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Views: 418346%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1%%2%W manual.bib ANUPQ documentation Werner Nickel3%%4%%5%% manual.bib - BibTeX database file of ANUPQ references67@ARTICLE{NNN98,8AUTHOR = {Newman, M. F. and Nickel, Werner and Niemeyer, Alice C.},9TITLE = {Descriptions of groups of prime-power order},10JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},11FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},12VOLUME = {25},13YEAR = {1998},14NUMBER = {5},15PAGES = {665--682},16ISSN = {0747-7171},17MRCLASS = {20F05 (68Q40)},18MRNUMBER = {99f:20054},19MRREVIEWER = {Michael C. Slattery},20}2122@article{LGS90,23AUTHOR = {Leedham-Green, C. R. and Soicher, L. H.},24TITLE = {Collection from the left and other strategies},25NOTE = {Computational group theory, Part 1},26JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},27FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},28VOLUME = {9},29YEAR = {1990},30NUMBER = {5-6},31PAGES = {665--675},32}3334%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%35%%36%E37383940%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%41%%42%S Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abbreviations for series43%%44%% The following strings are abbreviations for series, which are used in45%% *books*, *inbook*, and *proceedings*.46%%47@string{ AachenBM = "Aachener Beitr{\accent127a}ge zur Mathematik" }48@string{ BayreuMS = "Bay\-reu\-ther Math. Schr." }49@string{ GMathWiss = "Grundlehren Math. Wiss." }50@string{ LMSLec = "London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series" }51@string{ LMSMon = "London Math. Soc. Monographs" }52@string{ LNM = "Lecture Notes in Math." }53@string{ OxfordMM = "Oxford Math. Monographs" }545556%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%57%%58%S Schools, Institutions, Organizations . . . . . abbreviations for schools59%%60%% The following strings are abbreviations for schools, institutions, and61%% organizations, which are used in *masterthesis* (schools), *techreports*62%% (institutions), and *manuals* (organizations).63%%64@string{ DublinIAS = "Dublin Inst. Adv. Studies" }6566@string{ RWTH = "Rhei\-nisch West\-f{\accent127a}li\-sche Tech\-ni\-sche67Hoch\-schule" }68@string{ RWTHLDfM = "Lehr\-stuhl D f{\accent127 u}r Ma\-the\-ma\-tik,69Rhei\-nisch West\-f{\accent127a}li\-sche Tech\-ni\-sche70Hoch\-schule" }71@string{ RWTH-A = "Aachen, Germany" }7273@string{ UBath = "University of Bath" }74@string{ UBathSMS = "School of Mathematical Sciences,75University of Bath" }76@string{ UBath-A = "Bath, United Kingdom" }7778@string{ UBayreu = "Universit{\accent127a}t Bayreuth" }79@string{ UBayreu-A = "Bayreuth, Germany" }8081@string{ UBonn = "Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm Universit{\accent127a}t82Bonn" }83@string{ UBonn-A = "Bonn, Germany" }8485@string{ UEssen = "Universit{\accent127a}t Essen" }86@string{ UEssen-A = "Essen, Germany" }8788@string{UHeidel = "Universit{\accent127a}t Heidelberg" }8990@string{ UKiel = "Universit{\accent127a}t Kiel" }91@string{ UKiel-A = "Kiel, Germany" }9293@string{ McGillU = "McGill University" }94@string{ McGillU-A = "Montreal, Canada" }9596@string{ USydney = "University of Sydney" }97@string{ USydBDCS = "Basser Department of Computer Science,98University of Sydney" }99@string{ USydDPM = "Department of Pure Mathematics,100University of Sydney" }101@string{ USydney-A = "Sydney, Australia" }102103104%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%105%%106%S Publishers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abbreviations for publishers107%%108%% The following strings are abbreviations for publishers, which are used in109%% *books*, *inbook*, and *proceedings*.110%%111@string{ AcaPress = "Academic Press" }112@string{ ACM = "ACM Press" }113@string{ AddWes = "Addison-Wesley" }114@string{ AMS = "American Mathematical Society" }115@string{ Birkhaeus = "Birkh{\accent127a}user, Basel" }116@string{ BIWissV = "BI-Wis\-sen\-schafts\-ver\-lag, Mannheim" }117@string{ CamUPress = "Cambridge University Press" }118@string{ Dover = "Dover Publications, New York" }119@string{ Gruyter = "Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York" }120@string{ HDeutsch = "Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt/Main" }121@string{ Macmillan = "The Macmillan Company, New York" }122@string{ OxUnPress = "Oxford University Press" }123@string{ Pergamon = "Pergamon Press, Oxford" }124@string{ Springer = "Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York" }125@string{ Wiley = "John Wiley, New York" }126@string{ Reidel = "Reidel, Dordrecht, Boston" }127128129%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%130%%131%R References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . references132%%133%% The following are the references. They are ordered with respect to the134%% last name of the first author.135%%136@phdthesis{Abb89,137author = "J.~A.~Abbott",138title = "On the Factorization of Polynomials over Algebraic Fields",139school = UBathSMS,140month = "September",141year = "1989",142}143144@Article{AL82,145author = "D. Alvis and G. Lusztig",146title = "The representations and generic degrees of the {Hecke}147algebra of type {$H_4$}",148journal = "J. reine angew. Math.",149year = 1982,150volume = 336,151pages = "201--212",152note = "Correction\:\ ibid. {\bf 449}, 217--218 (1994)"153}154155@Article{Alv87,156author = "Alvis, D.",157title = "The left cells of the {Coxeter} group of type {$H_4$}",158journal = JALGE,159year = 1987,160volume = 107,161pages = "160--168"162}163164@inproceedings{AMW82,165author = "D[avid] G. Arrell and166S[anjiv] Manrai and167M[ichael] F. Worboys",168title = "A procedure for obtaining simplified defining169relations for a subgroup",170crossref = "GrpsStAndrews81",171pages = "155--159",172keywords = "finitely presented groups;173subgroup presentation, simplification;174modified Todd Coxeter (mtc), tree decoding;175algorithm description",176reviews = "MR 84a:20041 (from the introduction),177Zbl 488.20003 (J. Neub{\accent127u}ser)",178}179180@inproceedings{AR84,181author = "D[avid] G. Arrell and182E[dmund] F. Robertson",183title = "A modified {T}odd-{C}oxeter algorithm",184crossref = "Durham1982",185booktitle = "Computational Group Theory,186Proceedings LMS Symposium on Computational Group Theory,187Durham 1982",188pages = "27--32",189keywords = "finitely presented groups;190subgroup presentation, simplification;191modified Todd Coxeter (mtc), tree decoding;192algorithm description",193reviews = "MR 86g:20042 (J.~D. Macdonald),194Zbl 556.20001 (J. Neub{\accent127u}ser)",195}196197@book{Art68,198author = "E[mil] Artin",199title = "Galoissche Theorie",200year = "1968",201publisher = HDeutsch,202}203204@phdthesis{Bau91,205author = "Ulrich Baum",206title = "Existenz und effiziente {K}onstruktion schneller207{F}ouriertransformationen208{\accent127u}beraufl{\accent127o}sbarer {G}ruppen",209type = "Dissertation",210year = "1991",211school = UBonn,212address = UBonn-A,213}214215@article{BC94,216author = "Ulrich Baum and217Michael Clausen",218title = "Computing irreducible representations219of supersolvable groups",220journal = MATHC2,221volume = "207",222pages = "351--359",223year = "1994",224}225226@inproceedings{BCFS91,227author = "L[\'aszl\'o] Babai and228G[ene] Cooperman and229L[arry] Finkelstein and230\'A[kos] Seress",231title = "Nearly Linear Time Algorithms for Permutation Groups with232a Small Base",233pages = "200--209",234crossref = "ISSAC91",235}236237@article{BC76,238author = "M[ichael] J. Beetham and239C[olin] M. Campbell",240title = "A note on the {T}odd-{C}oxeter coset enumeration241algorithm",242journal = PROEM,243volume = "20",244pages = "73--79",245year = "1976",246keywords = "finitely presented groups;247subgroup presentation;248modified Todd Coxeter (mtc);249algorithm description",250reviews = "MR 53 # 3116 (D.~L. Johnson),251Zbl 328.20032 (Summary)"252}253254@Article{Ben76,255author = "M. Benard",256title = "{S}chur indices and splitting fields of the unitary257reflection groups",258journal= JALGE,259year= 1976,260volume= 38,261pages= "318--342"262}263264@Article{BC72,265author = "C. T. Benson and C. W. Curtis",266title = "On the degrees and rationality of certain characters of267finite {Chevalley} groups",268journal = TRAAM,269year = 1972,270volume = 165,271pages = "251--273"272}273274@article{Ber76,275author = "T. R. Berger",276title = "Characters and Derived Length in Groups of Odd Order",277journal = JALGE,278volume = "39",279pages = "199--207",280year = "1976",281}282283@mastersthesis{Besche92,284author = "Hans Ulrich Besche",285title = "Die {B}erechnung von {C}haraktergraden und {C}harakteren286endlicher aufl{\accent127 o}sbarer {G}ruppen287im {C}omputeralgebrasystem {GAP}",288type = "Diplomarbeit",289year = "1992",290school = RWTHLDfM,291address = RWTH-A,292}293294@article{BescheEick98,295author = "Hans Ulrich Besche and Bettina Eick",296title = "Construction of finite groups",297journal = JSYMC,298pages = "387--404",299volume = 27,300number = 4,301year = "1999"}302303@article{BescheEick1000,304author = "Hans Ulrich Besche and Bettina Eick",305title = "The groups of order at most 1000 except 512 and 768",306journal = JSYMC,307pages = "405--413",308volume = 27,309number = 4,310year = "1999"}311312@article{BescheEick768,313author = "Hans Ulrich Besche and Bettina Eick",314title = "The groups of order $q^n \cdot p$",315journal = "Comm. Alg.",316volume = 29,317number = 4,318year = "2001",319pages = "1759--1772"}320321@article{BEO00,322author = {Hans Ulrich Besche and Bettina Eick and E. A. O'Brien},323title = {The groups of order at most 2000},324journal = {Electronic Research Announcements of the AMS},325volume = 7,326pages = {1 -- 4},327year = 2001 }328329@article{BEO01,330author = {Hans Ulrich Besche and Bettina Eick and E. A. O'Brien},331title = {A millenium project: constructing small groups},332journal = {IJAC},333volume = {12},334pages = {623 -- 644},335year = 2002}336337338@article {BFS79,339author = {Beyl, F. Rudolf and Felgner, Ulrich and Schmid, Peter},340title = {On groups occurring as center factor groups},341journal = {J. Algebra},342volume = {61},343year = {1979},344number = {1},345pages = {161--177},346}347348@article{EOB99,349author = {Bettina Eick and E. A. O'Brien},350title = {Enumerating $p$-groups},351journal = {J. Austral. Math. Soc.