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Views: 466291############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> #W Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 1.13 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ## ## Rational Expressions ## ## RatExpOnnLetters( n, operation, list ) ## ## Constructs a rational expression on n letters. ## ## The name of the operation is "product", "union" or "star" ## list is a list (with one element in the case of "star") of rational ## expressions or a list consisting of an integer when the rational ## expression is a single letter. ## ## Example ## ## r:=RatExpOnnLetters(2,"union",[RatExpOnnLetters(2,[],[1]), ## RatExpOnnLetters(2,[],[2])]); ## (Due to the function PrintObj that follows, GAP writes aUb ) ## ## ProductRatExp(r,r); ## GAP writes (aUb)(aUb) ## ## UnionRatExp(StarRatExp(r),ProductRatExp(r,StarRatExp(r))); ## GAP writes (aUb)*U(aUb)(aUb)* ## ## The empty word is the rational expression: ## RatExpOnnLetters(5,[],[]); ## GAP writes empty set ## (5 may be replaced by any natural number) ## The empty set is considered a rational expression: ## RatExpOnnLetters(n,[],"empty_set"); ############################################################################ DeclareRepresentation( "IsRationalExpressionRep", IsComponentObjectRep, [ "op", "list_exp" ] ); ############################################################################ InstallGlobalFunction( RatExpOnnLettersObj, function( Fam, ratexpression ) return Objectify( NewType( Fam, IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep and IsAttributeStoringRep), ratexpression ); end ); ############################################################################ ## #GF RatExpOnnLetters ## ## Contructs a rational expression on n letters. See example above. ## InstallGlobalFunction( RatExpOnnLetters, function( n, operation, list ) local k, F, l, exp, list_exp, R; if not (operation = "product" or operation = "union" or operation = "star" or operation = [ ]) then Error("Wrong operation given in RatExpOnnLetters"); fi; if not (IsPosInt( n ) or IsList(n)) then Error( "<n> must be a positive integer or a list" ); fi; if operation = "star" then if not IsRationalExpression(list) then Error("The star must be on a rational expression"); fi; elif not IsList(list) then Error("list must be a list"); elif operation = [] then if not(list = [ ] or list = "empty_set" or (Length(list)=1 and IsPosInt(list[1]))) then Error("list must be the empty list, a list of one positive integer or \"empty_set\""); fi; elif not ForAll(list, x -> IsPosInt(x) or IsRationalExpression(x)) then Error("list must be a list of positive integers/rational expressions"); fi; if operation <> [] and operation <> "star" then for k in [1..Length(list)] do if IsPosInt(list[k]) then list[k] := RatExpOnnLetters(n, [ ], [k]); fi; od; fi; if operation = [] and Length(list) > 1 and list <> "empty_set" then Error("When <operation> is [], the third argument must be the empty list, a list of length 1 or \"empty_list\""); fi; # Construct the family of rational expressions on n letters. if IsInt(n) then F:= NewFamily( Concatenation( "RatExp", String(n), "Letters" ), IsRatExpOnnLettersObj ); else F:= NewFamily( Concatenation( "RatExp", String(Length(n)), "Letters" ), IsRatExpOnnLettersObj ); fi; # Install the data. if IsPosInt(n) then F!.alphabet := n; if n < 27 then F!.alphabet2 := List([1..n], i -> jascii[68+i]); else F!.alphabet2 := List([1..n], i -> Concatenation("a", String(i))); fi; else # l := SSortedList(n); l := n; if '@' in l then Error("'@' must not be in the alphabet"); fi; F!.alphabet := Length(l); F!.alphabet2 := l; fi; exp := rec(op := operation, list_exp := list ); R := RatExpOnnLettersObj( F, exp ); # Return the rational expression. return R; end ); ############################################################################ ## #F RatExpToString(r) ## InstallGlobalFunction( RatExpToString, function( r, count ) local A, i, hasUnion, xstr, xout, str, e, ret, flag; if not IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(r) then