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Views: 466324############################################################################ ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Steve Linton <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 1.13 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ## ############################################################################# ## ## This file contains some generic methods directed graphs. ## ## ## A directed graph with n vertices is represented as a list of lists. ## ## Example: G := [[2,4],[3],[1,4],[]]; ## ## Length(G) is the number of vertices of G. G[i] is the list of endpoints ## of the edges begining in vertex i. ## ############################################################################# ## #F RandomDiGraph(n) ## ## Produces a "random" digraph with n vertices ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(RandomDiGraph, function(n) local G, i, r, k; if not IsPosInt(n) then Error("The number of vertices must be a positive integer"); fi; G := []; for i in [1 .. n] do r := Random([1..n]); k := Random(Concatenation(NullMat(r,r)[1],[0..n])); G[i] := SSortedList(List([1 .. k], i -> Random([1 .. n]))); od; return G; end); ############################################################################# ## #F AutoVertexDegree(DG,v) ## ## Computes the degree of a vertex of a directed graph ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(AutoVertexDegree, function(DG,v) return(VertexInDegree(DG,v) + VertexOutDegree(DG,v)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F VertexInDegree(DG,v) ## ## Computes the in degree of a vertex of a directed graph ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(VertexInDegree, function(G,v) local d, l, n, i; if not IsList(G) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; d := 0; for l in G do n := 0; if v in l then for i in l do if i = v then n:= n+1; fi; od; d := d + n; fi; od; return(d); end); ############################################################################# ## #F VertexOutDegree(DG,v) ## ## Computes the out degree of a vertex of a directed graph ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(VertexOutDegree, function(G,v) if not IsList(G) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; return(Length(G[v])); end); ############################################################################# ## #F ReversedGraph(G) ## ## Computes the reversed graph of the directed graph G. It is the graph ## obtained from G by reversing the edges. ## InstallGlobalFunction(ReversedGraph, function(G) local GR, p, V, leaving_v; #local function (computes the list of vertices that if not IsList(G) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; # can be reached from v by an edge in the reversed graph) V := Length(G); GR := []; leaving_v := function(vert) local Lv, v; Lv := []; for v in [1..V] do if vert in G[v] then Add (Lv, v); fi; od; return Lv; end; for p in [1..V] do Add(GR, leaving_v(p)); od; return GR; end); ############################################################################ ## #F AutoConnectedComponents(G) ## ## We say that a digraph is connected when for every pair of vertices there ## is a path consisting of directed or reversed edges from one vertex to ## the other. ## ## Computes a list of the connected components of the digraph ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(AutoConnectedComponents, function(G) local acc, cC, i, j, fl, n, # number of vertices uG, # undirected graph (an edge of the undirected graph may be # seen as a pair of edges of the directed graph) visit, dfs; if not IsList(G) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(G, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; cC := []; fl := []; if Flat(G)=[] then ##md n := Length(G); else n := Maximum(Length(G),Maximum(Flat(G))); fi; uG := StructuralCopy(G); while Length(uG) < n do Add(uG,[]); od; for i in [1..n] do for j in uG[i] do UniteSet(uG[j],[i]); od; od; ##md visit := []; # mark the vertices an unvisited for i in [1..n] do visit[i] := 0; od; dfs := function(v) #recursive call to Depth First Search local w; visit[v] := 1; for w in uG[v] do if visit[w] = 0 then dfs(w); fi; od; end; for i in [1..n] do if not i in fl then dfs(i); # vertices which are accessible from i #(which is the connected component of i) acc := Filtered([1..n], i -> visit[i] = 1 and not i in fl); Add(cC,acc); UniteSet(fl, acc); fi; od; return cC; end); ############################################################################# ## #F GraphStronglyConnectedComponents(G) ## ## Produces the strongly connected components of the digraph G ## InstallGlobalFunction(GraphStronglyConnectedComponents, function(dg) local V, val, stack, now, comps, visit, i; if not