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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 4663091[1X4 [33X[0;0YCustomizations of the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X234[1X4.1 [33X[0;0YInstalling the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X56[33X[0;0YTo install the package, unpack the archive file in a directory in the [11Xpkg[111X7directory of your local copy of [5XGAP[105X 4. This might be the [11Xpkg[111X directory of8the [5XGAP[105X 4 root directory, see [14X'Reference: Installing a GAP Package'[114X for9details. It is however also possible to keep an additional [11Xpkg[111X directory in10your private directories, see Section [14X'Reference: GAP Root Directories'[114X. The11latter possibility [13Xmust[113X be chosen if you do not have write access to the [5XGAP[105X12root directory.[133X1314[33X[0;0YData files that are available from an earlier version of the package are in15principle kept;16see [2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsTestTableOfContentsRemoteUpdates[102X ([14X4.2-4[114X) for17necessary updates.[133X1819[33X[0;0YIf it is likely that one will work offline, it makes sense to install the20[21Xstarter archive[121X that can be downloaded from the package's homepage.[133X2122[33X[0;0YThe package consists entirely of [5XGAP[105X code, no external binaries need to be23compiled for the package itself. However, if the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14] is24used to access remote data files (see Section [14X4.3-3[114X) then its external25binary must be available.[133X2627[33X[0;0YAfter unpacking the package archive, the write permissions for those28directories should be checked into which users will download files. Every29user can customize these paths via a user preference, see Section [14X4.3-9[114X, the30defaults are the subdirectories [11Xdatagens[111X and [11Xdataword[111X of the package31directory. The recommended permissions under UNIX for the default32directories are set as follows.[133X3334[4X[32X Example [32X[104X35[4X[28Xyou@unix> chmod 1777 atlasrep/data*[128X[104X36[4X[28Xyou@unix> ls -ld atlasrep/data*[128X[104X37[4X[28Xdrwxrwxrwt 3 you you 1024 Oct 31 12:34 datagens[128X[104X38[4X[28Xdrwxrwxrwt 3 you you 1024 Oct 31 12:34 dataword[128X[104X39[4X[32X[104X4041[33X[0;0YFor checking the installation of the package, you should start [5XGAP[105X and call[133X4243[4X[32X Example [32X[104X44[4X[25Xgap>[125X [27XReadPackage( "atlasrep", "tst/testinst.g" );[127X[104X45[4X[32X[104X4647[33X[0;0YIf the installation is o.k. then the [5XGAP[105X prompt appears without anything48else being printed; otherwise the output lines tell you what should be49changed.[133X5051[33X[0;0YMore test files are available in the [11Xtst[111X directory of the package, see52Section [14X7.8[114X for details.[133X5354[33X[0;0YPDF, HTML, and text versions of the package manual are available in the [11Xdoc[111X55directory of the package.[133X565758[1X4.2 [33X[0;0YMaintaining the Local Data of the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X5960[33X[0;0YThe current [13Xtable of contents[113X of the database is contained in the file61[11Xgap/atlasprm.g[111X of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package. This file is read by default when62the package is loaded. It may happen that new data files have been added to63the servers since the last release of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package, thus it is64useful to update the table of contents of the package from time to time.[133X6566[33X[0;0YFor that, one can fetch the most recent version of the file [11Xgap/atlasprm.g[111X67from the home page of the package (see Section [14X4.4[114X), either by68calling [2XReloadAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-1[114X) in a [5XGAP[105X session or [21Xby hand[121X. In69the latter case, the new file can then be read into the [5XGAP[105X session via70[2XReplaceAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-3[114X). Alternatively, one can add a line to71the user's [11Xgaprc[111X file (see [14X'Reference: The gap.ini and gaprc files'[114X), which72assigns the filename of the current [11Xgap/atlasprm.g[111X file (as an absolute path73or relative to the user's home directory, cf. [2XDirectory[102X ([14XReference:74Directory[114X)) to the global variable [10XATLASREP_TOCFILE[110X; in this case, this file75is read instead of the one from the package distribution when the package is76loaded.