Error("The argument to RatExpToString must be a rational expression"); fi; A := []; if IsChar(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(r)[1]) then for i in AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(r) do Add(A, [i]); od; else for i in AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(r) do Add(A, i); od; fi; # Tests if a rational expression has a union rational subexpression hasUnion := function(r) if r!.op = [] then return(false); elif r!.op = "star" then return(false); elif r!.op = "union" then return(true); else return(ForAny(r!.list_exp, e -> hasUnion(e))); fi; end; if r!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(["empty_set", count]); elif r!.op = [] then count := count + 1; if r!.list_exp = [] then return(["@", count]); else if IsString(A[r!.list_exp[1]]) then return([String(ShallowCopy(A[r!.list_exp[1]])), count]); else xstr := ""; xout := OutputTextString( xstr, false ); PrintTo( xout, ShallowCopy(A[r!.list_exp[1]])); CloseStream( xout ); return([xstr, count]); fi; fi; elif r!.op = "product" then str := ""; for e in r!.list_exp do ret := RatExpToString(e, count); count := ret[2]; if hasUnion(e) then str := Concatenation(str, "(", ret[1], ")"); else str := Concatenation(str, ret[1]); fi; od; return([str, count]); elif r!.op = "union" then flag := false; str := ""; for e in r!.list_exp do ret := RatExpToString(e, count); count := ret[2]; if e!.op = "union" then if str = "" then str := ret[1]; else str := Concatenation(str, "U", ret[1]); fi; else if str = "" then str := ret[1]; else str := Concatenation(str, "U", ret[1]); fi; fi; od; return([str, count]); else if r!.list_exp!.op = [] then # This is star of a single letter ret := RatExpToString(r!.list_exp, count); return([Concatenation(ret[1], "*"), ret[2]]); else ret := RatExpToString(r!.list_exp, count); return([Concatenation("(", ret[1], ")*"), ret[2]]); fi; fi; end); ####################################################################### ## #M PrintObj(R) ## ## Is used to display a rational expression <R> in a form that is readable by ## a human being ## InstallMethod( PrintObj, "for rational expressions", true, [ IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep ], 0, function(r) local ret, string; ret := RatExpToString(r, 0); string := ret[1]; Setter(SizeRatExp)(r,ret[2]); Print(string); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F RationalExpression(arg) ## ## Given the number of alphabet symbols and a string (S) returns ## the rational expression represented by S ## InstallGlobalFunction(RationalExpression, function(arg) local i, I0, S0, RationalExp, processPowers; # This function parses a string and replaces a^n by aaa.. (n times) processPowers := function(S) local S2, lc, i, j, k, num; if S = [] then return []; fi; lc := S[1]; # The last character read S2 := [lc]; # The converted string i := 2; while IsBound(S[i]) do if S[i] = '^' and IsBound(S[i+1]) and IsDigitChar(S[i+1]) then j := i + 1; num := []; # Get the power while IsBound(S[j]) and IsDigitChar(S[j]) do Add(num, S[j]); j := j + 1; od; num := Int(num); for k in [2..num] do Add(S2, lc); od; i := j - 1; else Add(S2, S[i]); fi; lc := S[i]; i := i + 1; od; return S2; end; ## End of processPowers() -- if Length(arg) = 0 then Error("Please specify a rational expression as a string"); elif IsBound(arg[2]) then I0 := arg[2]; S0 := processPowers(arg[1]); if not ((IsPosInt(I0) or IsString(I0)) and IsString(S0)) then Error("The arguments to RationalExpression must be a string [and a positive integer or a string]"); fi; if IsString(I0) then if '@' in I0 or '*' in I0 or '(' in I0 or ')' in I0 or 'U' in I0 then Error("'@', '*', '(', ')' and 'U' must not be in the alphabet"); fi; # I0 := SSortedList(I0); else if Length(SSortedList(Concatenation(S0, "U*()@"))) > I0+5 then Error("The expression contains more different letters than the alphabet"); fi; fi; else I0 := []; S0 := processPowers(arg[1]); if S0 = "@" then Error("When defining @, please specify the alphabet"); fi; for i in S0 do if not (i = '@' or i = '*' or i = 'U' or i = '(' or