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GAP 4.8.9 installation with standard packages -- copy to your CoCalc project to get it
Project: cocalc-sagemath-dev-slelievre
Views: 418346############################################################################# ## #W Bettina Eick ## #W The input to the following function is the output of #W AutomorphismGroupPGroup( G ) of the autpgrp package. ## #W The function computes a pc presentation for the solvable subgroup #W of Aut(G) defined by the agAutos of the input. ## ############################################################################# ## #F PcgsInfoAutPGroup( A ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set up info on layers ## PcgsInfoAutPGroup := function( A ) local G, d, p, f, spec, gens, layer, bases, i, auto, imgs, base, j, s, n, B, P, M, pcgs, e; # set up G :=; d := RankPGroup(G); p := PrimePGroup(G); f := GF(p); spec := SpecialPcgs( G ); gens := spec{[1..d]}; # catch layers and bases layer := []; bases := []; for i in [1..Length(A.agAutos)] do auto := A.agAutos[i]; imgs := List( gens, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement( spec, x^auto ) ); base := imgs{[1..d]}{[1..d]}; # if base <> idmat, then the FrattiniFactor is permuted if base <> IdentityMat(d) then layer[i] := 1; bases[i] := base * One(f); else for j in [1..d] do imgs[j][j] := 0; od; e := Minimum( List( imgs, PositionNonZero ) ); j := LGLayers( spec )[e]; s := LGFirst( spec )[j]; n := LGFirst( spec )[j+1]; base := imgs{[1..d]}{[s..n-1]}; layer[i] := j; bases[i] := Concatenation( base ) * One(f); fi; od; # set up B := rec(); B.agAutos := A.agAutos; B.agOrder := A.agOrder; B.bases := bases; B.layer := layer; := G; B.field := f; B.spec := spec; B.gens := gens; B.rank := d; # the first layer is particularly nasty j := PositionNot( layer, 1 ); if j > 1 then M := Group( bases{[1..j-1]}, IdentityMat(d, f) ); B.agHomom := IsomorphismPermGroup(M); P := Image(B.agHomom); pcgs := List( bases{[1..j-1]}, x -> Image(B.agHomom,x) ); pcgs := PcgsByPcSequence( FamilyObj(One(P)), pcgs ); SetRelativeOrders( pcgs, B.agOrder ); B.agTopfc := pcgs; fi; return B; end; ############################################################################# ## #F ExponentsAutPGroup( B, auto ) . . . . . . . . . . .compute exponent vector ## ExponentsAutPGroup := function( B, auto ) local exps, imgs, perm, news, tmpa, j, e, s, n, subs, base; exps := List( B.agAutos, x -> 0 ); imgs := List( B.gens, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement( B.spec, x^auto ) ); base := imgs{[1..B.rank]}{[1..B.rank]}; # if base <> idmat, then the FrattiniFactor is permuted if base <> IdentityMat(B.rank) then base := base * One(B.field); perm := Image( B.agHomom, base ); news := ExponentsOfPcElement( B.agTopfc, perm ); exps{[1..Length(news)]} := news; tmpa := MappedVector( news, B.agAutos{[1..Length(news)]} ); auto := tmpa^-1 * auto; fi; imgs := List( B.gens, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement( B.spec, x^auto ) ); for j in [1..B.rank] do imgs[j][j] := 0; od; e := Minimum( List( imgs, PositionNonZero ) ); while e <= Length( B.spec ) do # determine base for auto j := LGLayers( B.spec )[e]; s := LGFirst( B.spec )[j]; n := LGFirst( B.spec )[j+1]; base := Concatenation( imgs{[1..B.rank]}{[s..n-1]} ) * One(B.field); # determine bases for layer s := PositionSorted( B.layer, j ); n := PositionSorted( B.layer, j+1 ); subs := B.bases{[s..n-1]}; # solve and set exponents news := IntVecFFE( SolutionMat( subs, base ) ); exps{[s..n-1]} := news; # divide off and reset tmpa := MappedVector( news, B.agAutos{[s..n-1]} ); auto := tmpa^-1 * auto; imgs := List( B.gens, x -> ExponentsOfPcElement( B.spec, x^auto ) ); for j in [1..B.rank] do imgs[j][j] := 0; od; e := Minimum( List( imgs, PositionNonZero ) ); od; return exps; end; ############################################################################# ## #F ImageAutPGroup( B, G, auto ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . image in pc group ## InstallGlobalFunction( ImageAutPGroup, function( B, G, auto ) local exp; exp := ExponentsAutPGroup( B, auto ); return MappedVector( exp, GeneratorsOfGroup( G ) ); end); ############################################################################# ## #F PcGroupAutPGroup(A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . compute pc group ## InstallGlobalFunction( PcGroupAutPGroup, function( A ) local B, C, m, F, f, r, i, j, o, w, e; B := PcgsInfoAutPGroup( A ); m := Length( B.agAutos ); F := FreeGroup( m ); f := GeneratorsOfGroup(F); r := []; for i in [1..m] do for j in [i..m] do if i = j then o := B.agOrder[i]; w := B.agAutos[i]^o; e := ExponentsAutPGroup( B, w ); Add( r, f[i]^o / MappedVector( e, f ) ); else w := B.agAutos[j]^B.agAutos[i]; e := ExponentsAutPGroup( B, w ); Add( r, f[j]^f[i] / MappedVector( e, f ) ); fi; od; od; C := PcGroupFpGroup( F/r ); C!.autos := B.agAutos; C!.autrec := B; return C; end ); ############################################################################# ## #F InnerAutGroupPGroup( C ). . . . . . . . . . . . embed Inn(G) into pc group ## InstallGlobalFunction( InnerAutGroupPGroup, function( C ) local B, G, gens, auts, imgs, I; B := C!.autrec; G :=; gens := Pcgs(G); auts := List(gens, x -> PGAutomorphism(G, gens, List(gens, y->y^x))); imgs := List( auts, x -> ImageAutPGroup( B, C, x ) ); I := Subgroup(C, imgs ); return I; end);