[133X7778[33X[0;0YUsers who have write access to the directory where the [5XAtlasRep[105X package is79installed can alternatively use the [11Xmaketoc[111X script in the [11Xetc[111X directory of80the package for regularly updating the file [11Xgap/atlasprm.g[111X. Users without81this write access can store the new file in a different place, and read it82with [2XReplaceAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-3[114X).[133X8384[1X4.2-1 ReloadAtlasTableOfContents[101X8586[29X[2XReloadAtlasTableOfContents[102X( [3Xdirname[103X ) [32X function87[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Y[9Xfail[109X if the required table of contents could not be reloaded,88otherwise [9Xtrue[109X.[133X8990[33X[0;0YLet [3Xdirname[103X be a string, which must be one of [10X"remote"[110X, [10X"local"[110X, or the name91of a private data directory (see Chapter [14X5[114X).[133X9293[33X[0;0YIn the case of [10X"remote"[110X, the file [11Xatlasprm.g[111X is fetched from the package's94home page, and then read into [5XGAP[105X. In the case of [10X"local"[110X, the subset of the95data listed in the [10X"remote"[110X table of contents is considered that are96actually available in the local data directories. In the case of a private97directory, its contents is inspected, and the table of contents for [3Xdirname[103X98is replaced by the one obtained from inspecting the actual contents of the99data directories (see Section [14X7.7[114X).[133X100101[1X4.2-2 StoreAtlasTableOfContents[101X102103[29X[2XStoreAtlasTableOfContents[102X( [3Xfilename[103X ) [32X function104105[33X[0;0YLet [3Xfilename[103X be a string. This function prints the loaded table of contents106of the servers to the file with name [3Xfilename[103X.[133X107108[1X4.2-3 ReplaceAtlasTableOfContents[101X109110[29X[2XReplaceAtlasTableOfContents[102X( [3Xfilename[103X ) [32X function111112[33X[0;0YLet [3Xfilename[103X be the name of a file that has been created with113[2XStoreAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-2[114X).[133X114115[33X[0;0Y[2XReplaceAtlasTableOfContents[102X first removes the information that [5XGAP[105X has116stored about the table of contents of the servers, and then reads the file117with name [3Xfilename[103X, thus replacing the previous information by the stored118one.[133X119120[1X4.2-4 AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsTestTableOfContentsRemoteUpdates[101X121122[29X[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsTestTableOfContentsRemoteUpdates[102X( ) [32X function123[6XReturns:[106X [33X[0;10Ythe list of names of all locally available data files that should124be removed.[133X125126[33X[0;0YThis function fetches the file [11Xchanges.html[111X from the package's home page,127extracts the times of changes for the data files in question, and compares128them with the times of the last changes of the local data files. For that,129the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14] is needed; if it is not available then an error130message is printed, and [9Xfail[109X is returned.[133X131132[33X[0;0YIf the time of the last modification of a server file is later than that of133the local copy then the local file must be updated. (This means that134[10Xtouch[110Xing files in the local directories will cheat this function.)[133X135136[33X[0;0YIt is useful that a system administrator (i. e., someone who has the137permission to remove files from the data directories) runs this function138from time to time, and afterwards removes the files in the list that is139returned. This way, new versions of these files will be fetched140automatically from the servers when a user asks for their data.[133X141142143[1X4.3 [33X[0;0YUser Parameters for the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X144145[33X[0;0YThis section lists global parameters for which it might make sense to change146their defaults by assignments to global variables (see147[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsUserParameters[102X ([14X4.3-8[114X) for an overview of these148parameters) or using [5XGAP[105X's user preferences (see [14X'Reference: Configuring149User preferences'[114X).[133X150151152[1X4.3-1 [33X[0;0YLocal or Remote Access[133X[101X153154[33X[0;0YThere are two possibilities to use the [5XAtlasRep[105X package.