},352volume = 67,353pages = {191 -- 205},354year = 1999 }355356@inproceedings{EOB98,357author = {Bettina Eick and E. A. O'Brien},358title = {The groups of order 512},359editor = {Greuel, Hiss, Matzat},360booktitle = {Proceedings of `Abschlusstagung des DFG Schwerpunktes361Algorithmische Algebra und Zahlentheorie in Heidelberg},362publisher = {Springer},363year = 1998}364365@article{NOV04,366author = {M.F. Newman and E.A. O'Brien and M.R. Vaughan-Lee},367title = {Groups and nilpotent Lie rings whose order is the sixth of368a prime},369journal = {J. Alg.},370volume = {278},371pages = {383 -- 401},372year = 2003}373374@article{OV05,375AUTHOR = {O'Brien, E. A. and Vaughan-Lee, M. R.},376TITLE = {The groups with order {$p\sp 7$} for odd prime {$p$}},377JOURNAL = {J. Algebra},378FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebra},379VOLUME = {292},380YEAR = {2005},381NUMBER = {1},382PAGES = {243--258},383ISSN = {0021-8693},384CODEN = {JALGA4},385MRCLASS = {20D15 (17B30)},386MRNUMBER = {MR2166803 (2006d:20038)}}387388@misc{Gir03,389author = {Boris Girnat},390title = {{Klassifikation der Gruppen bis zur Ordnung $p^5$}},391year = 2003,392howpublished = {{Staatsexamensarbeit, TU Braunschweig}}}393394@article{DEi05,395author = {Heiko Dietrich and Bettina Eick},396title = {Groups of cube-free order},397journal = {Accepted by J. Alg.},398year = {2005} }399400@mastersthesis{Bis89,401author = "Thomas Bischops",402title = "Collectoren im {P}rogrammsystem {GAP}",403type = "Diplomarbeit",404year = "1989",405school = RWTHLDfM,406address = RWTH-A,407}408409@techreport{BC92,410author = "Wieb Bosma and411John [J.] Cannon",412title = "Handbook of {Cayley} Functions",413year = "1992",414institution = USydDPM,415address = USydney-A,416keywords = "system design;417Cayley;;418manual",419notes = "PAGES: 282",420}421422@Book{Bou68,423author = "Bourbaki, N.",424title = "Groupes et alg{\accent18e}bres de {L}ie, {C}h.~4--6",425publisher = "Hermann, Paris",426year = 1968,427note = "Masson, Paris\:\ 1981"428}429430@article{BC89,431author = "Richard P. Brent and432Graeme L. Cohen",433title = "A New Lower Bound for Odd Perfect Numbers",434journal = MATHC3,435volume = "53",436pages = "431--437",437year = "1989",438}439440@mastersthesis{Bre91,441author = "Thomas Breuer",442title = "Potenzabbildungen, {U}ntergruppenfusionen,443{T}afel-{A}utomorphismen",444type = "Diplomarbeit",445year = "1991",446school = RWTHLDfM,447address = RWTH-A,448}449450@article{BL96,451author = "Thomas Breuer and452Klaus Lux",453title = "The multiplicity-free permutation characters454of the sporadic simple groups455and their automorphism groups",456journal = "Comm. Alg.",457volume = "24",458number = "7",459year = "1996",460pages = "2293--2316",461}462463@article{Bre97,464author = "Thomas Breuer",465title = "Integral Bases for Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields",466journal = "AAECC",467volume = "8",468year = "1997",469pages = "279--289",470}471472@article{BP98,473author = "Thomas Breuer and474G{\accent127o}tz Pfeiffer",475title = "Finding {P}ossible {P}ermutation {C}haracters",476journal = JSYMC,477volume = "26",478year = "1998",479pages = "343--354",480}481482@inproceedings{BreuerLinton98,483author = "Thomas Breuer and Steve Linton",484title = "The {GAP~4} Type System. Organizing Algebraic Algorithms",485crossref = "ISSAC98",486pages = "38--45"487}488489@article{Bre99,490author = "Thomas Breuer",491title = "{C}omputing {P}ossible {C}lass {F}usions from {C}haracter492{T}ables",493journal = COMMA2,494volume = "27",495number = "6",496year = "1999",497pages = "2733--2748",498}499500@inbook{BN95,501author = "Thomas Breuer and Simon P.~Norton",502title = "Improvements to the {A}tlas",503crossref = "JLPW95",504pages = "297--327",505}506507@Article{Bri71,508author = "Brieskorn, E.",509title = "Die {Fundamentalgruppe} des {Raumes} der510regul{\accent127a}ren {Orbits} einer endlichen komplexen511{Spiegelungsgruppe}",512journal = INVEM,513year = 1971,514volume = 12,515pages = "57--61"516}517518@Article{BS72,519author = "E. Brieskorn and K. Saito",520title = "{A}rtin-{G}ruppen und {C}oxeter-{G}ruppen",521journal = INVEM,522year = 1972,523volume = 17,524pages = "245--271"525}526527@InCollection{BM93,528author = "M. Brou{\accent19e} and G. Malle",529title = "Zyklotomische {H}eckealgebren",530crossref = "Asterisque212",531pages = "119--189"532}533534@InCollection{BMM93,535author = "M. Brou{\accent19e} and G. Malle and J. Michel",536title = "Generic blocks of finite reductive groups",537crossref = "Asterisque212",538pages = "7--92"539}540541@BOOK{Asterisque212,542author = "M. Brou{\accent19e} and G. Malle and J. Michel",543title = "Repr{\accent19e}sentations544unipotentes g{\accent19e}n{\accent19e}riques545et blocs des groupes r{\accent19e}ductifs finis",546booktitle = "Repr{\accent19e}sentations547unipotentes g{\accent19e}n{\accent19e}riques548et blocs des groupes r{\accent19e}ductifs fini",549publisher = "Soci{\accent19e}t{\accent19e} {M}ath{\accent19e}matique550de {F}rance",551series = "Ast{\accent19e}risque",552volume = 212,553year = 1993554}555556@book{Baker84,557author = "Baker, Alan",558title = "A concise introduction to the theory of numbers",559year = 1984,560publisher = CamUPress,561pages = "27-33"562}563564@book{BCN89,565author = "A.E. Brouwer and566A.M. Cohen and567A. Neumaier",568title = "Distance-Regular Graphs",569year = "1989",570publisher = Springer,571}572573@book{BBNWZ78,574author = "Harold Brown and575Rolf B{\accent127u}low and576Joachim Neub{\accent127u}ser and577Hans Wondratschek and578Hans Zassenhaus",579title = "Crystallographic Groups of Four-Dimensional Space",580year = "1978",581publisher = Wiley,582}583584@article{BCMa,585Author = "G. Baumslag and F.B. Cannonito and C.F. {Miller III}",586Title = "Some Recognizable Properties of Solvable Groups",587Journal = "Math. Z.",588Year = {1981},589Volume = {178},590Pages = {289--295}591}592593@article{BCMb,594Author = "G. Baumslag and F.B. Cannonito and C.F. {Miller III}",595Title = "Computable Algebra and Group Embeddings",596Journal = "J. Algebra",597Year = {1981},598Volume = {69},599Pages = {186--212}600}601602@book{Bourbaki70,603author = "N. Bourbaki",604title = "{\'El\'ements de Math\'ematique, Alg\`ebre I}",605publisher = "Hermann, Paris",606year = 1970,607volume = 1608}609610@article {BJR87,611author = {Brown, R. and Johnson, D. L. and Robertson, E. F.},612title = {Some computations of nonabelian tensor products of groups},613journal = {J. Algebra},614volume = {111},615year = {1987},616number = {1},617pages = {177--202},618}619620621@article{BuekenhoutLeemans96,622author = {Buekenhout, Francis and Leemans, Dimitri},623title = {On the list of finite primitive permutation groups of degree624$\leq50$},625journal = JSYMC,626volume = {22},627year = {1996},628number = {2},629pages = {215--225}630}631632@article{BM83,633author = "Gregory Butler and634John McKay",635title = "The transitive groups of degree up to 11",636journal = COMMA2,637volume = "11",638year = "1983",639pages = "863--911",640}641642@article{Butler93,643author = "Gregory Butler",644title = "The transitive groups of degree fourteen and fifteen",645journal = JSYMC,646volumn = "16",647year = "1993",648pages = "413--422"649}650651@phdthesis{Bra89,652author = "R. J. Bradford",653title = "On the computation of integral bases and defects of654integrity",655school = UBathSMS,656year = "1989",657}658659@article{BTW93,660author = "Bernhard Beauzamy and661Vilmar Trevisan and662Paul~S.~Wang",663title = "Polynomial Factorization:664Sharp Bounds, {E}fficient Algorithms",665journal = JSYMC,666volume = "15",667year = "1993",668pages = "393--413",669}670671@book{Bur55,672author = "W[illiam~S.] Burnside",673title = "Theory of Groups of Finite Order",674note = "Unabridged republication of the second edition,675published in 1911",676year = "1955",677publisher = Dover,678notes = "PAGES: xxiv + 512",679}680681@article{But82,682author = "Gregory Butler",683title = "Computing in Permutation and Matrix Groups {II}:684Backtrack Algorithm",685journal = MATHC3,686volume = "39",687pages = "671--680",688year = "1982",689keywords = "permutation groups, matrix groups;;690backtrack through stabilizer chain",691reviews = "MR 83k:20004b (J.