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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466309############################################################################# #### ## #W ANUPQ package Greg Gamble ## ## This file installs interactive functions that execute individual pq menu ## options. ## #Y Copyright (C) 2001 Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_UNBIND( <datarec>, <fields> ) . . . . . unbind fields of a data record ## ## unbinds the fields in the list <fields> of that data record <datarec>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_UNBIND, function( datarec, fields ) local field; for field in fields do Unbind( datarec.(field) ); od; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_AUT_GROUP( <G> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . automorphism group ## ## returns the automorphism group of a $p$-group as a record, avoiding ## computation if possible (currently it *isn't* possible), or else uses ## {\AutPGrp}'s `AutomorphismGroupPGroup'. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_AUT_GROUP, function( G ) local autgrp; if not IsPGroup(G) then Error("group <G> must be a p-group\n"); fi; if false and HasANUPQAutomorphisms(G) then # Can't use this because we currently don't know how to interpret # the automorphism information returned by the standalone properly. autgrp := PqSupplementInnerAutomorphisms(G); elif false and HasAutomorphismGroup(G) then # Can't use existing automorphism information because it does not # contain the information required by the standalone. autgrp := AutomorphismGroup( G ); elif LoadPackage("autpgrp") = true or IsAbelian(G) then autgrp := AutomorphismGroupPGroup(G); else return Error( "since package `AutPGrp' is not installed\n", "<G> must have class 1 or <G>'s aut. group must be known.\n", "Please install the `AutPGrp' package\n" ); fi; return autgrp; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_AUT_INPUT( <datarec>, <G> : <options> ) . . . . . . automorphism input ## ## inputs automorphism data for `<datarec>.group' given by <options> to the ## `pq' binary derived from the pc group <G> (used in option 1 of the ## $p$-Group Generation menu and option 2 of the Standard Presentation menu). ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_AUT_INPUT, function( datarec, G ) local autrec, nrautos, rank, gens, i, aut, j, g, exponents; autrec := PQ_AUT_GROUP( G ); nrautos := Length( autrec.glAutos ) + Length( autrec.agAutos ); ## the automorphisms have to be in a special form which PQ_AUT_GROUP() ## *must* deliver. rank := RankPGroup( G ); gens := PcgsPCentralSeriesPGroup( G ); ToPQ(datarec, [ nrautos ], [ " #number of automorphisms" ]); ## First write out the automorphisms generating a soluble normal subgroup ## of the automorphism group of the p-group. These automorphisms may ## not have a faithful representation on the Frattini quotient of the ## p-group and are treated accordingly by the standalone. ## ## They are written out in bottom up fashion as this is the order in ## which the orbit algorithm for a group given by an ag-system needs ## them. for i in Reversed([1..Length(autrec.agAutos)]) do aut := autrec.agAutos[i]; for j in [1..rank] do g := gens[j]; exponents := Flat( List( ExponentsOfPcElement(gens, Image( aut, g )), e -> [ String(e), " "] ) ); ToPQ(datarec, [ exponents ], [ " #gen'r exp'ts of im(ag aut ", i, ", gen ", j, ")" ]); od; od; ## Now output the automorphisms from the insoluble quotient of the ## automorphism group of the p-group. These have a faithful ## representation on the Frattini quotient of the p-group and are ## treated accordingly by the standalone. for i in Reversed( [1..Length(autrec.glAutos)] ) do aut := autrec.glAutos[i]; for j in [1..rank] do g := gens[j]; exponents := Flat( List( ExponentsOfPcElement(gens, Image( aut, g )), e -> [ String(e), " "] ) ); ToPQ(datarec, [ exponents ], [ " #gen'r exp'ts of im(gl aut ", i, ", gen ", j, ")" ]); od; od; if PQ_MENU(datarec) = "pG" then ## ?? Why only the pG menu ?? ## Finally, tell the standalone the number of soluble automorphisms ## and the relative order of each automorphism. ToPQ(datarec, [ Length(autrec.agOrder) ], [ " #number of soluble automorphisms" ]); for i in Reversed( [1..Length( autrec.agOrder )] ) do ToPQ( datarec, [ autrec.agOrder[i] ], [ " #rel order of ", i, "th ag automorphism" ] ); od; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_MANUAL_AUT_INPUT(<datarec>,<mlist>) . automorphism input w/o an Aut gp ## ## inputs automorphism data for `<datarec>.group' given by <mlist> to the ## `pq' binary. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_MANUAL_AUT_INPUT, function( datarec, mlist ) local line, nauts, nsolauts, rank, nexpts, i, j, aut, exponents; nauts := Length(mlist); rank := Length(mlist[1]); ToPQ(datarec, [ nauts ], [ " #no. of auts" ]); if datarec.line = "Input the number of exponents: " then nexpts := Length(mlist[1][1]); ToPQ(datarec, [ nexpts ], [ " #no. of exponents" ]); fi; for i in [1..nauts] do aut := mlist[i]; for j in [1..rank] do exponents := Flat( List( aut[j], e -> [ String(e), " "] ) ); ToPQ(datarec, [ exponents ], [ " #gen'r exp'ts of im(aut ", i, ", gen ", j, ")" ]); od; od; if PQ_MENU(datarec) = "pG" then ## ?? Why only the pG menu ?? ## Finally, tell the standalone the number of soluble automorphisms ## and the relative order of each automorphism. ToPQ(datarec, [ datarec.NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms ], [ " #number of soluble automorphisms" ]); if datarec.NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms > 0 then for i in datarec.RelativeOrders do ToPQ( datarec, [ datarec.RelativeOrders[i] ], [ " #rel order of ", i, "th ag automorphism" ] ); od; fi; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK(<minnargs>, <args>) . checks args for a func defining auts ## ## checks that the arguments make sense for a function that defines ## automorphisms, and if one fo the arguments is a list checks as much as is ## possible that it is a list of matrices that will be valid input as ## automorphisms for the `pq' binary. If the arguments look ok a list ## containing the `' index of the data record and, if relevant, ## a list of matrices is returned. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK, function( minnargs, args ) local ioIndex, datarec, mlist, rank, nexpts; if Length(args) < minnargs then Error("expected at least 1 argument\n"); #minnargs is 0 or 1 elif 2 < Length(args) then Error("expected at most 2 arguments\n"); fi; if not IsEmpty(args) and IsList(args[ Length(args) ]) then mlist := args[ Length(args) ]; args := args{[1 .. Length(args) - 1]}; fi; ioIndex := CallFuncList(PqProcessIndex, args); if not IsBound(mlist) then return [ioIndex]; elif not( IsList(mlist) and ForAll(mlist, IsMatrix) and ForAll(Flat(mlist), i -> IsInt(i) and i >= 0) ) then Error("<mlist> must be a list of matrices with ", "non-negative integer coefficients\n"); fi; datarec :=[ ioIndex ]; if IsBound( datarec.pQuotient ) then rank := RankPGroup( datarec.pQuotient ); else rank := Length(mlist[1]); # Should we allow this? fi; if not ForAll(mlist, mat -> Length(mat) = rank) then Error("no. of rows in each matrix of <mlist> must be the rank of ", "p-quotient (", rank, ")\n"); fi; nexpts := Length(mlist[1][1]); if not ForAll(mlist, mat -> Length(mat[1]) = nexpts) then Error("each matrix of <mlist> must have the same no. of columns\n"); fi; return [ioIndex, mlist]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PC_PRESENTATION( <datarec>, <menu> ) . . . . . . p-Q/SP menu option 1 ## ## inputs data given by <options> to the `pq' binary for group ## `<datarec>.group' to compute a pc presentation (do option 1 of the ## relevant menu) according to the <menu> menu, where <menu> is either ## `"pQ"' (main $p$-Quotient menu) or `"SP' (Standard Presentation menu). ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PC_PRESENTATION, function( datarec, menu ) local gens, rels, p, fpgrp, identities, pcgs, len, strp, i, j, Rel, line; p := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", fail, datarec); # "Prime" is a `global' option PQ_MENU(datarec, menu); identities := menu = "pQ" and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Identities", [], datarec) <> []; # Option 1 of p-Quotient/Standard Presentation Menu: defining the group ToPQk(datarec, [1], [" #define group"]); if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("GroupName", "[grp]", datarec) = "[grp]" and IsBound( and IsBound(!.Name) then datarec.GroupName :=!.Name; fi; ToPQk(datarec, ["name ", datarec.GroupName], []); ToPQk(datarec, ["prime ", p], []); if identities then datarec.prevngens := 0; ToPQk(datarec, ["class ", 1], []); else ToPQk(datarec, ["class ", VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", 63, datarec)], []); fi; ToPQk(datarec, ["exponent ", VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Exponent", 0, datarec)], []); # "Exponent" is a `global' option if VALUE_PQ_OPTION( "Metabelian", false, datarec ) = true then ToPQk(datarec, [ "metabelian" ], []); fi; ToPQk(datarec, ["output ", VALUE_PQ_OPTION("OutputLevel", 0, datarec)], []); if IsFpGroup( then gens := FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(; rels := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Relators", datarec); if rels = fail then rels := RelatorsOfFpGroup(; elif ForAll( rels, rel -> PqParseWord(, rel) ) then Info(InfoANUPQ, 2, "Relators parsed ok."); fi; elif not( IsPGroup( ) then fpgrp := FpGroupPcGroup( ); gens := FreeGeneratorsOfFpGroup(fpgrp); rels := RelatorsOfFpGroup(fpgrp); else pcgs := PcgsPCentralSeriesPGroup(; len := Length(pcgs); gens := List( [1..len], i -> Concatenation( "g", String(i) ) ); strp := String(p); Rel := function(elt, eltstr) local rel, expts, factors; rel := eltstr; expts := ExponentsOfPcElement( pcgs, elt ); if ForAny( expts, x -> x<>0 ) then factors := Filtered( List( [1..len], function(i) if expts[i] = 0 then return ""; fi; return Concatenation(gens[i], "^", String(expts[i])); end ), factor -> factor <> ""); Append(rel, "="); Append(rel, JoinStringsWithSeparator(factors, "*")); fi; return rel; end; rels := List( [1..len], i -> Rel( pcgs[i]^p, Concatenation(gens[i], "^", strp) ) ); for i in [1..len] do for j in [1..i-1] do Add(rels, Rel( Comm( pcgs[i], pcgs[j] ), Concatenation("[", gens[i], ",", gens[j], "]") )); od; od; fi; if Length(gens) > 511 then # The pq program defines MAXGENS to be 511 in `../include/runtime.h' # ... on the other hand, the number of pc gen'rs can be up to 65535 Error("number of defining generators, ", Length(gens), ", too large.\n", "The pq program defines MAXGENS (the maximum number of defining\n", "generators) to be 511.\n"); fi; datarec.gens := gens; datarec.rels := rels; ToPQk(datarec, "gens", []); datarec.match := true; ToPQ(datarec, "rels", []); ## pq is intolerant of long lines and integers that are split over lines #rels := Concatenation( # "relators { ", JoinStringsWithSeparator( rels, ", " ), " };"); #while Length(rels) >= 69 do # i := 68; # while not (rels[i] in "*^, ") do i := i - 1; od; # ToPQk(datarec, [ rels{[1 .. i]} ], []); # rels := Concatenation( " ", rels{[i + 1 .. Length(rels)]} ); #od; #ToPQ(datarec, [ rels ], []); datarec.haspcp := true; # The `pq' only sets OutputLevel locally within the menu item # ... for the GAP interface this would be too confusing; so we # set it `globally' PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL(datarec, datarec.OutputLevel); PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); if identities and datarec.ngens[1] <> 0 then PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITIES(datarec); VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", 63, datarec); while datarec.class < datarec.ClassBound and datarec.prevngens <> datarec.ngens[ datarec.class ] do PQ_NEXT_CLASS(datarec); od; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPcPresentation( <i> : <options> ) . . user version of p-Q menu option 1 #F PqPcPresentation( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute the pc presentation of the quotient (determined by ## <options>) of the group of the process, which for process <i> is stored ## as `[<i>].group'. ## ## The possible <options> are the same as for the interactive `Pq' ## (see~"Pq!interactive") function, namely: `Prime', `ClassBound', ## `Exponent', `Relators', `GroupName', `Metabelian' and `OutputLevel' (see ## Chapter~"ANUPQ options" for a detailed description for these options). ## The option `Prime' is required unless already provided to `PqStart'. ## Also, option `ClassBound' *must* be supplied. ## ## *Notes* ## ## The pc presentation is held by the `pq' binary. There is no output of a ## {\GAP} pc group; see~`PqCurrentGroup' ("PqCurrentGroup") if you need the ## corresponding {\GAP} pc group. ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPcPresentation' performs menu ## item 1 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPcPresentation, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqPcPresentation", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, "pQ" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SAVE_PC_PRESENTATION( <datarec>, <filename> ) . . . p-Q menu option 2 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to save the pc presentation previously computed ## for `<datarec>.group' to <filename> using option 2 of the main ## $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SAVE_PC_PRESENTATION, function( datarec, filename ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 2 ], [ " #save pc presentation to file" ]); datarec.filter := ["Presentation"]; ToPQ(datarec, [ filename ], [ " #filename" ]); Unbind(datarec.filter); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PATH_CURRENT_DIRECTORY() . . . . . . . . . . essentially the UNIX pwd ## ## returns a string that is the path of the current directory. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PATH_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, function() local path, stream; path := ""; stream := OutputTextString(path, true); if 0 = Process( DirectoryCurrent(), Filename(DirectoriesSystemPrograms(), "pwd"), InputTextNone(), stream, [] ) then CloseStream(stream); return Chomp(path); fi; Error("could not determine the path of the current directory!?!\n"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CHK_PATH(<filename>, <rw>, <datarec>) . . . . . . . check/add to path ## ## checks <filename> is a non-empty string, if it doesn't begin with a `/' ## prepends a path for the current directory, and checks the result is the ## name of a readable (resp. writable) if <rw> is `"r"' (resp. if <rw> is ## `"w"') and if there is no error returns the result. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CHK_PATH, function( filename, rw, datarec ) if not IsString(filename) or filename = "" then Error( "argument <filename> must be a non-empty string\n" ); fi; if filename[1] <> '/' then # we need to do this as pq executes in ANUPQData.tmpdir filename := Concatenation(PQ_PATH_CURRENT_DIRECTORY(), "/", filename); fi; if rw = "r" then if IsReadableFile(filename) <> true then Error( "file with name <filename> is not readable\n" ); fi; else # rw = "w" if not IsBound(datarec.setupfile) then PrintTo(filename, ""); # This is what will generate the error # but it also ensures it's empty fi; if IsWritableFile(filename) <> true then Error( "file with name <filename> cannot be written to\n" ); fi; fi; return filename; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSavePcPresentation( <i>, <filename> ) . . user ver. of p-Q menu opt. 2 #F PqSavePcPresentation( <filename> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## program to save the pc presentation previously computed for the quotient ## of the group of that process to the file with name <filename>. If the ## first character of the string <filename> is not `/', <filename> is ## assumed to be the path of a writable file relative to the directory in ## which {\GAP} was started. A saved file may be restored by ## `PqRestorePcPresentation' (see~"PqRestorePcPresentation"). ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSavePcPresentation' ## performs menu item 2 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSavePcPresentation, function( arg ) local datarec, filename; if 0 = Length(arg) or Length(arg) > 2 then Error( "expected 1 or 2 arguments\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..Length(arg) - 1]}); filename := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[Length(arg)], "w", datarec ); PQ_SAVE_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, filename ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_RESTORE_PC_PRESENTATION( <datarec>, <filename> ) . . p-Q menu option 3 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to restore the pc presentation previously saved ## to <filename> using option 3 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_RESTORE_PC_PRESENTATION, function( datarec, filename ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 3 ], [ " #restore pc presentation from file" ]); datarec.match := true; ToPQ(datarec, [ filename ], [ " #filename" ]); datarec.haspcp := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqRestorePcPresentation( <i>, <filename> ) . user ver. of p-Q menu opt. 3 #F PqRestorePcPresentation( <filename> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## program to restore the pc presentation previously saved to <filename>, by ## `PqSavePcPresentation' (see~"PqSavePcPresentation"). If the first ## character of the string <filename> is not `/', <filename> is assumed to ## be the path of a readable file relative to the directory in which {\GAP} ## was started. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqRestorePcPresentation' ## performs menu item 3 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqRestorePcPresentation, function( arg ) local datarec, filename; if 0 = Length(arg) or Length(arg) > 2 then Error( "expected 1 or 2 arguments\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..Length(arg) - 1]}); filename := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[Length(arg)], "r", datarec ); PQ_RESTORE_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, filename ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DISPLAY_PRESENTATION( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . any menu option 4 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to display the pc presentation of the group to ## the current class, using option 4 of the current menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DISPLAY_PRESENTATION, function( datarec ) if[ Length( ] <> 'G' and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("OutputLevel", datarec) <> fail then PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, datarec.OutputLevel ); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ 4 ], [ " #display presentation" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_GRP_EXISTS_CHK( <datarec> ) . . check the `pq' binary knows about a gp ## ## checks that `<datarec>.ngens' is set and non-empty (which can only happen ## if the `pq' binary has been fed a group) and generates an error if not. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_GRP_EXISTS_CHK, function( datarec ) if not IsBound(datarec.ngens) or IsEmpty(datarec.ngens) then Error( "huh! No current group defined for this process!?\n" ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SET_GRP_DATA( <datarec> ) . save group data of current class of group ## ## If `<datarec>.matchedline' is not set the `pq' binary is called to ## display the presentation; usually `<datarec>.matchedline' is set when ## filtering `pq' output for lines starting with `"Group"' (the value set ## for `<datarec>.match'), but no such lines occur when computing a pc ## presentation with the `OutputLevel' option set to 0, or when restoring a ## pc presentation, or when computing tails etc. From this line the fields ## `name', `class' and `forder' of the record <datarec> are set to the name, ## class and factored order of that group, respectively. Also, ## `<datarec>.ngens' is updated, and if it is afterwards incomplete and the ## call to `PQ_SET_GRP_DATA' was not initiated by `PQ_DATA' then `PQ_DATA' ## is called to ensure `<datarec>.ngens' is complete. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SET_GRP_DATA, function( datarec ) local line, classpos; if IsBound(datarec.setupfile) then # A fudge ... some things we can only know by actually running it! Info(InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning,1, "Guess made of `class' and `ngens' fields"); Info(InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning,1, "... please check commands ok by running without `SetupFile' option"); Info(InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning,1, "and comparing with `ToPQ> ' commands observed at InfoANUPQ level 4"); datarec.class := datarec.ClassBound; datarec.ngens := [ 1 ]; return; fi; # Either datarec.matchedline is of one of the following forms: # Group completed. Lower exponent-<p> central class = <c>, Order = <p>^<n> # Group: [grp] to lower exponent-<p> central class <c> has order <p>^<n> if not IsBound(datarec.matchedline) then PushOptions(rec(nonuser := true)); ToPQ(datarec, [ 4 ], [ " #display presentation" ]); PopOptions(); fi; line := SplitString(datarec.matchedline, "", ":,. ^\n"); if line[2] = "completed" then classpos := Position(line, "class") + 2; #if not IsBound( then #do we need to bother? # := "[grp]"; #fi; else # Only the ``incomplete'' form of datarec.matchedline gives the name := line[2]; datarec.gpnum := JoinStringsWithSeparator( line{[3 .. Position(line, "to") - 1]}, " " ); classpos := Position(line, "class") + 1; fi; datarec.class := Int( line[classpos] ); datarec.forder := List( line{[classpos + 3, classpos + 4]}, Int); PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["match", "matchedline"]); # First see if we can update datarec.ngens cheaply if not IsBound(datarec.ngens) then datarec.ngens := []; fi; if datarec.class > 0 then datarec.ngens[ datarec.class ] := datarec.forder[2]; #The `pq' binary reduces the class by 1 #if the no. of gen'rs doesn't increase Unbind( datarec.ngens[ datarec.class + 1 ] ); fi; if not IsBound(datarec.inPQ_DATA) and not IsDenseList(datarec.ngens) then # It wasn't possible to update datarec.ngens cheaply PQ_DATA( datarec ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DATA( <datarec> ) . . . . gets class/gen'r data from (A)p-Q menu opt 4 ## ## ensures that the menu is a $p$-Quotient menu and that the output level is ## 3 and using option 4 of the now current menu extracts the number of ## generators of each class currently known to the `pq' binary. (The order ## of each $p$-class quotient is taken as $p^n$ where $n$ is the number of ## generators for the class; this may be an over-estimate if tails have been ## added and the necessary consistency checks, relation collections, ## exponent law checks and redundant generator eliminations have not been ## done for a class.) All output that would have appeared at `InfoANUPQ' ## levels 1 or 2 if user-initiated is `Info'-ed at `InfoANUPQ' level 3. The ## menu and output level are reset to their original values (if changed) on ## leaving. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DATA, function( datarec ) local menu, lev, ngen, i, line, class; if not( IsBound(datarec.haspcp) and datarec.haspcp ) then Error( "a pc presentation for the group of the process ", "has not yet been defined\n" ); fi; PushOptions(rec(nonuser := true)); datarec.inPQ_DATA := true; if[ Length( ] <> 'Q' then menu :=; PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); fi; if not IsBound(datarec.OutputLevel) then lev := 0; PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, 3 ); elif datarec.OutputLevel < 3 then lev := datarec.OutputLevel; PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, 3 ); fi; datarec.matchlist := ["Group", "Class", " is defined on "]; datarec.matchedlines := []; ToPQ(datarec, [ 4 ], [ " #display presentation" ]); datarec.matchedline := datarec.matchedlines[1]; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); for i in [2 .. Length(datarec.matchedlines)] do line := SplitString(datarec.matchedlines[i], "", " \n"); if line[1] = "Class" then class := Int( line[2] ); if class > 1 then datarec.ngens[class - 1] := Int(ngen); if class = datarec.class then break; fi; fi; else ngen := line[1]; fi; od; if IsBound(menu) then PQ_MENU(datarec, menu); fi; if IsBound(lev) then PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, lev ); fi; PQ_UNBIND( datarec, ["matchlist", "matchedlines", "inPQ_DATA"] ); PopOptions(); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DATA_CHK( <args> ) . . . call PQ_DATA if class/gen'r data out-of-date ## ## determines the data record <datarec>, calls `PQ_DATA' if necessary and ## returns <datarec>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DATA_CHK, function( args ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, args); if not IsBound(datarec.ngens) or IsEmpty(datarec.ngens) or not IsDenseList(datarec.ngens) then PQ_DATA( datarec ); fi; return datarec; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqFactoredOrder( <i> ) . the `pq' binary's current group's factored order #F PqFactoredOrder() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return an estimate ## of the factored order of the lower exponent $p$-class quotient of the ## group currently determined by the process as a list `[<p>, <n> ]'. ## ## *Note:* The order of each $p$-class quotient is taken as $p^n$ where $n$ ## is the number of generators for the class; this may be an over-estimate ## if tails have been added and the necessary consistency checks, relation ## collections, exponent law checks and redundant generator eliminations ## have not yet been done for a class. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqFactoredOrder, function( arg ) return PQ_DATA_CHK(arg).forder; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqOrder( <i> ) . . . . the order of the current group of the `pq' binary #F PqOrder() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return an estimate ## of the order of the lower exponent $p$-class quotient of the group ## currently determined by the process. ## ## *Note:* The order of each $p$-class quotient is taken as $p^n$ where $n$ ## is the number of generators for the class; this may be an over-estimate ## if tails have been added and the necessary consistency checks, relation ## collections, exponent law checks and redundant generator eliminations ## have not been done for a class. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqOrder, function( arg ) local forder; forder := CallFuncList( PqFactoredOrder, arg ); return forder[1]^forder[2]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPClass( <i> ) . . . the p class of the current group of the `pq' binary #F PqPClass() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return the lower ## exponent $p$-class of the quotient group currently determined by the ## process. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPClass, function( arg ) return PQ_DATA_CHK(arg).class; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqNrPcGenerators( <i> ) . number of pc gen'rs of `pq' binary's current gp #F PqNrPcGenerators() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return the number ## of pc generators of the lower exponent $p$-class quotient of the group ## currently determined by the process. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqNrPcGenerators, function( arg ) return PQ_DATA_CHK(arg).forder[2]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqWeight( <i>, <j> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . weight of a generator #F PqWeight( <j> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return the weight ## of the <j>th pc generator of the lower exponent $p$-class quotient of the ## group currently determined by the process, or `fail' if there is no such ## numbered pc generator. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqWeight, function( arg ) local ngens, i, j; if not Length(arg) in [1, 2] then Error( "expected 1 or 2 arguments\n" ); fi; j := arg[ Length(arg) ]; if not IsPosInt(j) then Error( "argument <j> should be a positive integer\n" ); fi; Unbind( arg[ Length(arg) ] ); ngens := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg).ngens; return First([1 .. Length(ngens)], i -> ngens[i] >= j); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCurrentGroup( <i> ) . extracts current p-quotient or p-cover as a pc gp #F PqCurrentGroup() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, return the lower ## exponent $p$-class quotient of the group or $p$-covering group currently ## determined by the process as a {\GAP} pc group. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCurrentGroup, function( arg ) local datarec, out; datarec := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg); datarec.outfname := ANUPQData.outfile; PushOptions( rec(nonuser := true) ); PQ_WRITE_PC_PRESENTATION(datarec, datarec.outfname); PopOptions(); if IsBound(datarec.pcoverclass) and datarec.pcoverclass = datarec.class then out := "pCover"; else out := "pQuotient"; fi; PQ_GROUP_FROM_PCP( datarec, out ); return datarec.(out); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDisplayPcPresentation( <i> ) . . . . user version of any menu option 4 #F PqDisplayPcPresentation() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to display the pc presentation of the lower exponent $p$-class ## quotient of the group currently determined by the process. ## ## Except if the last command communicating with the `pq' binary was a ## $p$-group generation command (for which there is only a verbose output ## level), to set the amount of information this command displays you may ## wish to call `PqSetOutputLevel' first (see~"PqSetOutputLevel"), or ## equivalently pass the option `OutputLevel' (see~"option OutputLevel"). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDisplayPcPresentation' ## performs menu item 4 of the current menu of the `pq' binary. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDisplayPcPresentation, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_GRP_EXISTS_CHK( datarec ); PQ_DISPLAY_PRESENTATION( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL(<datarec>, <lev>) . . . . p-Q/SP/A p-Q menu option 5 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary to set the print level to <lev> in the ## current menu or the ``basic'' $p$-Quotient menu if the current menu is a ## $p$-Group generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL, function( datarec, lev ) if[ Length( ] = 'G' then PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ 5 ], [ " #set output level" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ lev ], [ " #output level" ]); datarec.OutputLevel := lev; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSetOutputLevel( <i>, <lev> ) . user version of p-Q/SP/A p-Q menu opt 5 #F PqSetOutputLevel( <lev> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to set the output level of the `pq' binary to <lev>. ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSetOutputLevel' ## performs menu item 5 of the main (or advanced) $p$-Quotient menu, or the ## Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSetOutputLevel, function( arg ) local datarec, lev; if not(Length(arg) in [1, 2]) then Error( "1 or 2 arguments expected\n"); fi; lev := arg[Length(arg)]; if not(lev in [0..3]) then Error( "argument <lev> should be an integer in [0 .. 3]\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..Length(arg) - 1]}); PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, lev); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_NEXT_CLASS( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p-Q menu option 6 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to calculate the next class of `<datarec>.group', ## using option 6 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## #T Another possibility for checking for whether a queue factor is needed #T is to test for `<datarec>.hasAuts'. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_NEXT_CLASS, function( datarec ) local line; PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["pQuotient", "pQepi", "pCover"]); if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Identities", [], datarec) <> [] then if datarec.class >= 1 then datarec.prevngens := datarec.ngens[ datarec.class ]; fi; PQ_P_COVER(datarec); PQ_FINISH_NEXT_CLASS(datarec); else datarec.match := true; ToPQ(datarec, [ 6 ], [ " #calculate next class" ]); if IsMatchingSublist(datarec.line, "Input queue factor:") then ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("QueueFactor", 15) ], [ " #queue factor"]); fi; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqNextClass( <i> [: <option>]) . . . . user version of p-Q menu option 6 #F PqNextClass( [: <option>]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' to ## calculate the next class of `[<i>].group'. ## ## \atindex{option QueueFactor}{@option \noexpand`QueueFactor'} ## `PqNextClass' accepts the option `QueueFactor' (see also~"option ## QueueFactor") which should be a positive integer if automorphisms have ## been previously supplied. If the `pq' binary requires a queue factor and ## none is supplied via the option `QueueFactor' a default of 15 is taken. ## ## *Notes* ## ## The single command: `PqNextClass(<i>);' is equivalent to executing ## ## \){\kernttindent}PqSetupTablesForNextClass(<i>); ## \){\kernttindent}PqTails(<i>, 0); ## \){\kernttindent}PqDoConsistencyChecks(<i>, 0, 0); ## \){\kernttindent}PqCollectDefiningRelations(<i>); ## \){\kernttindent}PqDoExponentChecks(<i>); ## \){\kernttindent}PqEliminateRedundantGenerators(<i>); ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqNextClass' performs menu item ## 6 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqNextClass, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqNextClass", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_GRP_EXISTS_CHK( datarec ); PQ_NEXT_CLASS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_P_COVER( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p-Q menu option 7 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to compute the $p$-covering group of ## `<datarec>.group', using option 7 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_P_COVER, function( datarec ) local savefile; PQ_MENU(datarec, "pQ"); Unbind( datarec.pCover ); datarec.match := true; ToPQ(datarec, [ 7 ], [ " #compute p-cover" ]); PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); datarec.pcoverclass := datarec.class; Unbind(datarec.capable); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqComputePCover( <i> ) . . . . . . . . user version of p-Q menu option 7 #F PqComputePCover() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' to ## compute the $p$-covering group of `[<i>].group'. ## ## *Notes* ## ## The single command: `PqComputePCover(<i>);' is equivalent to executing ## ## \){\kernttindent}PqSetupTablesForNextClass(<i>); ## \){\kernttindent}PqTails(<i>, 0); ## \){\kernttindent}PqDoConsistencyChecks(<i>, 0, 0); ## \){\kernttindent}PqEliminateRedundantGenerators(<i>); ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqComputePCover' performs menu ## item 7 of the main $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqComputePCover, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_GRP_EXISTS_CHK( datarec ); PQ_P_COVER( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITIES(<datarec>) . evaluate Identities option identities ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITIES, function( datarec ) local identity, procId; procId := datarec.procId; for identity in VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Identities", [], datarec) do PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITY(procId, identity); od; PQ_ELIMINATE_REDUNDANT_GENERATORS( datarec ); Info(InfoANUPQ, 1, "Class ", datarec.class, " with ", PqNrPcGenerators(procId), " generators." ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEvaluateIdentities( <i> ) . . . . evaluate Identities option identities #F PqEvaluateIdentities() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, invoke the ## evaluation of identities defined by the `Identities' option, and ## eliminate any redundant pc generators formed. Since a previous value of ## `Identities' is saved in the data record of the process, it is ## unnecessary to pass the `Identities' if set previously. ## ## *Note:* This function is mainly implemented at the {\GAP} level. It does ## not correspond to a menu item of the `pq' program. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEvaluateIdentities, function( arg ) PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqEvaluateIdentities", true); PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITIES( CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_FINISH_NEXT_CLASS( <datarec> ) . . . take the p-cover to a next class ## ## does the usual operations required after calculating the <p>-cover that ## brings the pcp back to a next class, except that it also slips in the ## evaluation of the identities of the `Identities' option. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_FINISH_NEXT_CLASS, function( datarec ) PushOptions( rec(nonuser := true) ); PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_RELATIONS( datarec ); PQ_DO_EXPONENT_CHECKS( datarec, [1, datarec.class] ); PQ_EVALUATE_IDENTITIES( datarec ); PopOptions(); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COLLECT( <datarec>, <word> ) . . . . . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 1 ## ## instructs the `pq' binary to do a collection on <word> a string ## representing a word in the current pc generators, e.g. `"x3*x2*x1"', ## using option 1 of the interactive $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COLLECT, function( datarec, word ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #do individual collection" ]); datarec.match := "The result of collection is"; ToPQ(datarec, [ word, ";"], [ " #word to be collected" ]); return PQ_WORD(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CHECK_WORD( <datarec>, <wordOrList>, <ngens> ) . . check word or list ## ## checks that <wordOrList> is a valid word in the current pc generators ## (<ngens> is the number of current pc generators) or a valid list of ## generator number-exponent pairs that will generate such a word, and ## either emits an error or returns the valid word. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CHECK_WORD, function( datarec, wordOrList, ngens ) local parts, gens; if not IsList(wordOrList) or not IsString(wordOrList) and not ForAll(wordOrList, pair -> IsList(pair) and 2 = Length(pair) and ForAll(pair, IsInt) ) then Error( "argument <wordOrList> should be a string e.g. \"x3*x2^2*x1\",\n", "or a list of gen'r no.-exponent pairs from which such a word ", "may be generated\n" ); fi; if IsString(wordOrList) then #check word makes sense PqParseWord(ngens, wordOrList); elif IsList(wordOrList) then if not ForAll(wordOrList, pair -> IsPosInt(pair[1]) and pair[1] <= ngens) then Error( "generator numbers in argument <wordOrList> must be in the ", "range: ", "[1 .. ", ngens, "]\n" ); fi; wordOrList := JoinStringsWithSeparator( List( wordOrList, pair -> Concatenation( "x", String(pair[1]), "^", String(pair[2]) ) ), "*" ); fi; if IsEmpty(wordOrList) then wordOrList := "x1^0"; fi; return wordOrList; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_WORD( <datarec> ) . . . . parse pq output for a word in pc generators ## ## parses `<datarec>.matchedline' for a word in the current pc generators ## and returns it as a list of gen'r no.-exponent pairs; `<datarec>.match' ## must have previously been set. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_WORD, function( datarec ) local word; word := SplitString( datarec.matchedline{[Length(datarec.match) + 1 .. Length(datarec.matchedline)]}, "", " \n" ); if word = [ "IDENTITY" ] then word := []; else word := List( word, function(syl) syl := List( SplitString(syl, "", ".^"), Int ); if 1 = Length(syl) then Add(syl, 1); fi; return syl; end ); fi; PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["match", "matchedline"]); return word; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CHK_COLLECT_COMMAND_ARGS( <args> ) . . check args for a collect cmd ok ## ## returns a list of valid arguments for a low-level collect command or ## generates an error. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CHK_COLLECT_COMMAND_ARGS, function( args ) local datarec, wordOrList, ngens; if IsEmpty(args) or 2 < Length(args) then Error( "1 or 2 arguments expected\n"); fi; wordOrList := args[Length(args)]; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, args{[1..Length(args) - 1]}); ngens := datarec.ngens[ Length(datarec.ngens) ]; wordOrList := PQ_CHECK_WORD(datarec, wordOrList, ngens); return [datarec, wordOrList]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCollect( <i>, <word> ) . . . . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 1 #F PqCollect( <word> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, instruct the `pq' ## program to do a collection on <word>, a word in the current pc generators ## (the form of <word> required is described below). `PqCollect' returns the ## resulting word of the collection as a list of generator number, exponent ## pairs (the same form as the second allowed input form of <word>; see ## below). ## ## The argument <word> may be input in either of the following ways: ## ## \beginlist%ordered ## ## \item{1.} ## <word> may be a string, where the <i>th pc generator is represented by ## `x<i>', e.g.~`"x3*x2^2*x1"'. This way is quite versatile as parentheses ## and left-normed commutators -- using square brackets, in the same way as ## `PqGAPRelators' (see~"PqGAPRelators") -- are permitted; <word> is checked ## for correct syntax via `PqParseWord' (see~"PqParseWord"). ## ## \item{2.} ## Otherwise, <word> must be a list of generator number, exponent pairs of ## integers, i.e.~ each pair represents a ``syllable'' so that `[ [3, 1], ## [2, 2], [1, 1] ]' represents the same word as that of the example given ## for the first allowed form of <word>. ## ## \endlist ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' program, `PqCollect' performs ## menu item 1 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCollect, function( arg ) return CallFuncList( PQ_COLLECT, PQ_CHK_COLLECT_COMMAND_ARGS(arg) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SOLVE_EQUATION( <datarec>, <a>, <b> ) . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 2 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 2 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to solve $<a> * <x> = <b>$ for <x>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SOLVE_EQUATION, function( datarec, a, b ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 2 ], [ " #solve equation" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ a, ";" ], [ " #word a" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ b, ";" ], [ " #word b" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSolveEquation( <i>, <a>, <b> ) . . user version of A p-Q menu option 2 #F PqSolveEquation( <a>, <b> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to solve $<a> * <x> = <b>$ for <x>. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSolveEquation' performs ## menu item 2 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSolveEquation, function( arg ) local len, datarec; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [2,3]) then Error("expected 2 or 3 arguments\n"); fi; #@need to add argument checking for a and b@ datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1 .. len - 2]}); PQ_SOLVE_EQUATION( datarec, arg[len - 1], arg[len] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COMMUTATOR( <datarec>, <words>, <pow>, <item> ) . A p-Q menu opts 3/24 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 3 or 24 of the Advanced ## $p$-Quotient menu, to compute the left normed commutator of the list ## <words> of words in the generators raised to the integer power <pow>, ## where <item> is `"3 #commutator"' for option 3 or `"24 #commutator of ## defining genrs"' for option 24. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COMMUTATOR, function( datarec, words, pow, item ) local i; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, item[1], item[2]); ToPQ(datarec, [ Length(words) ], [ " #no. of components" ]); for i in [1..Length(words)] do ToPQ(datarec, [ words[i], ";" ], [ " #word ", i ]); od; datarec.match := "The commutator is"; ToPQ(datarec, [ pow ], [ " #power" ]); return PQ_WORD(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COMMUTATOR_CHK_ARGS( <args> ) . . . . check args for commutator cmd ok ## ## returns a list of valid arguments for a low-level commutator command or ## generates an error. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COMMUTATOR_CHK_ARGS, function( args ) local len, words, pow, item, datarec, ngens; len := Length(args); if not(len in [3, 4]) then Error("expected 3 or 4 arguments\n"); fi; words := args[len - 2]; pow := args[len - 1]; item := args[len]; if not IsPosInt(pow) then Error( "argument <pow> must be a positive integer\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, args{[1 .. len - 3]}); if item[1][1] = 3 then ngens := datarec.ngens[ Length(datarec.ngens) ]; else ngens := datarec.ngens[ 1 ]; fi; words := List( words, w -> PQ_CHECK_WORD(datarec, w, ngens) ); return [datarec, words, pow, item]; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCommutator( <i>, <words>, <pow> ) . user version of A p-Q menu option 3 #F PqCommutator( <words>, <pow> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, compute a ## user-defined commutator in the pc generators of the class 1 quotient, ## i.e.~the pc generators that correspond to the original fp or pc group of ## the process, and return the result as a list of generator number, ## exponent pairs. The form required for each word of <words> is the same as ## that required for the <word> argument of `PqCollect' (see~"PqCollect"). ## The form of the output word is also the same as for `PqCollect' ## (see~"PqCollect"). ## ## *Notes* ## ## It is illegal for any word of <words> to contain pc generators of weight ## larger than 1. Except for this distinction, ## `PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators' works just like `PqCommutator' ## (see~"PqCommutator"). ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' program, `PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators' ## performs menu item 24 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCommutator, function( arg ) return CallFuncList( PQ_COMMUTATOR, PQ_COMMUTATOR_CHK_ARGS( Concatenation( arg, [[[3], [" #commutator"]]] ) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SETUP_TABLES_FOR_NEXT_CLASS( <datarec> ) . . . . . A p-Q menu option 6 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 6 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu to set up tables for next class. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SETUP_TABLES_FOR_NEXT_CLASS, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 6 ], [ " #set up tables for next class" ]); datarec.match := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); #Just to be sure it's up-to-date datarec.setupclass := datarec.class; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSetupTablesForNextClass( <i> ) . . user version of A p-Q menu option 6 #F PqSetupTablesForNextClass() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to set up tables for the next class. As as side-effect, ## after `PqSetupTablesForNextClass(<i>)' the value returned by ## `PqPClass(<i>)' will be one more than it was previously. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSetupTablesForNextClass' ## performs menu item 6 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSetupTablesForNextClass, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_SETUP_TABLES_FOR_NEXT_CLASS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_INSERT_TAILS( <datarec>, <weight>, <which> ) . . A p-Q menu option 7 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 7 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to add and/or compute tails. