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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466288## anupqeg.tst skeleton ## To create new `anupqeg.tst' do: ## make_anupqeg LoadPackage("anupq"); LogTo("anupqeg.tst-new0"); ############################################################################# ## #A anupqeg.tst ANUPQ package Greg Gamble ## ## Tests all but one of the ANUPQ examples. ## Execute this file with `Test( "anupqeg.tst" );'. ## This is a *big* test, taking some 40 minutes on a *fast* (1GHz) machine. ## The number of GAPstones returned at the end do not mean much as they do ## not measure the time spent by the `pq' binary. ## START_TEST( "Testing ANUPQ examples" ); SetInfoLevel(InfoANUPQ, 1); examples := AllPqExamples(); RemoveSet(examples, "EpimorphismStandardPresentation-i"); nexamples := Length( examples ); LogTo(); Exec("grep -e \"^gap> \" anupqeg.tst-new0 > anupqeg.tst-new"); for i in [1..nexamples] do example := examples[i]; PqExample( example, "anupqeg.tst-new0" ); ResetOptionsStack(); Exec( "grep -v -e \"^#I [^#]\" anupqeg.tst-new0 >> anupqeg.tst-new" ); len := Length(example); if not( example{[len - 1 .. len]} in ["-i", ".g", "ni"] ) then AppendTo("anupqeg.tst-new", "# Executing interactive variant of example: \"", example, "\"\n"); PqExample( example, PqStart, "anupqeg.tst-new0" ); ResetOptionsStack(); Exec( "grep -v -e \"^#I [^#]\" anupqeg.tst-new0 >> anupqeg.tst-new" ); fi; if i mod 3 = 0 then AppendTo("anupqeg.tst-new", "PqQuitAll();\n"); fi; od; AppendTo("anupqeg.tst-new", "STOP_TEST( \"anupqeg.tst\", 1000000 );\n"); quit;