~D. Dixon),692Zbl 552.20003 (see Zbl 552.20004 for a review of this article)",693}694695@article{But85a,696author = "Gregory Butler",697title = "Effective Computation with Group Homomorphisms",698journal = JSYMC,699volume = "1",700pages = "143--157",701year = "1985",702keywords = "permutation groups;703homomorphisms",704reviews = "MR 87b:68057 (Summary),705Zbl 572.20001 (J. Neub{\accent127u}ser)",706notes = "TR 184 BDCS (1982), 41 pages",707}708709@mastersthesis{Cam71,710author = "Harvey A. Campbell",711title = "An extension of coset enumeration",712type = "M. {S}c. thesis",713year = "1971",714school = McGillU,715address = McGillU-A,716keywords = "finitely presented groups;717subgroup presentation;718modified Todd Coxeter (mtc);719program description",720}721722@article{Can73,723author = "John J. Cannon",724title = "Construction of defining relators for finite groups",725journal = "Discrete Math.",726volumn = "5",727year = "1973",728pages = "105--129",729}730731@Article{Car72,732author = "R. W. Carter",733title = "Conjugacy classes in the {Weyl} group",734journal = "Compositio Math.",735year = 1972,736volume = 25,737pages = "1--59"738}739740@Book{Car85,741author = "R. W. Carter",742title = "Finite groups of {Lie} type: {Conjugacy} classes and743complex characters",744publisher = "Wiley, New York",745year = 1985746}747748@Article{Car86,749author = "R. W. Carter",750title = "Representation Theory of the 0--{H}ecke Algebra",751journal = JALGE,752year = 1986,753volume = 104,754pages = "89--103"755}756757@Book{Car72a,758author = "R. W. Carter",759title = "Simple groups of Lie type",760publisher = "John Wiley and Sons",761series = "Pure and Applied Mathematics",762volume = 28,763year = 1972,764}765766@mastersthesis{Cel92,767author = "Frank Celler",768title = "Kohomologie und {N}ormalisatoren in {GAP}",769type = "Diplomarbeit",770year = "1992",771school = RWTHLDfM,772address = RWTH-A,773}774775@article{CNW90,776author = "Frank Celler and777Joachim Neub{\accent127u}ser and778Charles~R.~B. Wright",779title = "Some remarks on the computation of complements and780normalizers in soluble groups",781journal = "Acta Applicandae Mathematicae",782volume = "21",783pages = "57--76",784year = "1990",785}786787@Article{Cha92,788author = "Charney, R.",789title = "Artin groups of finite type are bi-automatic",790journal = MATHA,791year = 1992,792volume = 292,793pages = "671--683"794}795796@article{Cla97,797author = "Michael Clausen",798title = "A Direct Proof of {M}inkwitz's Extension Theorem",799journal = "AAECC",800year = "1997",801volume = "8",802pages = "305--306"803}804805@book{Coh93,806author = "Henri Cohen",807title = "A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory",808series = "Graduate Texts in Mathematics",809volume = "138",810year = "1993",811publisher = Springer,812}813814@article{Con90a,815author = "S[am] B. Conlon",816title = "Calculating Characters of $p$-groups",817journal = JSYMC,818volume = "9",819number = "5 \& 6",820pages = "535--550",821year = "1990",822}823824@article{Con90b,825author = "S[am] B. Conlon",826title = "Computing Modular and Projective Character Degrees827of Soluble Groups",828journal = JSYMC,829volume = "9",830number = "5 \& 6",831pages = "551--570",832year = "1990",833}834835@book{CCN85,836author = "J[ohn] H. Conway and837R[obert] T. Curtis and838S[imon] P. Norton and839R[ichard] A. Parker and840R[obert] A. Wilson",841title = "Atlas of finite groups",842year = "1985",843publisher = OxUnPress,844}845846@article{ConwayHulpkeMcKay98,847author = "John~H. Conway and Alexander Hulpke and John McKay",848title = "On transitive permutation groups",849journal = "LMS J. Comput. Math.",850volume = 1,851pages = "1--8",852year = "1998"}853854@article{CF94,855AUTHOR = {Cooperman, Gene and Finkelstein, Larry},856TITLE = {A random base change algorithm for permutation groups},857JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.},858FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},859VOLUME = {17},860YEAR = {1994},861NUMBER = {6},862PAGES = {513--528},863ISSN = {0747-7171},864MRCLASS = {68Q40 (20B07)},865MRNUMBER = {96a:68048},866}867868@Book{coxlittleoshea,869AUTHOR = {Cox, David and Little, John and O'Shea, Donal},870TITLE = {Ideals, varieties, and algorithms},871SERIES = {Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics},872EDITION = {Second},873NOTE = {An introduction to computational algebraic geometry and874commutative algebra},875PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},876ADDRESS = {New York},877YEAR = {1997}878}879880@Book{CR87,881author = "C. W. Curtis and I. Reiner",882title = "Methods of representation theory, vol. {I}, {II}",883publisher = Wiley,884year = "1981/1987"885}886887@Article{Del72,888author = "Deligne, P.",889title = "Les immeubles des groupes de tresses890g{\accent19e}n{\accent19e}ralis{\accent19e}s",891journal = INVEM,892year = 1972,893volume = 17,894pages = "273--302"895}896897@Article{Deo89,898author = "Deodhar, V.V.",899title = "A note on subgroups generated by reflections in900{C}oxeter groups",901journal = ARCMB1,902year = 1989,903volume = 53,904pages = "543--546"905}906907@article{Dix67,908author = "J[ohn] D. Dixon",909title = "High Speed Computations of Group Characters",910journal = NUMEM,911volume = "10",912pages = "446--450",913year = "1967",914}915916@article{DixonMortimer88,917author = "John~D. Dixon and Brian Mortimer",918title = "The primitive permutation groups of degree less than 1000",919journal = MATPC,920volume = 103,921pages = "213--238",922year = 1988}923924@incollection{Dix93,925author = "Dixon, John D.",926title = "Constructing representations of finite groups",927crossref = "DIMACS",928pages = "105--112"}929930@article{Dre69,931author = "Andreas [W.~M.] Dress",932title = "A Characterization of Solvable Groups",933journal = MATHZ,934volume = "110",935pages = "213--217",936year = "1969",937}938939@Manual{DuC91,940title = "Coxeter Version 1.0",941author = "DuCloux, F.",942organization = "Universit{\accent19e} de Lyon",943address = "France",944year = 1991945}946947@Article{Dye90,948author = "Dyer, M.",949title = "Reflection subgroups of {C}oxeter systems",950journal = JALGE,951year = "1990",952volume = 135,953pages = "57--73",954}955956@Article{EHR91,957author = "D.F.~Holt and D.B.A.~Epstein and S.~Rees",958title = "The use of {Knuth-Bendix} methods to solve the word959problem in automatic groups",960journal = JSYMC,961year = 1991,962volume = 12,963pages = "397--414"964}965966@incollection {Eick97,967author = {Eick, Bettina},968title = {Special presentations for finite soluble groups and computing969(pre-){F}rattini subgroups},970crossref = "DIMACS2",971pages = {101--112},972}973974@Article{EGN97,975author = "Bettina Eick and Franz G{\accent127a}hler and Werner Nickel",976title = "{C}omputing {M}aximal {S}ubgroups and {W}yckoff977{P}ositions of {S}pace {G}roups",978journal = "Acta Cryst A",979year = 1997980}981982@misc{EickHoefling02,983author = "Bettina Eich and Burkhard H{\"o}fling",984title = "The solvable primitive permutation groups of degree at most 6560",985howpublished = "submitted",986year = 2002987}988989@inproceedings{EickHulpke01,990author = "Bettina Eick and Alexander Hulpke",991title = "Computing the maximal subgroups of a permutation992group {I}",993crossref = "DIMACS3",994pages = "155-168"995}996997@article {Ellis98,998author = {Ellis, Graham},999title = {On the capability of groups},1000journal = {Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2)},1001volume = {41},1002year = {1998},1003number = {3},1004pages = {487--495},1005}10061007@Book{ECHLPT92,1008author = "D.B.A.~Epstein and J.W.~Cannon and D.F.~Holt and1009S.~Levy and M.S.~Paterson and W.P.~Thurston",1010title = "Word Processing and Group Theory",1011publisher = "Jones and Bartlett",1012year = 19921013}101410151016@inproceedings{FJNT95,1017author = "V[olkmar] Felsch and1018D[avid] L. Johnson and1019J[oachim] Neub{\accent127u}ser and1020S[ergey] V. Tsaranov",1021title = "The Structure of Certain {C}oxeter Groups",1022crossref = "Groups93Vol1",1023pages = "177--190",1024}10251026@inproceedings{FS84,1027author = "Volkmar Felsch and1028G{\accent127u}nter Sandl{\accent127o}bes",1029title = "An Interactive Program for Computing Subgroups",1030crossref = "Durham1982",1031pages = "137--143",1032keywords = "groups;1033subgroup lattice, table of marks;1034cyclic extensions;1035program description",1036reviews = "MR 85k:20003 (from the introduction),1037Zbl 547.20016 (E. Kommissartschik)",1038}10391040@inproceedings{FelschNeubueser79,1041author = "Volkmar Felsch and Joachim Neub{\accent127u}ser",1042title = "An Algorithm for the Computation of Conjugacy Classes1043and Centralizers in $p$-Groups",1044crossref = "EUROSAM79",1045pages = "452--465"}10461047@article{Fon62,1048author = "Paul Fong",1049title = "Solvable groups and modular representation theory",1050journal = TRAAM,1051volume = "103",1052year = "1962",1053pages = "484--494",1054}10551056@article{Fra82,1057author = "J[ames] S. Frame",1058title = "Recursive computation of tensor power components",1059journal = BayreuMS,1060volume = "10",1061pages = "153--159",1062year = "1982",1063publisher = UBayreu,1064address = UBayreu-A,1065}10661067@manual{GAP4,1068key = "GAP",1069organization = "The GAP~Group",1070title = "{GAP -- Groups, Algorithms, and Programming, Version 4.4}",1071year = 2004,1072howpublished = {\href{}{}},1073keywords = "groups; *; gap; manual",1074}10751076@Article{Gar69,1077author = "Garside, F. A.",1078title = "The braid groups and other groups",1079journal = "Quart. J. Math. Oxford, 2$^{nd}$ Ser",1080year = 1969,1081volume = 20,1082pages = "235--254"1083}10841085@Article{Gec94,1086author = "Geck, M.",1087title = "On the character values of {I}wahori-{H}ecke algebras1088of exceptional type",1089journal = "Proc.