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_INSERT_TAILS, function( datarec, weight, which ) local intwhich; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu intwhich := Position( [ "compute and add", "add", "compute" ], which ) - 1; ToPQ(datarec, [ 7 ], [ " #", which, " tails" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ weight ], [ " #weight of tails" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ intwhich ], [ " #", which ]); if intwhich <= 1 then datarec.match := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CHK_TAILS_ARGS( <args> ) . . . . . check args for insert tails cmd ok ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CHK_TAILS_ARGS, function( args ) local weight, datarec; if IsEmpty(args) or 2 < Length(args) then Error( "1 or 2 arguments expected\n"); fi; weight := args[Length(args)]; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, args{[1 .. Length(args) - 1]}); if not IsBound(datarec.setupclass) or datarec.class <> datarec.setupclass then Error( "tables to start next class have not been set up.\n", "Please call `PqSetupTablesForNextClass' first\n" ); fi; if not(weight = 0 or weight in [2 .. datarec.class]) then Error( "argument <weight> should be an integer in [0] U [2 .. <class>],\n", "where <class> is the current class (", datarec.class, ")\n" ); fi; return datarec; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAddTails( <i>, <weight> ) . . . . adds tails using A p-Q menu option 7 #F PqAddTails( <weight> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to add tails of weight <weight> if <weight> is in the integer ## range `[2 .. PqPClass(<i>)]' (assuming <i> is the number of the process) ## or for all weights if `<weight> = 0'. See `PqTails' ("PqTails") for more ## details. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAddTails' uses menu item 7 of ## the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAddTails, function( arg ) PQ_INSERT_TAILS( PQ_CHK_TAILS_ARGS(arg), arg[Length(arg)], "add" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqComputeTails( <i>, <weight> ) . . computes tails using A p-Q menu opt 7 #F PqComputeTails( <weight> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute tails of weight <weight> if <weight> is in the integer ## range `[2 .. PqPClass(<i>)]' (assuming <i> is the number of the process) ## or for all weights if `<weight> = 0'. See `PqTails' ("PqTails") for more ## details. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqComputeTails' uses menu item ## 7 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqComputeTails, function( arg ) PQ_INSERT_TAILS( PQ_CHK_TAILS_ARGS(arg), arg[Length(arg)], "compute" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqTails( <i>, <weight> ) . computes and adds tails using A p-Q menu opt 7 #F PqTails( <weight> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute and add tails of weight <weight> if <weight> is in the ## integer range `[2 .. PqPClass(<i>)]' (assuming <i> is the number of the ## process) or for all weights if `<weight> = 0'. ## ## If <weight> is non-zero, then tails that introduce new generators for ## only weight <weight> are computed and added, and in this case and if ## `<weight> \< PqPClass(<i>)', it is assumed that the tails that introduce ## new generators for each weight from `PqPClass(<i>)' downto weight ## `<weight> + 1' have already been added. You may wish to call ## `PqSetMetabelian' (see~"PqSetMetabelian") prior to calling `PqTails'. ## ## *Notes* ## ## For its use in the context of finding the next class see "PqNextClass"; ## in particular, a call to `PqSetupTablesForNextClass' ## (see~"PqSetupTablesForNextClass") needs to have been made prior to ## calling `PqTails'. ## ## The single command: `PqTails(<i>, <weight>);' is equivalent to ## ## \){\kernttindent}PqComputeTails(<i>, <weight>); ## \){\kernttindent}PqAddTails(<i>, <weight>); ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqTails' uses menu item 7 of ## the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqTails, function( arg ) PQ_INSERT_TAILS(PQ_CHK_TAILS_ARGS(arg), arg[Length(arg)], "compute and add"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS(<datarec>, <weight>, <type>) . A p-Q menu opt 8 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 8 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to do consistency checks. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS, function( datarec, weight, type ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 8 ], [ " #check consistency" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ weight ], [ " #weight to be checked" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ type ], [ " #type" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDoConsistencyChecks(<i>,<weight>,<type>) . user ver of A p-Q menu opt 8 #F PqDoConsistencyChecks( <weight>, <type> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, do consistency ## checks for weight <weight> if <weight> is in the integer range `[3 .. ## PqPClass(<i>)]' (assuming <i> is the number of the process) or for all ## weights if `<weight> = 0', and for type <type> if <type> is in the range ## `[1, 2, 3]' (see below) or for all types if `<type> = 0'. (For its use in ## the context of finding the next class see "PqNextClass".) ## ## The *type* of a consistency check is defined as follows. ## `PqDoConsistencyChecks(<i>, <weight>, <type>)' for <weight> in `[3 .. ## PqPClass(<i>)]' and the given value of <type> invokes the following ## `PqJacobi' checks (see~"PqDoConsistencyCheck"): ## ## \beginitems ## ## `<type> = 1':& ## `PqJacobi(<i>, <a>, <a>, <a>)' checks for pc generators of index <a> ## satisfying `2 * PqWeight(<i>, <a>) + 1 = <weight>'. ## ## `<type> = 2':& ## `PqJacobi(<i>, <b>, <b>, <a>)' checks for pc generators of indices <b>, ## <a> satisfying `<b> > <a>' and `PqWeight(<i>, <b>) + PqWeight(<i>, <a>) + ## 1 = <weight>'. ## ## `<type> = 3':& ## `PqJacobi(<i>, <c>, <b>, <a>)' checks for pc generators of indices <c>, ## <b>, <a> satisfying `<c> > <b> > <a>' and the sum of the weights of these ## generators equals <weight>. ## ## \enditems ## ## *Notes* ## ## `PqWeight(<i>, <j>)' returns the weight of the <j>th pc generator, for ## process <i> (see~"PqWeight"). ## ## It is assumed that tails for the given weight (or weights) have already ## been added (see~"PqTails"). ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDoConsistencyChecks' performs ## menu item 8 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDoConsistencyChecks, function( arg ) local len, datarec, weight, type; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [2, 3]) then Error("expected 2 or 3 arguments\n"); fi; weight := arg[len - 1]; type := arg[len]; arg := arg{[1 .. len - 2]}; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); if not IsBound(datarec.setupclass) or datarec.class <> datarec.setupclass then Error( "tables to start next class have not been set up.\n", "Please call `PqSetupTablesForNextClass' first\n" ); fi; if not(weight = 0 or weight in [3 .. datarec.class]) then Error( "argument <weight> should be an integer in [0] U [3 .. <class>],\n", "where <class> is the current class (", datarec.class, ")\n" ); fi; if not(type in [0..3]) then Error( "argument <type> should be in [0,1,2,3]\n" ); fi; PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS( datarec, weight, type ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_RELATIONS( <datarec> ) . . . . . A p-Q menu option 9 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 9 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to collect defining relations. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_RELATIONS, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 9 ], [ " #collect defining relations" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCollectDefiningRelations( <i> ) . . user version of A p-Q menu option 9 #F PqCollectDefiningRelations() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to collect the images of the defining relations of the original fp ## group of the process, with respect to the current pc presentation, in the ## context of finding the next class (see~"PqNextClass"). If the tails ## operation is not complete then the relations may be evaluated ## incorrectly. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqCollectDefiningRelations' ## performs menu item 9 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCollectDefiningRelations, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_RELATIONS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DO_EXPONENT_CHECKS( <datarec>, <bnds> ) . . . . . A p-Q menu option 10 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary to do exponent checks for weights between ## <bnds> inclusive, using option 10 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DO_EXPONENT_CHECKS, function( datarec, bnds ) #@does default only at the moment@ PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu datarec.match := "Group is complete"; ToPQ(datarec, [ 10 ], [ " #do exponent checks" ]); if IsBound(datarec.matchedline) and IsMatchingSublist(datarec.matchedline, "Group is complete") then PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["match", "matchedline"]); datarec.complete := true; return; elif IsMatchingSublist(datarec.line, "Input exponent law") then ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Exponent", 0, datarec) ], [ " #exponent" ]); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ bnds[1] ], [ " #start weight" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ bnds[2] ], [ " #end weight" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #do default check" ]); Unbind(datarec.match); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDoExponentChecks(<i>[: Bounds := <list>]) . user ver A p-Q menu opt. 10 #F PqDoExponentChecks([: Bounds := <list>]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to do exponent checks for weights (inclusively) between the bounds ## of `Bounds' or for all weights if `Bounds' is not given. The value <list> ## of `Bounds' (assuming the interactive process is numbered <i>) should be ## a list of two integers <low>, <high> satisfying $1 \le <low> \le ## <high> \le `PqPClass(<i>)'$ (see~"PqPClass"). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDoExponentChecks' performs ## menu item 10 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDoExponentChecks, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqDoExponentChecks", true); datarec := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg); PQ_DO_EXPONENT_CHECKS( datarec, PQ_BOUNDS(datarec, datarec.class) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_ELIMINATE_REDUNDANT_GENERATORS( <datarec> ) . . . A p-Q menu option 11 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 11 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to eliminate redundant generators. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_ELIMINATE_REDUNDANT_GENERATORS, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 11 ], [ " #eliminate redundant generators" ]); datarec.match := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEliminateRedundantGenerators( <i> ) . user ver of A p-Q menu option 11 #F PqEliminateRedundantGenerators() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to eliminate redundant generators of the current $p$-quotient. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqEliminateRedundantGenerators' ## performs menu item 11 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEliminateRedundantGenerators, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_ELIMINATE_REDUNDANT_GENERATORS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_REVERT_TO_PREVIOUS_CLASS( <datarec> ) . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 12 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 12 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to abandon the current class and revert to the previous class. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_REVERT_TO_PREVIOUS_CLASS, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 12 ], [ " #revert to previous class" ]); Unbind( datarec.ngens[ datarec.class ] ); datarec.match := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); #Just to be sure it's up-to-date datarec.setupclass := datarec.class - 1; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqRevertToPreviousClass( <i> ) . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 12 #F PqRevertToPreviousClass() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to abandon the current class and revert to the previous class. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqRevertToPreviousClass' ## performs menu item 12 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqRevertToPreviousClass, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_REVERT_TO_PREVIOUS_CLASS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SET_MAXIMAL_OCCURRENCES( <datarec>, <noccur> ) . . A p-Q menu opt. 13 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary, to set the maximal occurrences of ## generators of weight 1 in generator definitions, using option 13 of the ## Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SET_MAXIMAL_OCCURRENCES, function( datarec, noccur ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 13 ], [ " #set maximal occurrences" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ JoinStringsWithSeparator( List(noccur, String), " " ) ], [ " #max occurrences of weight 1 gen'rs"]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSetMaximalOccurrences( <i>, <noccur> ) . user ver of A p-Q menu opt. 13 #F PqSetMaximalOccurrences( <noccur> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to set maximal occurrences of the weight 1 generators in the ## definitions of pcp generators of the group of the process; <noccur> must ## be a list of non-negative integers of length the number of weight 1 ## generators (i.e.~the rank of the class 1 $p$-quotient of the group of the ## process). An entry of `0' for a particular generator indicates that there ## is no limit on the number of occurrences for the generator. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSetMaximalOccurrences' ## performs menu item 13 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSetMaximalOccurrences, function( arg ) local len, noccur, datarec; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [1, 2]) then Error( "expected 1 or 2 arguments\n"); fi; noccur := arg[len]; if not IsList(noccur) or not ForAll(noccur, x -> IsInt(x) and x >= 0) then Error( "<noccur> argument must be a list of non-negative integers\n" ); fi; arg := arg{[1 .. len - 1]}; datarec := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg); if Length(noccur) <> datarec.ngens[1] then Error( "<noccur> argument must be a list of length equal to\n", "the no. of generators of weight 1 (", datarec.ngens[1], ")\n" ); fi; PQ_SET_MAXIMAL_OCCURRENCES( datarec, noccur ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SET_METABELIAN( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 14 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 14 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to set the metabelian flag. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SET_METABELIAN, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 14 ], [ " #set metabelian" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSetMetabelian( <i> ) . . . . . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 14 #F PqSetMetabelian() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to enforce metabelian-ness. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSetMetabelian' performs ## menu item 14 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSetMetabelian, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_SET_METABELIAN( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK( <datarec>, <c>, <b>, <a> ) . A p-Q menu option 15 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 15 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to do a consistency check. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK, function( datarec, c, b, a ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 15 ], [ " #do individual consistency check" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ c, " ", b, " ", a ], [ " #generator indices"]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDoConsistencyCheck(<i>, <c>, <b>, <a>) . user ver of A p-Q menu opt 15 #F PqDoConsistencyCheck( <c>, <b>, <a> ) #F PqJacobi(<i>, <c>, <b>, <a>) #F PqJacobi( <c>, <b>, <a> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to do the Jacobi consistency check for the pc generators with ## indices <c>, <b>, <a> which should be non-increasing positive integers, ## i.e.~$<c> \ge <b> \ge <a>$. For further explanation, see ## `PqDoConsistencyChecks' ("PqDoConsistencyChecks"). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDoConsistencyCheck' and ## `PqJacobi' perform menu item 15 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDoConsistencyCheck, function( arg ) local len, c, b, a, datarec; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [3, 4]) then Error( "expected 3 or 4 arguments\n" ); fi; c := arg[len - 2]; b := arg[len - 1]; a := arg[len]; arg := arg{[1 .. len - 3]}; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); if not IsBound(datarec.setupclass) or datarec.class <> datarec.setupclass then Error( "tables to start next class have not been set up.\n", "Please call `PqSetupTablesForNextClass' first\n" ); fi; if not ForAll([c, b, a], IsPosInt) or datarec.class < c or c < b or b < a then Error( "pc generator indices must be non-increasing ", "integers in [1 .. <class>],\n", "where <class> is the current class (", datarec.class, ")\n" ); fi; PQ_DO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK( datarec, c, b, a ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COMPACT( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 16 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 16 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to do a compaction. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COMPACT, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 16 ], [ " #compact" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCompact( <i> ) . . . . . . . . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 16 #F PqCompact() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to do a compaction. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqCompact' performs menu item ## 16 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCompact, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_COMPACT( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_ECHELONISE( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 17 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 17 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to echelonise. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_ECHELONISE, function( datarec ) local line, redgen; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu datarec.match := "Generator"; ToPQ(datarec, [ 17 ], [ " #echelonise" ]); if IsBound(datarec.matchedline) and PositionSublist(datarec.matchedline, "redundant") <> fail then line := SplitString(datarec.matchedline, "", " \n"); redgen := Int( line[2] ); else redgen := fail; fi; PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["match", "matchedline"]); return redgen; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEchelonise( <i> ) . . . . . . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 17 #F PqEchelonise() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## program to echelonise the word most recently collected by `PqCollect' or ## `PqCommutator' against the relations of the current pc presentation, and ## return the number of the generator made redundant or `fail' if no ## generator was made redundant. A call to `PqCollect' (see~"PqCollect") or ## `PqCommutator' (see~"PqCommutator") needs to be performed prior to using ## this command. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqEchelonise' performs menu ## item 17 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEchelonise, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); return PQ_ECHELONISE( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SUPPLY_OR_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS(<datarec>[,<mlist>]) A p-Q menu opt 18 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 18 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu. If a list <mlist> of matrices with non-negative integer ## coefficients is supplied it is used to ``supply'' automorphisms; ## otherwise, previously supplied automorphisms are ``extended''. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SUPPLY_OR_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := arg[1]; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu if 1 = Length(arg) then ToPQ(datarec, [ 18 ], [ " #extend auts" ]); else ToPQ(datarec, [ 18 ], [ " #supply auts" ]); CallFuncList(PQ_MANUAL_AUT_INPUT, arg); fi; datarec.hasAuts := true; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSupplyAutomorphisms(<i>, <mlist>) . . supply auts via A p-Q menu opt 18 #F PqSupplyAutomorphisms( <mlist> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, supply the ## automorphism data provided by the list <mlist> of matrices with ## non-negative integer coefficients. Each matrix in <mlist> must have the ## same dimensions; in particular, the number of rows of each matrix must be ## the number of pc generators of the current $p$-quotient of the group ## associated with the interactive {\ANUPQ} process. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSupplyAutomorphisms' uses ## menu item 18 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSupplyAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local args; args := PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK(1, arg); args[1] :=[ args[1] ]; if IsBound(args[1].hasAuts) and args[1].hasAuts then Error("huh! already have automorphisms.\n", "Perhaps you wanted to use `PqExtendAutomorphisms'\n"); fi; CallFuncList( PQ_SUPPLY_OR_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS, args ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqExtendAutomorphisms( <i> ) . . . . . extend auts via A p-Q menu opt 18 #F PqExtendAutomorphisms() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to extend previously-supplied automorphisms. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqExtendAutomorphisms' uses ## menu item 18 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqExtendAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); if not(IsBound(datarec.hasAuts) and datarec.hasAuts) then Error("huh! don't have any automorphisms to extend.\n", "Perhaps you wanted to use `PqSupplyAutomorphisms'\n"); fi; PQ_SUPPLY_OR_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CLOSE_RELATIONS( <datarec>, <qfac> ) . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 19 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 19 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to apply automorphisms. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CLOSE_RELATIONS, function( datarec, qfac ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 19 ], [ " #close relations" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ qfac ], [ " #queue factor" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqApplyAutomorphisms( <i>, <qfac> ) . . user ver of A p-Q menu option 19 #F PqApplyAutomorphisms( <qfac> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to apply automorphisms; <qfac> is the queue factor e.g. `15'. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqCloseRelations' performs ## menu item 19 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqApplyAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local len, datarec, qfac; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [1, 2]) then Error("expected 1 or 2 arguments\n"); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1 .. len - 1]}); PQ_CLOSE_RELATIONS( datarec, arg[len] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_DISPLAY( <datarec>, <opt>, <type>, <bnds> ) . A p-Q menu option 20/21 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for Advanced $p$-Quotient menu option ## <opt> (<opt> should be 20 or 21) to display the generator structure (if ## `<opt> = 20' and `<type> = "structure"') or to display automorphisms (if ## `<opt> = 21' and `<type> = "automorphisms"'), for the pcp generators ## numbered between the bounds determined by the option `Bounds' or for all ## pcp generators if `Bounds' is not set. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_DISPLAY, function( datarec, opt, type, bnds ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("OutputLevel", datarec) <> fail then PQ_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL( datarec, datarec.OutputLevel ); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ opt ], [ " #display ", type ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ bnds[1] ], [ " #no. of first generator" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ bnds[2] ], [ " #no. of last generator" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_BOUNDS( <datarec>, <hibnd> ) . . provide bounds from option or default ## ## extracts a list of two integer bounds from option `Bounds' if set, or ## otherwise uses `[1 .. <hibnd>]' as default. If `Bounds' is set they are ## checked to lie in the range `[1 .. <hibnd>]' and an error is generated if ## they are not. If there is no error the list of two bounds determined by ## the above is returned. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_BOUNDS, function( datarec, hibnd ) local bounds; bounds := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Bounds"); if bounds = fail then return [1, hibnd]; elif bounds[2] > hibnd then # most checking has already been done by VALUE_PQ_OPTION Info(InfoWarning + InfoANUPQ, 1, "2nd bound ", bounds[2], " of `Bounds' can be at most ", hibnd); Info(InfoWarning + InfoANUPQ, 1, "... replacing this bound most with", hibnd); return [bounds[1], hibnd]; else return bounds; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDisplayStructure(<i>[: Bounds := <list>]) . user ver A p-Q menu opt. 20 #F PqDisplayStructure([: Bounds := <list>]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to display the structure for the pcp generators numbered ## (inclusively) between the bounds of `Bounds' or for all generators if ## `Bounds' is not given. The value <list> of `Bounds' (assuming the ## interactive process is numbered <i>) should be a list of two integers ## <low>, <high> satisfying `1 \<= <low> \<= PqNrPcGenerators(<i>)' ## (see~"PqNrPcGenerators"). `PqDisplayStructure' also accepts the option ## `OutputLevel' (see e.g.~"Pq" where the option is listed). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDisplayStructure' performs ## option 20 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDisplayStructure, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqDisplayStructure", true); datarec := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg); PQ_DISPLAY( datarec, 20, "structure", PQ_BOUNDS(datarec, datarec.forder[2]) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqDisplayAutomorphisms(<i>[: Bounds := <list>]) . u ver A p-Q menu opt 21 #F PqDisplayAutomorphisms([: Bounds := <list>]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to display the automorphism actions on the pcp generators numbered ## (inclusively) between the bounds of `Bounds' or for all generators if ## `Bounds' is not given. The value <list> of `Bounds' (assuming the ## interactive process is numbered <i>) should be a list of two integers ## <low>, <high> satisfying $1 \le <low> \le <high> \le ## `PqNrPcGenerators(<i>)'$ (see~"PqNrPcGenerators"). `PqDisplayStructure' ## also accepts the option `OutputLevel' (see "option OutputLevel"). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqDisplayAutomorphisms' ## performs menu item 21 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqDisplayAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqDisplayAutomorphisms", true); datarec := PQ_DATA_CHK(arg); PQ_DISPLAY( datarec, 21, "automorphisms", PQ_BOUNDS(datarec, datarec.forder[2]) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_GENERATORS( <datarec>, <word> ) . . A p-Q menu opt 23 ## ## instructs the `pq' binary to do a collection on <word> a string ## representing a word in the weight 1 pc generators, e.g. `"x2^2*x1"', ## using option 23 of the interactive $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_GENERATORS, function( datarec, word ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 23 ], [ " #collect defining generators" ]); datarec.match := "The result of collection is"; ToPQ(datarec, [ word, ";" ], [ " #word to be collected" ]); return PQ_WORD(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCollectWordInDefiningGenerators(<i>,<word>) . u ver of A p-Q menu op 23 #F PqCollectWordInDefiningGenerators( <word> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, collect a ## user-defined word in the pc generators of the class 1 quotient, i.e.~the ## pc generators that correspond to the original fp or pc group of the ## process, with respect to the current pc presentation, in the context of ## finding the next class (see~"PqNextClass"), and return the result of the ## collection as a list of generator number, exponent pairs. The <word> ## argument may be input in either of the two ways described for `PqCollect' ## (see~"PqCollect"). It is not illegal for <word> to contain pc generators ## of weight larger than 1, but they are intrepreted as representing the ## identity; `PqCollectWordInDefiningGenerators' works exactly like ## `PqCollect' except for this distinction. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' program, `PqCollectDefiningGenerators' ## performs menu item 23 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCollectWordInDefiningGenerators, function( arg ) return CallFuncList( PQ_COLLECT_DEFINING_GENERATORS, PQ_CHK_COLLECT_COMMAND_ARGS(arg) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators(<i>,<words>,<pow>) . user ver A p-Q opt 24 #F PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators( <words>, <pow> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to compute the left norm commutator of the list <words> of words ## in the generators raised to the integer power <pow>. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators' ## performs option 24 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqCommutatorDefiningGenerators, function( arg ) return CallFuncList( PQ_COMMUTATOR, PQ_COMMUTATOR_CHK_ARGS( Concatenation( arg, [[[24], [" #commutator of defining genrs"]]] ) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_WRITE_PC_PRESENTATION( <datarec>, <filename> ) . A p-Q menu option 25 ## ## tells the `pq' binary to write a pc presentation to the file with name ## <filename> for group `<datarec>.group' (option 25 of the interactive ## $p$-Quotient menu). ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_WRITE_PC_PRESENTATION, function( datarec, filename ) if not IsBound(datarec.setupfile) then PrintTo(filename, ""); #to ensure it's writable and empty fi; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 25 ], [ " #set output file" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ filename ], []); ToPQ(datarec, [ 2 ], [ " #output in GAP format" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqWritePcPresentation( <i>, <filename> ) . user ver. of A p-Q menu opt 25 #F PqWritePcPresentation( <filename> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to write a pc presentation to the file with name <filename> for ## the group of that process for which a pc presentation has been previously ## computed, where the group of a process is the one given as first argument ## when `PqStart' was called to initiate that process (for process <i> the ## group is stored as `[<i>].group'). If the first character of ## the string <filename> is not `/', <filename> is assumed to be the path of ## a writable file relative to the directory in which {\GAP} was started. If ## a pc presentation has not been previously computed by the `pq' binary, ## then `pq' is called to compute it first, effectively invoking ## `PqPcPresentation' (see~"PqPcPresentation"). ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPcWritePresentation' ## performs menu item 25 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqWritePcPresentation, function( arg ) local filename, datarec; if 2 < Length(arg) or IsEmpty(arg) then Error("expected one or two arguments.\n"); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..Length(arg) - 1]}); filename := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[Length(arg)], "w", datarec ); if not( IsBound(datarec.pCover) and datarec.pcoverclass = datarec.class or IsBound(datarec.pQuotient) ) then Error( "no p-quotient or p-cover has been computed\n" ); fi; PQ_WRITE_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, filename ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION( <datarec> ) . . . . . A p-Q menu option 26 ## ## tells the `pq' binary to write a compact description to a file. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 26 ], [ " #write compact description to file" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqWriteCompactDescription( <i> ) . . user version of A p-Q menu option 26 #F PqWriteCompactDescription() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to write a compact description to a file. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqWriteCompactDescription' ## performs menu item 26 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqWriteCompactDescription, function( arg ) PQ_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION( CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_EVALUATE_CERTAIN_FORMULAE( <datarec> ) . . . . . A p-Q menu option 27 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 27 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to evaluate certain formulae. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_EVALUATE_CERTAIN_FORMULAE, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 27 ], [ " #evaluate certain formulae" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEvaluateCertainFormulae( <i> ) . . user version of A p-Q menu option 27 #F PqEvaluateCertainFormulae() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to evaluate certain formulae. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqEvaluateCertainFormulae' ## performs option 27 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEvaluateCertainFormulae, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_EVALUATE_CERTAIN_FORMULAE( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_EVALUATE_ACTION( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 28 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 28 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient ## menu, to evaluate the action. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_EVALUATE_ACTION, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 28 ], [ " #evaluate action" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEvaluateAction( <i> ) . . . . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 28 #F PqEvaluateAction() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to evaluate the action. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqEvaluateAction' performs ## option 28 of the Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEvaluateAction, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_EVALUATE_ACTION( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_EVALUATE_ENGEL_IDENTITY( <datarec> ) . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 29 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 29 of the ## Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_EVALUATE_ENGEL_IDENTITY, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 29 ], [ " #evaluate Engel identity" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqEvaluateEngelIdentity( <i> ) . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 29 #F PqEvaluateEngelIdentity() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqEvaluateEngelIdentity' performs option 29 of the ## Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqEvaluateEngelIdentity, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_EVALUATE_ENGEL_IDENTITY( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PROCESS_RELATIONS_FILE( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . A p-Q menu option 30 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 30 of the ## Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PROCESS_RELATIONS_FILE, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApQ"); #we need options from the Advanced p-Q Menu ToPQ(datarec, [ 30 ], [ " #process relations file" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqProcessRelationsFile( <i> ) . . . user version of A p-Q menu option 30 #F PqProcessRelationsFile() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqProcessRelationsFile' performs option 30 of the ## Advanced $p$-Quotient menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqProcessRelationsFile, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_PROCESS_RELATIONS_FILE( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSPComputePcpAndPCover(<i> : <options>) . . . user ver of SP menu opt. 1 #F PqSPComputePcpAndPCover( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to compute for the group of that process a pc presentation up to ## the $p$-quotient of maximum class or the value of the option `ClassBound' ## and the $p$-cover of that quotient, and sets up tabular information ## required for computation of a standard presentation. Here the group of a ## process is the one given as first argument when `PqStart' was called to ## initiate that process (for process <i> the group is stored as ## `[<i>].group'). ## ## The possible <options> are `Prime', `ClassBound', `Relators', `Exponent', ## `Metabelian' and `OutputLevel' (see Chapter~"ANUPQ Options" for detailed ## descriptions of these options). The option `Prime' is normally determined ## via `PrimePGroup', and so is not required unless the group doesn't know ## it's a $p$-group and `HasPrimePGroup' returns `false'. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSPComputePcpAndPCover' ## performs option 1 of the Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSPComputePcpAndPCover, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqSPComputePcpAndPCover", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_PC_PRESENTATION( datarec, "SP" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SP_STANDARD_PRESENTATION(<datarec>[,<mlist>] :<options>) SP menu opt 2 ## ## inputs data given by <options> to the `pq' binary to compute a standard ## presentation for group `<datarec>.group'. If argument <mlist> is given it ## is assumed to be the automorphism group data required. Otherwise it is ## assumed that `<datarec>.pQuotient' exists and that {\GAP} can compute its ## automorphism group and the necessary automorphism group data can be ## derived from `<datarec>.pQuotient'. This uses option 2 of the Standard ## Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SP_STANDARD_PRESENTATION, function( arg ) local datarec, savefile; datarec := arg[1]; savefile := PQ_CHK_PATH( VALUE_PQ_OPTION( "StandardPresentationFile", Filename( ANUPQData.tmpdir, "SPres" ) ), "w", datarec); PQ_MENU(datarec, "SP"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 2 ], [ " #compute standard presentation" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ savefile ], [ " #file for saving pres'n" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", 63)], [ " #class bound" ]); if 1 = Length(arg) then PQ_AUT_INPUT( datarec, datarec.pQuotient ); else PQ_MANUAL_AUT_INPUT( datarec, arg[2] ); fi; ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec), "compute pcgs gen. seq. for auts."); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSPStandardPresentation(<i>[,<mlist>]:<options>) user ver SP menu opt 2 #F PqSPStandardPresentation([<mlist>] : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data given ## by <options> to compute a standard presentation for the group of that ## process. If argument <mlist> is given it is assumed to be the ## automorphism group data required. Otherwise it is assumed that a call to ## either `Pq' (see~"Pq!interactive") or `PqEpimorphism' ## (see~"PqEpimorphism!interactive") has generated a $p$-quotient and that ## {\GAP} can compute its automorphism group from which the necessary ## automorphism group data can be derived. The group of the process is the ## one given as first argument when `PqStart' was called to initiate the ## process (for process <i> the group is stored as `[<i>].group' ## and the $p$-quotient if existent is stored as ## `[<i>].pQuotient'). If <mlist> is not given and a ## $p$-quotient of the group has not been previously computed a class 1 ## $p$-quotient is computed. ## ## `PqSPStandardPresentation' accepts three options, all optional: ## ## \beginitems ## ## `StandardPresentationFile := <filename>'& ## Specifies that the file to which the standard presentation is written has ## name <filename>. If the first character of the string <filename> is not ## `/', <filename> is assumed to be the path of a writable file relative to ## the directory in which {\GAP} was started. If this option is omitted it ## is written to the file with the name generated by the command `Filename( ## ANUPQData.tmpdir, "SPres" );', i.e.~the file with name `"SPres"' in the ## temporary directory in which the `pq' binary executes. ## ## `ClassBound := <n>' & ## Specifies that the $p$-quotient computed has lower exponent-$p$ class at ## most <n>. If this option is omitted a default of 63 is used. ## ## `PcgsAutomorphisms' & ## Specifies that a polycyclic generating sequence for the automorphism ## group of the group of the process (which must be *soluble*), be computed ## and passed to the `pq' binary. This increases the efficiency of the ## computation; it also prevents the `pq' from calling {\GAP} for ## orbit-stabilizer calculations. See section "Computing Descendants of a ## p-Group" for further explanations. ## ## \enditems ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSPPcPresentation' ## performs option 2 of the Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSPStandardPresentation, function( arg ) local args, datarec; args := PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK(0, arg); datarec :=[ args[1] ]; if 1 = Length(args) and not IsBound(datarec.pQuotient) then PQ_EPI_OR_PCOVER( args[1] : PqEpiOrPCover := "pQuotient"); fi; args[1] := datarec; CallFuncList( PQ_SP_STANDARD_PRESENTATION, args ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SP_SAVE_PRESENTATION( <datarec>, <filename> ) . . . . SP menu option 3 ## ## directs the `pq' binary to save the standard presentation previously ## computed for `<datarec>.group' to <filename> using option 3 of the ## Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SP_SAVE_PRESENTATION, function( datarec, filename ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "SP"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 3 ], [ " #save standard presentation to file" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ filename ], [ " #filename" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSPSavePresentation( <i>, <filename> ) . . user ver of SP menu option 3 #F PqSPSavePresentation( <filename> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to save the standard presentation previously computed for the ## group of that process to the file with name <filename>, where the group ## of a process is the one given as first argument when `PqStart' was called ## to initiate that process. If the first character of the string <filename> ## is not `/' <filename> is assumed to be the path of a writable file ## relative to the directory in which {\GAP} was started. ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqSPSavePresentation' ## performs option 3 of the Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSPSavePresentation, function( arg ) local datarec, filename; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqSPSavePresentation", true); if 0 = Length(arg) or Length(arg) > 2 then Error( "expected 1 or 2 arguments\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..Length(arg) - 1]}); filename := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[Length(arg)], "w", datarec ); PQ_SP_SAVE_PRESENTATION( datarec, filename ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SP_COMPARE_TWO_FILE_PRESENTATIONS(<datarec>,<f1>,<f2>) . SP menu opt 6 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 6 of the Standard Presentation ## menu, to compare the presentations in the files with names <f1> and <f2> ## and returns `true' if they are identical and `false' otherwise. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SP_COMPARE_TWO_FILE_PRESENTATIONS, function( datarec, f1, f2 ) local line; PQ_MENU(datarec, "SP"); ToPQ( datarec, [ 6 ], [ " #compare two file presentations" ]); ToPQ( datarec, [ f1 ], [ " #1st filename" ]); datarec.match := "Identical"; datarec.filter := ["Identical"]; ToPQ(datarec, [ f2 ], [ " #2nd filename" ]); line := SplitString(datarec.matchedline, "", "? \n"); PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["match", "matchedline", "filter"]); return EvalString( LowercaseString( line[3] ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSPCompareTwoFilePresentations(<i>,<f1>,<f2>) user ver of SP menu opt 6 #F PqSPCompareTwoFilePresentations(<f1>,<f2>) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to compare the presentations in the files with names <f1> and <f2> ## and returns `true' if they are identical and `false' otherwise. For each ## of the strings <f1> and <f2>, if the first character is not a `/' then it ## is assumed to be the path of a readable file relative to the directory in ## which {\GAP} was started. ## ## *Notes* ## ## The presentations in files <f1> and <f2> must have been generated by the ## `pq' binary but they do *not* need to be *standard* presentations. ## ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqSPCompareTwoFilePresentations' performs option 6 of the Standard ## Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSPCompareTwoFilePresentations, function( arg ) local len, datarec, f1, f2; len := Length(arg); if not(len in [2, 3]) then Error( "expected 2 or 3 arguments\n" ); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1..len - 2]}); f1 := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[len - 1], "r", datarec ); f2 := PQ_CHK_PATH( arg[len], "r", datarec ); return PQ_SP_COMPARE_TWO_FILE_PRESENTATIONS( datarec, f1, f2 ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_SP_ISOMORPHISM( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . SP menu option 8 ## ## computes the mapping from the automorphism group generators to the ## generators of the standard presentation, using option 8 of the main ## Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_SP_ISOMORPHISM, function( datarec ) PQ_MENU(datarec, "SP"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 8 ], [ " #compute isomorphism" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqSPIsomorphism( <i> ) . . . . . . . . . user version of SP menu option 8 #F PqSPIsomorphism() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## program to compute the isomorphism mapping from the $p$-group of the ## process to its standard presentation. This function provides a ## description only; for a {\GAP} object, use ## `EpimorphismStandardPresentation' ## (see~"EpimorphismStandardPresentation!interactive"). ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' program, `PqSPIsomorphism' ## performs menu item 8 of the Standard Presentation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqSPIsomorphism, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_SP_ISOMORPHISM( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PG_SUPPLY_AUTS( <datarec>[, <mlist>], <menu> ) . p-G/A p-G menu opt 1 ## ## defines the automorphism group of `<datarec>.group', using option 1 of ## the main or Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PG_SUPPLY_AUTS, function( arg ) local datarec; CallFuncList( PQ_MENU, arg{[1, Length(arg)]}); datarec := arg[1]; if 2 < Length(arg) and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms", 0, datarec) > 0 and Length(VALUE_PQ_OPTION("RelativeOrders", [], datarec)) <> datarec.NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms then Error("the number of elements of option \"RelativeOrders\" should equal\n", "the value of option \"NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms\" (", datarec.NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms, ")\n"); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #supply automorphism data" ]); if 2 = Length(arg) then PQ_AUT_INPUT( datarec, ); else CallFuncList( PQ_MANUAL_AUT_INPUT, arg{[1 .. 2]} ); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms( <i>[, <mlist>] ) . user ver of pG menu option 1 #F PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms([<mlist>]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, supply the `pq' ## binary with the automorphism group data needed for the group of that ## process (for process <i> the group is stored as ## `[<i>].group'). If the argument <mlist> is omitted then ## {\GAP} *must* be able to determine the automorphism group of the group of ## the process. Otherwise the automorphism data is provided from <mlist> ## which should be a list of matrices with non-negative integer ## coefficients, where each matrix must have the same dimensions; in ## particular, the number of rows of each matrix must be the rank of the ## group of the process. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms' ## performs option 1 of the main $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local args; args := PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK(0, arg); args[1] :=[ args[1] ]; Add(args, "pG"); CallFuncList( PQ_PG_SUPPLY_AUTS, args ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PG_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS( <datarec> ) . . . . . p-G/A p-G menu option 2 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 2 of the main or Advanced ## $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PG_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS, function( datarec ) if not(PQ_MENU(datarec) in ["pG", "ApG"]) then PQ_MENU(datarec, "pG"); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ 2 ], [ " #extend automorphisms" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPGExtendAutomorphisms( <i> ) . user version of p-G/A p-G menu option 2 #F PqPGExtendAutomorphisms() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, directs the `pq' ## binary to compute the extensions of the automorphisms defined by calling ## `PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms' (see~"PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms"). You may wish ## to set the `InfoLevel' of `InfoANUPQ' to 2 (or more) in order to see the ## output from the `pq' (see~"InfoANUPQ"). ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPGExtendAutomorphisms' ## performs option 2 of the main or advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPGExtendAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_PG_EXTEND_AUTOMORPHISMS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PG_RESTORE_GROUP(<datarec>, <cls>, <n>) . . . . . p-G/A p-G menu opt 3 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary to restore group <n> of class <cls> for ## option 3 of the main or Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PG_RESTORE_GROUP, function( datarec, cls, n ) if not(PQ_MENU(datarec) in ["pG", "ApG"]) then PQ_MENU(datarec, "pG"); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ 3 ], [ " #restore group from file" ]); if IsString(cls) then ToPQ(datarec, [ cls ], [ " #filename" ]); else ToPQ(datarec, [ datarec.GroupName, "_class", cls ], [ " #filename" ]); fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ n ], [ " #no. of group" ]); if IsInt(cls) then datarec.match := true; PQ_SET_GRP_DATA(datarec); datarec.capable := datarec.class > cls; datarec.pcoverclass := datarec.class; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPGSetDescendantToPcp( <i>, <cls>, <n> ) . u ver of p-G/A p-G menu opt 3 #F PqPGSetDescendantToPcp( <cls>, <n> ) #F PqPGSetDescendantToPcp( <i> [: Filename := <name> ]) #F PqPGSetDescendantToPcp([: Filename := <name> ]) #F PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile(<i>, <cls>, <n>) #F PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile( <cls>, <n> ) #F PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile( <i> [: Filename := <name> ]) #F PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile([: Filename := <name> ]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to restore group <n> of class <cls> from a temporary file, where ## <cls> and <n> are positive integers, or the group stored in <name>. ## `PqPGSetDescendantToPcp' and `PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile' are ## synonyms; they make sense only after a prior call to construct ## descendants by say `PqPGConstructDescendants' ## (see~"PqPGConstructDescendants") or the interactive `PqDescendants' ## (see~"PqDescendants!interactive"). In the `Filename' option forms, the ## option defaults to the last filename in which a presentation was stored ## by the `pq' binary. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPGSetDescendantToPcp' and ## `PqPGRestoreDescendantFromFile' perform menu item 3 of the main or ## advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPGSetDescendantToPcp, function( arg ) local len, datarec, cls, n; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqPGSetDescendantToPcp", true); len := Length(arg); if len > 3 or not(ForAll(arg, IsPosInt)) then Error("expected at most 3 positive integer arguments\n"); fi; if len in [2, 3] then cls := arg[len - 1]; n := arg[len]; arg := arg{[1 .. len - 2]}; fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); if len in [2, 3] then if not( IsBound(datarec.ndescendants) and IsBound( datarec.ndescendants[cls] ) ) then Error( "descendants for class ", cls, " have not been constructed\n" ); elif datarec.ndescendants[cls][1] < n then Error( "there is no group ", n, " saved (<n> must be <= ", datarec.ndescendants[cls][1], ")\n" ); fi; PQ_PG_RESTORE_GROUP(datarec, cls, n); else PQ_PG_RESTORE_GROUP(datarec, VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Filename", datarec.des), 1); fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_PG_CONSTRUCT_DESCENDANTS( <datarec> : <options> ) . p-G menu option 5 ## ## inputs data given by <options> to the `pq' binary to construct ## descendants, using option 5 of the main $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_PG_CONSTRUCT_DESCENDANTS, function( datarec ) local nodescendants, class, firstStep, expectedNsteps, optrec, line, ngroups, cls, totngroups, onestage; onestage := IsBound(datarec.des) and IsBound(datarec.des.onestage) and datarec.des.onestage; if not onestage then datarec.des := rec(); fi; VALUE_PQ_OPTION("CustomiseOutput", false, datarec.des); if not onestage then # deal with the easy answer if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("OrderBound", 0, datarec.des) <> 0 and HasIsFinite( and IsFinite( and IsPGroup( and datarec.des.OrderBound <= LogInt(Size(, PrimePGroup( then return 0; fi; # We do these here to ensure an error doesn't occur mid-input of the menu # item data if IsBound(datarec.capable) then #group has come from a `PqPGRestoreGroupFromFile' command if not datarec.capable then Info(InfoWarning + InfoANUPQ, 1, "group restored from file is incapable"); return 0; fi; fi; if not IsBound(datarec.pcoverclass) or datarec.pcoverclass <> datarec.class then Error("the p-cover of the last p-quotient has not yet been computed!\n"); fi; # sanity checks if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", datarec.pcoverclass, datarec.des) < datarec.pcoverclass then Error("option `ClassBound' must be at least ", datarec.pcoverclass, "\n"); fi; fi; if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SpaceEfficient", false, datarec.des) and not VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec) then Info(InfoWarning + InfoANUPQ, 1, "\"SpaceEfficient\" ignored since \"PcgsAutomorphisms\" is set."); fi; if not onestage then if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("StepSize", datarec.des) <> fail then if datarec.des.OrderBound <> 0 then Error("\"StepSize\" and \"OrderBound\" ", "must not be set simultaneously\n"); fi; expectedNsteps := datarec.des.ClassBound - datarec.pcoverclass + 1; if IsList(datarec.des.StepSize) then firstStep := datarec.des.StepSize[1]; if Length(datarec.des.StepSize) <> expectedNsteps then Error( "the number of step-sizes in the \"StepSize\" list must\n", "equal ", expectedNsteps, " (one more than the difference\n", "of \"ClassBound\" and the class of the p-covering group)\n" ); fi; else firstStep := datarec.des.StepSize; fi; if HasNuclearRank( and firstStep > NuclearRank( then # Error("the first \"StepSize\" element (= ", firstStep, ") must not be\n", # "greater than the \"Nuclear Rank\" (= ", # NuclearRank(, ")\n"); return 0; fi; fi; PQ_MENU(datarec, "pG"); datarec.matchlist := [" is an invalid starting group"]; datarec.matchedlines := []; ToPQ(datarec, [ 5 ], [ " #construct descendants" ]); nodescendants := not IsEmpty(datarec.matchedlines); PQ_UNBIND( datarec, ["matchlist", "matchedlines"] ); if nodescendants then return 0; fi; ToPQ(datarec, [ datarec.des.ClassBound ], [ " #class bound" ]); #Construct all descendants? if not IsBound(datarec.des.StepSize) then ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #do construct all descendants" ]); #Set an order bound for descendants? if datarec.des.OrderBound <> 0 then ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #do set an order bound" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ datarec.des.OrderBound ], [ " #order bound" ]); else ToPQ(datarec, [ 0 ], [ " #do not set an order bound" ]); fi; else ToPQ(datarec, [ 0 ], [ " #do not construct all descendants" ]); if expectedNsteps = 1 then # Input step size ToPQ(datarec, [ firstStep ], [ " #step size" ]); # Constant step size? elif IsInt(datarec.des.StepSize) then ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #set constant step size" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ datarec.des.StepSize ], [ " #step size" ]); else ToPQ(datarec, [ 0 ], [ " #set variable step size" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ JoinStringsWithSeparator( List(datarec.des.StepSize, String), " ") ], [ " #step sizes" ]); fi; fi; else PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 5 ], [ " #single stage" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("StepSize", datarec.des) ], [ " #step size" ]); fi; ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec), "compute pcgs gen. seq. for auts."); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, VALUE_PQ_OPTION("BasicAlgorithm", false, datarec.des), "use default algorithm"); if not datarec.des.BasicAlgorithm then ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION( "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", 0, datarec.des) ], [ " #rank of initial segment subgrp" ]); if datarec.PcgsAutomorphisms then ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, datarec.des.SpaceEfficient, "be space efficient"); fi; VALUE_PQ_OPTION("AllDescendants", true, datarec.des); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, not VALUE_PQ_OPTION( "CapableDescendants", not datarec.des.AllDescendants, datarec.des ), "completely process terminal descendants"); ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Exponent", 0, datarec) ], [ " #exponent" ]); # "Exponent" is a `global' option ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Metabelian", false, datarec.des), "enforce metabelian law"); fi; datarec.matchlist := [ "group saved on file", "groups saved on file" ]; datarec.matchedlines := []; if IsRecord(datarec.des.CustomiseOutput) and not IsEmpty( Intersection( RecNames(datarec.des.CustomiseOutput), ["perm", "orbit", "group", "autgroup", "trace"] ) ) then ToPQ(datarec, [ 0 ], [ " #customise output" ]); PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT( datarec, "perm", "perm. grp output", ["print degree", "print extended auts", "print aut. matrices", "print permutations"] ); PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT( datarec, "orbit", "orbit output", ["print orbit summary", "print complete orbit listing"] ); PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT( datarec, "group", "group output", ["print allowable subgp standard matrix", "print pres'n of reduced p-covers", "print pres'n of immediate descendants", "print nuclear rank of descendants", "print p-mult'r rank of descendants"] ); PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT( datarec, "autgroup", "aut. grp output", ["print commutator matrix", "print aut. grp descriptions of descendants", "print aut. grp orders of descendants"] ); PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT( datarec, "trace", "provide algorithm trace", [] ); else ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #default output" ]); fi; if onestage then ToPQ(datarec, [ VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Filename", "onestage", datarec.des) ], [ " #output filename" ]); Unbind(datarec.des.onestage); else if not IsBound(datarec.ndescendants) then datarec.ndescendants := []; fi; totngroups := 0; for line in datarec.matchedlines do line := SplitString(line, "", " \n"); ngroups := Int( line[1] ); cls := SplitString( line[ Length(line) ], "", "_" ); cls := Int( cls[2]{[6 .. Length( cls[2] )]} ); datarec.ndescendants[cls] := [ngroups, line[2] = "capable"]; totngroups := totngroups + ngroups; od; PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["matchlist", "matchedlines"]); return totngroups; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqPGConstructDescendants( <i> : <options> ) . user ver. of p-G menu op. 5 #F PqPGConstructDescendants( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to construct descendants prescribed by <options>, and return the ## number of descendants constructed. The options possible are `ClassBound', ## `OrderBound', `StepSize', `PcgsAutomorphisms', ## `RankInitialSegmentSubgroups', `SpaceEfficient', `CapableDescendants', ## `AllDescendants', `Exponent', `Metabelian', `BasicAlgorithm', ## `CustomiseOutput'. (Detailed descriptions of these options may be found ## in Chapter~"ANUPQ Options".) ## ## `PqPGConstructDescendants' requires that the `pq' binary has previously ## computed a pc presentation and a $p$-cover for a $p$-quotient of some ## class of the group of the process. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqPGConstructDescendants' ## performs menu item 5 of the main $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqPGConstructDescendants, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqPGConstructDescendants", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); return PQ_PG_CONSTRUCT_DESCENDANTS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGSupplyAutomorphisms( <i>[, <mlist>] ) . user ver of A p-G menu opt 1 #F PqAPGSupplyAutomorphisms([<mlist>]) ## #T This is implemented, but not documented in the manual. There is one line #T different in the C code between this menu item and the corresponding p-G #T menu item. I don't understand the difference. - GG ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, supply the `pq' ## binary with the automorphism group data needed for the group of that ## process (for process <i> the group is stored as ## `[<i>].group'). If the argument <mlist> is omitted then ## {\GAP} *must* be able to determine the automorphism group of the group of ## the process. Otherwise the automorphism data is provided from <mlist> ## which should be a list of matrices with non-negative integer ## coefficients, where each matrix must have the same dimensions; in ## particular, the number of rows of each matrix must be the rank of the ## group of the process. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGSupplyAutomorphisms' ## performs menu item 1 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGSupplyAutomorphisms, function( arg ) local args; args := PQ_AUT_ARG_CHK(0, arg); args[1] :=[ args[1] ]; Add(args, "ApG"); CallFuncList( PQ_PG_SUPPLY_AUTS, args ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGSingleStage( <i> : <options> ) . user version of A p-G menu option 5 #F PqAPGSingleStage( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to do a single stage of the descendants construction algorithm as ## prescribed by <options>. The possible options are `StepSize', ## `PcgsAutomorphisms', `RankInitialSegmentSubgroups', `SpaceEfficient', ## `CapableDescendants', `AllDescendants', `Exponent', `Metabelian', ## `BasicAlgorithm' and `CustomiseOutput'. (Detailed descriptions of these ## options may be found in Chapter~"ANUPQ Options".) ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGSingleStage' performs ## option 5 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGSingleStage, function( arg ) local datarec, ngroups; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqAPGSingleStage", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); datarec.des.onestage := true; PQ_PG_CONSTRUCT_DESCENDANTS(datarec); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_DEGREE( <datarec>, <step>, <rank> ) . . . . . A p-G menu option 6 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 6 of the Advanced $p$-Group ## Generation menu, to compute definition sets and find the degree. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_DEGREE, function( datarec, step, rank ) local expt, line; expt := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Exponent", 0, datarec); PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 6 ], [ " #compute defn sets and find degree" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ step ], [ " #step size" ]); ToPQ(datarec, [ rank ], [ " #rank of initial segment subgroup" ]); datarec.match := "Degree of permutation group"; ToPQ(datarec, [ expt ], [ " #exponent" ]); line := SplitString(datarec.matchedline, "", " \n"); Unbind(datarec.match); return Int( line[6] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGDegree(<i>,<step>,<rank>[: Exponent := <n>]) . u ver A p-G menu op 6 #F PqAPGDegree( <step>, <rank> [: Exponent := <n> ]) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute definition sets and return the degree of the ## permutation group. Here the step-size <step> and the rank <rank> of the ## initial segment subgroup are positive integers. See~"option Exponent" for ## the one recognised option `Exponent'. ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGDegree' performs ## menu item 6 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGDegree, function( arg ) local len, datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqAPGDegree", true); len := Length(arg); if not(len in [2, 3] or ForAll(arg, IsPosInt)) then Error("expected 2 or 3 positive integer arguments\n"); fi; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg{[1 .. len - 2]}); return PQ_APG_DEGREE( datarec, arg[len - 1], arg[len] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_PERMUTATIONS( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . A p-G menu option 7 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 7 of the Advanced $p$-Group ## Generation menu, to compute permutations of subgroups. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_PERMUTATIONS, function( datarec ) local pcgsauts, efficient, printauts, printperms; pcgsauts := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec); efficient := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SpaceEfficient", false, datarec.des); printauts := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PrintAutomorphisms", false); printperms := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PrintPermutations", false); PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 7 ], [ " #compute permutations" ]); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, pcgsauts, "compute pcgs gen. seq. for auts."); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, efficient, "be space efficient"); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, printauts, "print automorphism matrices"); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, printperms, "print permutations"); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGPermutations( <i> : <options> ) . user version of A p-G menu optn. 7 #F PqAPGPermutations( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute permutations of subgroups. Here the options <options> ## recognised are `PcgsAutomorphisms', `SpaceEfficient', ## `PrintAutomorphisms' and `PrintPermutations' (see Chapter~"ANUPQ Options" ## for details). ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGPermutations' ## performs menu item 7 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGPermutations, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqAPGPermutations", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_PERMUTATIONS( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_ORBITS( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . A p-G menu option 8 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for menu item 8 of the Advanced $p$-Group ## Generation menu, to compute orbits. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_ORBITS, function( datarec ) local pcgsauts, efficient, output, summary, listing, line, norbits; pcgsauts := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec); efficient := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SpaceEfficient", false, datarec.des); output := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("CustomiseOutput", rec(orbit := []), datarec.des); if not( IsRecord(output) and IsBound(output.orbit) and IsList(output.orbit) ) then output := rec(orbit := []); fi; summary := IsBound( output.orbit[1] ) and output.orbit[1] in [1, true]; listing := IsBound( output.orbit[2] ) and output.orbit[2] in [1, true]; PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 8 ], [ " #compute orbits" ]); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, pcgsauts, "compute pcgs gen. seq. for auts."); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, efficient, "be space efficient"); if summary then datarec.match := "Number of orbits is"; elif listing then datarec.match := "Orbit "; fi; PQ_APG_CUSTOM_OUTPUT( datarec, "orbit", "orbit output", ["print orbit summary", "print complete orbit listing"] ); if summary or listing then line := SplitString(datarec.matchedline, "", " \n"); if summary then norbits := Int( line[5] ); else norbits := Int( line[2] ); fi; Unbind(datarec.match); else norbits := ""; fi; return norbits; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGOrbits( <i> : <options> ) . . . user version of A p-G menu option 8 #F PqAPGOrbits( : <options> ) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to compute the orbit action of the automorphism group, and return ## the number of orbits, if either a summary or a complete listing (or both) ## of orbit information was requested. Here the options <options> recognised ## are `PcgsAutomorphisms', `SpaceEfficient', and `CustomiseOutput' (see ## Chapter~"ANUPQ Options" for details). For the `CustomiseOutput' option ## only the setting of the `orbit' is recognised (all other fields if set ## are ignored). ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGOrbits' performs ## menu item 8 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGOrbits, function( arg ) local datarec, norbits; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqAPGOrbits", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); norbits := PQ_APG_ORBITS( datarec ); if norbits <> "" then return norbits; fi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES( <datarec> ) . . . . . . A p-G menu option 9 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for menu item 9 of the Advanced $p$-Group ## Generation menu, to process orbit representatives. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES, function( datarec ) local pcgsauts, efficient, exponent, metabelian, alldescend, outputfile; pcgsauts := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("PcgsAutomorphisms", false, datarec); efficient := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("SpaceEfficient", false, datarec.des); exponent := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Exponent", false, datarec); metabelian := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Metabelian", false, datarec); alldescend := not VALUE_PQ_OPTION( "CapableDescendants", VALUE_PQ_OPTION("AllDescendants", true), datarec.des); outputfile := VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Filename", "redPCover", datarec.des); VALUE_PQ_OPTION("CustomiseOutput", rec(), datarec.des); PQ_MENU(datarec, "ApG"); ToPQ(datarec, [ 9 ], [ " #process orbit reps" ]); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, pcgsauts, "compute pcgs gen. seq. for auts."); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, efficient, "be space efficient"); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, alldescend, "completely process terminal descendants"); ToPQ(datarec, [ exponent ], [ " #exponent" ]); ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, metabelian, " set metabelian"); PQ_APG_CUSTOM_OUTPUT( datarec, "group", "group output", ["print allowable subgp standard matrix", "print pres'n of reduced p-covers", "print pres'n of immediate descendants", "print nuclear rank of descendants", "print p-mult'r rank of descendants"] ); PQ_APG_CUSTOM_OUTPUT( datarec, "autgroup", "aut. grp output", ["print commutator matrix", "print aut. grp descriptions of descendants", "print aut. grp orders of descendants"] ); ToPQ(datarec, [ outputfile ], [ " #output filename" ]); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives(<i> : <options>) . user ver of A p-G menu opt 9 #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives(: <options>) ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, direct the `pq' ## binary to process the orbit representatives and output the reduced ## $p$-cover to a file. The options <options> may be any of the following: ## are `PcgsAutomorphisms', `SpaceEfficient', `Exponent', `Metabelian', ## `CapableDescendants' (or `AllDescendants'), `CustomiseOutput' (where only ## the `group' and `autgroup' fields are recognised) and `Filename' (see ## Chapter~"ANUPQ Options" for details). If `Filename' is omitted the ## reduced $p$-cover is written to the file `"redPCover"' in the temporary ## directory whose name is stored in `ANUPQData.tmpdir'. ## ## *Note:* ## For those familiar with the `pq' binary, `PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives' ## performs option 9 of the Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives, function( arg ) local datarec; PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK("PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives", true); datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE( <datarec> ) . . . . . . A p-G menu option 10 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 10 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentative( <i> ) . . user version of A p-G menu option 10 #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentative() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGOrbitRepresentative' performs option 10 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGOrbitRepresentative, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_STANDARD_MATRIX_LABEL( <datarec> ) . . . . . A p-G menu option 11 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 11 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_STANDARD_MATRIX_LABEL, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGStandardMatrixLabel( <i> ) . . user version of A p-G menu option 11 #F PqAPGStandardMatrixLabel() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGStandardMatrixLabel' performs option 11 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGStandardMatrixLabel, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_STANDARD_MATRIX_LABEL( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_MATRIX_OF_LABEL( <datarec> ) . . . . . . . . A p-G menu option 12 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 12 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_MATRIX_OF_LABEL, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGMatrixOfLabel( <i> ) . . . . . user version of A p-G menu option 12 #F PqAPGMatrixOfLabel() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGMatrixOfLabel' performs option 12 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGMatrixOfLabel, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_MATRIX_OF_LABEL( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_IMAGE_OF_ALLOWABLE_SUBGROUP( <datarec> ) . . A p-G menu option 13 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 13 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_IMAGE_OF_ALLOWABLE_SUBGROUP, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGImageOfAllowableSubgroup( <i> ) user version of A p-G menu option 13 #F PqAPGImageOfAllowableSubgroup() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGImageOfAllowableSubgroup' performs option 13 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGImageOfAllowableSubgroup, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_IMAGE_OF_ALLOWABLE_SUBGROUP( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_RANK_CLOSURE_OF_INITIAL_SEGMENT( <datarec> ) A p-G menu option 14 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 14 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_RANK_CLOSURE_OF_INITIAL_SEGMENT, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGRankClosureOfInitialSegment( <i> ) user version of A p-G menu option 14 #F PqAPGRankClosureOfInitialSegment() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGRankClosureOfInitialSegment' performs option 14 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGRankClosureOfInitialSegment, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_RANK_CLOSURE_OF_INITIAL_SEGMENT( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE_OF_LABEL( <datarec> ) . A p-G menu option 15 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 15 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE_OF_LABEL, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentativeOfLabel( <i> ) user version of A p-G menu option 15 #F PqAPGOrbitRepresentativeOfLabel() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGOrbitRepresentativeOfLabel' performs option 15 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGOrbitRepresentativeOfLabel, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE_OF_LABEL( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION( <datarec> ) . . . A p-G menu option 16 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 16 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGWriteCompactDescription( <i> ) user version of A p-G menu option 16 #F PqAPGWriteCompactDescription() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGWriteCompactDescription' performs option 16 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGWriteCompactDescription, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_WRITE_COMPACT_DESCRIPTION( datarec ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_AUTOMORPHISM_CLASSES( <datarec> ) . . . . . . A p-G menu option 17 ## ## inputs data to the `pq' binary for option 17 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_AUTOMORPHISM_CLASSES, function( datarec ) end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqAPGAutomorphismClasses( <i> ) . . user version of A p-G menu option 17 #F PqAPGAutomorphismClasses() ## ## for the <i>th or default interactive {\ANUPQ} process, inputs data ## to the `pq' binary ## ## *Note:* For those familiar with the `pq' binary, ## `PqAPGAutomorphismClasses' performs option 17 of the ## Advanced $p$-Group Generation menu. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqAPGAutomorphismClasses, function( arg ) local datarec; datarec := CallFuncList(ANUPQDataRecord, arg); PQ_APG_AUTOMORPHISM_CLASSES( datarec ); end ); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here