[133X155156[8X[13XLocal access only (offline)[113X[108X157[33X[0;6YYou can restrict the access to the data that are actually stored in158the local installation of [5XGAP[105X.[133X159160[8X[13XRemote access (online)[113X[108X161[33X[0;6YIf your computer is connected to a network that provides access to the162[5XATLAS[105X data (for example the internet) then the functions of the163package may fetch the requested data automatically from remote servers164when they are required for the first time; these data are then by165default stored in the local copy, so later access to them needs no166network transfer.[133X167168[33X[0;0YThe latter possibility is presently not used by other [5XGAP[105X packages, so it169may be regarded as an important feature of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package. Anyhow it170requires a few words of explanation.[133X171172[33X[0;0YThe possibility of online access reflects in particular the fact that the173[5XATLAS[105X of Group Representations is designed as an [13Xopen database[113X, it is174expected to grow. As soon as the developers of the [5XATLAS[105X of Group175Representations add new information to the servers, these data become176available in [5XGAP[105X when remote access is enabled, after one has updated the177corresponding table of contents (see Section [14X4.2[114X).[133X178179[33X[0;0YRemote access is enabled if and only if the value of the [10Xremote[110X component of180the global variable [2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X) is [9Xtrue[109X. If one181wants to work offline, i.e., if one does [13Xnot[113X want [5XGAP[105X to attempt accessing182remote data then this value must be set to [9Xfalse[109X.[133X183184[33X[0;0YConversely, if the default value of the [10Xremote[110X component in your [5XGAP[105X185installation is [9Xfalse[109X then changing this value to [9Xtrue[109X may be not186successful. First, it might be the case that no server is reachable. And187second, if one can in principle [13Xdownload[113X files from a server then it might188be impossible to actually [13Xstore[113X these files in the data directories of the189installed package; in this case, it is advisable to install the whole190package or just its data directories in a private directory, see [14X'Reference:191GAP Root Directories'[114X for details.[133X192193194[1X4.3-2 [33X[0;0YAdding and Removing Servers[133X[101X195196[33X[0;0YWhen access to remote data is enabled (see Section [14X4.3-1[114X) then the available197servers are given by the [10Xservers[110X component of the global variable198[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X).[133X199200[33X[0;0Y[13XRemoving[113X entries from this list means to disable access to the corresponding201servers, [13Xadding[113X entries makes the corresponding servers available. Of course202the latter makes sense only if the new servers really exist, for example in203a local network.[133X204205[33X[0;0YCurrently there is just one remote server. As soon as other servers become206available, or a server name is changed which makes it necessary to adjust207the [10Xservers[110X component, this will be announced in the [5XGAP[105X Forum, cf.208[14X'Tutorial: Further Information about GAP'[114X. The same holds when upgrades of209the package become available.[133X210211212[1X4.3-3 [33X[0;0YAccessing Data Files with the [5XGAP[105X[101X[1X Package [5XIO[105X[101X[1X or with [11Xwget[111X[101X[1X[133X[101X213214[33X[0;0YWhen access to remote data is enabled (see Section [14X4.3-1[114X) then one needs215either the [5XGAP[105X package [5XIO[105X [Neu14] or the external program [11Xwget[111X for accessing216data files.[133X217218[33X[0;0YThe chosen alternative is given by the value of the [10Xwget[110X component of the219global variable [2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X).[133X220221[33X[0;0YIf this component has the value [9Xtrue[109X then only [11Xwget[111X is tried, if the value222is [9Xfalse[109X then only the [5XIO[105X package is used. If this component is not bound or223bound to another value than [9Xtrue[109X or [9Xfalse[109X (this is also the default) then224the [5XIO[105X package is preferred to [11Xwget[111X if this package is available, and225otherwise [11Xwget[111X is tried.