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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W automgrp package Yevgen Muntyan #W Dmytro Savchuk ## automgrp v 1.3 ## #Y Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Yevgen Muntyan, Dmytro Savchuk ## ############################################################################### ## #M TreeAutomorphismGroup(<G>, <S>) ## ## Wreath product ## InstallOtherMethod(TreeAutomorphismGroup, [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsSymmetricGroup], function(G, S) local g_gens, s_gens, g_deg, s_deg, orbs, o, gens; s_deg := Maximum(MovedPointsPerms(S)); g_deg := DegreeOfTree(G); gens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(S), s -> [List([1..s_deg], i -> One(G)), s]); Append(gens, List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), g -> [Concatenation([g], List([2..s_deg], i -> One(g))), ()])); Apply(gens, g -> TreeAutomorphism(g[1], g[2])); return GroupWithGenerators(gens); end); ############################################################################### ## #M UseSubsetRelation(<super>, <sub>) ## InstallMethod(UseSubsetRelation, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(super, sub) if HasIsSphericallyTransitive(super) then if not IsSphericallyTransitive(super) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(sub): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " super is not spherically transitive"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " super = ", super); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " sub = ", sub); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(sub, false); fi; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); ############################################################################### ## #M SphericalIndex(<G>) ## InstallMethod(SphericalIndex, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G) return SphericalIndex(GeneratorsOfGroup(G)[1]); end); InstallMethod(TopDegreeOfTree, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G) return TopDegreeOfTree(GeneratorsOfGroup(G)[1]); end); InstallMethod(DegreeOfTree, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G) return DegreeOfTree(GeneratorsOfGroup(G)[1]); end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsSphericallyTransitive (<G>) #M CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity (<G>) ## ## Fractalness implies spherical transitivity. ## InstallTrueMethod(IsSphericallyTransitive, IsFractal); InstallTrueMethod(CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity, HasIsSphericallyTransitive); InstallImmediateMethod(IsSphericallyTransitive, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and HasIsFinite, 0, function(G) if IsFinite(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is finite"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); InstallMethod(IsSphericallyTransitive, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function (G) local i, k, stab; if DegreeOfTree(G)=1 then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): true"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G acts on 1-ary tree"); return true; fi; if HasIsFinite(G) and IsFinite(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is finite"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; if not IsTransitiveOnLevel(G, 1) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is not transitive on ", i, "-th level"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; if IsActingOnBinaryTree(G) then if AG_AbelImageSpherTrans() in AbelImage(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): true"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " using AbelImage"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return true; fi; fi; if not IsAutomGroup(G) then stab := StabilizerOfVertex(G, 1); return IsSphericallyTransitive(Projection(stab, 1)); fi; # TryNextMethod(); return fail; end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsTransitiveOnLevel (<G>, <k>) ## InstallMethod(IsTransitiveOnLevel, [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function(G, k) return IsTransitive(G, AG_TreeLevelTuples(SphericalIndex(G), k)); end); ############################################################################### ## #M AbelImage (<G>) ## InstallMethod(AbelImage, [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G) local ab, gens, abgens; abgens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), g -> AbelImage(g)); return AdditiveGroup(abgens); end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsFractal (<G>) ## ## Fractalness implies spherical transitivity, hence not spherical transitive ## group isn't fractal. ## InstallImmediateMethod(IsFractal, HasIsSphericallyTransitive, 0, function(G) if not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); InstallImmediateMethod(IsFractal, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and HasIsFinite, 0, function(G) if IsFinite(G) and DegreeOfTree(G)>1 then return false; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); InstallMethod(IsFractal, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G) local i; if DegreeOfTree(G)=1 then SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, true); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): true"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G acts on 1-ary tree"); return true; fi; if not IsTransitive(PermGroupOnLevel(G, 1), [1..DegreeOfTree(G)]) then SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is not transitive on first level"); return false; fi; if