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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466306############################################################################# #### ## #W ANUPQ package Werner Nickel #W Greg Gamble ## ## Install file for functions to do with option manipulation. ## #Y Copyright (C) 2001 Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ############################################################################# ## #V PQ_FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . internal functions called by user functions ## ## A record whose fields are (function) names and whose values are the ## internal functions called by the functions with those names. ## InstallValue( PQ_FUNCTION, rec( Pq := PQ_EPI_OR_PCOVER, PqDescendants := PQ_DESCENDANTS, StandardPresentation := PQ_EPIMORPHISM_STANDARD_PRESENTATION, PqDescendantsTreeCoclassOne := PqDescendantsTreeCoclassOne ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUPQoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . admissible options ## ## is a record of lists of names of admissible {\ANUPQ} options, such that ## each field is either the name of a (``key'') {\ANUPQ} function and the ## corresponding value is the list of option names that are admissible for ## the function. ## InstallValue( ANUPQoptions, rec( # options for `Pq' and `PqEpimorphism' Pq := [ "Prime", "ClassBound", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "OutputLevel", "Relators", "Identities", "GroupName", "SetupFile", "PqWorkspace", "RedoPcp" ], # options for `PqDescendants' PqDescendants := [ "ClassBound", "OrderBound", "Relators", "GroupName", "StepSize", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", "SpaceEfficient", "CapableDescendants", "AllDescendants", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "SubList", "BasicAlgorithm", "CustomiseOutput", "SetupFile", "PqWorkspace" ], # options for `[Epimorphism][Pq]StandardPresentation' StandardPresentation := [ "Prime", "pQuotient", "ClassBound", "Relators", "GroupName", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "OutputLevel", "StandardPresentationFile", "SetupFile", "PqWorkspace" ], # options for `PqDescendantsTreeCoclassOne' PqDescendantsTreeCoclassOne := [ "ClassBound", "OrderBound", "Relators", "GroupName", "StepSize", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", "SpaceEfficient", "CapableDescendants", "AllDescendants", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "SubList", "BasicAlgorithm", "CustomiseOutput", "TreeDepth", "SetupFile", "PqWorkspace" ], PqList := [ "SubList" ], PqPcPresentation := [ "Prime", "ClassBound", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "OutputLevel", "Relators", "Identities", "GroupName" ], PqNextClass := [ "QueueFactor" ], PqEvaluateIdentities := [ "Identities" ], PqDoExponentChecks := [ "Bounds" ], PqDisplayStructure := [ "Bounds" ], PqDisplayAutomorphisms := [ "Bounds" ], PqSPComputePcpAndPCover := [ "Prime", "ClassBound", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "OutputLevel", "Relators", "GroupName" ], PqSPSavePresentation := [ "ClassBound", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "StandardPresentationFile" ], PqPGSetDescendantToPcp := [ "Filename" ], PqPGSupplyAutomorphisms := [ "NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms", "RelativeOrders" ], PqPGConstructDescendants := [ "ClassBound", "OrderBound", "StepSize", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", "SpaceEfficient", "CapableDescendants", "AllDescendants", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "BasicAlgorithm", "CustomiseOutput" ], PqAPGDegree := [ "Exponent" ], PqAPGPermutations := [ "PcgsAutomorphisms", "SpaceEfficient", "PrintAutomorphisms", "PrintPermutations" ], PqAPGOrbits := [ "PcgsAutomorphisms", "SpaceEfficient", "CustomiseOutput" ], PqAPGOrbitRepresentatives := [ "PcgsAutomorphisms", "SpaceEfficient", "CapableDescendants", "AllDescendants", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "CustomiseOutput", "Filename" ], PqAPGSingleStage := [ "StepSize", "PcgsAutomorphisms", "RankInitialSegmentSubgroups", "SpaceEfficient", "CapableDescendants", "AllDescendants", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "BasicAlgorithm", "CustomiseOutput" ] ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F AllANUPQoptions() . . . . . . . . lists all options of the ANUPQ package ## ## lists all the {\GAP} options defined for functions of the {\ANUPQ} ## package. ## InstallGlobalFunction( AllANUPQoptions, function() return Set( Concatenation( List( RecNames(ANUPQoptions), fld -> ANUPQoptions.