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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466321############################################################################# #### ## #A ANUPQ package Frank Celler #A & Eamonn O'Brien #A & Benedikt Rothe ## ## Install file for p-group generation of automorphism group functions and ## variables. ## #Y Copyright 1992-1994, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y Copyright 1992-1994, School of Mathematical Sciences, ANU, Australia ## ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQerror( <param> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . report illegal parameter ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQerror, function( param ) Error( "Valid Options:\n", " \"ClassBound\", <bound>\n", " \"OrderBound\", <order>\n", " \"StepSize\", <size>\n", " \"PcgsAutomorphisms\"\n", " \"RankInitialSegmentSubgroups\", <rank>\n", " \"SpaceEfficient\"\n", " \"AllDescendants\"\n", " \"Exponent\", <exponent>\n", " \"Metabelian\"\n", " \"SubList\"\n", " \"SetupFile\", <file>\n", "Illegal Parameter: \"", param, "\"" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQextractArgs( <args>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . parse argument list ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQextractArgs, function( args ) local CR, i, act, G, match; # allow to give only a prefix match := function( g, w ) return 1 < Length(g) and Length(g) <= Length(w) and w{[1..Length(g)]} = g; end; # extract arguments G := args[1]; CR := rec( group := G ); i := 2; while i <= Length(args) do act := args[i]; # "ClassBound", <class> if match( act, "ClassBound" ) then i := i + 1; CR.ClassBound := args[i]; if CR.ClassBound <= PClassPGroup(G) then Error( "\"ClassBound\" must be at least ", PClassPGroup(G)+1 ); fi; # "OrderBound", <order> elif match( act, "OrderBound" ) then i := i + 1; CR.OrderBound := args[i]; # "StepSize", <size> elif match( act, "StepSize" ) then i := i + 1; CR.StepSize := args[i]; # "PcgsAutomorphisms" elif match( act, "PcgsAutomorphisms" ) then CR.PcgsAutomorphisms := true; # "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", <rank> elif match( act, "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups" ) then i := i + 1; CR.RankInitialSegmentSubgroups := args[i]; # "SpaceEfficient" elif match( act, "SpaceEfficient" ) then CR.SpaceEfficient := true; # "AllDescendants" elif match( act, "AllDescendants" ) then CR.AllDescendants := true; # "Exponent", <exp> elif match( act, "Exponent" ) then i := i + 1; CR.Exponent := args[i]; # "Metabelian" elif match( act, "Metabelian" ) then CR.Metabelian := true; # "Verbose" elif match( act, "Verbose" ) then CR.Verbose := true; # "SubList" elif match( act, "SubList" ) then i := i + 1; CR.SubList := args[i]; # temporary directory elif match( act, "TmpDir" ) then i := i + 1; CR.TmpDir := args[i]; # "SetupFile", <file> elif match( act, "SetupFile" ) then i := i + 1; CR.SetupFile := args[i]; # signal an error else ANUPQerror( act ); fi; i := i + 1; od; return CR; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQauto( <G>, <gens>, <imgs> ) . . . . . . . . construct automorphism ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQauto, function( G, gens, images ) local f; f := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC( G, G, gens, images ); SetIsBijective( f, true ); SetKernelOfMultiplicativeGeneralMapping( f, TrivialSubgroup(G) ); return f; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQautoList( <G>, <gens>, <L> ) . . . . . . . construct a list of autos ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQautoList, function( G, gens, automs ) local D, g, igs, auts, i; # construct direct product elements D := []; for g in [ 1 .. Length(gens) ] do Add( D, DirectProductElement( automs{[1..Length(automs)]}[g] ) ); od; # and compute the abstract igs simultaneously igs := InducedPcgsByGeneratorsWithImages( Pcgs(G), gens, D ); gens := igs[1]; D := igs[2]; # construct the automorphisms auts := []; for i in [ 1 .. Length(automs) ] do Add( auts, ANUPQauto( G, gens, D{[1..Length(gens)]}[i] ) ); od; # and then the automorphisms return auts; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQSetAutomorphismGroup( <G>, <gens>, <automs>, <isSoluble> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQSetAutomorphismGroup, function( G, gens, centralAutos, otherAutos, relativeOrders, isSoluble ) SetANUPQAutomorphisms( G, rec( gens := gens, centralAutos := centralAutos, otherAutos := otherAutos, relativeOrders := relativeOrders, isSoluble := isSoluble ) ); return; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms( <G> ) ## ## returns a record analogous to what is returned by the ## `AutomorphismGroupPGroup' function of the {\AutPGrp} package, except that ## only the fields `agAutos', `agOrder' and `glAutos' are set. The ## automorphisms generate a subgroup of the automorphism group of the pc ## group <D> that supplements the inner automorphism group of <D> in the ## whole automorphism group of <D>. The group of automorphisms returned may ## be a proper subgroup of the full automorphism group. The descendant <D> ## must have been computed by the function `PqDescendants' ## (see~"PqDescendants"). ## ##!! Muss angepasst werden auf die jetzt besser verstandenen Anforderungen ##!! an Automorphismen, n�mlich der Unterscheideung zwischen solchen, die ##!! auf der Frattinigruppe treu operieren und solche, die dies nicht tuen. InstallGlobalFunction( "PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms", function( G ) local gens, automs, A, centralAutos, otherAutos; #Print( "Attention: the function PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms()", # " is outdated and dangerous\n" ); if not HasANUPQAutomorphisms( G ) then return Error( "group does not carry automorphism information" ); fi; automs := ANUPQAutomorphisms( G ); gens := automs.gens; centralAutos := ANUPQautoList( G, gens, automs.centralAutos ); otherAutos := ANUPQautoList( G, gens, automs.otherAutos ); return rec( agAutos := centralAutos, agOrder := automs.relativeOrders, glAutos := otherAutos ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQprintExps( <pqi>, <lst> ) . . . . . . . . . . . print exponent list ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQprintExps, function( pqi, lst ) local first, l, j; l := Length(lst); first := true; for j in [1 .. l] do if lst[j] <> 0 then if not first then AppendTo( pqi, "*" ); fi; first := false; AppendTo( pqi, "g", j, "^", lst[j] ); fi; od; end ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUPGAGlobalVariables ## InstallValue( ANUPGAGlobalVariables, [ "ANUPQgroups", "ANUPQautos", "ANUPQmagic" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqList( <file> [: SubList := <sub>]) . . . . . get a list of descendants ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqList, function( file ) local var, lst, groups, autos, sublist, func; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqList", false); # check arguments if not IsString(file) then Error( "usage: PqList( <file> [: SubList := <sub>])\n" ); fi; for var in ANUPGAGlobalVariables do HideGlobalVariables( var ); od; # try to read <file> if not READ( file ) or not IsBoundGlobal( "ANUPQmagic" ) then for var in ANUPGAGlobalVariables do UnhideGlobalVariables( var ); od; return false; fi; # <lst> will hold the groups lst := []; if IsBoundGlobal( "ANUPQgroups" ) then groups := ValueGlobal( "ANUPQgroups" ); if IsBoundGlobal( "ANUPQautos" ) then