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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 466311############################################################################# ## #W AutPGrp package Bettina Eick ## ############################################################################# ## #F LabelOfBasis( base, info ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . label to basis ## LabelOfBasis := function( base, info ) local pt, j, i; # compute pt pt := List( [], x -> 0 ); for j in [] do for i in [] do if base[j][i] <> Zero( info.field ) then pt[j] := pt[j] + IntFFE( base[j][i] ) * info.power[i]; fi; od; od; # create label return pt; end; ############################################################################# ## #F CoeffsInt( int, d, power ) ## CoeffsInt := function( int, d, power) local i, exp; i := d; exp := List( power, y -> 0 ); while int <> 0 do exp[i] := QuoInt (int, power[i]); int := RemInt (int, power[i]); i := i - 1; od; return exp; end; ############################################################################# ## #F BasisOfLabel( lab, info ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . basis of label ## BasisOfLabel := function ( lab, info ) return List( [], x -> CoeffsInt( lab[x], info.d, info.power ) ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F OnLabel( lab, mat, info ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .operation on label ## OnLabel := function( lab, mat, info ) local v, w; v := BasisOfLabel( lab, info ); w := v * mat; TriangulizeMat( w ); return LabelOfBasis( w, info ); end; ############################################################################# ## #F OnBasis( base, mat, info ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .operation on basis ## OnBasis := function( base, mat, info ) base := base * mat; if not IsMutable(base) then base:=ShallowCopy(base); fi; TriangulizeMat( base ); return base; end; ############################################################################# ## #F InducedActionByHom( hom, mat ) ## InducedActionByHom := function( hom, mat ) local ind, baseI, baseS, b, e, f, g; # catch special case for efficiency if mat = 1 then return mat; fi; # otherwise compute ind := []; baseI := Basis( ImagesSource( hom ) ); baseS := Basis( Source( hom ) ); for b in baseI do e := PreImagesRepresentative( hom, b ); f := e * mat; g := ImagesRepresentative( hom, f ); Add( ind, Coefficients( baseI, g ) ); od; # again catch a special case for efficiency if ind = ind^0 then return 1; fi; # otherwise return return ImmutableMatrix( Characteristic(ind[1][1]), ind); end; ############################################################################# ## #F ActionOnDual( mat ) ## ActionOnDual := function( mat ) local new; if mat = 1 then return 1; fi; new := TransposedMat( mat )^-1; return ImmutableMatrix( Characteristic(new[1][1]), new); end; ############################################################################# ## #F PGMatrixOrbitStabilizer( A, V, W, R ) ## PGMatrixOrbitStabilizer := function( A, V, W, R ) local VS, WS, RS, hom, pt, glMats, agMats, lab, info, l, d, oper; # set up factor space VS := VectorSpace( A.field, V, "basis" ); WS := VectorSpace( A.field, W, Zero(VS), "basis" ); RS := VectorSpace( A.field, R, "basis" ); hom := NaturalHomomorphismBySubspaceOntoFullRowSpace( VS, WS ); pt := ShallowCopy( Basis( ImagesSet( hom, RS ) ) ); TriangulizeMat( pt ); # set up action glMats := List( A.glAutos, x -> InducedActionByHom( hom, x!.mat ) ); agMats := List( A.agAutos, x -> InducedActionByHom( hom, x!.mat ) ); # check if the dual is better if Length(pt) > Length(pt[1])/2 then pt := VectorSpace( A.field, pt, "basis" ); pt := OrthogonalSpaceInFullRowSpace( pt ); pt := ShallowCopy( Basis( pt ) ); TriangulizeMat( pt ); glMats := List( glMats, x -> ActionOnDual( x ) ); agMats := List( agMats, x -> ActionOnDual( x ) ); fi; # use labels - if desired if USE_LABEL then d := Length( pt[1] ); l := Length( pt ); info := rec( power := List( [1..d], x ->^(x-1) ), field := A.field, l := l, d := d ); lab := LabelOfBasis( pt, info ); PGHybridOrbitStabilizer( A, glMats, agMats, lab, OnLabel, info ); else pt := ImmutableMatrix( A.field, pt ); PGHybridOrbitStabilizer( A, glMats, agMats, pt, OnBasis, rec() ); fi; end; ############################################################################# ## #F CheckStab(A, pt) ## CheckAgStab := function( A, pt ) local g, s, c; for g in A.agAutos do for s in pt do c := SolutionMat(pt, s*g!.mat); if IsBool(c) then return false; fi; od; od; return true; end; CheckGlStab := function( A, pt ) local g, s, c; for g in A.glAutos do for s in pt do c := SolutionMat(pt, s*g!.mat); if IsBool(c) then return false; fi; od; od; return true; end; ############################################################################# ## #F PGOrbitStabilizerBySeries( A, baseU, chop ) ## PGOrbitStabilizerBySeries := function( A, baseU, chop ) local s, U, T, i, S, R, j, V, W, B; s := Length(chop); U := baseU; # loop upwards over series T := []; for i in [1..s-1] do S := ShallowCopy(T); T := SumIntersectionMat( U, chop[i+1] )[2]; if Length( S ) < Length( T ) then # loop downwards over series R := chop[i+1]; for j in Reversed( [1..i] ) do V := ShallowCopy( R ); R := SumMat( T, chop[j] ); if Length( R ) < Length( V ) then W := SumMat( S, chop[j] ); if Length( R ) > Length( W ) then PGMatrixOrbitStabilizer( A, V, W, R ); if CHECK then if not CheckAgStab(A, R) then Error("ag stab wrong "); fi; if not CheckGlStab(A, R) then Error("gl stab wrong "); fi; fi; else Info( InfoAutGrp, 4, " skip trivial factor"); fi; fi; od; fi; od; end;