\ London Math. Soc.",1090year = 1994,1091volume = 68,1092pages = "51--76"1093}10941095@Book{Gec95,1096author = "M. Geck",1097title = "Beitr{\accent127a}ge zur {D}arstellungstheorie von1098{I}wahori-{H}ecke {A}lgebren",1099publisher = "Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung, Aachen",1100year = 1995,1101volume = 11,1102series = "Aachener {B}eitr{\accent127a}ge zur Mathematik"1103}11041105@Article{GK96,1106AUTHOR = {Geck, Meinolf and Kim, Sungsoon},1107TITLE = {Bases for the {B}ruhat-{C}hevalley order on all finite1108{C}oxeter groups},1109JOURNAL = {J. Algebra},1110FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebra},1111VOLUME = {197},1112YEAR = {1997},1113NUMBER = {1},1114PAGES = {278--310},1115}11161117@Article{GM97,1118AUTHOR = {Geck, Meinolf and Michel, Jean},1119TITLE = {``{G}ood'' elements of finite {C}oxeter groups and1120representations of {I}wahori-{H}ecke algebras},1121JOURNAL = {Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)},1122VOLUME = {74},1123YEAR = {1997},1124NUMBER = {2},1125PAGES = {275--305},1126}11271128@Article{GP93,1129author = "M. Geck and G. Pfeiffer",1130title = "On the irreducible characters of {H}ecke algebras",1131journal = "Advances in Math.",1132year = 1993,1133volume = 102,1134pages = "79--94"1135}11361137@Article{Chv96,1138author = "M. Geck and G. Hiss and F. L{\accent127u}beck and1139G. Malle and G. Pfeiffer",1140title = "{\sf CHEVIE}--A system for computing and processing generic1141character tables for finite groups of Lie type",1142journal = "AAECC",1143year = 1996,1144volume = 7,1145pages = "175--210"1146}11471148@phdthesis{Gla87,1149author = "S[tephan]~P. Glasby",1150title = "Computational Approaches to the Theory of Finite Soluble1151Groups",1152type = "Phd thesis",1153year = "1987",1154school = USydDPM,1155address = USydney-A,1156}11571158@article{GS90,1159author = "S[tephan]~P. Glasby and1160M[ichael]~C. Slattery",1161title = "Computing Intersections and Normalizers in Soluble Groups",1162journal = JSYMC,1163volume = "9",1164pages = "637--651",1165year = "1990",1166}11671168@book{GKP90,1169author = "Ronald~L. Graham and1170Donald~E. Knuth and1171Oren Patashnik",1172title = "Concrete Mathematics",1173year = "1990",1174publisher = AddWes,1175}11761177@Article{HalvRam94,1178AUTHOR = {Halverson, Tom and Ram, Arun},1179TITLE = {Murnaghan-{N}akayama rules for characters of {I}wahori-{H}ecke1180algebras of classical type},1181JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},1182FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},1183VOLUME = {348},1184YEAR = {1996},1185NUMBER = {10},1186PAGES = {3967--3995},1187}11881189@book{Hah83,1190editor = "Theo Hahn",1191title = "International Tables for Crystallography, Volume {A},1192{S}pace-group Symmetry",1193year = "1983",1194publisher = Reidel,1195}11961197@Book{Hah95,1198author = "Theo Hahn, editor",1199title = "International Tables for Crystallography, Volume {A},1200{S}pace-group Symmetry",1201publisher = "Kluwer, Dordrecht",1202year = 1995,1203edition = "4th"1204}12051206@book{Hall,1207author = "Hall, Jr, Marshall",1208title = "The theory of Groups",1209publisher = "Macmillan",1210year = 1959}12111212@book{HS64,1213author = "Hall, Jr., Marshall and1214James~K. Senior",1215title = "The Groups of Order $2^n$ ($n \le 6$)",1216year = "1964",1217publisher = Macmillan,1218}12191220@phdthesis{Han88,1221author = "W[ilhelm] Hanrath",1222title = "{Irreduzible Darstellungen von Raumgruppen}",1223type = "Dissertation",1224year = "1988",1225school = RWTH,1226address = RWTH-A,1227}12281229@techreport{Hav69,1230author = "George Havas",1231title = "Symbolic and Algebraic Calculation",1232type = "Basser Computing Dept., Technical Report",1233number = "89",1234year = "1969",1235institution = USydBDCS,1236address = USydney-A,1237keywords = "finitely presented groups;1238simplification;1239Tietze transformations",1240}12411242@inproceedings{Hav74b,1243author = "George Havas",1244title = "A {R}eidemeister-{S}chreier Program",1245crossref = "Canberra73",1246pages = "347--356",1247keywords = "finitely presented groups;1248subgroup presentation;1249Reidemeister Schreier (rs);1250program description",1251reviews = "MR 51 # 13002 (F. Levin),1252Zbl 288.20047 (Summary)",1253}12541255@inproceedings{Hav91,1256author = "George Havas",1257title = "Coset enumeration strategies",1258pages = "191--199",1259crossref = "ISSAC91",1260}12611262@Article{HM97,1263author = "George Havas and Bohdan Majewski",1264title = "Integer Matrix Diagonalization",1265journal = JSYMC,1266year = "1997",1267volume = 24,1268number = "3/4",1269pages = "399--408",1270month = "September"1271}12721273@article{HN80,1274author = "George Havas and1275M[ichael]~F. Newman",1276title = "Application of Computers to Questions like those of1277{Burnside}",1278crossref = "Bielefeld77",1279booktitle = "Burnside groups, Proceedings of a workshop,1280Bielefeld, Germany, 1977",1281pages = "211--230",1282keywords = "finitely presentend groups;1283Burnside groups;1284nilpotent quotient",1285reviews = "MR 82d:20002 (Colin M. Campbell),1286Zbl 432.20033 (J. Neub{\accent127u}ser)",1287}12881289@inproceedings{HKRR84,1290author = "George Havas and1291P[eter]~E. Kenne and1292J[ames]~S. Richardson and1293E[dmund]~F. Robertson",1294title = "A {T}ietze Transformation Program",1295crossref = "Durham1982",1296pages = "67--71",1297keywords = "finitely presented groups;1298simplification;1299Tietze transformations",1300reviews = "MR 86b:20039 (introduction),1301Zbl 569.20002 (G. Butler)",1302}13031304@article{HIO89,1305author = "Trevor [O.] Hawkes and1306I. M[artin] Isaacs and1307M. {\accent127O}zaydin",1308title = "On the {M\accent127o}bius Function of a Finite Group",1309journal = "Rocky Mountain J. Math.",1310volume = "19",1311pages = "1003--1034",1312year = "1989",1313}13141315@misc{HJLP92,1316author = "Gerhard Hiss and1317Christoph Jansen and1318Klaus Lux and1319Richard [A.] Parker",1320title = "Computational Modular Character Theory",1321howpublished = {\href{}{}},1322}13231324@inproceedings{Holt94,1325author = "Derek~F.~Holt",1326title = "The {W}arwick Automatic Groups Software",1327crossref = DIMACS94,1328pages = "69--82"1329}13301331@article{HLOR96a,1332author = "Derek [F.] Holt and1333Charles [R.] Leedham-Green and1334E[amonn]~A. O'Brien and1335Sarah Rees",1336title = "Computing Matrix Group Decompositions with respect to1337a Normal Subgroup",1338journal = JALGE,1339volume = 184,1340year = "1996",1341pages = "818--838",1342}13431344@article{HLOR96b,1345author = "Derek [F.] Holt and1346Charles [R.] Leedham-Green and1347E[amonn]~A. O'Brien and1348Sarah Rees",1349title = "Testing Matrix Groups for Primitivity",1350journal = JALGE,1351volume = 184,1352year = "1996",1353pages = "795--817",1354}13551356@book{HP89,1357author = "Derek F. Holt and1358W[ilhelm] Plesken",1359title = "Perfect Groups",1360series = OxfordMM,1361year = "1989",1362publisher = OxUnPress,1363}13641365@article{HR94,1366author = "Derek [F.] Holt and1367Sarah Rees",1368title = "Testing modules for irreducibility",1369journal = "J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A",1370volume = "57",1371pages = "1--16",1372year = "1994",1373}13741375@unpublished{HR99a,1376author = "G.~Havas and C.~Ramsay",1377title = "Experiments in coset enumeration",1378crossref = "DIMACS3",1379pages = "183--192"1380}13811382@unpublished{HR99b,1383author = "G.~Havas1384and C.~Ramsay",1385title = "The trivial group made easy,1386a case study in coset enumeration",1387year = "1999",1388note = "Draft Manuscript",1389}13901391@book{Howie76,1392AUTHOR = {Howie, J. M.},1393TITLE = {An introduction to semigroup theory},1394NOTE = {L.M.S. Monographs, No. 7},1395PUBLISHER = {Academic Press [Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers]},1396ADDRESS = {London},1397YEAR = {1976},1398PAGES = {x+272},1399MRCLASS = {20MXX},1400MRNUMBER = {57 \#6235},1401MRREVIEWER = {T. E. Hall},1402}14031404@mastersthesis{Hulpke93,1405author = "Alexander Hulpke",1406title = "{Zur Berechnung von Charaktertafeln}",1407type = "Diplom\-ar\-beit",1408school = RWTHLDFM,1409year = 1993}14101411@phdthesis{Hulpke96,1412author = "Alexander Hulpke",1413title = "Konstruktion transitiver {P}ermutationsgruppen",1414school = RWTH,1415address = RWTH-A,1416type = "Dissertation",1417publisher = "Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung, Aachen",1418year = 1996}14191420@inproceedings{Hulpke98,1421author = "Alexander Hulpke",1422title = "Computing normal subgroups",1423crossref = "ISSAC98",1424pages = "194--198"}14251426@article{Hulpke99,1427author = "Alexander Hulpke",1428title = "Computing Subgroups Invariant Under a Set of Automorphisms",1429journal = JSYMC,1430pages = "415--427",1431volume = 27,1432number = 4,1433year = "1999"}14341435@article{HulpkeClasses,1436author = {Hulpke, Alexander},1437title = {Conjugacy classes in finite permutation groups via homomorphic1438images},1439journal = MATHC3,1440volume = {69},1441year = {2000},1442number = {232},1443pages = {1633--1651}1444}14451446@article{HulpkeQuot,1447author = "Alexander Hulpke",1448title = "Representing subgroups of finitely presented groups1449by Quotient Subgroups",1450journal = "Experimental Mathematics",1451year = 2001,1452volume=10,1453number=3,1454pages="369--381"1455}14561457@article{HulpkeTG,1458author = "Alexander Hulpke",1459title = "Constructing Transitive Permutation Groups",1460journal = JSYMC,1461year = {2005},1462volume = {39},1463pages = "1--30"1464}14651466@book{Hum72,1467AUTHOR = {Humphreys, James E.},1468TITLE = {Introduction to {L}ie algebras and representation theory},1469NOTE = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 9},1470PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},1471ADDRESS = {New York},1472YEAR = {1972},1473}14741475@book{Hum78,1476AUTHOR = {Humphreys, James E.