i = ')') then AddSet(I0, i); fi; od; fi; RationalExp := function(S, I) local i, op, ord, I0, S0, getTopOp, buildStar, buildProduct, sub_exps, union_inds, star_inds, union_sub_exps; if S = "" or S = "@" then return(RatExpOnnLetters(I, [], [])); elif S = "empty_set" then return(RatExpOnnLetters(I, [], "empty_set")); elif Length(S) = 1 then if IsInt(I) then ord := Ord(S[1]) - Ord('a') + 1; else ord := Position(I, S[1]); if ord = fail then Error(Concatenation("Letter of expression not in alphabet: ", S[1])); fi; fi; return(RatExpOnnLetters(I, [], [ord])); fi; sub_exps := []; union_inds := []; star_inds := []; union_sub_exps := []; ## This functions returns the "top" most operation of the given ## expression ## getTopOp("aaUab*") returns "union" ## getTopOp("(bUa)*") returns "star" ## getTopOp("(bUa)*b") returns "product" ## ## it also fills the array sub_exps with the sub expressions, ## union_inds with the indexes in sub_exps of the positions of ## the U symbols ## and star_inds with the indexes in sub_exps of the positions ## of the * symbols getTopOp := function(e) local i, c, stack, istack, star, nonstar, union, len, sub; if e = "" or Length(e) = 1 then return([]); else stack := []; istack := 0; star := false; nonstar := false; union := false; len := Length(e); sub := []; for i in [1 .. len] do c := e[i]; if c = '(' then if istack > 0 then Add(sub, c); fi; istack := istack + 1; stack[istack] := c; elif c = ')' then if istack > 0 then istack := istack - 1; if istack = 0 then if i < len - 1 then nonstar := true; fi; Add(sub_exps, String(sub)); sub := []; else Add(sub, c); fi; else Error("Mismatched parenthesis"); fi; elif istack = 0 then if c = 'U' then union := true; Add(union_inds, Length(sub_exps) + 1); elif c = '*' then star := true; Add(star_inds, Length(sub_exps) + 1); else Add(sub_exps, [c]); fi; else Add(sub, c); fi; od; if istack > 0 then Error("Mismatched parenthesis"); fi; if union then return("union"); elif star and ((e[1] = '(' and e[len-1] = ')' and nonstar = false) or (len = 2)) then return("star"); else return("product"); fi; fi; end; ## End of getTopOp() -- ## This function scans the array sub_exps and replaces ## all the strings that are meant to be star expressions ## by the corresponding star rational subexpression buildStar := function() local i; if not star_inds = [] then for i in star_inds do if i-1 > 0 then if IsString(sub_exps[i-1]) then sub_exps[i-1] := RatExpOnnLetters(I, "star", RationalExp(sub_exps[i-1], I)); else Error("Malformed expression"); fi; else Error("Malformed expression"); fi; od; fi; end; ## End of buildStar() -- ## When the "top" most operation is "union", this functions ## groups the product subexpressions of the union, building ## the list union_sub_exps to be used in ## RatExpOnnLetters(I, "union", union_sub_exps buildProduct := function() local i, j, k, list, len; list := []; j := 1; len := Length(sub_exps); for i in union_inds do if i > len then Error("Malformed expression"); fi; for k in [j .. i-1] do Add(list, sub_exps[k]); od; if Length(list) = 1 then Add(union_sub_exps, list[1]); else Add(union_sub_exps, RatExpOnnLetters(I, "product", list)); fi; j := i; list := []; od; for k in [j .. len] do Add(list, sub_exps[k]); od; if Length(list) = 1 then Add(union_sub_exps, list[1]); else Add(union_sub_exps, RatExpOnnLetters(I, "product", list)); fi; end; ## End of buildProduct() -- op := getTopOp(S); buildStar(); if op = "star" then return(sub_exps[1]); elif op = "product" then for i in [1 .. Length(sub_exps)] do if IsString(sub_exps[i]) then sub_exps[i] := RationalExp(sub_exps[i], I); fi; od; return(RatExpOnnLetters(I, "product", sub_exps)); else # op = "union" for i in [1 .. Length(sub_exps)] do if IsString(sub_exps[i]) then sub_exps[i] := RationalExp(sub_exps[i], I); fi; od; buildProduct(); return(RatExpOnnLetters(I, "union", union_sub_exps)); fi; end; return(RationalExp(S0, I0)); end); ####################################################################### ## #M String(R) ## ## Outputs a rational expression as a string ## InstallMethod( String, "for rational