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Views: 466309############################################################################# ## #W GAP 4 package AtlasRep Thomas Breuer ## #Y Copyright (C) 2001, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany ## ## This file contains implementations of the functions for administrating ## the data types used in the ATLAS of Group Representations. ## ############################################################################# ## #F TOCEntryStringDefault( <typename>, <entry> ) ## BindGlobal( "TOCEntryStringDefault", function( typename, entry ) return Concatenation( [ "AGR.TOC(\"", typename, "\",\"", entry[ Length( entry ) ], "\",", ReplacedString( String( [ First( AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.filenames, p -> p[1] = entry[ Length( entry ) ] )[2] ] ), " ", "" ), ");\n" ] ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.DisplayOverviewInfoDefault( <dispname>, <align>, <compname> ) ## AGR.DisplayOverviewInfoDefault:= function( dispname, align, compname ) return [ dispname, align, function( conditions ) local groupname, tocs, std, value, private, toc, record, new; groupname:= conditions[1][2]; tocs:= AGR.TablesOfContents( conditions ); if Length( conditions ) = 1 or not ( IsInt( conditions[2] ) or IsList( conditions[2] ) ) then std:= true; else std:= conditions[2]; if IsInt( std ) then std:= [ std ]; fi; fi; value:= false; private:= false; for toc in tocs do if IsBound( toc.( groupname ) ) then record:= toc.( groupname ); if IsBound( record.( compname ) ) then new:= ForAny( record.( compname ), x -> std = true or x[1] in std ); if IsBound( toc.diridPrivate ) and new then private:= true; fi; value:= value or new; fi; fi; od; if value then value:= "+"; else value:= ""; fi; return [ value, private ]; end ]; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.TestWordsSLPDefault( <tocid>, <name>, <file>, <type>, <outputs>, #F <verbose> ) ## ## For the straight line program that is returned by ## <Ref Func="AGR.FileContents"/> when this is called ## with the first four arguments, ## it is checked that it is internally consistent and that it can be ## evaluated at the right number of arguments. ## If the argument <A>outputs</A> is <K>true</K> then it is additionally ## checked that the result record has a component <C>outputs</C>, ## a list whose length equals the number of outputs of the program. ## (The argument <A>verbose</A> is currently not used, ## in other <C>TestWords</C> functions the value <K>true</K> triggers that ## more statements may be printed than just error messages. ## AGR.TestWordsSLPDefault:= function( tocid, name, file, type, outputs, verbose ) local filename, prog, prg, gens; # Read the program. if tocid = "local" then tocid:= "dataword"; fi; prog:= AGR.FileContents( tocid, name, file, type ); if prog = fail then Print( "#E file `", file, "' is corrupted\n" ); return false; fi; # Check consistency. if prog = fail or not IsInternallyConsistent( prog.program ) then Print( "#E program `", file, "' not internally consistent\n" ); return false; fi; prg:= prog.program; # Create the list of (trivial) generators. gens:= ListWithIdenticalEntries( NrInputsOfStraightLineProgram( prg ), () ); # Run the program. gens:= ResultOfStraightLineProgram( prg, gens ); # If the script computes class representatives then # check whether there is an `outputs' component of the right length. if outputs = true then if not IsBound( prog.outputs ) then Print( "#E program `", file, "' without component `outputs'\n" ); return false; elif Length( prog.outputs ) <> Length( gens ) then Print( "#E program `", file, "' with wrong number of `outputs'\n" ); return false; fi; fi; return true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.TestWordsSLDDefault( <tocid>, <name>, <file>, <type>, <format>, #F <verbose> ) ## ## For the straight line decision that is returned by ## <Ref Func="AGR.FileContents"/> when