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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it

Views: 466314
#W                       Manuel Delgado <[email protected]>
#W                                        Jose Morais    <[email protected]>
#H  @(#)$Id:,v 1.13 $
#Y  Copyright (C)  2004,  CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
#F  PermutationsOfN(NN)
##  Given an integer NN, returns a list of lists that are 
##  the integers from 1 to NN permuted.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "PermutationsOfN" );
#F  RandomizeRandomState()
##  Put StateRandom in a state that depends on the time of the calling
##  of the function, providing thus a more probably
##  different output for RandomAutomaton. In fact, the probability
##  of RandomAutomaton("det",3,2) output the same result between
##  two different GAP sessions is 1/factor. We defined factor = 521,
##  but it can be raised, only at the expence of delay in the start
##  of the GAP session.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "RandomizeRandomState" );

#V  jascii
##  A pseudo ascci character table
DeclareGlobalVariable( "jascii" );

#F  Ord(c)
##  Returns the pseudo ascii code of character c
DeclareGlobalFunction( "Ord" );