},1477TITLE = {Introduction to {L}ie algebras and representation theory},1478NOTE = {Second printing, revised},1479PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},1480ADDRESS = {New York},1481YEAR = {1978},1482}14831484@Book{Hum90,1485author = "J. E. Humphreys",1486title = "Reflections groups and {C}oxeter groups",1487publisher = CamUPress,1488year = 1990,1489volume = 29,1490series = "Cambridge studies in Advanced Math"1491}14921493@book{Hup67,1494author = "B[ertram] Huppert",1495title = "Endliche {Gruppen} {I}",1496series = GMathWiss,1497volume = "134",1498year = "1967",1499publisher = Springer1500}15011502@book{Hup82,1503author = "B[ertram] Huppert and N[orman] Blackburn",1504title = "Finite Groups. {II}",1505series = GMathWiss,1506volume = "242",1507year = "1982",1508publisher = Springer1509}15101511@book{Hup98,1512author = "B[ertram] Huppert",1513title = "Character {T}heory of {F}inite {G}roups",1514series = "expositions in mathematics",1515volume = "25",1516year = "1998",1517publisher = Gruyter,1518note = "ISBN 3-11-015421-8",1519}15201521@book{Isa76,1522author = "I.~M.~Isaacs",1523title = "{C}haracter theory of finite groups",1524series = "Pure and applied mathematics",1525volume = "69",1526year = "1976",1527publisher = "Academic Press, New York",1528note = "xii+303 pp., ISBN 0-12-374550-0",1529}15301531@article{IshibashiEarnest94,1532author = "Ishibashi, Hiroyuki and Earnest, A. G.",1533title = "Two-element generation of orthogonal groups over finite fields",1534journal = JALGE,1535volume = "165",1536year = "1994",1537number = "1",1538pages = "164--171"1539}15401541@book{JLPW95,1542author = "Christoph Jansen and1543Klaus Lux and1544Richard [A.] Parker and1545Robert [A.] Wilson",1546title = "An {A}tlas of {Brauer} Characters",1547series = LMSMon,1548volume = "11",1549year = "1995",1550publisher = OxUnPress,1551notes = "PAGES: xvii + 327",1552}15531554@book{Joh97,1555author = "Johnson, D. L.",1556title = "Presentations of groups",1557edition = "Second",1558publisher = CamUPress,1559address = "Cambridge",1560year = 19971561}15621563@mastersthesis{Kaup92,1564author = "Ansgar Kaup",1565title = "Gitterbasen und {C}haraktere endlicher {G}ruppen",1566type = "Diplomarbeit",1567year = "1992",1568school = RWTHLDfM,1569address = RWTH-A,1570}15711572@article{KL79,1573author = "D. A. Kazhdan and G. Lusztig",1574title = "Representations of {C}oxeter groups and {H}ecke algebras",1575journal = INVEM,1576volume = 53,1577year = 1979,1578pages = "165--184",1579}15801581@article{KLM01,1582AUTHOR = {Kemper, Gregor and L{\"u}beck, Frank and Magaard, Kay},1583TITLE = {Matrix generators for the {R}ee groups ${}\sp 2{G}\sb 2(q)$},1584JOURNAL = COMMA2,1585VOLUME = {29},1586YEAR = {2001},1587NUMBER = {1},1588PAGES = {407--413}1589}159015911592@book{Ker91,1593author = "Adalbert Kerber",1594title = "Algebraic Combinatorics Via Finite Group Actions",1595year = "1991",1596publisher = BIWissV,1597notes = "PAGES: 436",1598}15991600@book{KleidmanLiebeck90,1601author = "Kleidman, Peter and Liebeck, Martin",1602title = "The subgroup structure of the finite classical groups",1603publisher = CamUPress,1604year = "1990"1605}16061607@article{Klimyk66,1608AUTHOR = {Klimyk, A. U.},1609TITLE = {Decomposition of the direct product of irreducible1610representations of semisimple {L}ie algebras into irreducible1611representations},1612JOURNAL = {Ukrain. Mat. {\v Z}.},1613VOLUME = {18},1614YEAR = {1966},1615NUMBER = {5},1616PAGES = {19--27},1617}16181619@incollection{Klimyk68,1620AUTHOR = {Klimyk, A. U.},1621TITLE = {Decomposition of a direct product of irreducible1622representations of a semisimple {L}ie algebra into irreducible1623representations},1624BOOKTITLE = {American {M}athematical {S}ociety {T}ranslations. {S}eries 2},1625VOLUME = {76},1626PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society},1627ADDRESS = {Providence, R.I.},1628YEAR = {1968},1629PAGES = {63--73}1630}16311632@book{TACP2,1633author = "Donald~E. Knuth",1634title = "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2:1635{S}eminumerical Algorithms",1636edition = "third",1637year = "1998",1638publisher = AddWes,1639}16401641@book{Lau82,1642author = "Reinhard Laue",1643title = "Zur {Konstruktion} und {Klassifikation} endlicher1644aufl{\accent127o}sbarer {Gruppen}",1645series = BayreuMS,1646volume = "9",1647year = "1982",1648publisher = UBayreu,1649address = UBayreu-A,1650keywords = "polycyclic groups;;;1651classification",1652reviews = "MR 84e:20018 (T.~O. Hawkes),1653Zbl 479.20010 (H. Heineken)",1654notes = "PAGES: ii + 304, 1 correction sheet,1655Earlier version: Habilitationsschrift, RWTH Aachen, 1980",1656}16571658@inproceedings{SOGOS,1659author = "R[einhard] Laue and1660J[oachim] Neub{\accent127u}ser and1661U[lrich] Schoenwaelder",1662title = "Algorithms for finite soluble groups and the {SOGOS} system",1663crossref = "Durham1982",1664pages = "105--135",1665keywords = "polycyclic groups;;;1666algorithm description",1667reviews = "MR 86h:20023 (Gerhard Pazderski),1668Zbl 547:20012 (E. Kommissartschik)",1669}16701671@Book{LeC86,1672author = "P.~LeChenadec",1673title = "Canonical Forms in Finitely Presented Algebras",1674publisher = "London Pitman and New York, Wiley",1675year = 19861676}16771678@article{LS90,1679author = "C[harles] R. Leedham-Green and1680L[eonard] H. Soicher",1681title = "Collection from the left and other strategies",1682journal = JSYMC,1683volume = "9",1684number = "5 \& 6",1685pages = "665--675",1686year = "1990",1687}16881689@article{LLL82,1690author = "A.~K.~Lenstra and1691H.~W.~Lenstra and1692L.~Lov{\accent19a}sz",1693title = "Factoring Polynomials with rational coefficients",1694journal = MATHA,1695volume = "261",1696pages = "513--534",1697year = "1982",1698}16991700@article{Leo80,1701author = "Jeffrey S. Leon",1702title = "On an algorithm for finding a base and a strong generating1703set for a group given by generating permutations",1704journal = MATHC3,1705volume = "35",1706pages = "941--974",1707year = "1980",1708keywords = "permutation groups;1709stabilizer chain, base and strong generating set of;1710Schreier Sims, Todd Coxeter (tc)",1711reviews = "MR 82i:20004 (Colin M. Campbell),1712Zbl 444.20001 (J. Neub{\accent127u}ser)",1713}17141715@article{Leon91,1716author = "Jeffrey~S. Leon",1717title = "Permutation group algorithms based on partitions, {I}:1718theory and algorithms",1719journal = JSYMC,1720volume = 12,1721year = 1991,1722pages = "533--583"}17231724@manual{Lin93,1725author = "Steve Linton",1726title = "Vector Enumeration Programs,1727version 3",1728year = "1993",1729}17301731@PhDThesis{Lo,1732Author = "E. Lo",1733Title = "A Polycyclic Quotient Algorithm",1734School = "Rutgers University",1735Year = {1996}1736}17371738@misc{L03,1739author = "Frank L{\accent127u}beck",1740title = "Conway polynomials for finite fields",1741howpublished = {\href{}{}},1742}17431744@article{luksrakocziwright97,1745AUTHOR = {Luks, Eugene~M. and R{\'a}k{\'o}czi, Ferenc and Wright, Charles~R.~B.},1746TITLE = {Some algorithms for nilpotent permutation groups},1747JOURNAL = JSYMC,1748VOLUME = {23},1749YEAR = {1997},1750NUMBER = {4},1751PAGES = {335--354}}17521753@Article{Lus81,1754author = "G. Lusztig",1755title = "On a Theorem of {B}enson and {C}urtis",1756journal = JALGE,1757year = 1981,1758volume = 71,1759pages = "490--498"1760}17611762@Book{Lus85,1763author = "G. Lusztig",1764title = "Characters of reductive groups over a finite field",1765publisher = "Princeton {U}niversity {P}ress",1766year = 1985,1767volume = 107,1768series = "Annals of Math.\ Studies"1769}17701771@inproceedings{LP91,1772author = "Klaus Lux and1773Herbert Pahlings",1774title = "Computational aspects of representation theory of finite1775groups",1776crossref = "MR91",1777pages = "37--64"1778}17791780@article{Mac81,1781author = {I. G. Macdonald},1782title = {Numbers of conjugacy classes in some finite classical groups},1783journal = {Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.},1784fjournal = {Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society},1785volume = {23},1786year = {1981},1787number = {1},1788pages = {23--48},1789issn = {0004-9727},1790coden = {aLNBAB},1791mrclass = {20G40},1792mrnumber = {82j:20092},1793mrreviewer = {Naohisa Shimomura},1794}17951796@article{MV97,1797author = {Meena Mahajan and1798V. Vinay},1799title = {Determinant: combinatorics, algorithms, and complexity},1800journal = {Chicago J. Theoret. Comput. Sci.},1801fjournal = {Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science},1802year = {1997},1803pages = {Article 5, 26 pp. (electronic)},1804issn = {1073-0486},1805mrclass = {15A15 (05C50 68Q15 68Q22 68R05)},1806mrnumber = {98m:15016},1807mrreviewer = {H.-J. Hoehnke}1808}18091810@inproceedings{Mal96,1811author = "G. Malle",1812title = "{D}egr{\accent19e}s relatifs des alg{\accent18e}bres1813cyclotomiques associ{\accent19e}es aux groupes de1814r{\accent19e}flexions complexes de dimension deux",1815crossref = "Luminy94"1816}18171818@article{MS85,1819author = "John McKay and1820Leonard~H. Soicher",1821title = "Computing {G}alois groups over the Rationals",1822journal = JNUMT,1823volume = "20",1824year = "1985",1825pages = "273--281",1826}18271828@article{McL77,1829author = "D.~H.~McLain",1830title = "An algorithm for determining defining relations of a1831subgroup",1832journal = GLAMJ,1833volume = "18",1834pages = "51--56",1835year = "1977",1836keywords = "finitely presented groups;1837subgroup presentation;1838modified Todd Coxeter (mtc);1839algorithm description",1840reviews = "MR 54 # 12908 (N.