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Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W Alnuth - ALgebraic NUmber THeory Bjoern Assmann ## ############################################################################# ## #F GeneratorLatticeTF( rels ) ## ## rels is a sublattice of Z^n. ## this function compute a minimal generatorset of Z^n/rels ## which is torsion-free ## GeneratorLatticeTF := function( rels ) local n, normal,i,gens; n := Length( rels[1] ); normal:=NormalFormIntMat(rels,13); for i in [1..Length( normal.normal )] do if normal.normal[i][i] <> 1 then break; fi; od; if i = Length( normal.normal ) then i := i+1; fi; #gens := IdentityMat( n ); #gens := gens{[i..n]}; #gens := gens * normal.coltrans^-1; gens := (normal.coltrans^-1); gens := gens{[i..n]}; return gens; end; ############################################################################# ## #F CPCSOfTFGroupByFieldElements( F, gens ) ## ## computes a constructive polycyclic sequence for gens ## CPCSOfTFGroupByFieldElements := function( F, gens ) local rels, exps, newGens, e, newRels; rels := RelationLatticeTF( F, gens ); if rels = [] then return rec( gens:=gens, relord:=List([1..Length(gens)], x -> 0)); fi; exps := GeneratorLatticeTF(rels); newGens := []; for e in exps do Add( newGens, MappedVector( e, gens )); od; newRels := List( [1..Length(newGens)], x -> 0); return rec( gens:=newGens, relord:=newRels); end; ############################################################################# ## #F ExpVectorOfTFGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, elm ) ## ## torsion free group !! ## ExpVectorOfTFGroupByFieldElements := function( F, CPCS, elm ) local elms, rels, v, m, exp, i; m := Length( CPCS.gens ); elms := StructuralCopy( CPCS.gens ); Add( elms, elm ); rels:= RelationLatticeTF( F, elms ); v := rels[1]; exp:=[]; for i in [1..m] do exp[i]:=-v[i]/v[m+1]; od; Assert( 2, MappedVector( exp, CPCS.gens ) = elm ); return exp; end; ############################################################################# ## #F Exp2genList(exp); ## Exp2GenList:= function(exp) local n, genList,i; n:=Length(exp); genList:=[]; for i in [1..n] do if exp[i] <> 0 then Append(genList,[i,exp[i]]); fi; od; return genList; end; ############################################################################# ## #F PCPOfTFGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ) ## PCPOfTFGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS := function( F, CPCS ) local ro, n; # Setup ro := CPCS.relord; n := Length( CPCS.gens ); return AbelianPcpGroup( n, ro ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PcpPresentationOfTFGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ) ## ## given a field F and elms in F. ## this function computes a polycyclic presentation for the group ## generated by elms ## PcpPresentationOfTFGroupByFieldElements := function( F, elms ) local CPCS, pcp; CPCS := CPCSOfTFGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ); pcp := PCPOfTFGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ); return pcp; end; ############################################################################# # generalization to groups with torsion ############################################################################# ## #F GeneratorLattice( rels ) ## ## rels is a sublattice of Z^n. ## this function compute a minimal generatorset of Z^n/rels ## and the orders of the generators. ## GeneratorLattice := function( rels ) local n, normal,i,gens, torsion, relord, j; torsion := false; n := Length( rels[1] ); normal:=NormalFormIntMat(rels,13); for i in [1..Length( normal.normal )] do if normal.normal[i][i] <> 1 then torsion := true; break; fi; od; if not torsion then i := i+1; fi; #gens := IdentityMat( n ); #gens := gens{[i..n]}; #gens := gens * normal.coltrans^-1; gens := (normal.coltrans^-1); gens := gens{[i..n]}; # set relative orders of gens relord := []; for j in [i..n] do if IsBound(normal.normal[j]) then Add( relord, normal.normal[j][j] ); else Add( relord, 0 ); fi; od; return rec(exps := gens, relord:=relord ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, gens ) ## ## computes a constructive polycyclic sequence