(fld) ) ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUPQGlobalOptions . . . . . options that can be set globally by PqStart ## ## A list of the options that `PqStart' can set and thereby make available ## to any function interacting with the {\ANUPQ} process initiated by ## `PqStart'. ## InstallValue( ANUPQGlobalOptions, [ "Prime", "Exponent", "Relators" ] ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUPQoptionChecks . . . . . . . . . . . the checks for admissible options ## ## A record whose fields are the names of admissible ANUPQ options and whose ## values are one-argument functions that return `true' when given a value ## that is a valid value for the option, and `false' otherwise. ## InstallValue( ANUPQoptionChecks, rec( Prime := x -> IsInt(x) and IsPrimeInt(x), pQuotient := IsPcGroup and IsPGroup, ClassBound := IsPosInt, OrderBound := IsPosInt, Exponent := IsPosInt, Metabelian := IsBool, GroupName := IsString, Identities := x -> IsList(x) and ForAll(x, IsFunction), OutputLevel := x -> x in [0..3], Relators := x -> IsList(x) and ForAll(x, IsString), StandardPresentationFile := IsString, SetupFile := IsString, PqWorkspace := IsPosInt, StepSize := x -> IsPosInt(x) or (IsList(x) and ForAll(x, IsPosInt)), PcgsAutomorphisms := IsBool, BasicAlgorithm := IsBool, RankInitialSegmentSubgroups := x -> x = 0 or IsPosInt(x), SpaceEfficient := IsBool, CapableDescendants := IsBool, AllDescendants := IsBool, SubList := x -> IsPosInt(x) or (IsSet(x) and ForAll(x, IsInt) and IsPosInt(x[1])), CustomiseOutput := IsRecord, Bounds := x -> IsSet(x) and 2 = Length(x) and ForAll(x, IsPosInt), QueueFactor := IsPosInt, RedoPcp := IsBool, PrintAutomorphisms := IsBool, PrintPermutations := IsBool, NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms := x -> x = 0 or IsPosInt(x), RelativeOrders := x -> IsList(x) and ForAll(x, IsPosInt), Filename := IsString, TreeDepth := IsPosInt ) ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUPQoptionTypes . . . . . . the types (in words) for admissible options ## ## A record whose fields are the names of admissible ANUPQ options and whose ## values are valid types of the options in plain words. ## InstallValue( ANUPQoptionTypes, rec( Prime := "prime integer", pQuotient := "pc p-group", ClassBound := "positive integer", OrderBound := "positive integer", Exponent := "positive integer", Metabelian := "boolean", GroupName := "string", Identities := "list of functions", OutputLevel := "integer in [0..3]", Relators := "list of strings", StandardPresentationFile := "string", SetupFile := "string", PqWorkspace := "positive integer", StepSize := "positive integer or positive integer list", PcgsAutomorphisms := "boolean", BasicAlgorithm := "boolean", RankInitialSegmentSubgroups := "nonnegative integer", SpaceEfficient := "boolean", CapableDescendants := "boolean", AllDescendants := "boolean", SubList := "pos've integer or increasing pos've integer list", CustomiseOutput := "record", Bounds := "pair of increasing positive integers", QueueFactor := "positive integer", RedoPcp := "boolean", PrintAutomorphisms := "boolean", PrintPermutations := "boolean", NumberOfSolubleAutomorphisms := "nonnegative integer", RelativeOrders := "list of positive integers", Filename := "string", TreeDepth := "positive integer" ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK( <funcname>, <interactive> ) . check opts belong to f'n ## ## checks the `OptionsStack' only has recognised