~S. Mendelsohn),1841Zbl 348.20029 (Summary)",1842}18431844@article{MeckyNeubueser89,1845author = "M[atthias] Mecky and J[oachim] Neub{\accent127u}ser",1846title = "Some remarks on the computation of conjugacy classes1847of soluble groups",1848journal = BULAM2,1849volume = 40,1850number = 2,1851pages = "281--292",1852year = 1989}18531854@mastersthesis{Merkwitz98,1855author = "Thomas Merkwitz",1856title = "{Markentafeln endlicher Gruppen}",1857type = "Diplomarbeit",1858school = RWTHLDFM,1859adress = RWTH-A,1860year = "1998",1861}18621863@mastersthesis{Mni92,1864author = "J{\accent127u}rgen Mnich",1865title = "Untergruppenverb{\accent127a}nde und1866aufl{\accent127o}sbare {G}ruppen in {GAP}",1867type = "Diplom\-ar\-beit",1868year = "1992",1869school = RWTHLDfM,1870address = RWTH-A,1871keywords = "groups;1872subgroup lattice, table of marks;1873cyclic extensions;1874algorithm description",1875}18761877@article{Mon85,1878author = "Peter L. Montgomery",1879title = "Modular Multiplication Without Trial Division",1880journal = MATHC3,1881volume = "44",1882pages = "519--521",1883year = "1985",1884}18851886@techreport{Mur58,1887author = "F[rancis] D. Murnaghan",1888title = "The Orthogonal and Symplectic Groups",1889type = "Communications Series A",1890number = "13",1891year = "1958",1892institution = DublinIAS,1893}18941895@article{MY79,1896author = "John McKay and Kiang Chuen Young",1897title = "The nonabelian simple groups of order less than 10000001898-- minimal generating pairs.",1899journal = "Math. Comp.",1900volume = "33",1901year = "1979",1902pages = "812--814",1903mrclass = "20D05 (20F05)",1904mrnumber = "80d:20018",1905mrreviewer = "W. J. Wong"}19061907@manual{Nau90,1908author = "B.D. McKay",1909title = "{nauty} user's guide (version 1.5),1910Technical report TR-CS-90-02",1911year = "1990",1912organization = "Australian National University",1913address = "Computer Science Department, ANU"1914}19151916@phdthesis{Neb95,1917author = "Gabriele Nebe",1918title = "Endliche rationale {M}atrixgruppen vom {G}rad 24",1919series = AachenBM,1920volume = "12",1921year = "1995",1922type = "Dissertation",1923school = RWTH,1924address = RWTH-A,1925}19261927@article{Neb96,1928author = "Gabriele Nebe",1929title = "Finite subgroups of {$GL_n(\Q)$} for $25 \leq n \leq 31$",1930journal = "Comm. Alg.",1931volume = "24 (7)",1932pages = "2341--2397",1933year = "1996",1934}19351936@phdthesis{Neu67,1937author = "Joachim Neub{\accent127u}ser",1938title = "Die {U}ntergruppenverb{\accent127a}nde der {Gruppen} der1939{Ordnungen} $\leq 100$ mit {Ausnahme} der {Ordnungen}194064 und 96",1941type = "Habilitationsschrift",1942year = "1967",1943school = UKiel,1944address = UKiel-A,1945notes = "PAGES: 370",1946}19471948@inproceedings{Neu82,1949author = "Joachim Neub{\accent127u}ser",1950title = "An elementary introduction to coset table methods in1951computational group theory",1952crossref = "GrpsStAndrews81",1953pages = "1--45",1954keywords = "finitely presented groups;1955subgroup presentation, permutation representation,1956low index subgroups;1957Todd Coxeter (tc), modified Todd Coxeter (mtc);1958algorithm description, survey",1959reviews = "MR 84f:20004 (George Havas),1960Zbl 489.20003 (G. Butler)",1961}19621963@book{neukirch,1964author = "J{\accent127u}rgen Neukirch",1965title = "Algebraische {Z}ahlentheorie",1966publisher = Springer,1967year = 1992}19681969@inbook{NP95,1970author = "G[abriele] Nebe and1971W[ilhelm] Plesken",1972title = "Finite rational matrix groups of degree 16",1973crossref = "NPbook95",1974pages = "74--144",1975}19761977@book{NPbook95,1978author = "G[abriele] Nebe and1979W[ilhelm] Plesken",1980title = "Finite rational matrix groups",1981series = "AMS Memoirs",1982volume = "556",1983year = "1995",1984publisher = AMS,1985notes = "PAGES: 144",1986}19871988@inproceedings{NPP84,1989author = "J[oachim] Neub{\accent127u}ser and1990H[erbert] Pahlings and1991W[ilhelm] Plesken",1992title = "{CAS};1993Design and use of a system for the handling of1994characters of finite groups",1995crossref = "Durham1982",1996pages = "195--247",1997keywords = "ordinary representations;1998characters",1999reviews = "MR 86i:20004 (D. Hales),2000Zbl 546.20001 (G. Butler)",2001}20022003@article{NPW81,2004author = "J[oachim] Neub{\accent127u}ser and2005W[ilhelm] Plesken and2006H[ans] Wondratschek",2007title = "An emendatory discursion on defining crystal systems",2008journal = "Match",2009volume = "10",2010pages = "77--96",2011year = "1981",2012reviews = "Zbl 551.20033 (Author)",2013}20142015@article{New77,2016author = "M[ichael]~F. Newman",2017title = "Determination of groups of prime-power order",2018crossref = "Canberra75",2019booktitle = "Group theory,2020Proc. Miniconf., Austral. Nat. Univ., Canberra, 1975",2021pages = "73--84",2022keywords = "finitely presented groups, p-groups;; nilpotent quotient;2023application",2024reviews = "MR 56 # 12115 (Bruce W. King),2025Zbl no ref",2026}20272028@article{New90,2029author = "M[ichael]~F. Newman",2030title = "Proving a group infinite",2031journal = "Arch. Math. (Basel)",2032volume = 54,2033year = 1990,2034number = 3,2035pages = "209--211"2036}20372038@inproceedings{NO89,2039author = "M[ichael]~F. Newman and2040E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2041title = "A {CAYLEY} library for the groups of order dividing 128",2042crossref = "Singapore87",2043pages = "437--442"2044}20452046@mastersthesis{Noe02,2047author = "Felix Noeske",2048title = "{Zur Darstellungstheorie der Schurschen Erweiterungen2049symmetrischer Gruppen}",2050type = "Diplom\-ar\-beit",2051school = RWTHLDFM,2052year = "2002",2053}20542055@article{OBr90,2056author = "E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2057title = "The $p$-group generation algorithm",2058journal = JSYMC,2059volume = "9",2060pages = "677--698",2061year = "1990",2062}20632064@article{OBr91,2065author = "E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2066title = "The groups of order $256$",2067journal = JALGE,2068volume = "143",2069pages = "219--235",2070year = "1991",2071}20722073@article{OBr94,2074author = "E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2075title = "Isomorphism testing for $p$-groups",2076journal = JSYMC,2077volume = "17 (1)",2078year = "1994",2079pages = "133--147",2080}20812082@inproceedings{OBr95,2083author = "E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2084title = {Computing automorphism groups of $p$-groups},2085booktitle = {Computational Algebra Number and Number Theory},2086organization = {(Sydney, 1992)},2087year = 1995,2088pages = {83--90},2089editor = {Wieb Bosma and Alf van der Poorten},2090publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht}2091}20922093@article{NO96,2094author = "M[ichael] F. Newman and E[amonn]~A. O'Brien",2095title = "Application of computers to questions like those of {B}urnside, {II}",2096journal = {Internat.\ J.\ Algebra Comput.},2097volume = "6",2098pages = "593--605",2099year = "1996",2100}21012102@techreport{Ost86,2103author = "Th[omas] Ostermann",2104title = "{C}haraktertafeln von {S}ylownormalisatoren sporadischer2105einfacher {G}ruppen",2106type = "Vorlesungen aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik",2107number = "14",2108year = "1986",2109institution = UEssen,2110address = UEssen-A,2111}21122113@article{Pah93,2114author = "Herbert Pahlings",2115title = "On the {M\accent127o}bius Function of a Finite Group",2116journal = ARCMB1,2117volume = "60",2118pages = "7--14",2119year = "1993",2120}21212122@inproceedings{Par84,2123author = "Richard Parker",2124title = "{The Computer Calculation of Modular Characters2125(the {\sf MeatAxe})}",2126crossref = "Durham1982",2127pages = "267--274"}21282129@mastersthesis{Pfe91,2130author = "G. Pfeiffer",2131title = "{Von Permutationscharakteren und Markentafeln}",2132type = "Diplomarbeit",2133school = RWTHLDFM,2134adress = RWTH-A,2135year = "1991",2136}21372138@Article{Pfe94a,2139author = "G. Pfeiffer",2140title = "Character tables of {W}eyl groups in {\sf GAP}",2141journal = BayreuMS,2142volume = 47,2143pages = "165--222",2144year = 1994,2145publisher = UBayreu,2146address = UBayreu-A,2147}21482149@Article{Pfe94b,2150author = "G. Pfeiffer",2151title = "Young characters on {Coxeter} basis elements of2152{Iwahori}-{Hecke} algebras and a {Murnaghan}-{Nakayama}2153formula",2154journal = JALGE,2155year = 1994,2156pages = "525--535",2157volume = 168,2158}21592160@inproceedings{Pfe96,2161author = "G. Pfeiffer",2162title = "Character values of {I}wahori-{H}ecke algebras of type {B}",2163crossref = "Luminy94",2164}21652166@article{Pfe97,2167author = "G. Pfeiffer",2168title = "The {S}ubgroups of ${M}_{24}$, or2169{H}ow to {C}ompute the {T}able of {M}arks of a {F}inite {G}roup",2170journal = EXPMA,2171year = "1997",2172volume = "6",2173number = "3",2174pages = "247--270",2175}21762177@book{Pil83,2178author = "G{\accent127u}nter Pilz",2179title = "Near-Rings",2180series = "North-Holland Mathematics Studies",2181volume = "23",2182year = "1983",2183publisher = "North-Holland Publishing Company",2184}218521862187@article{Ple85,2188author = "W[ilhelm] Plesken",2189title = "Finite Unimodular Groups of Prime Degree and Circulants",2190journal = JALGE,2191volume = "97",2192pages = "286--312",2193year = "1985",2194}21952196@unpublished{Ple90,2197author = "W[ilhelm] Plesken",2198title = "Additive Decompositions of Positive Integral Quadratic2199Forms",2200note = "The paper is available at2201Lehrstuhl B f{\accent127u}r Mathematik,2202Rheinisch Westf{\accent127a}lische Technische2203Hoch\-schule Aachen,2204may be it will be published in the near future",2205year = "1990",2206}22072208@inbook{PN95,2209author = "W[ilhelm] Plesken and2210G[abriele] Nebe",2211title = "Finite rational matrix groups",2212crossref = "NPbook95",2213pages = "1--73",2214}22152216@article{PP77,2217author = "Wilhelm Plesken and2218Michael Pohst",2219title = "On maximal finite irreducible Subgroups of {GL(n,Z)}.2220{I}. The five and seven dimensional cases,2221{II}. The six dimensional case",2222journal = MATHC3,2223volume = "31",2224pages = "536--576",2225year = "1977",2226reviews = "MR 56 # 3137a, 3137b (Wolfgang Knapp),2227Zbl 359.20006, 359.20007 (authors)",2228}22292230@article{PP80,2231author = "Wilhelm Plesken and2232Michael Pohst",2233title = "On maximal finite irreducible Subgroups of {GL(n,Z)}.2234{III}. The nine dimensional case,2235{IV}. Remarks on even dimensions with application to n = 8,2236{V}. The eight dimensional case and a complete description2237of dimensions less than ten",2238journal = MATHC3,2239volume = "34",2240pages = "245--301",2241year = "1980",2242reviews = "MR 81b:20012a, 81b:20012b, 81b:20012c (Wolfgang Knapp),2243Zbl 431.20039, 431.20040, 431.20041 (authors)",2244}22452246@article{Poh87,2247author = "M[ichael] Pohst",2248title = "A modification of the {LLL} reduction algorithm",2249journal = JSYMC,2250volume = "4",2251pages = "123--127",2252year = "1987",2253}22542255@Article{Ram91,2256author = "A. Ram",2257title = "A {F}robenius formula for the characters of the {H}ecke2258algebras",2259journal = INVEM,2260year = 1991,2261volume = 106,2262pages = "461--488"2263}22642265@manual{Ram99a,2266author = "Colin Ramsay",2267title = "{\tt ACE} for {Amateurs}",2268organization = "Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing,2269The University of Queensland",2270year = 1999,2271note = "Draft",2272}22732274@manual{Ram99,2275author = "C.