := Group( gens ); if not IsAbelian( G ) then Print( "The algebra generated by the matrices is not abelian\n" ); return false; fi; series := AL_HomogeneousSeriesAbelianRMGroup( gens, d ); if Length( series ) > 2 then Print( "Matrices do not generate a field.\n" ); Print( "The natural module Q^",d," is not homogeneous.\n" ); return false; fi; return true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F FieldByMatrices( gens ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( FieldByMatricesNC, function( gens ) local F; F := FieldByGenerators( gens); SetIsNumberField( F, true ); SetIsNumberFieldByMatrices( F, true ); return F; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( FieldByMatrices, function( gens ) local F; if not AL_MatricesGeneratingNumberField( gens ) then return fail; fi; F := FieldByMatricesNC( gens ); DegreeOverPrimeField( F ); return F; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F FieldByMatrixBasisNC( gens ) . . . MatFieldByAlgebraBasis ## InstallGlobalFunction( FieldByMatrixBasisNC, function( gens ) local F, B; F := FieldByMatricesNC( gens ); B := Objectify(NewType(FamilyObj(F), IsBasisOfMatrixField), rec()); SetUnderlyingLeftModule( B, F ); SetBasisVectors( B, gens ); SetBasis( F, B ); DegreeOverPrimeField( F ); return F; end ); InstallGlobalFunction( FieldByMatrixBasis, function( gens ) local V; if not AL_MatricesGeneratingNumberField( gens ) then return fail; fi; V := VectorSpace( Rationals, gens ); # test linear independence if Length( Basis( V )) < Length( gens ) then Print("matrices must be linearly independent\n"); return fail; fi; # test whether V = Field( gens ) if Length( AlgebraBase( gens )) > Length( gens ) then Print("dimension of generated field is greater than vector space dimension\n"); return fail; fi; return FieldByMatrixBasisNC( gens ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F BasisVectorsOfMatrixField( F ) #M CanonicalBasis( F ) #M Basis( F ) ## BasisVectorsOfMatrixField := function( F ) return AlgebraBase( GeneratorsOfField(F) ); end; InstallMethod( CanonicalBasis, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) local B, b; B := Objectify(NewType(FamilyObj(F), IsBasisOfMatrixField), rec()); b := BasisVectorsOfMatrixField( F ); SetUnderlyingLeftModule( B, F ); SetBasisVectors( B, b ); return B; end ); InstallMethod( Basis, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return CanonicalBasis( F ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M Coefficients( B, a ) ## InstallMethod( Coefficients, "for basis of matrix field", true, [IsBasisOfMatrixField, IsVector ], 15, function( B, a ) local b; b := BasisVectors( B ); b := List( b, Flat ); return SolutionMat( b, Flat(a) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M DegreeOverPrimeField( F ) ## InstallMethod( DegreeOverPrimeField, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return Length( Basis( F ) ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F IntegralMatrix #F SuitablePrimitiveElementCheck( F, k ) ## IntegralMatrix := function( mat ) local l,n,i,j,a; l := []; n := Length( mat ); for i in [1..n] do for j in [1..n] do Add( l, DenominatorRat( mat[i][j]) ); od; od; a := Lcm( l ); return a*mat; end; SuitablePrimitiveElementCheck := function( F, k ) local d, g, sumCoef; d := DegreeOverPrimeField( F ); g := MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, k ); if not Degree(g) = d then return false; elif ForAll( CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(g), IsInt ) then sumCoef := Sum( List(CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(g),x->AbsInt(x)) ); Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, "sum of the coefficients is"); Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, sumCoef ); return rec( prim := k, min := g, sumCoef := sumCoef); else k := IntegralMatrix( k ); g := MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, k ); sumCoef := Sum( List(CoefficientsOfUnivariatePolynomial(g),x->AbsInt(x)) ); Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, "sum of the coefficients is"); Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, sumCoef ); return rec( prim := k, min := g, sumCoef := sumCoef); fi; end; ############################################################################# ## #F SuitablePrimitiveElementOfMatrixField( F ) #M IntegerPrimitiveElement( F ) #M PrimitiveElement( F ) ## SuitablePrimitiveElementOfMatrixField := function( F ) local k, d, b, l, i, c, primtmp,prim, poss; # try to find a primitive element wiht small coeff in the minpol prim := rec( prim := [], min := [], sumCoef := infinity); poss := 0; #catch the trivial case if DegreeOverPrimeField(F)=1 then return One(F); fi; # first try the generators of F for k in GeneratorsOfField(F) do primtmp := SuitablePrimitiveElementCheck( F, k ); if not IsBool( primtmp ) then poss := poss + 1; if primtmp.sumCoef < prim.sumCoef then prim := primtmp; fi; fi; od; # otherwise try random elements d := DegreeOverPrimeField( F ); b := Basis(F); l := List( [1..d], x -> 0 ); Append( l, [1,1,-1] ); i := 1; while poss < PRIM_TEST do Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, "another try to calculate primitive element"); Info( InfoAlnuth, 3, i ); c := List( [1..d], x -> RandomList( l ) ); k := LinearCombination( b, c ); primtmp := SuitablePrimitiveElementCheck( F, k ); if not IsBool( primtmp ) then poss := poss + 1; if primtmp.sumCoef < prim.sumCoef then prim := primtmp; fi; fi; i := i + 1; Append( l, [i,i,-i] ); od; SetDefiningPolynomial( F, prim.min ); SetIntegerDefiningPolynomial( F, prim.min ); Info( InfoAlnuth, 2, "prim is ", prim); return prim.prim; end; InstallMethod( IntegerPrimitiveElement, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return SuitablePrimitiveElementOfMatrixField(F); end); InstallMethod( PrimitiveElement, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return IntegerPrimitiveElement(F); end); InstallOtherMethod( DefiningPolynomial, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, PrimitiveElement(F) ); end); ############################################################################# ## #M IntegerDefiningPolynomial( F ) ## InstallMethod( IntegerDefiningPolynomial, "for matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) return MinimalPolynomial( Rationals, IntegerPrimitiveElement( F ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Norm(F,k) ## InstallOtherMethod( Norm, "for matrix fields", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices, IsMultiplicativeElement], SUM_FLAGS, function( F, k ) local l, d; l := Length(k); d := DegreeOverPrimeField(F); return Root( Determinant(k), l/d ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M PrintObj( F ) #M ViewObj( F ) ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for a matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) if HasDegreeOverPrimeField( F ) then Print( "<rational matrix field of degree ", DegreeOverPrimeField( F ), ">" ); else Print("<rational matrix field of unknown degree>"); fi; end ); InstallMethod( ViewObj, "for a matrix field", true, [IsNumberFieldByMatrices], 0, function( F ) if HasDegreeOverPrimeField( F ) then Print( "<rational matrix field of degree ", DegreeOverPrimeField( F ), ">" ); else Print("<rational matrix field of unknown degree>"); fi; end );