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Views: 466311############################################################################# ## #W brspor.g GAP 4 package AtlasRep Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2007, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This file contains ## - a record `BibliographySporadicSimple' containing the customizations for ## `BrowseBibliography' that are needed for showing the bibliographies in ## the Atlas of Finite Groups and in the Atlas of Brauer Characters and ## - a very small Browse application `BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple' ## for showing these data. ## ############################################################################# ## ## (Depending on the order of reading package files, ## `BrowseBibliography' may be not yet bound. ## Avoid the syntax error message.) ## if not IsBound( BrowseBibliography ) then BrowseBibliography:= "dummy"; fi; ############################################################################# ## #V BibliographySporadicSimple ## DeclareGlobalVariable( "BibliographySporadicSimple" ); InstallValue( BibliographySporadicSimple, rec( # auxiliary components emptycategory:= "(not assigned to a sporadic simple group)", groupnameinfo:= [ [ "M11", "Mathieu group", "M<sub>11</sub>" ], [ "M12", "Mathieu group", "M<sub>12</sub>" ], [ "J1", "Janko group", "J<sub>1</sub>" ], [ "M22", "Mathieu group", "M<sub>22</sub>" ], [ "J2", "Janko group", "J<sub>2</sub>" ], [ "M23", "Mathieu group", "M<sub>23</sub>" ], [ "HS", "Higman-Sims group", "HS" ], [ "J3", "Janko group", "J<sub>3</sub>" ], [ "M24", "Mathieu group", "M<sub>24</sub>" ], [ "McL", "McLaughlin group", "M<sup>c</sup>L" ], [ "He", "Held group", "He" ], [ "Ru", "Rudvalis group", "Ru" ], [ "Suz", "Suzuki group", "Suz" ], [ "ON", "O'Nan group", "O'N" ], [ "Co3", "Conway group", "Co<sub>3</sub>" ], [ "Co2", "Conway group", "Co<sub>2</sub>" ], [ "Fi22", "Fischer group", "Fi<sub>22</sub>" ], [ "HN", "Harada-Norton group", "HN" ], [ "Ly", "Lyons group", "Ly" ], [ "Th", "Thompson group", "Th" ], [ "Fi23", "Fischer group", "Fi<sub>23</sub>" ], [ "Co1", "Conway group", "Co<sub>1</sub>" ], [ "J4", "Janko group", "J<sub>4</sub>" ], [ "Fi24'", "Fischer group", "Fi<sub>24</sub><sup>'</sup>" ], [ "B", "Baby monster group", "B" ], [ "M", "Monster group", "M" ], ], groupnames:= Concatenation( [ ~.emptycategory ], List( ~.groupnameinfo, x -> x[1] ) ), # The following component is used in the manual example for # `BrowseMinimalDegrees'. groupNamesJan05:= [ "M11", "M12", "2.M12", "J1", "M22", "2.M22", "3.M22", "4.M22", "6.M22", "12.M22", "J2", "2.J2", "M23", "HS", "2.HS", "J3", "3.J3", "M24", "McL", "3.McL", "He", "Ru", "2.Ru", "Suz", "2.Suz", "3.Suz", "6.Suz", "ON", "3.ON", "Co3", "Co2", "Fi22", "2.Fi22", "3.Fi22", "6.Fi22", "HN", "Ly", "Th", "Fi23", "Co1", "2.Co1", "J4", "Fi24'", "3.Fi24'", "B", "2.B", "M", ], # the data components filesshort:= [ "Atlas1bib.xml", "Atlas2bib.xml", "ABCapp2bib.xml", "ABCbiblbib.xml" ], filecontents:= [ "ATLAS bibliography (p. 243)", "ATLAS bibliography (pp. 244-251)", "ABC appendix", "ABC bibliography" ], files:= List( ~.filesshort, x -> Filename( DirectoriesPackageLibrary( "atlasrep", "bibl" ), x ) ), header:= "Bibliography of Sporadic Simple Groups", columns:= [ rec( identifier:= "sporsimp", viewLabel:= "G", type:= "values", create:= function( attr, id ) local rows, r; rows:= []; for r in id do if IsBound( r[1].sporsimp ) and r[1].sporsimp <> "" and not r[1].sporsimp in rows then Add( rows, r[1].sporsimp ); fi; od; return rows; end, viewSort:= function( nam1, nam2 ) local list; # Sort sporadic simple groups according to their order. list:= BibliographySporadicSimple.groupnames; if nam1 = "Fi24'" then nam1:= "F3+"; fi; if nam2 = "Fi24'" then nam2:= "F3+"; fi; return Position( list, nam1 ) < Position( list, nam2 ); end, viewValue:= function( x ) if IsEmpty( x ) then return ""; else return rec( rows:= x, align:= "tl" ); fi; end, categoryValue:= value -> BrowseData.ReplacedEntry( value, [ "" ], [ BibliographySporadicSimple.emptycategory ] ), align:= "l", sortParameters:= [ "hide on categorizing", "no", "add counter on categorizing", "yes", "split rows on categorizing", "yes" ], ) ], choice:= [ "authors", "title", "year", "journal", "sporsimp", "sourcefilename" ], sortKeyFunction:= BrowseData.SortKeyFunctionBibRec, ) ); ############################################################################# ## #F BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple() ## ## <#GAPDoc Label="BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple"> ## <ManSection> ## <Func Name="BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple" Arg=''/> ## ## <Returns> ## a record as returned by ## <Ref Func="ParseBibXMLExtString" BookName="gapdoc"/>. ## </Returns> ## <Description> ## If the &GAP; package <Package>Browse</Package> (see <Cite Key="Browse"/>) ## is loaded then this function is available. ## It opens a browse table whose rows correspond to the entries of the ## bibliographies in the &ATLAS; of Finite Groups <Cite Key="CCN85"/> ## and in the &ATLAS; of Brauer Characters <Cite Key="JLPW95"/>. ## <P/> ## The function is based on ## <Ref Func="BrowseBibliography" BookName="browse"/>, ## see the documentation of this function for details, e.g., about the ## return value. ## <P/> ## The returned record encodes the bibliography entries corresponding to ## those rows of the table that are <Q>clicked</Q> in visual mode, ## in the same format as the return value of ## <Ref Func="ParseBibXMLExtString" BookName="gapdoc"/>, ## see the manual of the &GAP; package &GAPDoc; <Cite Key="GAPDoc"/> ## for details. ## <P/> ## <Ref Func="BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple"/> can be called also via ## the menu shown by <Ref Func="BrowseGapData" BookName="Browse"/>. ## <P/> ## <Example><![CDATA[ ## gap> if IsBound( BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple ) then ## > enter:= NCurses.keys.ENTER;; nop:= [ 14, 14, 14 ];; ## > BrowseData.SetReplay( Concatenation( ## > # choose the application ## > "/Bibliography of Sporadic Simple Groups", [ enter, enter ], ## > # search in the title column for the Atlas of Finite Groups ## > "scr/Atlas of finite groups", [ enter, ## > # and quit ## > nop, nop, nop, nop ], "Q" ) ); ## > BrowseGapData();; ## > BrowseData.SetReplay( false ); ## > fi; ## ]]></Example> ## <P/> ## The bibliographies contained in the &ATLAS; of Finite Groups ## <Cite Key="CCN85"/> and in the &ATLAS; of Brauer Characters ## <Cite Key="JLPW95"/> are available online in HTML format, see ## <URL></URL>. ## <P/> ## The source data in BibXMLext format, which are used by ## <Ref Func="BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple"/>, ## is part of the <Package>AtlasRep</Package> package, ## in four files with suffix <F>xml</F> in the package's <F>bibl</F> ## directory. ## Note that each of the two books contains two bibliographies. ## <P/> ## Details about the BibXMLext format, including information how to ## transform the data into other formats such as BibTeX, ## can be found in the &GAP; package ## <Package>GAPDoc</Package> (see <Cite Key="GAPDoc"/>). ## </Description> ## </ManSection> ## <#/GAPDoc> ## BindGlobal( "BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple", function() return BrowseBibliography( BibliographySporadicSimple ); end ); ############################################################################# ## ## Undo the dummy assignment. ## if IsString( BrowseBibliography ) then Unbind( BrowseBibliography ); fi; ############################################################################# ## ## Add the Browse application to the list shown by `BrowseGapData'. ## BrowseGapDataAdd( "Bibliography of Sporadic Simple Groups", BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple, true, "\ the contents of the bibliographies contained in the Atlas of Finite Groups \ and in the Atlas of Brauer Characters, \ based on the same Browse application as the menu entry \ ``GAP Bibliography''; \ try ?BrowseBibliographySporadicSimple for details" ); ############################################################################# ## #E