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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466324############################################################################# #### ## #A ANUPQ package Eamonn O'Brien #A Alice Niemeyer ## #Y Copyright 1993-2001, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany #Y Copyright 1993-2001, School of Mathematical Sciences, ANU, Australia ## ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQSPerror( <param> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . report illegal parameter ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQSPerror, function( param ) Error( "Valid Options:\n", " \"ClassBound\", <bound>\n", " \"PcgsAutomorphisms\"\n", " \"Exponent\", <exponent>\n", " \"Metabelian\"\n", " \"OutputLevel\", <level>\n", " \"SetupFile\", <file>\n", "Illegal Parameter: \"", param, "\"" ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F ANUPQSPextractArgs( <args> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . parse argument list ## InstallGlobalFunction( ANUPQSPextractArgs, function( args ) local CR, i, act, G, match; # allow to give only a prefix match := function( g, w ) return 1 < Length(g) and Length(g) <= Length(w) and w{[1..Length(g)]} = g; end; # extract arguments G := args[2]; CR := rec( group := G ); i := 3; while i <= Length(args) do act := args[i]; # "ClassBound", <class> if match( act, "ClassBound" ) then i := i + 1; CR.ClassBound := args[i]; if CR.ClassBound <= PClassPGroup(G) then Error( "\"ClassBound\" must be at least ", PClassPGroup(G)+1 ); fi; # "PcgsAutomorphisms" elif match( act, "PcgsAutomorphisms" ) then CR.PcgsAutomorphisms := true; #this may be available later # "SpaceEfficient" #elif match( act, "SpaceEfficient" ) then # CR.SpaceEfficient := true; # "Exponent", <exp> elif match( act, "Exponent" ) then i := i + 1; CR.Exponent := args[i]; # "Metabelian" elif match( act, "Metabelian" ) then CR.Metabelian := true; # "Verbose" elif match( act, "Verbose" ) then CR.Verbose := true; # "SetupFile", <file> elif match( act, "SetupFile" ) then i := i + 1; CR.SetupFile := args[i]; # "TmpDir", <dir> elif match( act, "TmpDir" ) then i := i + 1; CR.TmpDir := args[i]; # "Output", <level> elif match( act, "OutputLevel" ) then i := i + 1; CR.OutputLevel := args[i]; CR.Verbose := true; # signal an error else ANUPQSPerror(act); fi; i := i + 1; od; return CR; end ); ############################################################################# ## #V ANUSPGlobalVariables ## InstallValue( ANUSPGlobalVariables, [ "ANUPQmagic", "ANUPQautos", "ANUPQgroups", ] ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqFpGroupPcGroup( <G> ) . . . . . . corresponding fp group of a pc group ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqFpGroupPcGroup, G -> Image( IsomorphismFpGroup( G ) ) ); ############################################################################# ## #M FpGroupPcGroup( <G> ) . . . . . . . corresponding fp group of a pc group ## InstallMethod( FpGroupPcGroup, "pc group", [IsPcGroup], 0, PqFpGroupPcGroup ); ############################################################################# ## #F PQ_EPIMORPHISM_STANDARD_PRESENTATION( <args> ) . (epi. onto) SP for group ## InstallGlobalFunction( PQ_EPIMORPHISM_STANDARD_PRESENTATION, function( args ) local datarec, rank, Q, Qclass, automorphisms, generators, x, images, i, r, j, aut, result, desc, k; datarec := ANUPQ_ARG_CHK("StandardPresentation", args); if datarec.calltype = "interactive" and IsBound(datarec.SPepi) then # Note: the `pq' binary seg-faults if called twice to # calculate the standard presentation of a group return datarec.SPepi; fi; if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("pQuotient") = fail and VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", datarec) <> fail then # Ensure a saved value of `Prime' has precedence # over a saved value of `pQuotient'. Unbind(datarec.pQuotient); fi; if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("pQuotient", datarec) <> fail then PQ_AUT_GROUP( datarec.pQuotient ); datarec.Prime := PrimePGroup( datarec.pQuotient ); elif VALUE_PQ_OPTION("Prime", datarec) <> fail then rank := Number( List( AbelianInvariants(, x -> Gcd(x, datarec.Prime) ), y -> y = datarec.Prime ); # construct free group with <rank> generators Q := FreeGroup( IsSyllableWordsFamily, rank, "q" ); # construct power-relation Q := Q / List( GeneratorsOfGroup(Q), x -> x^datarec.Prime ); # construct pc group Q := PcGroupFpGroup(Q); # construct automorphism automorphisms := []; generators := GeneratorsOfGroup(Q); for x in GeneratorsOfGroup( GL(rank, datarec.Prime) ) do images := []; for i in [ 1 .. rank ] do r := One(Q); for j in [ 1 .. rank ] do r := r * generators[j]^Int(x[i][j]); od; images[i] := r; od; aut := GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q, Q, generators, images ); SetIsBijective( aut, true ); Add( automorphisms, aut ); od; SetAutomorphismGroup( Q, GroupByGenerators( automorphisms ) ); datarec.pQuotient := Q; fi; #PushOptions(rec(nonuser := true)); Qclass := PClassPGroup( datarec.pQuotient ); if VALUE_PQ_OPTION("ClassBound", 63) <= Qclass then Error( "option `ClassBound' must be greater than `pQuotient' class (", Qclass, ")\n" ); fi; PQ_PC_PRESENTATION(datarec, "SP" : ClassBound := Qclass); PQ_SP_STANDARD_PRESENTATION(datarec); PQ_SP_ISOMORPHISM(datarec); if datarec.calltype = "non-interactive" then PQ_COMPLETE_NONINTERACTIVE_FUNC_CALL(datarec); if IsBound( datarec.setupfile ) then #PopOptions(); return true; fi; fi; # try to read output result := ANUPQReadOutput( ANUPQData.SPimages, ANUSPGlobalVariables ); if not IsBound(result.ANUPQmagic) then Error("something wrong with `pq' binary. Please check installation\n"); fi; desc := rec(); result.ANUPQgroups[Length(result.ANUPQgroups)](desc); # if result.ANUPQautos <> fail and # Length( result.ANUPQautos ) = Length( result.ANUPQgroups ) then # result.ANUPQautos[ Length(result.ANUPQgroups) ]( ); # fi; # revise images to correspond to images of user-supplied generators datarec.SP :=; x := Length( ); k := Length( GeneratorsOfGroup( ) ); # images of user supplied generators are last k entries in .pqImages datarec.SPepi := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(, datarec.SP, GeneratorsOfGroup(,{[x - k + 1..x]} ); #PopOptions(); return datarec.SPepi; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation( <arg> ) . . . epi. onto SP for p-group ## InstallGlobalFunction( EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation, function( arg ) return PQ_EPIMORPHISM_STANDARD_PRESENTATION( arg ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F PqStandardPresentation( <arg> : <options> ) . . . . . . . SP for p-group ## InstallGlobalFunction( PqStandardPresentation, function( arg ) local SPepi; SPepi := PQ_EPIMORPHISM_STANDARD_PRESENTATION( arg ); if SPepi = true then return true; # the SetupFile case fi; return Range( SPepi ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M EpimorphismStandardPresentation( <F> ) . . . . . epi. onto SP for p-group #M EpimorphismStandardPresentation( [<i>] ) ## InstallMethod( EpimorphismStandardPresentation, "fp group", [IsFpGroup], 0, EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation ); InstallMethod( EpimorphismStandardPresentation, "pc group", [IsPcGroup], 0, EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation ); InstallMethod( EpimorphismStandardPresentation, "positive integer", [IsPosInt], 0, EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation ); InstallOtherMethod( EpimorphismStandardPresentation, "", [], 0, EpimorphismPqStandardPresentation ); ############################################################################# ## #M StandardPresentation( <F> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SP for p-group #M StandardPresentation( [<i>] ) ## InstallMethod( StandardPresentation, "fp group", [IsFpGroup], 0, PqStandardPresentation ); InstallMethod( StandardPresentation, "pc group", [IsPcGroup], 0, PqStandardPresentation ); InstallMethod( StandardPresentation, "positive integer", [IsPosInt], 0, PqStandardPresentation ); InstallOtherMethod( StandardPresentation, "", [], 0, PqStandardPresentation ); ############################################################################# ## #F IsPqIsomorphicPGroup( <G>, <H> ) . . . . . . . . . . . isomorphism test ## InstallGlobalFunction( IsPqIsomorphicPGroup, function( G, H ) local p, class, SG, SH, Ggens, Hgens; # <G> and <H> must both be pc groups and p-groups if not IsPcGroup(G) then Error( "<G> must be a pc group" ); fi; if not IsPcGroup(H) then Error( "<H> must be a pc group" ); fi; if Size(G) <> Size(H) then return false; fi; p := SmallestRootInt(Size(G)); if not IsPrimeInt(p) then Error( "<G> must be a p-group" ); fi; # check the Frattini factor if RankPGroup(G) <> RankPGroup(H) then return false; fi; # check the exponent-p length and the sizes of the groups in the # p-central series of both groups if List(PCentralSeries(G,p), Size) <> List(PCentralSeries(H,p), Size) then return false; fi; # if the groups are elementary abelian they are isomorphic class := PClassPGroup(G); if class = 1 then return true; fi; # compute a standard presentation for both SG := PqStandardPresentation(PqFpGroupPcGroup(G) : Prime := p, ClassBound := class); SH := PqStandardPresentation(PqFpGroupPcGroup(H) : Prime := p, ClassBound := class); # the groups are equal if the presentation are equal Ggens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FreeGroupOfFpGroup( SG ) ); Hgens := GeneratorsOfGroup( FreeGroupOfFpGroup( SH ) ); return RelatorsOfFpGroup(SG) = List( RelatorsOfFpGroup(SH), x -> MappedWord( x, Hgens, Ggens ) ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M IsIsomorphicPGroup( <F>, <G> ) ## InstallMethod( IsIsomorphicPGroup, "pc group, pc group", [IsPcGroup, IsPcGroup], 0, IsPqIsomorphicPGroup ); #E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ends here