options for (generic) ## function <funcname> and if not and if `ANUPQWarnOfOtherOptions = true' ## (see~"ANUPQWarnOfOtherOptions") `Info's the non-<funcname> options at ## `InfoANUPQ' level 1. ## ## The argument <interactive> is only relevant for those functions that have ## both an interactive and non-interactive form, namely those with fields in ## `PQ_FUNCTION', for which some options need to be excluded. ## InstallGlobalFunction(PQ_OTHER_OPTS_CHK, function(funcname, interactive) local optnames, excopts, generic, interactivestr; if ANUPQWarnOfOtherOptions and ValueOption("recursive") = fail and not IsEmpty(OptionsStack) then excopts := []; if funcname in RecNames(PQ_FUNCTION) then if interactive then excopts := ["PqWorkspace", "SetupFile"]; interactivestr := "interactive"; else interactivestr := "non-interactive"; if funcname = "Pq" then excopts := ["RedoPcp"]; fi; fi; generic := "generic "; else generic := ""; fi; optnames := Difference( RecNames( OptionsStack[ Length(OptionsStack) ] ), Difference( ANUPQoptions.(funcname), excopts ) ); if funcname = "Pq" then optnames := Difference( optnames, ["PqEpiOrPCover"] ); fi; if not IsEmpty(optnames) then Info( InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning, 1, "ANUPQ Warning: Options: ", optnames, " ignored" ); if IsSubset(excopts, optnames) then Info( InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning, 1, "(invalid for ", interactivestr, " call of generic function: `", funcname, "')." ); else Info( InfoANUPQ + InfoWarning, 1, "(invalid for ", generic, "function: `", funcname, "')." ); fi; fi; fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #F VALUE_PQ_OPTION( <optname> ) . . . . . . . . . enhancement of ValueOption #F VALUE_PQ_OPTION( <optname>, <defaultval> ) #F VALUE_PQ_OPTION( <optname>, <datarec> ) #F VALUE_PQ_OPTION( <optname>, <defaultval>, <datarec> ) ## ## If the value <optval> of <optname> is not `fail' and it is an ok value ## for <optname> then <optval> is returned; if <optval> is not an ok value ## an error is signalled. If <optval> is `fail' and <datarec> is given and ## <datarec>.(<optname>) is already bound then that value is returned; ## otherwise, if <optval> is `fail' and a default value <defaultval> ## different from `fail' is supplied then <defaultval> is returned. ## Supplying a <defaultval> of `fail' is special; it indicates that option ## <optname> must have a value i.e. <optval> is not allowed to be `fail' and ## if it is an error is signalled. If a <datarec> argument is supplied, ## which must be a record, then the return value, if not `fail' and a legal ## value, is also stored in `<datarec>.(<optname>)'. ## ## *Note:* <defaultval> cannot be a record. ## InstallGlobalFunction(VALUE_PQ_OPTION, function(arg) local optname, optval, len; optname := arg[1]; optval := ValueOption(optname); len := Length(arg); if optval = fail then if 1 = len then return optval; elif IsRecord( arg[len] ) and IsBound( arg[len].(optname) ) then # return the previously recorded value return arg[len].(optname); elif not IsRecord(arg[2]) then if arg[2] = fail then Error("you must supply a value for option: \"", optname, "\"\n"); fi; optval := arg[2]; fi; elif not ANUPQoptionChecks.(optname)(optval) then Error("\"", optname, "\" value must be a ", ANUPQoptionTypes.(optname), "\n"); fi; if (optval <> fail) and (2 <= len) and IsRecord(arg[len]) then arg[len].(optname) := optval; fi; return optval; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_OPTION_CHECK(<basefn>,<datarec>) . check optns present/setable if nec. ## ## If `<basefn> = "Pq"' (i.e. this check is carried out if the function ## called is `Pq', `PqEpimorphism' or `PqPCover') check that the option ## `Prime' has been passed or, in a special `PqPCover' case, can be ## determined from the `<datarec>.group' which must be present. In the ## special `PqPCover' case, the options `Prime' and `ClassBound' determined ## are saved in <datarec>. If `Prime' is not supplied in the cases where it ## needs to be, an error is emitted. ## InstallGlobalFunction(PQ_OPTION_CHECK, function(basefn, datarec) local optname, out; if basefn = "Pq" then if datarec.calltype = "interactive" then if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("RedoPcp", false) then PQ_UNBIND(datarec, ["Prime", "ClassBound", "Exponent", "Metabelian", "pCover", "pQuotient", "pQepi"] ); fi; fi; if ValueOption("PqEpiOrPCover") = "pCover" and HasIsPGroup( and IsPGroup( then if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", datarec) = fail then if not HasPrimePGroup( then Error( "supplied group is not known to be a p-group or p unknown.