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Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W AutPGrp package Bettina Eick ## ############################################################################# ## #F LinearActionPGAut( <P>, <M>, <aut> ) ## LinearActionPGAut := function( P, M, aut ) local p, gensP, pcgsM, gensG, defn, imgs, mat, d; # set up p := PrimePGroup( P ); gensP := GeneratorsOfGroup( P ); pcgsM := Pcgs( M ); gensG := DifferenceLists( gensP, pcgsM ); # compute matrix defn := P!.definitions; imgs := List( aut!.baseimgs, x -> MappedPcElement( x, aut!.pcgs, gensG )); for d in defn do if not IsNegRat( d ) then Add( imgs, SubstituteDef( d, imgs, p ) ); fi; od; imgs := imgs{List( pcgsM, x -> Position( gensP, x ) )}; # two cases - the first for efficiency if imgs = pcgsM then aut!.mat := 1; else mat := List(imgs, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement(pcgsM, x)*One(M!.field)); mat := ImmutableMatrix( M!.field, mat ); aut!.mat := mat; fi; end; ############################################################################# ## #F LinearActionAutGrp( <A>, <P>, <M> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( LinearActionAutGrp, function( A, P, M ) local aut; # add information for aut in A.glAutos do LinearActionPGAut( P, M, aut ); od; for aut in A.agAutos do LinearActionPGAut( P, M, aut ); od; A.field := M!.field; := PrimePGroup( P );!.mat := 1; end); ############################################################################# ## #F CentralAutos( <G>, <N> ) ## CentralAutos := function( G, N ) local base, pcgs, cent, b, i, imgs, aut; base := Pcgs(N); pcgs := Pcgs(G); cent := []; for b in base do for i in [1..RankPGroup(G)] do imgs := ShallowCopy( pcgs ); imgs[i] := imgs[i] * b; aut := PGAutomorphism( G, pcgs, imgs ); Add( cent, aut ); od; od; return cent; end; ############################################################################# ## #F InduceAuto( <F>, <aut> ) ## InduceAuto := function( F, aut ) local pcgsF, baseF, imgsG, imgsF, hom; pcgsF := Pcgs( F ); baseF := pcgsF{[1..RankPGroup(F)]}; imgsG := aut!.baseimgs; imgsF := List( imgsG, x -> MappedPcElement( x, aut!.pcgs, pcgsF ) ); if CHECK then hom := GroupHomomorphismByImages( F, F, baseF, imgsF ); if not IsGroupHomomorphism( hom ) then Error("no hom"); elif not IsBijective( hom ) then Error("no bijection"); fi; fi; return PGAutomorphism( F, baseF, imgsF ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F InduceAutGroup( <A>, <Q>, <P>, <M>, <U> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( InduceAutGroup, function( A, Q, P, M, U ) local p, r, F, s, t, pcgsF, pcgsL, L, B, central; # set up p := PrimePGroup( P ); r := RankPGroup( P ); # create factor F := Range( EpimorphismQuotientSystem(Q) ); SetIsPGroup( F, true ); SetPrimePGroup( F, p ); SetRankPGroup( F, r ); pcgsF := Pcgs(F); # get definitions for F F!.definitions := RewriteDef( pcgsF, Q!.definitions, p ); # get p-centre of F s := Length( Pcgs(P) ) - Length( Pcgs(M) ); t := s + Length( Pcgs(M) ) - Length( Pcgs(U) ); pcgsL := InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC( pcgsF, pcgsF{[s+1..t]} ); L := SubgroupByPcgs( F, pcgsL ); # induce autos B := rec(); B.glAutos := List( A.glAutos, x -> InduceAuto( F, x ) ); B.agAutos := List( A.agAutos, x -> InduceAuto( F, x ) ); central := CentralAutos( F, L ); Append( B.agAutos, central ); # add information B.glOrder := A.glOrder; B.agOrder := Concatenation( A.agOrder, List( central, x -> p ) ); := F; := IdentityPGAutomorphism( F ); B.size := B.glOrder * Product( B.agOrder ); # if possible add projective operation if IsBound( A.glOper ) then B.glOper := A.glOper; fi; # and