HasIsFinite(G) and IsFinite(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is finite"); return false; fi; if CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(G) and not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is not spherically transitive"); return false; fi; if ProjStab(G, 1) <> G then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " ProjStab(G, 1) <> G"); return false; fi; Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsFractal(G): true"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " ProjStab(G, 1) = G and G is transitive on first level"); return true; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Size (<G>) ## InstallImmediateMethod(Size, HasIsFractal, 0, function(G) if IsFractal(G) and DegreeOfTree(G)>1 then return infinity; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); InstallImmediateMethod(Size, HasIsSphericallyTransitive, 0, function(G) if IsSphericallyTransitive(G) and DegreeOfTree(G)>1 then return infinity; fi; TryNextMethod(); end); ############################################################################### ## #M PermGroupOnLevelOp (<G>, <k>) ## InstallMethod(PermGroupOnLevelOp, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function(G, k) local pgens, pgroup; pgens := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), g -> PermOnLevel(g, k)); if pgens = [] then return Group(()); else pgroup := GroupWithGenerators(pgens); if IsActingOnBinaryTree(G) then SetIsPGroup(pgroup, true); if IsTrivial(pgroup) then SetPrimePGroup(pgroup, fail); else SetPrimePGroup(pgroup, 2); fi; fi; return pgroup; fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M StabilizerOfFirstLevel(G) ## InstallMethod(StabilizerOfFirstLevel, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function (G) return StabilizerOfLevel(G, 1); end); ############################################################################### ## #M StabilizerOfLevelOp(G, k) ## InstallMethod(StabilizerOfLevelOp, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function (G, k) local perms, S, F, hom, chooser, s, f, gens; if DegreeOfTree(G)=1 then return G; fi; if FixesLevel(G, k) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G is not transitive on level", k); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); return G; fi; perms := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), a -> PermOnLevel(a, k)); S := GroupWithGenerators(perms); F := FreeGroup(Length(perms)); hom := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(F, S, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), perms); gens := FreeGeneratorsOfGroup(Kernel(hom)); gens := List(gens, w -> MappedWord(w, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), GeneratorsOfGroup(G))); gens := __AG_SimplifyGroupGenerators(gens); if IsEmpty(gens) then return TrivialSubgroup(G); else return SubgroupNC(G, gens); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M StabilizerOfVertex(G, k) ## InstallMethod(StabilizerOfVertex, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function (G, k) local X, S, F, hom, s, f, gens, i, action; if k > TopDegreeOfTree(G) then Print("error in StabilizerOfVertex(IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt):\n"); Print(" given k is not a valid vertex\n"); return fail; fi; if FixesVertex(G, k) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G fixes vertex", k); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " k = ", k); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); return G; fi; if TopDegreeOfTree(G) = 2 then return StabilizerOfFirstLevel(G); fi; X := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), a -> Perm(a)); S := GroupWithGenerators(X); F := FreeGroup(Length(X)); hom := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(F, S, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), X); action := function(k, w) return k^Image(hom, w); end; gens := FreeGeneratorsOfGroup(Stabilizer(F, k, action)); gens := List(gens, w -> MappedWord(w, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), GeneratorsOfGroup(G))); gens := __AG_SimplifyGroupGenerators(gens); if IsEmpty(gens) then return TrivialSubgroup(G); else return SubgroupNC(G, gens); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M StabilizerOfVertex(G, seq) ## InstallMethod(StabilizerOfVertex, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList], function (G, seq) local X, S, F, hom, s, f, gens, stab, action, i, v; if Length(seq) = 0 then return G; fi; if TopDegreeOfTree(G) = 2 and Length(seq) = 1 then return StabilizerOfFirstLevel(G); fi; if FixesVertex(G, seq) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G fixes vertex", seq); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); return G; fi; v := Position(AsList(Tuples([1..DegreeOfTree(G)], Length(seq))), seq); X := List(GeneratorsOfGroup(G), a -> [Word(a), PermOnLevel(a, Length(seq))]); S := Group(List(X, x -> x[2])); F := FreeGroup(Length(X)); hom := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(F, S, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), List(X, x -> x[2])); action := function(k, w) return k^Image(hom, w); end; gens := FreeGeneratorsOfGroup(Stabilizer(F, v, action)); gens := List(gens, w -> MappedWord(w, GeneratorsOfGroup(F), GeneratorsOfGroup(G))); gens := __AG_SimplifyGroupGenerators(gens); if IsEmpty(gens) then return TrivialSubgroup(G); else return SubgroupNC(G, gens); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M FixesLevel(<G>, <k>) ## InstallMethod(FixesLevel, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function(G, k) if