this is called ## with the same arguments, ## it is checked that it is internally consistent and that it can be ## evaluated in all relevant representations. ## AGR.TestWordsSLDDefault:= function( tocid, name, file, type, format, verbose ) local filename, prog, result, gapname, orderfunc, std, entry, gens; # Read the program. if tocid = "local" then tocid:= "dataword"; fi; prog:= AGR.FileContents( tocid, name, file, type ); if prog = fail then Print( "#E file `", file, "' is corrupted\n" ); return false; fi; # Check consistency. if not IsInternallyConsistent( prog.program ) then Print( "#E program `", file, "' not internally consistent\n" ); return false; fi; prog:= prog.program; # Evaluate the program in *all* relevant representations. result:= true; gapname:= First( AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.GAPnames, pair -> name = pair[2] ); if gapname = fail then Print( "#E problem: no GAP name for `", name, "'\n" ); return false; fi; gapname:= gapname[1]; orderfunc:= function( g ) if IsMatrix( g ) then return OrderMatTrial( g, 10000 ); else return Order( g ); fi; end; std:= ParseBackwards( file, format ); std:= std[3]; for entry in AllAtlasGeneratingSetInfos( gapname, std ) do gens:= AtlasGenerators( entry.identifier ); if gens <> fail then if not ResultOfStraightLineDecision( prog, gens.generators, orderfunc ) then Print( "#E program `", file, "' does not fit to\n#E `", entry.identifier, "'\n" ); result:= false; fi; fi; od; return result; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.TestFileHeadersDefault( <tocid>, <groupname>, <entry>, <type>, <dim>, #F <special> ) ## AGR.TestFileHeadersDefault:= function( tocid, groupname, entry, type, dim, special ) local filename, name, mats; # Try to read the file. if tocid = "local" then tocid:= "datagens"; fi; dim:= [ dim, dim ]; filename:= entry[ Length( entry ) ]; mats:= AGR.FileContents( tocid, groupname, filename, type ); # Check that the file contains a list of matrices of the right dimension. if mats = fail then Print( "#E filename `", filename, "' not found\n" ); return false; elif not ( IsList( mats ) and ForAll( mats, IsMatrix ) ) then Print( "#E file `", filename, "' does not contain a list of matrices\n" ); return false; elif ForAny( mats, mat -> DimensionsMat( mat ) <> dim ) then Print( "#E matrices in `",filename,"' have wrong dimensions\n" ); return false; fi; # Check the entries. special:= special( entry, mats, filename ); if IsString( special ) then Print( "#E ", special, "\n" ); return false; fi; return true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGRTestFilesMTX( <tocid>, <groupname>, <entry>, <type> ) ## AGR.TestFilesMTX:= function( tocid, groupname, entry, type ) local result; if tocid = "local" then tocid:= "datagens"; fi; # Read the file(s). result:= AGR.FileContents( tocid, groupname, entry[ Length( entry ) ], type ) <> fail; if not result then Print( "#E file(s) `", entry[ Length( entry ) ], "' corrupted\n" ); fi; return result; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AtlasProgramInfoDefault( <type>, <identifier>, <prefix>, <groupname> ) ## BindGlobal( "AtlasProgramInfoDefault", function( type, identifier, prefix, groupname ) local prog, result; if IsString( identifier[2] ) and AGR.ParseFilenameFormat( identifier[2], type[2].FilenameFormat ) <> fail then return rec( standardization := identifier[3], identifier := identifier ); fi; return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AtlasProgramDefault( <type>, <identifier>, <prefix>, <groupname> ) ## BindGlobal( "AtlasProgramDefault", function( type, identifier, prefix, groupname ) local prog, result; if IsString( identifier[2] ) and AGR.ParseFilenameFormat( identifier[2], type[2].FilenameFormat ) <> fail then prog:= AGR.FileContents( prefix, groupname, identifier[2], type ); if prog <> fail then result:= rec( program := prog.program, standardization := identifier[3], identifier := identifier ); if IsBound( prog.outputs ) then result.outputs:= prog.outputs; fi; return result; fi; fi; return fail; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.CheckOneCondition( <func>[, <detect>], <condlist> ) ## ## This function always returns `true'; it changes <condlist> in place. ## AGR.CheckOneCondition:= function( arg ) local func, detect, condlist, pos, val; func:= arg[1]; if Length( arg ) = 2 then condlist:= arg[2]; else detect:= arg[2]; condlist:= arg[3]; fi; pos:= Position( condlist, func ); if pos = fail then # The function does not occur as a condition. return true; fi; while pos <> fail do if Length( arg ) = 2 then # Support `IsPermGroup' etc. *without* subsequent `true'. Unbind( condlist[ pos ] ); else if pos = Length( condlist ) then # Keep `condlist' unchanged. # If there is a call without <detect> then it will remove the entry. return true; fi; val:= condlist[ pos+1 ]; if ( IsString( val ) and detect( val ) ) or ( not IsList( val ) and detect( val ) ) or ( IsList( val ) and ForAny( val, detect ) ) then Unbind( condlist[ pos ] ); Unbind( condlist[ pos+1 ] ); fi; fi; pos:= Position( condlist, func, pos ); od; return true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.DeclareDataType( <kind>, <name>, <record> ) ## ## Check that the necessary components are bound, ## and add default values if necessary. ## AGR.DeclareDataType:= function( kind, name, record ) local types, nam; # Check that the type does not yet exist. types:= AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.TableOfContents.types; if ForAny( types.( kind ), x -> x[1] = name ) then Error( "data type <name> exists already" ); fi; record:= ShallowCopy( record ); # Check mandatory components. for nam in [ "FilenameFormat", "AddFileInfo", "ReadAndInterpretDefault" ] do if not IsBound( record.( nam ) ) then Error( "the component `", nam, "' must be bound in <record>" ); fi; od; # Add default components. if not IsBound( record.DisplayOverviewInfo ) then record.DisplayOverviewInfo:= fail; fi; if not IsBound( record.TOCEntryString ) then record.TOCEntryString := TOCEntryStringDefault; fi; if not IsBound( record.PostprocessFileInfo ) then record.PostprocessFileInfo := Ignore; fi; if kind = "rep" then for nam in [ "DisplayGroup", "AddDescribingComponents" ] do if not IsBound( record.( nam ) ) then Error( "the component `", nam, "' must be bound in <record>" ); fi; od; if not IsBound( record.AccessGroupCondition ) then record.AccessGroupCondition := ReturnFalse; fi; if not IsBound( record.TestFileHeaders ) then record.TestFileHeaders := ReturnTrue; fi; if not IsBound( record.TestFiles ) then record.TestFiles := ReturnTrue; fi; elif kind = "prg" then if not IsBound( record.DisplayPRG ) then record.DisplayPRG := function( tocs, name, std, stdavail ) return []; end; fi; if not IsBound( record.AccessPRG ) then record.AccessPRG := function( record, std, conditions ) return fail; end; fi; if not IsBound( record.AtlasProgram ) then record.AtlasProgram := AtlasProgramDefault; fi; if not IsBound( record.AtlasProgramInfo ) then record.AtlasProgramInfo := AtlasProgramInfoDefault; fi; else Error( "<kind> must be one of \"rep\", \"prg\"" ); fi; # Add the pair. Add( types.( kind ), [ name, record, kind ] ); # Clear the cache. types.cache:= []; end; ############################################################################# ## #F AGR.DataTypes( <kind1>[, <kind2>] ) ## ## returns the list of pairs <C>[ <A>name</A>, <A>record</A> ]</C> ## as declared for the kinds in question. AGR.DataTypes:= function( arg ) local types, result, kind; types:= AtlasOfGroupRepresentationsInfo.TableOfContents.types; result:= First( types.cache, x -> x[1] = arg ); if result = fail then result:= []; for kind in arg do if IsBound( types.( kind ) ) then Append( result, types.( kind ) ); fi; od; result:= [ arg, result ]; Add( types.cache, result ); fi; return result[2]; end; ############################################################################# ## #E