return return B; end); ############################################################################# ## #F ConvertAuto( <aut>, <iso> ) ## ConvertAuto := function( aut, iso ) local G, pcgs, imgs, auto; G := Source( iso ); pcgs := SpecialPcgs( G ); imgs := List( pcgs, x -> ImagesRepresentative( iso, x ) ); imgs := List( imgs, x -> ImagesRepresentative( aut, x ) ); imgs := List( imgs, x -> PreImagesRepresentative( iso, x ) ); if not CHECK then auto := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC(G, G, pcgs, imgs ); SetIsBijective( auto, true ); else auto := GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G, AsList(pcgs), imgs ); if not IsGroupHomomorphism( auto ) then Error("automorphism is no homomorphism"); elif not IsBijective( auto ) then Error("automorphism is not bijective"); fi; fi; return auto; end; ############################################################################# ## #F ConvertAutGroup ( <A>, <G> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ConvertAutGroup, function( A, G ) local r, gens, imgs, iso, C; r := RankPGroup( G ); gens := SpecialPcgs( G ){[1..r]}; imgs := Pcgs( ){[1..r]}; if not CHECK then iso := GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC( G,, gens, imgs ); SetIsBijective( iso, true ); else iso := GroupHomomorphismByImages( G,, gens, imgs ); if not IsGroupHomomorphism( iso ) then Error("isomorphism is no homomorphism"); elif not IsBijective( iso ) then Error("isomorphism is not bijective"); fi; fi; C := rec(); C.glAutos := List( A.glAutos, x -> ConvertAuto( x, iso ) ); C.glOrder := A.glOrder; C.agAutos := List( A.agAutos, x -> ConvertAuto( x, iso ) ); C.agOrder := A.agOrder; := IdentityMapping( G ); := G; C.size := A.size; # if possible add projective operation if IsBound( A.glOper ) then C.glOper := A.glOper; fi; return C; end); ############################################################################# ## #F AddInfoCover( Q, P, M, U ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( AddInfoCover, function( Q, P, M, U ) local r, p, f, fam, gensP, pcgsP, gensM, pcgsM, gensU, pcgsU, pos, def; r := Q!.RanksOfDescendingSeries; p := Q!.prime; f := Q!.field; fam := FamilyPcgs( P ); # info for P gensP := GeneratorsOfGroup( P ); pcgsP := InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC( fam, gensP ); SetPcgs( P, pcgsP ); SetRankPGroup( P, r[1] ); SetPrimePGroup( P, p ); # info for M gensM := GeneratorsOfGroup( M ); pcgsM := InducedPcgsByPcSequenceNC( fam, gensM ); SetPcgs( M, pcgsM ); SetPrimePGroup( M, p ); M!.field := f; # info for U gensU := GeneratorsOfGroup( U ); pcgsU := InducedPcgsByGeneratorsNC( fam, gensU ); SetPcgs( U, pcgsU ); # get definitions of M pos := List( pcgsP, x -> Position( fam, x ) ); def := Q!.definitions{pos}; P!.definitions := RewriteDef( pcgsP, def, p ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F AutomorphismGroupPGroup( <G>, <flag> ) . . . .automorphisms in hybird form ## InstallGlobalFunction( AutomorphismGroupPGroup, function( arg ) local p, r, G, pcgs, first, n, str, A, F, Q, i, s, t, P, N, M, U, B, baseU, baseN, epi, f; # catch the trivial case G := arg[1]; p := PrimePGroup( G ); r := RankPGroup( G ); if Size( G ) = 1 then return Group( [], IdentityMapping(G) ); fi; # choose a initialisation if Length( arg ) = 1 then if IsHomoCyclic( G ) then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupFull; elif (p^r - 1)/(p - 1) < 30000 then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupOver; else InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupChar; fi; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsString(arg[2]) then if