IsTrivial(PermGroupOnLevel(G, k)) then if DegreeOfTree(G)>1 then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); fi; Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G fixes level", k); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return true; else return false; fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M FixesVertex(<G>, <v>) ## InstallMethod(FixesVertex, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsObject], function(G, v) local gens, g; gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(G); for g in gens do if not FixesVertex(g, v) then return false; fi; od; if DegreeOfTree(G)>1 then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSphericallyTransitive(G): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G fixes vertex", v); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); SetIsSphericallyTransitive(G, false); fi; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## #M ProjectionOp (<G>, <k>) ## InstallMethod(ProjectionOp, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function(G, k) return Projection(G, [k]); end); # TODO: check whether gens are from the same overgroup; # check degree of tree and stuff InstallMethod(__AG_SubgroupOnLevel, [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList and IsTreeAutomorphismCollection, IsPosInt], function(G, gens, level) local a; if IsEmpty(gens) then a := Section(One(G), List([1..level], i -> 1)); gens := [a]; fi; return Group(gens); end); InstallMethod(__AG_SubgroupOnLevel, [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList and IsEmpty, IsPosInt], function(G, gens, level) return Group(Section(One(G), List([1..level], i -> 1))); end); InstallMethod(__AG_SimplifyGroupGenerators, "for [IsList and IsTreeAutomorphismCollection]", [IsList and IsTreeAutomorphismCollection], function(gens) if IsEmpty(gens) then return []; else return Difference(gens, [One(gens[1])]); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M ProjectionNC(<G>, <v>) ## InstallMethod(ProjectionNC, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList], function(G, v) local gens, pgens, a; if IsEmpty(v) then return G; fi; gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(G); pgens := List(gens, g -> Section(g, v)); pgens := __AG_SimplifyGroupGenerators(pgens); return __AG_SubgroupOnLevel(G, pgens, Length(v)); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Projection (<G>, <v>) ## InstallOtherMethod(Projection, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList], function(G, v) if not FixesVertex(G, v) then Error("in Projection(G, v): G does not fix vertex v"); fi; return ProjectionNC(G, v); end); ############################################################################### ## #M ProjStab(<G>, <v>) ## InstallMethod(ProjStab, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsObject]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsObject], function(G, v) if HasIsFractal(G) and IsFractal(G) then return G; else if IsPosInt(v) then v := [v]; fi; return ProjectionNC(StabilizerOfVertex(G, v), v); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M \= (<G>, <H>) ## InstallMethod(\=, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G, H) if HasIsFinite(G) and HasIsFinite(H) and IsFinite(G) <> IsFinite(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "\=(IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsFinite(G)<>IsFinite(H)"); return false; fi; if HasSize(G) and HasSize(H) and Size(G) <> Size(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "\=(IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " Size(G)<>Size(H)"); return false; fi; if CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(G) and CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(H) and IsSphericallyTransitive(G) <> IsSphericallyTransitive(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "\=(IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsSphericallyTransitive(G) <> IsSphericallyTransitive(H)"); return false; fi; if HasIsFractal(G) and HasIsFractal(H) and IsFractal(G) <> IsFractal(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "\=(IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsFractal(G) <> IsFractal(H)"); return false; fi; return IsSubgroup(G, H) and IsSubgroup(H, G); end); ############################################################################### ## #M IsSubset (<G>, <H>) ## InstallMethod(IsSubset, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(G, H) local h, gens; if IsTrivial(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): true"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsTrivial(H)"); return true; elif IsTrivial(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not IsTrivial(H) and IsTrivial(G)"); return false; fi; if HasIsFinite(G) and HasIsFinite(H) and IsFinite(G) and not IsFinite(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " IsFinite(G) and not IsFinite(H)"); return false; fi; if HasSize(G) and HasSize(H) and Size(G) < Size(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " Size(G) < Size(H)"); return false; fi; if CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(G) and CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(H) and not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) and IsSphericallyTransitive(H) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) and IsSphericallyTransitive(H)"); return false; fi; G := AG_ReducedForm(G); H := AG_ReducedForm(H); gens := GeneratorsOfGroup(H); for h in gens do if not h in G