[133X226227[33X[0;0YNote that the system program [11Xwget[111X may be not available, and that it may228require some work to install it; hints for that can be found on the home229page of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package (see Section [14X4.4[114X).[133X230231232[1X4.3-4 [33X[0;0YCompressed or Uncompressed Data Files[133X[101X233234[33X[0;0YWhen used with UNIX, [5XGAP[105X can read [11Xgzip[111Xped files, see [14X'Reference: Saving and235Loading a Workspace'[114X. If the component [10Xcompress[110X of236[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X) has the value [9Xtrue[109X then each [5XMeatAxe[105X237format file that is fetched from a remote server is afterwards compressed238with [11Xgzip[111X. This saves a lot of space if many [5XMeatAxe[105X format files are239accessed. (Note that data files in other formats are very small.) For240example, at the time of the release of version 1.5.1 there were about [22X8400[122X241data files in [5XMeatAxe[105X format, which needed about [22X1400[122X MB in uncompressed242text format and about [22X275[122X MB in compressed text format. The default value243for the component [10Xcompress[110X is [9Xfalse[109X.[133X244245246[1X4.3-5 [33X[0;0YCustomizing [10XDisplayAtlasInfo[110X[101X[1X[133X[101X247248[33X[0;0YThe way how [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X) shows the requested overview is249controlled by the component [10XdisplayFunction[110X of250[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo[102X ([14X7.1-6[114X). The default value is [2XPrint[102X251([14XReference: Print[114X), other useful values are [2XPrintFormattedString[102X ([14XGAPDoc:252PrintFormattedString[114X) and [10XAGR.Pager[110X; the latter calls [2XPager[102X ([14XReference:253Pager[114X) with the [10Xformatted[110X option, which is necessary for switching off [5XGAP[105X's254automatic line breaking.[133X255256257[1X4.3-6 [33X[0;0YCustomizing the Access to Data Files[133X[101X258259[33X[0;0YBy default, local data files are stored in the subdirectories [11Xdatagens[111X and260[11Xdataword[111X of the directory given by the user preference [10XAtlasRepDataDirectory[110X261(see Section [14X4.3-9[114X), and the files are exactly the text files provided on262the servers. However, a more flexible approach may be useful.[133X263264[33X[0;0YFirst, one may want to use [13Xdifferent file formats[113X, for example the [5XMeatAxe[105X265binary files that are provided by the servers parallel to the [5XMeatAxe[105X text266files. Second, one may want to use [13Xa different directory structure[113X, for267example the same structure as used on the servers –this makes sense for268example if a local mirror of a server is available, because then one can269read the server files directly, without transferring/copying them to another270directory.[133X271272[33X[0;0YAs a consequence, one would like to customize the meaning of the following273three access steps.[133X274275[8XAre the required files locally available?[108X276[33X[0;6YThe required files may have a different name or a different path, and277the data can be available in one file or can be distributed to several278files.[133X279280[8XHow can a file be made locally available?[108X281[33X[0;6YA different server file may be fetched or some postprocessing may be282required.[133X283284[8XHow is the data of a file accessed by [5XGAP[105X?[108X285[33X[0;6YA different function may be needed to read the file.[133X286287[33X[0;0YDetails how to achieve these customizations can be found in Section [14X7.2[114X.[133X288289290[1X4.3-7 [33X[0;0YReading Large Matrices over Finite Fields[133X[101X291292[33X[0;0YMatrices over finite fields in [5XGAP[105X can be represented in a compressed format293that needs less space than the corresponding text file. Such a [5XMeatAxe[105X294format text file can be read by [2XScanMeatAxeFile[102X ([14X7.3-1[114X) either line by line295(which is the default) or as a whole; the latter is faster but needs more296space than the former. For example, a [22X4370[122X by [22X4370[122X matrix over the field297with two elements (as occurs for an irreducible representation of the Baby298Monster) requires less than [22X3[122X MB space in [5XGAP[105X but the corresponding [5XMeatAxe[105X299format text file is more than [22X19[122X MB large, which means that when one reads300the file with the fast variant, [5XGAP[105X will temporarily grow by more than this301value. One can change the mode by setting the global variable302[2XCMeatAxe.FastRead[102X ([14X7.1-4[114X) to [9Xtrue[109X or [9Xfalse[109X, respectively.