arg[2] = "Full" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupFull; elif arg[2] = "Over" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupOver; elif arg[2] = "Char" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupChar; else Print("not a valid inititialisation \n"); return; fi; elif Length( arg ) = 2 and IsBool(arg[2]) and arg[2] = true then str := Interrupt("choose initialisation (Over/Char/Full)"); if str = "Over" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupOver; elif str = "Char" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupChar; elif str = "Full" then InitAutGroup := InitAutomorphismGroupFull; else Print("not a valid inititialisation \n"); return; fi; fi; # choose flags CHOP_MULT := true; NICE_STAB := true; USE_LABEL := false; # compute special pcgs pcgs := SpecialPcgs( G ); first := LGFirst( SpecialPcgs(G) ); p := PrimePGroup( G ); n := Length(pcgs); r := RankPGroup( G ); f := GF(p); # init automorphism group - compute Aut(G/G_1) Info( InfoAutGrp, 1, "step 1: ",p,"^", first[2]-1, " -- init automorphisms "); A := InitAutGroup( G ); # loop over remaining steps F := Range( IsomorphismFpGroupByPcgs( pcgs, "f" ) ); Q := PQuotient( F, p, 1 ); for i in [2..Length(first)-1] do # print info s := first[i]; t := first[i+1]; Info( InfoAutGrp, 1, "step ",i,": ",p,"^", t-s, " -- aut grp has size ", A.size ); # the cover Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " computing cover"); P := PCover( Q ); M := PMultiplicator( Q, P ); N := Nucleus( Q, P ); U := AllowableSubgroup( Q, P ); AddInfoCover( Q, P, M, U ); # induced action of A on M Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " computing matrix action"); LinearActionAutGrp( A, P, M ); # compute stabilizer Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " computing stabilizer of U"); baseN := GeneratorsOfGroup(N); baseU := GeneratorsOfGroup(U); baseN := List(baseN, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement(Pcgs(M), x)) * One(f); baseU := List(baseU, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement(Pcgs(M), x)) * One(f); baseU := EcheloniseMat( baseU ); PGOrbitStabilizer( A, baseU, baseN, false ); # next step of p-quotient IncorporateCentralRelations( Q ); RenumberHighestWeightGenerators( Q ); # induce to next factor Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " induce autos and add central autos"); A := InduceAutGroup( A, Q, P, M, U ); od; # now get a real automorphism group Info( InfoAutGrp, 1, "final step: convert"); return ConvertAutGroup( A, G ); end ); ############################################################################# ## #M ConvertHybridAutGroup( <A> ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( ConvertHybridAutGroup, function( A ) local B, pcgs; B := Group( Concatenation( A.glAutos, A.agAutos ), ); SetSize( B, A.glOrder * Product( A.agOrder ) ); if Length( A.glAutos ) = 0 then SetIsSolvableGroup( B, true ); pcgs := PcgsByPcSequenceNC( FamilyObj( ), A.agAutos ); SetRelativeOrders( pcgs, A.agOrder ); SetOneOfPcgs( pcgs, ); SetGeneralizedPcgs( B, pcgs ); fi; SetIsGroupOfAutomorphisms( B, true ); return B; end ); ############################################################################# ## #M AutomorphismGroup ## InstallMethod( AutomorphismGroup, "for finite p-groups", true, [IsPGroup and IsFinite and CanEasilyComputePcgs], 0, function( G ) local A; # the trivial case is a problem if Size( G ) = 1 then return Group( [], IdentityMapping(G) ); fi; # compute A := AutomorphismGroupPGroup( G ); # translate and return A:=ConvertHybridAutGroup( A ); SetIsAutomorphismGroup(A,true); if IsFinite(G) then SetIsGroupOfAutomorphismsFiniteGroup(A,true); fi; return A; end );