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Views: 466297############################################################################# ## #W Manuel Delgado <[email protected]> ## Jose Morais <[email protected]> ## ## This file contains functions that perform tests on automata ## #H @(#)$Id:,v 1.13 $ ## #Y Copyright (C) 2004, CMUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal ## ############################################################################# ## #F CopyRatExp(r) ## ## Returns a new rational expression, which is a copy ## of the argument. ## InstallGlobalFunction(CopyRatExp, function(r) local l, r2, r1; if not IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(r) then Error("The argument must be a rational expression"); fi; l := []; if r!.op = [] then l := ShallowCopy(r!.list_exp); elif not r!.op = "star" then for r2 in r!.list_exp do Add(l, CopyRatExp(r2)); od; else l := CopyRatExp(r!.list_exp); fi; r1 := RatExpOnnLetters(FamilyObj(r)!.alphabet2, ShallowCopy(r!.op), l); return(r1); end); ############################################################################# #F IsEmptyLang(<L>) ## ## Tests if the language <L> is empty. ## <L> must be in the category IsRatExpOnnLettersObj. ## InstallGlobalFunction(IsEmptyLang, function(L) local aut; if IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(L) then aut := RatExpToAut(L); elif IsAutomaton(L) then aut := MinimalAutomaton(L); else Error("The argument to IsEmptyLang must be a rational expression or an automaton"); fi; return(aut!.accepting = []); end); ############################################################################# #F IsFullLang(<L>) ## ## Tests if the language <L> is {alphabet}*. ## <L> must be in the category IsRatExpOnnLettersObj. ## InstallGlobalFunction(IsFullLang, function(L) local aut; if IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(L) then aut := RatExpToAut(L); elif IsAutomaton(L) then aut := MinimalAutomaton(L); else Error("The argument to IsEmptyLang must be a rational expression or an automaton"); fi; return(aut!.states=1 and ForAll(aut!.transitions, i -> i = [1])); end); ############################################################################# # This is a common auxiliary function for IsContainedLang and AreDisjointLang. BindGlobal("Automata_BONE_IsContainedLang", function(L1,L2) local alph1, alph2, A1, A2, P; if not ((IsRationalExpression(L1) or IsAutomaton(L1)) and (IsRationalExpression(L2) or IsAutomaton(L2))) then Error("The arguments must be rational expressions or automata"); fi; if IsAutomaton(L1) then alph1 := AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(L1); else alph1 := AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(L1); fi; if IsAutomaton(L2) then alph2 := AlphabetOfAutomatonAsList(L2); else alph2 := AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(L2); fi; if alph1 <> alph2 then return(fail); fi; if IsAutomaton(L1) then A1 := MinimalAutomaton(L1); else A1 := RatExpToAut(L1); fi; if IsAutomaton(L2) then A2 := MinimalAutomaton(L2); else A2 := RatExpToAut(L2); fi; P := ProductAutomaton(A1,A2); return [P, AccessibleStates(P), A1, A2]; end); ############################################################################# #F IsContainedLang(<L1>,<L2>) ## ## Tests if the language given through the rational expression or the ## automaton <L1> is contained in the language given through the rational ## expression or the automaton <L2>. ## ## (For the correction of the algorithm, see the AMoRE manual, pg 124.) ## InstallGlobalFunction(IsContainedLang, function(L1,L2) local res, P, acc, A1, A2, n1, n2, n, s, p, q; res := Automata_BONE_IsContainedLang(L1, L2); if res = fail then Print("The given languages are not over the same alphabet","\n"); return false; fi; P := res[1]; acc := res[2]; A1 := res[3]; A2 := res[4]; n1 := A1!.states; n2 := A2!.states; n := n1 * n2; for s in acc do if RemInt(s,n2) <> 0 then p := QuoInt(s,n2)+1; q := RemInt(s,n2); elif RemInt(s,n2) = 0 then p := QuoInt(s,n2); q := n2; fi; ## s corrensponds to (p,q) via a certain bijection (used in ProductAutomaton) if p in A1!.accepting and not q in A2!.accepting then return false; fi; od; return(true); end); ############################################################################ #F AreDisjointLang(<L1>,<L2>) ## ## Tests if the languages given through the rational expression or the ## automaton <L1> and the language given through the rational ## expression or the automaton <L2> are disjoint. ## InstallGlobalFunction(AreDisjointLang, function(L1,L2) local res, P, acc; res := Automata_BONE_IsContainedLang(L1, L2); if res = fail then Print("The given languages are not over the same alphabet","\n"); return false; fi; P := res[1]; acc := res[2]; if Intersection(acc,P!.accepting) = [] then return true; fi; return false; end); ########################################################################## ## #F ProductRatExp(a,b) ## ## Produces the product of two rational expressions over the same alphabet ## InstallGlobalFunction(ProductRatExp, function(a, b) local empty; if not (IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(a) and IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(b)) then Error("<a> and <b> must be rational expressions"); elif not AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a) = AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(b) then Error("<a> and <b> must be on the same alphabet"); fi; empty := RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a), [], "empty_set"); if a!.list_exp = "empty_set" or b!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return empty; fi; if a!.list_exp = [] then return b; elif b!.list_exp = [] then return a; fi; if a!.op = "product" and b!.op = "product" then return RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"product", Concatenation(a!.list_exp, b!.list_exp )); elif a!.op = "product" then return RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"product", Concatenation(a!.list_exp, [b] )); elif b!.op = "product" then return RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"product", Concatenation( [a], b!.list_exp)); else return RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"product", [a, b]); fi; end); ######################################################################### ## #F UnionRatExp(a,b) ## ## Produces the union of two rational expressions over the same alphabet ## InstallGlobalFunction(UnionRatExp, function(a, b) if not (IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(a) and IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(b)) then Error("<a> and <b> must be rational expressions"); elif not AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a) = AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(b) then Error("<a> and <b> must be on the same alphabet"); fi; if a!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(b); elif b!.list_exp = "empty_set" then return(a); else return(RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"union",[a,b])); fi; end); ####################################################################### ## #F StarRatExp(a) ## ## Produces the star of a rational expression ## InstallGlobalFunction(StarRatExp, function(a) if not IsRatExpOnnLettersObj(a) then Error("<a> must be rational expressions"); fi; if a!.op = "star" then return a; else return RatExpOnnLetters(AlphabetOfRatExpAsList(a),"star", a); fi; end); ####################################################################### #E