\n", "Option `Prime' must be supplied" ); else datarec.Prime := PrimePGroup(; fi; fi; if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", datarec) = fail and HasPClassPGroup( then datarec.ClassBound := PClassPGroup(; fi; else VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", fail, datarec); fi; VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", 63, datarec); elif basefn = "StandardPresentation" then if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", datarec) = fail and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("pQuotient", datarec) = fail then if IsPcGroup( and IsPGroup( then datarec.Prime := PrimePGroup(; else Error( "since group of process is not a pc p-group, a prime or\n", "p-quotient (pc group) of the group of the process ", "must be supplied\n" ); fi; fi; fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT(<datarec>, <subopt>, <suboptstring>, <suppstrings>) ## ## writes the required output to the `pq' binary for the sub-option <subopt> ## of the option `CustomiseOutput', the value of that option having ## previously been stored in `<datarec>.des.CustomiseOutput'; <suboptstring> ## is part of the comment written to the `pq' binary for the sub-option and ## <suppstrings> is a list of such comments for the supplementary questions ## asked by the `pq' binary for the sub-option <subopt>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_CUSTOMISE_OUTPUT, function(datarec, subopt, suboptstring, suppstrings) local optrec, isOptionSet, i; optrec := datarec.des.CustomiseOutput; if IsEmpty(suppstrings) then isOptionSet := IsBound( optrec.(subopt) ) and optrec.(subopt) in [1, true]; ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, isOptionSet, suboptstring); elif IsBound( optrec.(subopt) ) and IsList( optrec.(subopt) ) then ToPQ(datarec, [ 0 ], [ " #customise ", suboptstring ]); for i in [1 .. Length(suppstrings)] do isOptionSet := IsBound( optrec.(subopt)[i] ) and optrec.(subopt)[i] in [1, true]; ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, isOptionSet, suppstrings[i]); od; else ToPQ(datarec, [ 1 ], [ " #default ", suboptstring ]); fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_APG_CUSTOM_OUTPUT(<datarec>, <subopt>, <suboptstring>, <suppstrings>) ## ## writes the required output to the `pq' binary for the sub-option <subopt> ## of the option `CustomiseOutput', as required by an Advanced p-Group ## Generation Menu item, the value of that option having previously been ## stored in `<datarec>.des.CustomiseOutput'; <suboptstring> is part of the ## comment written to the `pq' binary for the sub-option and <suppstrings> ## is a list of such comments for the supplementary questions asked by the ## `pq' binary for the sub-option <subopt>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_APG_CUSTOM_OUTPUT, function(datarec, subopt, suboptstring, suppstrings) local optrec, optlist, isOptionSet, i; optrec := datarec.des.CustomiseOutput; if not( IsRecord(optrec) and IsBound( optrec.(subopt) ) and IsList( optrec.(subopt) ) ) then optlist := []; datarec.des.CustomiseOutput.(subopt) := optlist; else optlist := optrec.(subopt); fi; for i in [1 .. Length(suppstrings)] do isOptionSet := IsBound( optlist[i] ) and optlist[i] in [1, true]; ToPQ_BOOL(datarec, isOptionSet, suppstrings[i]); od; end); ############################################################################# ## #F SET_ANUPQ_OPTIONS( <funcname>, <fnname> ) . set options from OptionStack ## ## When called by a function with name <funcname> sets the options from ## `OptionsStack' checking that they are a subset of ## `ANUPQoptions.