~Ramsay",2276title = "{ACE} User Manual",2277year = "1999",2278organisation = "Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Computing",2279address = "Department of Computer Science \& Electrical Engineering2280and Department of Mathematics,2281The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia",2282note = "Draft",2283}22842285@manual{Rin93,2286author = "Michael Ringe",2287title = "The {C} {M}eat{A}xe,2288Release 1.5",2289year = "1993",2290organization = RWTHLDfM,2291address = RWTH-A,2292}22932294@manual{Rin98,2295author = "Michael Ringe",2296title = "The {C} {M}eat{A}xe,2297Release 2.3",2298year = "1998",2299organization = RWTHLDfM,2300address = RWTH-A,2301}23022303@article{Rob88,2304author = "E[dmund]~F. Robertson",2305title = "{T}ietze transformations with weighted substring search",2306journal = JSYMC,2307volume = "6",2308pages = "59--64",2309year = "1988",2310keywords = "finitely presented groups;2311simplification;2312Tietze transformations",2313}23142315@article{RoneyDougal02,2316author = "Colva~M. Roney-Dougal and William R. Unger",2317title = "The affine primitive permutation groups of degree less than 1000",2318journal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation",2319volume = "35",2320pages = "421--439",2321year = 20032322}23232324@article{RoneyDougal05,2325author = "Colva~M. Roney-Dougal",2326title = "The primitive permutation groups of degree less than 2500",2327journal = "To appear in Journal of Algebra",2328year = 20052329}23302331@article{Roy87,2332author = "Gordon F. Royle",2333title = "The transitive groups of degree twelve",2334journal = JSYMC,2335volumn = "4",2336year = "1987",2337pages = "255--268"2338}23392340@article{Sco73,2341author = "L.~L.~Scott",2342title = "Modular Permutation Representations",2343journal = TRAAM,2344volume = "175",2345pages = "101--121",2346year = "1973",2347}23482349@article{Sch90,2350author = "Gerhard J.~A.~Schneider",2351title = "{D}ixon's Character Table Algorithm Revisited",2352journal = JSYMC,2353volume = "9",2354pages = "601--606",2355year = "1990",2356}23572358@mastersthesis{Scherner92,2359author = "Michael Scherner",2360title = "Erweiterung einer {A}rithmetik von2361{K}reisteilungsk{\accent127 o}rpern auf deren2362{T}eilk{\accent127 o}rper und deren {I}mplementation in {GAP}",2363type = "Diplomarbeit",2364year = "1992",2365school = RWTHLDfM,2366address = RWTH-A,2367}23682369@mastersthesis{Schiffer94,2370author = "Ute Schiffer",2371title = "Cliffordmatrizen",2372type = "Diplomarbeit",2373year = "1994",2374school = RWTHLDfM,2375address = RWTH-A,2376}23772378@article{Seress98,2379author = "{\'A}kos Seress",2380title = "Nearly linear time algorithms for permutation groups:2381an interplay between theory and practice",2382journal = ACTAM3,2383volume = 52,2384number = "1--3",2385year = 1998,2386pages = "183--207"}23872388@Article{ST54,2389author = "G. C. Shephard and J. A. Todd",2390title = "Finite unitary reflection groups",2391journal = "Canad. J. Math.",2392year = 1954,2393volume = 6,2394pages = "274--304"2395}23962397@book{Sho92,2398author = "Mark W. Short",2399title = "The Primitive Soluble Permutation Groups of Degree less2400than 256",2401series = LNM,2402volume = "1519",2403year = "1992",2404publisher = Springer,2405}24062407@inproceedings{Sim70,2408author = "Charles~C. Sims",2409title = "Computational methods in the study of permutation groups",2410crossref = "Oxford67",2411pages = "169--183",2412keywords = "permutation groups;2413primitive groups, classification of, stabilizer chain;2414Schreier Sims",2415reviews = "MR 41 # 1856 (H. Kimura),2416Zbl 215, 100 (J. McKay),2417CR 11 # 19,829 (G.~N. Raney)",2418notes = "RUSSIAN translation in:2419Computations in algebra and number theory (Russian), edited2420by B.~B. Venkov and D.~K. Faddeev, pp. 129--147,2421Matematika, Novoie v Zarubeznoi Naukie, vol. 2,2422Izdat. MIR, Moscow, 1976",2423}24242425@article{Sims90b,2426author = "Charles~C. Sims",2427title = "Computing the order of a solvable permutation group",2428journal = JSYMC,2429volume = 9,2430pages = "699--705",2431year = 1990}24322433@book{Sims94,2434Author = "C.~C. Sims",2435Title = "Computation with Finitely Presented Groups",2436Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},2437Year = {1994}2438}24392440@inproceedings{Sims97,2441author = "Charles~C. Sims",2442title = "Computing with Subgroups of Automorphism Groups2443of Finite Groups",2444crossref = "ISSAC97",2445pages = "40--403"}24462447@manual{Sog89,2448title = "{SOGOS} - A Program System for Handling Subgroups of2449Finite Soluble Groups, version 5.0, User's reference manual",2450year = "1989",2451organization = RWTHLDfM,2452address = RWTH-A,2453keywords = "groups, finitely presented groups, polycyclic groups,2454nilpotent groups, p-groups;2455SOGOS, pc-presentation, ag-presentation, collection,2456elements, classes of conjugate elements,2457centralizer, normalizer, normal closure, intersection,2458sylow subgroups, derived subgroup, series,2459central series, p-central series, subgroup lattice,2460table of marks, complements, factor groups;2461nilpotent quotient (nq);2462manual",2463}24642465@inproceedings{Soi91,2466author = "L[eonard] H. Soicher",2467title = "{GRAPE}: a system for computing with graphs and groups",2468crossref = "DIMACS",2469pages = "287-291",2470}24712472@article{Sou94,2473author = "Bernd Souvignier",2474title = "Irreducible finite integral matrix groups of degree 82475and 10",2476journal = MATHC3,2477volume = "63",2478pages = "335--350",2479year = "1994",2480}24812482@manual{Spa89,2483title = "{SPAS} - {S}ubgroup {P}resentation {A}lgorithms {S}ystem,2484version 2.5, User's reference manual",2485key = "SPAS",2486year = "1989",2487organization = RWTHLDfM,2488address = RWTH-A,2489keywords = "finitely presented groups;2490SPAS, subgroup presentation, simplification,2491low index subgroups;2492Todd Coxeter (tc), modified Todd Coxeter (mtc),2493Reidemeister Schreier (rs),2494reduced Reidemeister Schreier (rrs),2495Tietze transformations, tree decoding;2496manual",2497}24982499@Book{Spr81,2500author = "Springer, T. A.",2501title = "Linear algebraic groups",2502publisher = Birkhaeus,2503year = 19812504}25052506@Article{Ste89,2507author = "Stembridge, J. R.",2508title = "On the eigenvalues of representations of reflection groups2509and wreath products",2510journal = "Pacific J. Math.",2511year = 1989,2512volume = 140,2513pages = "353--396"2514}25152516@article{Tay87,2517author = "D.~E.~Taylor",2518title = "Pairs of Generators for Matrix Groups. {I}",2519journal = "The Cayley Bulletin",2520volume = "3",2521year = "1987",2522}25232524@mastersthesis{Theissen93,2525author = "Heiko Thei{\ss}en",2526title = "{Methoden zur Bestimmung der rationalen2527Konjugiertheit in endlichen Gruppen}",2528type = "Diplomarbeit",2529school = RWTHLDFM,2530adress = RWTH-A,2531year = 1993}25322533@phdthesis{Theissen97,2534author = "Heiko Thei{\ss}en",2535title = "{Eine Methode zur Normalisatorberechnung in2536Per\-mu\-ta\-tions\-gruppen mit An\-wen\-dun\-gen in der2537Kon\-struk\-tion primitiver Gruppen}",2538type = "Dissertation",2539school = RWTH,2540address = RWTH-A,2541year = "1997"}25422543@mastersthesis{Thi87,2544author = "Peter Thiemann",2545title = "{SOGOS} {III} - {C}haraktere und {E}ffizienzuntersuchung",2546type = "Diplom\-arbeit",2547year = "1987",2548school = RWTHLDfM,2549address = RWTH-A,2550}25512552@article{VL84,2553author = "M[ichael] R. Vaughan-Lee",2554title = "An Aspect of the {Nilpotent Quotient Algorithm}",2555crossref = "Durham1982",2556pages = "75--84",2557}25582559@article{VL90a,2560author = "M[ichael] R. Vaughan-Lee",2561title = "Collection from the Left",2562journal = JSYMC,2563volume = "9",2564pages = "725--733",2565year = "1990",2566publisher = AcaPress,2567}25682569@book{VL90b,2570author = "M[ichael] R. Vaughan-Lee",2571title = "The restricted {Burnside} problem",2572series = LMSMon,2573volume = "5",2574year = "1990",2575publisher = OxUnPress,2576}25772578@article{vdW76,2579author = "Robert W. van der Waall",2580title = "On symplectic primitive modules and monomial groups",2581journal = "Indagationes Math.",2582volume = "38",2583pages = "362--375",2584year = "1976",2585}258625872588@article{Wagon90,2589author = "Wagon, Stan",2590title = "Editor's corner: the {E}uclidean algorithm strikes again",2591journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly",2592volume = 97,2593year = 1990,2594number = 2,2595pages = {125--129},2596}25972598@techreport{wielandt69,2599author = "Helmut Wielandt",2600title = "Permutation groups through invariant relations and2601invariant functions",2602type = "Lecture Notes",2603institution = "Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University",2604year = 1969}26052606@misc{AGR,2607author = "Robert A.