[133X303304[33X[0;0YNote that this parameter is meaningful only when [2XScanMeatAxeFile[102X ([14X7.3-1[114X) is305used. It has no effect for example if [5XMeatAxe[105X binary files are read,306cf. [2XFFMatOrPermCMtxBinary[102X ([14X7.3-5[114X).[133X307308[1X4.3-8 AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsUserParameters[101X309310[29X[2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsUserParameters[102X( ) [32X function311312[33X[0;0YThis function returns a string that describes an overview of the current313values of the user parameters introduced in this section. One can use [2XPrint[102X314([14XReference: Print[114X) or [2XPager[102X ([14XReference: Pager[114X) for showing the overview.[133X315316317[1X4.3-9 [33X[0;0YUser preference [10XAtlasRepDataDirectory[110X[101X[1X[133X[101X318319[33X[0;0YThe value must be a string that is the filename of a directory (in the sense320of [2XIsDirectoryPath[102X ([14XReference: IsDirectoryPath[114X)) that contains the321directories [11Xdatagens[111X and [11Xdataword[111X in which downloaded data will be stored.322The default is the installation path of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package (including a323trailing slash symbol).[133X324325326[1X4.3-10 [33X[0;0YUser preference [10XWriteMeatAxeFilesOfMode2[110X[101X[1X[133X[101X327328[33X[0;0YThe value [9Xtrue[109X means that the function [2XMeatAxeString[102X ([14X7.3-2[114X) will encode329permutation matrices via mode 2 descriptions, that is, the first entry in330the header line is 2, and the following lines contain the positions of the331nonzero entries. If the value is [9Xfalse[109X (the default) then [2XMeatAxeString[102X332([14X7.3-2[114X) encodes permutation matrices via mode 1 or mode 6 descriptions, that333is, the lines contain the matrix entries.[133X334335336[1X4.3-11 [33X[0;0YUser preference [10XBaseOfMeatAxePermutation[110X[101X[1X[133X[101X337338[33X[0;0YThe value [22X0[122X means that the function [2XCMtxBinaryFFMatOrPerm[102X ([14X7.3-4[114X) writes339zero-based permutations, that is, permutations acting on the points from [22X0[122X340to the degree minus one; this is achieved by shifting down all images of the341[5XGAP[105X permutation by one. The value [22X1[122X (the default) means that the permutation342stored in the binary file acts on the points from [22X1[122X to the degree.[133X343344[33X[0;0YUp to version 2.3 of the [10XC[110X-[5XMeatAxe[105X, permutations in binary files were always345one-based. Zero-based permutations were introduced in version 2.4, which346still is able to read files containing one-based permutations.[133X347348349[1X4.4 [33X[0;0YWeb Services for the [5XAtlasRep[105X[101X[1X Package[133X[101X350351[33X[0;0YThe home page of the [5XAtlasRep[105X package is[133X352353[33X[0;0Y[7X[107X.[133X354355[33X[0;0YBesides package archives and introductory package information, it provides[133X356357[30X [33X[0;6Ythe current file with the [13Xtable of contents[113X (the file [11Xgap/atlasprm.g[111X358of the package, see359[7X[107X),360cf. [2XReloadAtlasTableOfContents[102X ([14X4.2-1[114X),[133X361362[30X [33X[0;6Ya [13Xstarter archive[113X containing many small representations and programs363(see364[7X[107X),[133X365366[30X [33X[0;6Ythe list of [13Xchanges of server files[113X in HTML format (see367[7X[107X),368cf. [2XAtlasOfGroupRepresentationsTestTableOfContentsRemoteUpdates[102X369([14X4.2-4[114X), and[133X370371[30X [33X[0;6Yan [13Xoverview of the data[113X available via the [5XGAP[105X interface to the [5XATLAS[105X372of Group Representations, in HTML format (see373[7X[107X);374this is similar to the information shown by [2XDisplayAtlasInfo[102X ([14X3.5-1[114X),375further information can be found on the home page of the [5XATLAS[105X, see376[7X[107X.[133X377378379[1X4.5 [33X[0;0YExtending the [5XATLAS[105X[101X[1X Database[133X[101X380381[33X[0;0YUsers who have computed new representations that might be interesting for382inclusion into the [5XATLAS[105X of Group representations can send the data in383question to [7Xmailto:[email protected][107X.[133X384385[33X[0;0YIt is also possible to store [21Xprivate[121X representations and programs in local386directories, and to use them in the same way as the [21Xofficial[121X data. See387Chapter [14X5[114X for details.[133X388389390391