<fnname>'. Both <funcname> and <fnname> should be strings. ## InstallGlobalFunction( SET_ANUPQ_OPTIONS, function( funcname, fnname ) local optrec, optnames, opt; # there should be options if IsEmpty( OptionsStack ) then # no options?? optrec := rec(); Info( InfoANUPQ, 1, funcname, " called with no options!" ); else optrec := ShallowCopy( OptionsStack[ Length( OptionsStack ) ] ); optnames := Set( REC_NAMES(optrec) ); SubtractSet( optnames, Set( ANUPQoptions.(fnname) ) ); Info( InfoANUPQ, 2, funcname, " called with options: ", OptionsStack[ Length( OptionsStack ) ] ); if 0 < Length(optnames) then # it's not an error to have unknown options, # function may have been called recursively and the # options may be intended for some other function Info( InfoWarning + InfoANUPQ, 2, funcname, " called with unknown options: ", optnames); fi; for opt in optnames do Unbind( optrec.(opt) ); od; fi; return optrec; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQoptError( <funcname>, <illegal> ) . . . . . create an error message ## ## creates an error message for the function with name <funcname>. If ## <illegal> is a string it is taken to be the first line of the error ## message. Otherwise <illegal> should be alist of illegal options (strings) ## found. The error message (string) returned also gives the list of valid ## options together with the value types expected for function <funcname>. ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQoptError, function( funcname, illegal ) local Optstring, Valstring, errmsg, optname; Optstring := optname -> Concatenation("\"", optname, "\""); Valstring := optval -> Concatenation("<", optval, ">"); if IsString(illegal) then errmsg := illegal; else # IsList(illegal) errmsg := Concatenation("Illegal ", funcname, " option"); if Length(illegal) > 1 then Append(errmsg, "s"); fi; Append(errmsg, ": "); Append(errmsg, JoinStringsWithSeparator( List(illegal, Optstring) )); fi; Append(errmsg, Concatenation(".\nValid ", funcname, " options:\n")); for optname in ANUPQoptions.(funcname) do Append(errmsg, " "); Append(errmsg, Optstring(optname)); if ANUPQoptionChecks.(optname) <> IsBool then Append(errmsg, ", "); Append(errmsg, Valstring( ANUPQoptionTypes.(optname) )); fi; Append(errmsg, "\n"); od; return errmsg; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQextractOptions( <funcname>, <args> ) . . . . . . . . extract options ## ## extracts options from <args> for function with name <funcname> and ## returns a record suitable for use with `PushOptions'. Abbreviations are ## allowed for option names so long as each abbreviates a unique option ## name. ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQextractOptions, function(funcname, args) local Match, error, optrec, i, optname; # allow to give only a prefix Match := function( argi ) local matches; if IsString(argi) then matches := Filtered(ANUPQoptions.(funcname), optname -> 0 < Length(argi) and Length(argi) <= Length(optname) and optname{[1..Length(argi)]} = argi); if 1 = Length(matches) then return matches[1]; fi; error := Concatenation( "argument: \"", argi, "\" doesn't abbreviate a unique option"); else error := Concatenation( "argument: ", String(argi), " is not a (non-null) string (option name)" ); fi; return fail; end; # extract options from args optrec := rec(); i := 1; while i <= Length(args) do optname := Match( args[i] ); if optname = fail then Error( ANUPQoptError( funcname, error ) ); elif ANUPQoptionChecks.(optname) = IsBool then optrec.(optname) := true; i := i + 1; elif i = Length(args) then # all remaining options are non-boolean and expect a value to # follow Error( ANUPQoptError( funcname, Concatenation( "Expected value for option: ", args[i] ) ) ); else # checking values are ok is done later optrec.(optname) := args[i + 1]; i := i + 2; fi; od; return optrec; end ); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here