autos := ValueGlobal( "ANUPQautos" ); fi; sublist := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SubList", [ 1 .. Length( groups ) ]); if not IsList(sublist) then sublist := [ sublist ]; fi; for func in sublist do groups[func](lst); if IsBound( autos) and IsBound( autos[func] ) then autos[func]( lst[Length(lst)] ); fi; od; fi; for var in ANUPGAGlobalVariables do UnhideGlobalVariables( var ); od; # return the groups return lst; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqLetterInt( <n> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqLetterInt, function ( n ) local letters, str, x, d; letters := [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" ] ; if n < 1 then Error( "number must be positive" ); elif n <= Length( letters ) then return letters[n]; fi; str := ""; n := n - 1; d := 1; repeat x := n mod Length( letters ) + d; str := Concatenation( letters[x], str ); n := QuoInt( n, Length( letters ) ); if n < 26 then d := 0; fi; until n < 1; return str; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DESCENDANTS( <args> ) . . . . . . . . . construct descendants of group ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DESCENDANTS, function( args ) local datarec, p, class, G, ndescendants; datarec := ANUPQ_ARG_CHK("PqDescendants", args); if datarec.calltype = "interactive" and IsBound(datarec.descendants) then Info(InfoANUPQ, 1, "`PqDescendants' should not be called more than once for the"); Info(InfoANUPQ, 1, "same process ... returning previously computed descendants."); return datarec.descendants; elif datarec.calltype = "GAP3compatible" then # ANUPQ_ARG_CHK calls PQ_DESCENDANTS itself in this case # (so datarec.descendants has already been computed) return datarec.descendants; fi; PQ_AUT_GROUP(; # make sure we have the aut. grp. # if <G> is not capable and we want to compute something, return if HasIsCapable( and not IsCapable( and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SetupFile") = fail then datarec.descendants := []; return datarec.descendants; fi; PushOptions(rec(nonuser := true)); p := PrimePGroup(; class := PClassPGroup(; if not( IsBound(datarec.pQuotient) and p = PrimePGroup(datarec.pQuotient) and class = datarec.class or IsBound(datarec.pCover) and p = PrimePGroup(datarec.pCover) and IsBound(datarec.pcoverclass) and class = datarec.pcoverclass - 1 ) then PQ_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, "pQ" : Prime := p, ClassBound := class ); fi; if not( IsBound(datarec.pCover) and p = PrimePGroup(datarec.pCover) and class = datarec.pcoverclass - 1 ) then PQ_P_COVER( datarec ); fi; PQ_PG_SUPPLY_AUTS( datarec, "pG" ); ndescendants := PQ_PG_CONSTRUCT_DESCENDANTS( datarec ); PopOptions(); if datarec.calltype = "non-interactive" then PQ_COMPLETE_NONINTERACTIVE_FUNC_CALL(datarec); if IsBound( datarec.setupfile ) then return true; fi; fi; if ndescendants = 0 then datarec.descendants := []; return datarec.descendants; fi; datarec.descendants := PqList( Filename( ANUPQData.tmpdir, "GAP_library" ) : recursive ); for G in datarec.descendants do if not HasIsCapable(G) then SetIsCapable( G, false ); fi; SetIsPGroup( G, true ); SetPrimePGroup( G, p ); od; return datarec.descendants; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDescendants( <G> ... ) . . . . . . . . . construct descendants of <G> #F PqDescendants( <i> ) #F PqDescendants() ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDescendants, function( arg ) return PQ_DESCENDANTS(arg); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSetPQuotientToGroup( <i> ) . . . set p-quotient as the group of process #F PqSetPQuotientToGroup() ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSetPQuotientToGroup, function( arg ) local datarec; ANUPQ_IOINDEX_ARG_CHK(arg); datarec :=[ ANUPQ_IOINDEX(arg) ]; if not IsBound(datarec.pQuotient) then Error( "p-quotient has not yet been calculated!