expressions", true, [ IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep ], 0, function(r) local ret, string; ret := RatExpToString(r, 0); string := ret[1]; Setter(SizeRatExp)(r,ret[2]); return(string); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F RandomRatExp(arg) ## ## Given the number of symbols of the alphabet and (possibly) a factor m, ## returns a pseudo random rational expression over that alphabet. ## InstallGlobalFunction(RandomRatExp, function(arg) local aut, m, n; if Length(arg) = 0 then Error("Please specify the number of letters of the alphabet of the rational expression or a string"); fi; n := arg[1]; if not (IsPosInt( n ) or IsList(n)) then Error( "The argument must be a positive integer or a string" ); fi; if IsString(n) then if '@' in n then Error("@ must not be in the alphabet"); fi; fi; if IsBound(arg[2]) then m := arg[2]; else m := 1; fi; aut := RandomAutomaton("det", (Runtime() mod (m*7)) + 2, n); return(FAtoRatExp(aut)); end); ######################################################################### ## #M SizeRatExp(r) ## ## Computes the size of the rational expression r ## ## InstallMethod(SizeRatExp, "size of RatExp", [IsRatExpOnnLettersObj], function( r ) local count, e; if not IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(r) then Error("The argument to RatExpToString must be a rational expression"); fi; count := 0; if r!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(0); elif r!.op = [] then return(1); elif r!.op = "product" or r!.op = "union" then for e in r!.list_exp do count := count + SizeRatExp(e); od; return(count); else return(SizeRatExp(r!.list_exp)); fi; end); ######################################################################### ## #M AlphabetOfRatExp(r) ## ## Returns the number of symbols in the alphabet of the rational expression r ## ## InstallGlobalFunction(AlphabetOfRatExp, function( R ) return(ShallowCopy(FamilyObj(R)!.alphabet)); end); ############################################################################# ## #F AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(R) ## ## Returns the alphabet of the rational expression as a list. ## If the alphabet of the rational expression is given by means of an integer ## less than 27 it returns the list "abcd....", ## otherwise returns [ "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", ... ]. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList, function( R ) if not IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(R) then Error("The argument must be a rational expression"); fi; return(ShallowCopy(FamilyObj(R)!.alphabet2)); end); ############################################################################ ## #F IsRationalExpression ## InstallGlobalFunction(IsRationalExpression, function(R) return IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(R) and IsRationalExpressionRep(R); end); ############################################################################ ## #M Methods for the comparison operations. ## InstallMethod( \=, "for two rational sets", ReturnTrue, [ IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep, IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep, ], 0, function( L1, L2 ) return( AlphabetOfRatExp(L1) = AlphabetOfRatExp(L2) and L1!.op = L2!.op and L1!.list_exp = L2!.list_exp ); end ); InstallMethod( \<, "for two rational expressions", # IsIdenticalObj, true, [ IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep, IsRatExpOnnLettersObj and IsRationalExpressionRep, ], 0, function( x, y ) if x = y then return(false); elif x!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(true); elif x!.op = [] and y!.op = [] and not y!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(x!.list_exp < y!.list_exp); elif x!.op = [] and (y!.op = "star" or y!.op = "product" or y!.op = "union") then return(true); elif x!.op = "star" and (y!.op = "product" or y!.op = "union") then return(true); elif x!.op = "product" and y!.op = "union" then return(true); elif x!.op = y!.op then return(x!.list_exp < y!.list_exp); else return(false); fi; end ); ## #E