~Wilson",2608title = "{ATLAS of Finite Group Representations}",2609key = "ATLAS",2610howpublished = {\href{}{}},2611}26122613@article{BSW01,2614author = "John N.~Bray and2615Ibrahim A.~I.~Suleiman and2616Peter G.~Walsh and2617Robert A.~Wilson",2618title = "Generating maximal subgroups of sporadic simple groups",2619journal = COMMA2,2620volume = "29",2621number = "3",2622pages = "1325--1337",2623year = "2001",2624}26252626@article{Wil96,2627author = "R[obert] A. Wilson",2628title = "Standard generators for sporadic simple groups",2629journal = JALGE,2630volume = "184",2631pages = "505--515",2632year = "1996",2633}26342635@InCollection{Won95,2636author = "Hans Wondratschek",2637title = "Introduction to space-group symmetry",2638editor = "Theo Hahn",2639crossref = "Hah95",2640pages = "711--735"2641}26422643@manual{Wur93,2644author = "Martin Wursthorn",2645title = "{\sc SISYPHOS} Computing in modular group algebras,2646Version 0.5",2647year = "1993",2648organization = "Math. Inst. B, 3. Lehrstuhl",2649address = "Universit{\accent127a}t Stuttgart",2650}26512652@article {Zagier90,2653author = "Zagier, D.",2654title = "A one-sentence proof that every prime $p\equiv 1\pmod 4$ is a2655sum of two squares",2656journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly",2657volume = 97,2658year = 1990,2659number = 2,2660pages = 144,2661}26622663@mastersthesis{Zum89,2664author = "Matthias Zumbroich",2665title = "{Grundlagen} einer {Arithmetik} in2666{Kreisteilungsk{\accent127o}rpern} und ihre2667{Implementation} in {CAS}",2668type = "Diplomarbeit",2669year = "1989",2670school = RWTHLDfM,2671address = RWTH-A,2672}267326742675%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2676%%2677%P Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . references for proceedings2678%%2679%% The following references are proceedings that are *crossreferenced* from2680%% the references above. They *must* come at the end of this file. They2681%% are ordered with respect to the year of their publication.2682%%2683@proceedings{Oxford67,2684title = "Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra, Oxford, 1967",2685booktitle = "Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra,2686Proc. Conf. Oxford, 1967",2687editor = "John Leech",2688year = "1970",2689publisher = Pergamon,2690reviews = "MR 40#5374,2691Zbl 186.299",2692}26932694@proceedings{Canberra73,2695title = "Second International Conference on the Theory of Groups,2696Canberra, 1973",2697booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the2698Theory of Groups, Canberra, 1973",2699series = LNM,2700volume = "372",2701editor = "M[ichael]~F. Newman",2702year = "1974",2703publisher = Springer,2704reviews = "MR 49#9054,2705Zbl 282.00012",2706}27072708@proceedings{Canberra75,2709title = "Group theory, Canberra, 1975",2710booktitle = "Group theory,2711Proc. Miniconf., Austral. Nat. Univ., Canberra, 1975",2712series = LNM,2713volume = "573",2714editor = "R.~A. Bryce and J. Cossey and M[ichael]~F. Newman",2715year = "1977",2716publisher = Springer,2717reviews = "MR 55#3040,2718Zbl 342.00008",2719}27202721@proceedings{Bielefeld77,2722title = "Burnside groups, Bielefeld, 1977",2723booktitle = "Burnside groups, Proceedings of a workshop,2724Bielefeld, Germany, 1977",2725series = LNM,2726volume = "806",2727editor = "J[ens] L. Mennicke",2728year = "1980",2729publisher = Springer,2730reviews = "MR 81j:20002,2731Zbl 424.00008"2732}27332734@proceedings{EUROSAM79,2735title = "EUROSAM 79, Marseille, 1979",2736booktitle = "Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Proceedings of2737EUROSAM 79, An International Symposium on Symbolic2738and Algebraic Manipulation, Marseille, 1979)",2739series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 72",2740editor = "Edward W. Ng",2741year = 1979,2742publisher = Springer}27432744@proceedings{Durham1982,2745title = "Computational Group Theory,2746Proceedings LMS Symposium on Computational Group Theory,2747Durham 1982",2748booktitle = "Computational Group Theory,2749Proceedings LMS Symposium on Computational Group Theory,2750Durham 1982",2751editor = "Michael D. Atkinson",2752year = "1984",2753publisher = AcaPress2754}27552756@proceedings{GrpsStAndrews81,2757title = "Groups-St.Andrews 1981,2758Proceedings of a conference,2759St.Andrews 1981",2760booktitle = "Groups-St.Andrews 1981,2761Proceedings of a conference,2762St.Andrews 1981",2763series = LMSLec,2764volume = "71",2765editor = "Colin M. Campbell and2766Edmund F. Robertson",2767year = "1982",2768publisher = CamUPress,2769}27702771@proceedings{Singapore87,2772title = "Group Theory,2773Proceedings of the 1987 Singapore Conference,2774Singapore 1987",2775booktitle = "Group Theory,2776Proceedings of the 1987 Singapore Conference,2777Singapore 1987",2778year = "1989",2779publisher = Gruyter,2780}27812782@proceedings{MR91,2783title = "Representation theory of finite groups and2784finite-dimensional algebras",2785booktitle = "Representation theory of finite groups and2786finite-dimensional algebras",2787editor = "G.~O. Michler and2788C.~R. Ringel",2789series = "Progress in Mathematics",2790volume = "95",2791year = "1991",2792publisher = Birkhaeus,2793}279427952796@proceedings{ISSAC91,2797title = "Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium2798on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'91),2799Bonn 1991",2800booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Symposium2801on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'91),2802Bonn 1991",2803year = "1991",2804publisher = ACM,2805}28062807@proceedings{ISSAC97,2808title = "Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation",2809booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation",2810year = 1997,2811editor = "K{\accent127u}chlin, Wolfgang",2812publisher = ACM,2813organization = "The Association for Computing Machinery",2814key = "ACM"2815}28162817@proceedings{ISSAC98,2818title = "Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation",2819booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation",2820year = 1998,2821editor = "Oliver Gloor",2822publisher = ACM,2823organization = "The Association for Computing Machinery",2824key = "ACM"2825}28262827@proceedings{DIMACS,2828booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1991 DIMACS Workshop on2829Groups and Computation",2830editor = "Finkelstein, Larry and Kantor, William M.",2831series = "DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and2832Theoretical Computer Science",2833volume = "11",2834year = "1993",2835publisher = AMS2836}283728382839@proceedings{DIMACS2,2840title = "Groups and computation. {II}",2841booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd DIMACS Workshop held at Rutgers2842University, New Brunswick, NJ, June 7--10, 1995",2843editor = "Finkelstein, Larry and Kantor, William M.",2844series = "DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer2845Science",2846volume = 28,2847publisher = AMS,2848year = 19972849}28502851@proceedings{DIMACS3,2852title = "Groups and computation. {III}",2853BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference held at The2854Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 15--19, 1999",2855editor = "William~M. Kantor and {\'A}kos Seress",2856series = "Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute2857Publications",2858volume = 8,2859PUBLISHER = Gruyter,2860YEAR = 20012861}28622863@proceedings {DIMACS94,2864title = {Geometric and computational perspectives on infinite2865groups},2866booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint DIMACS/Geometry Center2867Workshop held at the University of Minnesota,2868Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 3--14, 1994 and2869Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, March287017--20, 1994},2871editor = {Baumslag, Gilbert and Epstein, David and Gilman,2872Robert and Short, Hamish and Sims, Charles},2873publisher = AMS,2874address = AMSADR,2875year = 19962876}28772878@proceedings{Groups93Vol1,2879title = "Groups '93 Galway / St.Andrews, Galway 1993, Volume 1",2880booktitle = "Groups '93 Galway / St.Andrews, Galway 1993, Volume 1",2881series = LMSLec,2882volume = "211",2883editor = "C[olin] M. Campbell and2884T[haddeus] C. Hurley and2885E[dmund] F. Robertson and2886S[ean] J. Tobin and2887J[ames] J. Ward",2888year = "1995",2889publisher = CamUPress,2890notes = "PAGES: xii + 304",2891}28922893@proceedings{Groups93Vol2,2894title = "Groups '93 Galway / St.Andrews, Galway 1993, Volume 2",2895booktitle = "Groups '93 Galway / St.Andrews, Galway 1993, Volume 2",2896series = LMSLec,2897volume = "212",2898editor = "C[olin] M. Campbell and2899T[haddeus] C. Hurley and2900E[dmund] F. Robertson and2901S[ean] J. Tobin and2902J[ames] J. Ward",2903year = "1995",2904publisher = CamUPress,2905notes = "PAGES: xii + 305",2906}29072908@Proceedings{Luminy94,2909title = "Finite Reductive Groups, Related Structures and2910Representations",2911booktitle = "Finite Reductive Groups, Related Structures and2912Representations",2913year = 1996,2914editor = "Marc Cabanes",2915volume = 141,2916series = "Progress in Mathematics",2917publisher = Birkhaeus2918}291929202921