for gens ## CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements := function( F, gens ) local rels, exps, newGens, e, newRels; rels := RelationLattice( F, gens ); if rels = [] then return rec( gens:=gens, relord:=List([1..Length(gens)], x -> 0)); fi; exps := GeneratorLattice(rels); newGens := []; for e in exps.exps do Add( newGens, MappedVector( e, gens )); od; return rec( gens:=newGens, relord:=exps.relord); end; ############################################################################# ## #F ExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, elm ) ## ExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements := function( F, CPCS, elm ) local elms, rels, l, m, exp, i; if IsList(CPCS.gens[1]) then if Length(elm) <> Length(CPCS.gens[1]) then return fail; fi; fi; m := Length( CPCS.gens ); if elm=elm^0 then return List([1..m], x-> 0); fi; elms := StructuralCopy( CPCS.gens ); l :=Concatenation([elm],elms); rels := RelationLattice( F, l ); if rels=[] then return fail; fi; rels := NormalFormIntMat(rels,0).normal; if not rels[1][1]=1 then return fail; fi; exp := -rels[1]{[2..(m+1)]}; Assert( 2, MappedVector( exp, CPCS.gens ) = elm, "failure in ExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements" ); return exp; end; ############################################################################# ## #F PCPOfGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ) ## PCPOfGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS := function( F, CPCS ) local ro, n; # Setup ro := CPCS.relord; n := Length( CPCS.gens ); return AbelianPcpGroup( n, ro ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PcpPresentationOfGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ) ## ## given a field F and elms in F. ## this function computes a polycyclic presentation for the group ## generated by elms ## PcpPresentationOfGroupByFieldElements := function( F, elms ) local CPCS, pcp; CPCS := CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ); pcp := PCPOfGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ); return pcp; end; InstallGlobalFunction( PcpPresentationMultGroupByFieldEl, function( F, elms ) local CPCS, pcp; CPCS := CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ); pcp := PCPOfGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ); return pcp; end); InstallGlobalFunction( PcpPresentationOfMultiplicativeSubgroup, function( F, elms ) local CPCS, pcp; CPCS := CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ); pcp := PCPOfGroupByFieldElementsByCPCS( F, CPCS ); return pcp; end); ############################################################################# # test functions RandomGroupElement := function(gens) local d,k,g,i,length,x,n; k:=Length(gens); g:=gens[1]^0; length:=Random(5,30); for i in [1..length] do x:=Random(1,k); n:=Random(Integers); g:=g*(gens[x]^n); od; return g; end; TestExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements :=function( F, CPCS, gens,numberOfTests) local i,g,exp; SetAssertionLevel(2); for i in [1..numberOfTests] do Print(i); g:=RandomGroupElement(gens); #Print("g ist gleich ",g,"\n"); exp:=ExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, g ); #Print("exp ist gleich ",exp,"\n"); od; SetAssertionLevel(0); end; TestCPCSOfGroupByFieldElements := function( mats ) local F,j, CPCS; F := FieldByMatricesNC( mats ); #j := Random([1..Length(mats)]); j := Length(mats); CPCS:=CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, mats{[1..j]} ); TestExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, mats{[1..j]},10); end; # faster TestCPCSOfGroupByFieldElements2 := function( mats ) local F,j, CPCS,b; F := FieldByMatricesNC( mats ); b := Basis( F ); F := FieldByMatrixBasisNC( b ); #j := Random([1..Length(mats)]); j := Length(mats); CPCS:=CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, mats{[1..j]} ); TestExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, mats{[1..j]},10); end; TestCPCSOfGroupByFieldElementsPol := function( pol ) local elms,F,j, CPCS; F := FieldByPolynomialNC( pol ); elms := List( [1..10], x-> Random(F) ); CPCS:=CPCSOfGroupByFieldElements( F, elms ); TestExpVectorOfGroupByFieldElements( F, CPCS, elms,10); end;