IsList(dg) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(dg, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(dg, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; SetRecursionTrapInterval(0); V := Length(dg); val := []; stack := []; now := 0; comps := []; visit := function(k) local m,min,t,comp,l,x; now := now+1; val[k] := now; min := now; Add(stack,k); for t in dg[k] do if not IsBound(val[t]) then m := visit(t); if m < min then min := m; fi; else m := val[t]; if m < min then min := m; fi; fi; od; if min = val[k] then comp := []; repeat l := Length(stack); x := stack[l]; val[x] := V+1; Add(comp, x); Unbind(stack[l]); until x = k; Add(comps, comp); fi; return min; end; for i in [1..V] do if not IsBound(val[i]) then visit(i); fi; od; SetRecursionTrapInterval(5000); return comps; end); ############################################################################# ## #F UnderlyingMultiGraphOfAutomaton(A) ## ## "A" is an automaton. The output is the underlying directed multi-graph. ## InstallGlobalFunction(UnderlyingMultiGraphOfAutomaton, function(A) local n, T, G, Tr, i; if not IsAutomatonObj(A) then Error("The argument must be an automaton"); fi; n := A!.states; T := A!.transitions; G := []; Tr := TransposedMat(T); for i in [1..n] do G[i] := Flat(Filtered(Flat(Tr[i]), x-> x<>0)); od; return G; end); ############################################################################# ## #F UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton(A) ## ## "A" is an automaton. The output is the underlying directed graph. ## InstallGlobalFunction(UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton, function(A) local n, T, G, Tr, i; if not IsAutomatonObj(A) then Error("The argument must be an automaton"); fi; n := A!.states; T := A!.transitions; G := []; Tr := TransposedMat(T); for i in [1..n] do G[i] := Set(Flat(Filtered(Flat(Tr[i]), x-> x<>0))); od; return G; end); ############################################################################# ## #F DiGraphToRelation(D) ## ## returns the relation corresponding to the digraph ## InstallGlobalFunction(DiGraphToRelation, function(D) local R, i, j; if not IsList(D) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(D, el -> IsList(el)) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; if not ForAll(D, el -> ForAll(el, x -> IsPosInt(x))) then Error("The first argument must be a list of lists of positive integers"); fi; R := []; for i in [1..Length(D)] do for j in D[i] do Append(R,[[i,j]]); od; od; return R; end); ############################################################################# ## #F MSccAutomaton(A) ## ## Produces an automaton where, in each strongly connected component, ## edges labeled by inverses are added. ## ## This construction is useful in Finite Semigroup Theory ## InstallGlobalFunction(MSccAutomaton, function(A) local a, CC, na, ns, T, t, s, CCs, e, TT, alph, i; if not IsAutomatonObj(A) then Error("The argument must be an automaton"); fi; a := AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(A); if not (Intersection(a, List([1..Length(a)], i -> jascii[68+i])) = a or Intersection(a,List([1..Length(a)], i -> Concatenation("a", String(i)))) = a) then Error("The automaton must be defined over the alphabet abc..."); fi; CC := GraphStronglyConnectedComponents(UnderlyingGraphOfAutomaton(A)); na := A!.alphabet; ns := A!.states; T := StructuralCopy(A!.transitions); t := NullMat(na,ns); for a in [] do for s in [1..ns] do CCs := Filtered(CC, c -> s in c)[1]; for e in CCs do if T[a][e] = s then if t[a][s] = 0 then t[a][s] := e; elif IsList(t[a][s]) then Add(t[a][s],e); else t[a][s] := [t[a][s],e]; fi; fi; od; od; od; TT := Concatenation(T,t); # Print(A); alph := ""; for i in [1 .. A!.alphabet] do alph := Concatenation(alph, [jascii[68+i]]); od; for i in [1 .. A!.alphabet] do alph := Concatenation(alph, [jascii[68+i-32]]); od; if ForAll(t,n->ForAll(n,IsInt)) then return Automaton("det",ns,alph,TT,A!.initial,A!.accepting); else return Automaton("nondet",ns,alph,TT,A!.initial,A!.accepting); fi; end); ############################################################################# ## #F AutoIsAcyclicGraph(G) ## ## The argument is a graph's list of adjacencies ## and this function returns true if the argument ## is an acyclic graph and false otherwise. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AutoIsAcyclicGraph, function(G) local DFS, dag, n, visited, finished, v; DFS := function(v) local w; visited[v] := true; for w in G[v] do if not visited[w] then DFS(w); elif not finished[w] then dag := false; fi; od; finished[v] := true; end; # ================================ dag := true; n := Length(G); visited := []; finished := []; for v in [1..n] do visited[v] := false; finished[v] := false; od; for v in [1..n] do if not visited[v] then DFS(v); fi; od; return(dag); end); #E