then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "IsSubset(G, H): false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not h in G"); return false; fi; od; return true; end); ############################################################################### ## #M <g> in <G> ## InstallMethod(\in, "for [IsTreeAutomorphism, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup]", [IsTreeAutomorphism, IsTreeAutomorphismGroup], function(g, G) local i; if IsOne(g) then return true; elif IsTrivial(G) then return false; fi; if CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(G) and CanEasilyTestSphericalTransitivity(g) and not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) and IsSphericallyTransitive(g) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "g in G: false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not IsSphericallyTransitive(G) and IsSphericallyTransitive(g)"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " g = ", g); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; if not AbelImage(g) in AbelImage(G) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "g in G: false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not AbelImage(g) in AbelImage(G)"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " g = ", g); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; G := AG_ReducedForm(G); g := AG_ReducedForm(g); if FindElement(G, function(el) return el=g; end ,true, 8)<>fail then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "g in G: FindElement returned true"); return true; fi; #TODO for i in [1..10] do if not PermOnLevel(g, i) in PermGroupOnLevel(G, i) then Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, "g in G: false"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " not PermOnLevel(g, ",i,") in PermGroupOnLevel(G, ",i,")"); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " g = ", g); Info(InfoAutomGrp, 3, " G = ", G); return false; fi; od; TryNextMethod(); end); InstallMethod(IsomorphismPermGroup, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar], function(G) local H, F, gens_in_freegrp, pi, pi_bar, hom_function, inv_hom_function; H := PermGroupOnLevel(G, LevelOfFaithfulAction(G)); return AG_GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G, H, GeneratorsOfGroup(G), GeneratorsOfGroup(H)); end); InstallMethod(ContainsSphericallyTransitiveElement, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar and IsActingOnBinaryTree]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar and IsActingOnBinaryTree], function(G) local abels, indices, ab, trans; abels := List( GeneratorsOfGroup(G), AbelImage); if Length(abels)=0 then return false; fi; ab:=abels[1]; trans:=One(ab)/(One(ab)+IndeterminateOfUnivariateRationalFunction(ab)); for indices in Combinations([1..Length(abels)]) do if Sum(abels{indices})=trans then SetSphericallyTransitiveElement(G,Product(GeneratorsOfGroup(G){indices})); return true; fi; od; SetSphericallyTransitiveElement(G,fail); return false; end); InstallMethod(SphericallyTransitiveElement, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar and IsActingOnBinaryTree]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup and IsSelfSimilar and IsActingOnBinaryTree], function(G) ContainsSphericallyTransitiveElement(G); return SphericallyTransitiveElement(G); end); ############################################################################### ## #M MarkovOperator(<G>, <lev>, <weights>) ## InstallMethod(MarkovOperator, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsCyclotomic, IsList]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsCyclotomic, IsList], function(G, n, weights) local gens,R,indet; gens := ShallowCopy(GeneratorsOfGroup(G)); if Length(weights)<>2*Length(gens) then Error("The number of weights must be twice as big as the number of generators"); fi; Append(gens, List(gens, x -> x^-1)); if IsString(weights[1]) then R:=PolynomialRing(Integers,weights); indet:=IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(R); return Sum(List([1..Length(gens)], x -> indet[x]*PermOnLevelAsMatrix(gens[x], n))); else return Sum(List([1..Length(gens)], x -> weights[x]*PermOnLevelAsMatrix(gens[x], n))); fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M MarkovOperator(<G>, <lev>) ## InstallMethod(MarkovOperator, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsCyclotomic]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsCyclotomic], function(G, n) return MarkovOperator(G,n,List([1..2*Length(GeneratorsOfGroup(G))],x->1/(2*Length(GeneratorsOfGroup(G))))); end); ############################################################################### ## #M Section(<G>, <v>) ## InstallMethod(Section, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList], function(G, v) local gens, sec_gens, g; gens:=GeneratorsOfGroup(G); for g in gens do if v^g<>v then Error("Section([IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsList]): <G> does not fix <v>"); return fail; fi; od; if not IsAutomGroup(G) then return Group(List(gens,x->Section(x,v))); else sec_gens:=[]; for g in List(gens,x->Section(x,v)) do if not IsOne(g) and not g in sec_gens then Add(sec_gens, g); fi; od; if Length(sec_gens)>0 then return Group(sec_gens); else return Group([One(FamilyObj(Section(gens[1],v)))]); fi; fi; end); ############################################################################### ## #M Section(<G>, <n>) ## InstallMethod(Section, "for [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt]", [IsTreeAutomorphismGroup, IsPosInt], function(G, n) return Section(G,[n]); end); #E