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Views: 466303############################################################################# ## #W Bettina Eick ## #W Let GL(n,p) act linearly on some space V. The function in this file can #W be used to count the number of orbits of subspaces of dimension k arising #W in this action. ## #W As an application, the function in this file can be used to count the #W number of p-groups of p-class 2 with n generators or the number of #W Lie algebras over GF(p) with n generators. ## ############################################################################# ## #F SpinUpCyclic( v, mat, d ) ## SpinUpCyclic := function( v, mat, d ) local b, i; b := [v]; for i in [1..d-1] do b[i+1] := b[i] * mat; od; TriangulizeMat(b); return b; end; ############################################################################# ## #F JordanBlockLengths( mat, F ) ## JordanBlockLengths := function( g, F ) local chr, min, fc, fm, ns, V, W, U, i, f, e, h, k, v, t; # char poly chr := CharacteristicPolynomial(g); fc := Collected(Factors(chr)); # min poly min := MinimalPolynomial(F, g); fm := Factors(min); # set up ns := List( fc, x -> List( [1..x[2]], y -> 0 ) ); V := g^0; # loop for i in [1..Length(fc)] do # determine V_i f := fc[i][1]; e := Length(Filtered(fm, x -> x = f)); h := Value( f^e, g ); W := TriangulizedNullspaceMat(h); k := InducedActionFactor( [g], W, [] )[1]; # split cyclic while not IsBool(k) do ns[i][e] := ns[i][e] + 1; if Length(k) = e * Degree(f) then k := false; else h := Value( f^(e-1), k ); v := First( k^0, x -> x*h <> 0*x ); W := SpinUpCyclic( v, k, e*Degree(f) ); U := BaseSteinitzVectors(k^0, W).factorspace; k := InducedActionFactor( [k], U, W )[1]; t := Collected(Factors(MinimalPolynomial( F, k ))); e := t[1][2]; fi; od; od; return rec( blks := ns, degs := List(fc, x -> Degree(x[1]))); end; ############################################################################# ## #F Two small help functions ## WeightedSum := function(vec) return Sum(List( [1..Length(vec)], x -> x * vec[x] )); end; PartialSums := function(vec) return List( [1..Length(vec)], x -> Sum(vec{[x..Length(vec)]})); end; ############################################################################# ## #F Deltas( blls, degs, k ) ## Deltas := function( ni, d, k ) local ds, i, r, new, del, s, j, m; ds := [[]]; i := 1; r := Length(d); while i <= r do new := []; for del in ds do s := Sum(List([1..i-1], x -> del[x]*d[x])); if i < r then m := Minimum( ni[i], QuoInt(k-s, d[i]) ); for j in [0..m] do Add( new, Concatenation( del, [j] ) ); od; fi; if i = r then j := (k-s) / d[i]; if IsInt(j) and j <= ni[i] then Add( new, Concatenation( del, [j] ) ); fi; fi; od; ds := new; i := i + 1; od; return ds; end; ############################################################################# ## #F Gammas( deli, vis ) ## Gammas := function( d, v ) local par, i; par := Partitions( d ); for i in [1..Length(par)] do if Length(par[i]) <= Length(v) and ForAll( [1..Length(par[i])], x -> par[i][x] <= v[x] ) then par[i] := Concatenation(par[i], 0*[1..Length(v)-Length(par[i])]); else par[i] := false; fi; od; return Filtered(par, x -> not IsBool(x)); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PChoose( n, k, q ) . . . . . . . . . .number of k-dim subspaces in GF(q)^n ## PChoose := function( n, k, q ) local qn, qd, i, size; if n / 2 < k then k:= n - k; fi; size:= 1; qn:= q^n; qd:= q; for i in [ 1 .. k ] do size:= size * ( qn - 1 ) / ( qd - 1 ); qn:= qn / q; qd:= qd * q; od; return size; #return Size(Subspaces(GF(q)^n, k)); end; ############################################################################# ## #F Feval(a, b, q ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .evaluate f on a, b, q ## Feval := function( a, b, q ) local l, s, i; Add( b, 0 ); l := Length(a); s := 1; for i in [1..l] do s := s * q^(b[i+1]*(a[i]-b[i])); s := s * PChoose(a[i]-b[i+1], b[i]-b[i+1], q); od; return s; end; ############################################################################# ## #F FixedPointsByDecom( blocks, degs, p, k ) ## FixedPointsByDecom := function( blks, degs, p, k ) local r, ni, ds, vi, t, td, tg, delta, gamma, i, gs; # set up r := Length(degs); # compute deltas ni := List( blks, WeightedSum ); ds := Deltas( ni, degs, k ); # precompute vij vi := List( blks, PartialSums ); # add up t := 0; for delta in ds do td := 1; for i in [1..r] do gs := Gammas( delta[i], vi[i] ); tg := 0; for gamma in gs do tg := tg + Feval( vi[i], gamma, p^degs[i] ); od; td := td * tg; od; t := t + td; od; # that's it return t; end; ############################################################################ ## #F CountOrbitsGL( n, p, k, Action ) . . . . . . count the orbits of GL(n,p) ## ## Action defines the action and k the dimension of the subspaces to count. ## InstallGlobalFunction( CountOrbitsGL, function( n, p, k, Action ) local G, cls, jor, len, fix, cl, g, h, J, t, j, l; # set up G := GL(n,p); cls := ConjugacyClasses(G); # catch input if IsBool(k) then l := n*(n-1)/2-1; fi; # infos jor := []; len := []; fix := []; for cl in cls do # get g and action g := Representative(cl); h := Action(g, GF(p)); Info(InfoAutGrp, 1, "start class of order ", Order(g)); # compute jordan blocks n_{ij} J := JordanBlockLengths(h, GF(p)); # check if known j := Position( jor, J ); if IsBool( j ) then Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " Degree: ",J.degs," -- Jordan ", J.blks); if IsBool(k) then t := List([1..l], x -> FixedPointsByDecom(J.blks,J.degs,p,x)); else t := FixedPointsByDecom( J.blks, J.degs, p, k ); fi; Add( jor, J ); Add( len, Size(cl) ); Add( fix, t ); Info( InfoAutGrp, 2, " class yields ",t); else len[j] := len[j] + Size(cl); fi; od; return Sum( List( [1..Length(jor)], i -> len[i]*fix[i] ) ) / Size(G); end ); ############################################################################# ## #F Some Actions ## WedgeAction := function( mat, f ) return WedgeGModule(GModuleByMats([mat], f)).generators[1]; end; TensorAction := function( mat, f ) return KroneckerProduct( mat, mat ); end; WedgePlusChar2Action := function( mat, f ) local d, e, M, i, j, l, k, a, b; # set up d := Length(mat); e := (d^2 - d)/2; M := NullMat(e+d,e+d); # wedge part for i in [2..d] do for j in [1..i-1] do a := (i-1)*(i-2)/2+j; for k in [2..d] do for l in [1..k-1] do b := (k-1)*(k-2)/2+l; M[a][b] := mat[i][k]*mat[j][l] - mat[i][l]*mat[j][k]; od; od; od; od; # power part for i in [1..d] do a := e+i; for k in [2..d] do for l in [1..k-1] do b := (k-1)*(k-2)/2+l; M[a][b] := mat[i][k]*mat[i][l]; od; od; for j in [1..d] do b := e+j; M[a][b] := mat[i][j]; od; od; return M * One(f); end; WedgePlusCharPAction := function( mat, f ) return DirectSumMat( WedgeAction(mat,f), mat ); end; WedgePlusAction := function( mat, f ) if Characteristic(f) = 2 then return WedgePlusChar2Action(mat, f); else return WedgePlusCharPAction(mat, f); fi; end; ############################################################################ ## #F NumberOfPClass2PGroups( n, p, [k] ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( NumberOfPClass2PGroups, function( arg ) local n, p, l, k, c; n := arg[1]; p := arg[2]; l := n*(n+1)/2; if Length(arg) = 3 then if arg[3] > l then return 0; fi; if arg[3] = l then return 1; fi; if arg[3] = 0 then return 0; fi; return CountOrbitsGL( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], WedgePlusAction ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then c := []; c[l] := 1; for k in [1..l-1] do if not IsBound( c[k] ) then c[k] := CountOrbitsGL( n, arg[2], k, WedgePlusAction ); c[l-k] := c[k]; fi; od; return c; fi; Error("wrong input"); end ); ############################################################################ ## #F NumberOfClass2LieAlgebras( n, p, [k] ) ## InstallGlobalFunction( NumberOfClass2LieAlgebras, function( arg ) local n, k, c, m; if Length(arg) = 3 then return CountOrbitsGL( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], WedgeAction ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then n := arg[1]; m := n*(n-1)/2; c := []; c[m] := 1; for k in [1..m-1] do if not IsBound( c[k] ) then c[k] := CountOrbitsGL( n, arg[2], k, WedgeAction ); c[m-k] := c[k]; fi; od; return c; fi; Error("wrong input"); end ); ############################################################################ ## #F NumberOfClass2AssociativeAlgebras( n, p, [k] ) ## NumberOfClass2AssocAlgebras := function( arg ) local n, k, c, m; if Length(arg) = 3 then return CountOrbitsGL( arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], TensorAction ); elif Length(arg) = 2 then n := arg[1]; m := n*(n-1)/2; c := []; c[m] := 1; for k in [1..m-1] do if not IsBound( c[k] ) then c[k] := CountOrbitsGL( n, arg[2], k, TensorAction ); c[m-k] := c[k]; fi; od; return c; fi; Error("wrong input"); end; NumberOfClass2AssocAlgebrasByDim := function( d, p ) local r, n, c; r := 2; for n in [2..d-1] do c := NumberOfClass2AssocAlgebras( n, p, d-n ); r := r+c; od; return r; end;