\n" ); fi; := datarec.pQuotient; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F SavePqList( <file>, <lst> ) . . . . . . . . . save a list of descendants ## InstallGlobalFunction( SavePqList, function( file, list ) local appendExp, l, G, pcgs, p, i, w, str, word, j, automorphisms, r; # function to add exponent vector appendExp := function( str, word ) local first, s, oldLen, i, w; first := true; s := str; oldLen := 0; for i in [ 1 .. Length (word) ] do if word[i] <> 0 then w := Concatenation( "G.", String (i) ); if word[i] <> 1 then w := Concatenation( w, "^", String(word[i]) ); fi; if not first then w := Concatenation( "*", w ); fi; if Length(s)+Length(w)-oldLen >= 77 then s := Concatenation( s, "\n" ); oldLen := Length(s); fi; s := Concatenation( s, w ); first := false; fi; od; if first then s := Concatenation( s, "G.1^0" ); fi; return s; end; # print head of file PrintTo( file, "ANUPQgroups := [];\n" ); AppendTo( file, "Unbind(ANUPQautos);\n\n" ); # run through all groups in <list> for l in [ 1 .. Length(list) ] do G := list[l]; pcgs := PcgsPCentralSeriesPGroup( G ); p := PrimePGroup( G ); AppendTo( file, "## group number: ", l, "\n" ); AppendTo( file, "ANUPQgroups[", l, "] := function( L )\n" ); AppendTo( file, "local G, A, B;\n" ); AppendTo( file, "G := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily,\n" ); AppendTo( file, " ", Length(pcgs), ", \"G\" );\n" ); AppendTo( file, "G := G / [\n" ); # at first the power relators for i in [ 1 .. Length(pcgs) ] do if 1 < i then AppendTo( file, ",\n" ); fi; w := pcgs[i]^p; str := Concatenation( "G.", String(i), "^", String(p) ); if w <> One(G) then word := ExponentsOfPcElement( pcgs, w ); str := Concatenation( str, "/(" ); str := appendExp( str,word ); str := Concatenation( str, ")" ); fi; AppendTo( file, str ); od; # and now the commutator relators for i in [ 1 .. Length(pcgs)-1 ] do for j in [ i+1 .. Length(pcgs) ] do w := Comm( pcgs[j], pcgs[i] ); if w <> One(G) then word := ExponentsOfPcElement( pcgs, w ); str := Concatenation( ",\nComm( G.", String(j), ", G.", String(i), " )/(" ); str := appendExp( str, word ); AppendTo( file, str, ")" ); fi; od; od; AppendTo( file, "];\n" ); # convert group into an ag group, save presentation AppendTo( file, "G := PcGroupFpGroupNC(G);\n" ); # add automorphisms if HasAutomorphismGroup(G) then AppendTo( file, "A := [];\nB := [" ); for r in [ 1 .. RankPGroup(G) ] do AppendTo( file, "G.", r ); if r <> RankPGroup(G) then AppendTo( file, ", " ); else AppendTo( file, "];\n" ); fi; od; automorphisms := GeneratorsOfGroup( AutomorphismGroup( G ) ); for j in [ 1 .. Length(automorphisms) ] do AppendTo( file, "A[", j, "] := ["); for r in [ 1 .. RankPGroup(G) ] do word := Image( automorphisms[j], pcgs[r] ); word := ExponentsOfPcElement( pcgs, word ); AppendTo( file, appendExp( "", word ) ); if r <> RankPGroup(G) then AppendTo (file, ", \n"); fi; od; AppendTo( file, "]; \n"); od; AppendTo( file, "ANUPQSetAutomorphismGroup( G, B, A, " ); if HasIsSolvableGroup( AutomorphismGroup(G) ) then AppendTo( file, IsSolvableGroup( G ), " );\n" ); else AppendTo( file, false, " );\n" ); fi; fi; if HasNuclearRank( G ) then AppendTo( file, "SetNuclearRank( G, ", NuclearRank(G), " );\n" ); fi; if HasIsCapable( G ) then AppendTo( file, "SetIsCapable( G, ", IsCapable(G), " );\n" ); fi; if HasANUPQIdentity( G ) then AppendTo( file, "SetANUPQIdentity( G, ", ANUPQIdentity(G), " );\n" ); fi; AppendTo( file, "Add( L, G );\n" ); AppendTo( file, "end;\n\n\n" ); od; # write a magic string to the files AppendTo( file, "ANUPQmagic := \"groups saved to file\";\n" ); end ); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here